The DM intake of sheep (average of 1.16 kg/day) was high when compared to that predicted by the NRC (2007) (0.96 kg/day) for the same animal category (28 kg and gain of 0.20 kg/day). Possibly, the spineless cactus in the diets optimized the intake of the animals, reducing the powderiness of the total diet and facilitating the apprehension, by the animals, of the mixture in the trough. In a meta-analysis Knupp et al. (2019) reported that the level of 500 g/kg of spineless cactus in the dry matter of the sheep diet - a level close to that used in the present study - obtains the maximum diet intake by the animals.
The lowest intake of CP was observed for the diets CU (0.11 g/day) and U (0.14 g/day). This can be explained by the fact that the animals rejected part of the cottonseed in this diet - even with spineless cactus facilitating the mixing of the ingredients, the cottonseed was selected and despised by the animals - reflecting a lower CP intake than the concentration of this nutrient in the diet. As for the NDF intake, we observed that the animals fed with the SM diet consumed less NDF, probably due to the majority of the NDF of this diet coming from Tifton 85 hay, which was more selected by the animals due to the larger particle size in the total mixture. Costa et al. (2012) also observed a reduction in the intake of NDF and CP in sheep fed with cottonseed in diets based on spineless cactus.
The lower dietary levels of NFC observed in the CU diet possibly explain the lower consumption of NFC compared to other N sources. In addition, due the CU diet has a higher EE content, it was expected that the highest intakes of this nutrient would occur in animals submitted to this diet, a fact that did not occur. However, as previously mentioned, rejection of the cottonseed by the animals was observed during the experimental period.
The lower apparent digestibility coefficient of DM and OM for U diet, probably due to the higher NFC content derived from corn in this diet. We propose that the excess of NFC - and lower NDF content - provided a reduction in ruminal pH and decreased the microbial population degrading fibrous carbohydrates, resulting in less digestibility of DM in the total diet. In line with our findings, Santos et al. (2020b) observed that diets containing urea as a total substitute for soybean meal alter the production of ruminal short-chain fatty acids and reduce the populations of Streptococcus bovis and Ruminococcus flavefaciens.
The lower apparent digestibility of the CP for U concerning to SM and CM diets was possibly due to the greater synchronism between carbon and nitrogen. In the case of U-fed sheep, the rapid conversion of urea to ammonia and its immediate rumen absorption meant that the level of nitrogen available for microbial protein synthesis of U-fed sheep was lower than those fed with CM (Ahvenjärvi and Huhtanen, 2018).
The lower digestibility of NFC observed in the U diet is due to the nature of the NFC in this diet, which consists predominantly of corn starch. The corn starch flint has a slower degrabability compared to the NFC fraction present in spineless cactus (soluble sugars, starch and fruits) (Batista et al. 2003), resulting in less digestibility of the NFC fraction of the U diet compared to the other diets that had the forage palm as the main source of NFC. Still in this context, the lower digestibility of NDF observed in the U diet, is precisely due to the depressant effect of excess NFC on pH and NDF-degrading microbiota.
The SM diet showed greater efficiency of intake mainly due to the shorter feeding time, since the consumption of DM did not differ among nitrogen sources. Batista et al., (2020) observed an increase in feeding time with the replacement of soybean meal with a mixture of cottonseed and spineless cactus for buffaloes. In addition, the lower NDF intake of animals fed with SM may explain the higher rumination efficiency observed in this experimental group.
The average daily gain of the sheep (0.15 kg/day) was similar between nitrogen sources, possibly due to the proximity in the TDN intake of the animals. Similarly, Shen et al. (2018) observed that the substitution of soybean meal for another source of nitrogen did not influence the final weight of lambs. It is worth mentioning that the diets were formulated for gains of 0.20 kg/day, but none of the treatments achieved the gain predicted in the NRC (2007). Possibly, differences in the genetic composition of animals (Oliveira et al., 2018) and in food - diets with spineless cactus - (Knupp et al., 2019) may help explain these differences between the predicted and observed gain.
The slaughter body weight and the empty body weight were similar between the nitrogen sources tested, probably due to the proximity in the average daily gain of the animals fed with the different nitrogen sources. However, the carcasses of sheep fed with SM and CM were about 12% heavier than the carcasses of sheep fed with U. Probably, the higher consumption of digestible organic matter observed for animals fed with SM (0.65 kg/day) and CM (0.71 kg/day) compared to U (0.51 kg/day) increased the deposition of muscle tissue in the carcass (see carcass compactness index) of sheep fed with SM and CM to the detriment of those fed with U. In this context, Sano et al. (2009) suggested that the addition of urea to the sheep diet may interfere with the synthesis of the animals' body protein, possibly by reducing the flow of amino acids to the small intestine of ruminants (Broderick & Raynal, 2009).
The lower weights for shoulder and loin obtained in the carcasses of sheep fed with U in concerning to SM and CM must be associated with the differences observed for the CCW between these diets. However, these differences were not sufficient to alter the deposition (kg or %) of muscle, fat and bone in the animals' carcasses. This results corroborates with Alves et al. (2016) that also observed a reduction in the weight of the sheep's shoulder and loin when soybean meal was replaced by other N sources in the diet. And, in contrast Atti & Mahouachi (2009) also did not observe differences in the composition (muscle, fat and bone) of the leg of lambs fed with different sources of nitrogen.
In addition to the fat in the carcass, the nitrogen sources tested did not influence the amount of fat in sheep meat. However, animals fed with SM produced meat that was richer in protein, influenced by the higher crude protein intake. Normally, the highest protein content in meat is associated with increases in myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic proteins that occur due to the increase in the contents of the muscle's DM. Because, the majority content of water is maintained by capillary forces within the myofibrils and these occupy about 82–87% of the volume of the muscle cell (Huff-Lonergan & Lonergan, 2005), and much as 85% of the water in a muscle cell is held in the myofibrils (Hughes et al., 2014), consequently, the meat of animals fed with SM showed a higher WHC value, this was due to the direct relationship between the water content of the muscle and content and type of protein of type, this may have occurred due to a lower solubility of the proteins present in the meat of lambs fed with SM, since the moisture content was similar between nitrogen sources. The inferior WHC can negatively affect the appearance of meat, and this can influence consumer willingness to purchase the product (Hughes et al., 2014). In addition, the possible increase in sarcoplasmic proteins (myoglobin) would result in a reduction in L* values and increments in a*, responses that were also not observed.
Regarding the physical-chemical characteristics, the similarity observed for the values of L*, a*, b* and cooking losses of sheep meat may be related to the proximity in the final pH values of meat of sheep fed with different sources nitrogen. Silva et al. (2020) also did not observe the effect of replacement of soybean meal for urea on the a* values and cooking losses by the meat.
Soybean meal or cottonseed meal associated with spineless cactus-based diets for sheep meat production are recommended because it allows greater DM, OM, CP and EE digestibility, eating and ruminating efficiency rate, and improves carcass characteristics and physicochemical composition of the meat.