The results showed that the mining behavior of the hoverfly larvae of C. fasciata accelerated the demise of the ramsons leaves. Additionally, we found a decrease in the amount of chlorophyll (Fig.1 a); there was also a decrease in the photosynthetic activity of the leaves. Chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters, which are sensitive to age and senescence (Desotgiu et al 2012), showed changes over time accordingly, but differentially. Initial fluorescence (F0’) remained constant over time and remained at the same level even when the leaves were infested; however, there was an indication of some small increase over time. Experiments have shown that under mild stress F0’ does not change, while under high stress, this parameter increases (Lichtenthaler et al. 2005). According to our measurements, infested and non-infested leaves experienced increased stress over time. Because there was no significant difference between the two leaf types, we cannot establish how much of the stress might be attributed to the leaf miner damage and how much merely to senescence. The enhancement of F0’ reflects the damage level to the PSII (Jiao et al. 2003), which is also reflected by the decrease in the PSII maximum efficiency (Fv/Fm) in accounting for the operational photosynthesis. The decrease was detected over time in both leaf types (Fig.1 d), which coincides with decreasing PAR and simultaneous aging of the leaves. However, the Fv/Fm of infested leaves declined more severely, and measured values had greater variability, with some values below 0.6, figures which were never measured in non-infested leaves. As with the decrease in chlorophyll content, the results of PSII maximum efficiency indicate greater senescence of infested leaves, as well. What is more, a significant correlation was observed between the chlorophyll content and the operational photosynthesis, in the given environmental conditions. In A. ursinum the decrease in operational photosynthesis was observed for the whole non-injured portion of the infected leaf, not only for the mines, which is often not the case for tree leaves (Raimondo et al. 2003; Lombardini et al. 2013).
The onset of senescence would have differential effects, as discussed below, which are negative for the plant if the larvae have already left the mine, or negative for the leaf miner if the larva is still developing inside the leaf. The physiological effects of leaf mining on plants was mostly studied on insects that consume the leaf mesophyll of tree leaves (Wagner et al. 2008). Herbaceous species are rarely considered, especially those with short-lived leaves like spring geophytes. Leaf mining of C. fasciata had an effect detectable by measurement of the greenness of the A. ursinum leaf. and as expected, there was no indication that A. ursinum leaves could compensate for leafmining with increased photosynthesis of the infested leaf. According to observations in the field, not all plant leaves are infected with the leaf miner (de Groot and Kogoj 2015), thus reassuring that plants will photosynthesize and still allocate some nutrients to the bulbs for survival until the next year.
However, faster onset of senescence could go beyond the damage inflicted by leaf miners and might represent a response by the plant as well. The chlorophyll content of infested and non-infested leaves declined over time; however, infested leaves had lower values and started senescing earlier. We believe that the reduction in PSII maximum efficiency of A. ursinum infected leaves, indicated by loss of chlorophyll as well, could be strong enough to affect the leaf miner if still present in the leaf. We could hypothesize that rushing the senescence of a leaf, which is destined to wither soon anyway, could be an adaptation to starve the leaf miner, or at least, to slow its development. A similar hypothesis was proposed for tree species (Owen 1978); however, it was not sufficiently supported by data, since trees exhibit a variety of leaves depending on leaf age and heliomorphosis, which influence the leaf fall that often happens too late to have an effect on leafminer larvae survival (Pritchard and James 1984). Leaves of herbaceous vernal species in the forest understory differ significantly from tree leaves in morphological features, chemical composition, phenology and longevity. Additionally, short-lived leaves enable univoltine miner species. Therefore, for univoltine C. fasciata larvae, rapid development would be beneficial, since the infected A. ursinum leaves wither more rapidly than healthy leaves; however, further research is needed to confirm this hypothesis. We could elaborate this hypothesis further by stating that the herbaceous vernal species A. ursinum might profit by early senescing infected leaves and in such way that at least part of the nutrients can be still translocated to the bulb and not lost to the leaf miner.
In conclusion, the reaction of plants to the leafminer is withering of the leaves, and a decrease in photosynthesis and chlorophyll quantity. As established, this strategy to decrease photosynthesis could have a strong negative effect for both plant and leafminer, for the plant by decreasing energy storage in the bulb and therefore potentially decreasing growth in the following year, and for the leafminer by potential resource limitation. In order to better understand the pros and cons of this strategy, more research should be done into the survival of the leafminer and the regeneration of the plants.