In this study we utilized ex utero and in utero models to demonstrate that CEUS could be used to monitor fetal cerebral perfusion during fetal surgery. Furthermore, we found that disturbances in fetal acid/base balance correlated strongly with measured perfusion parameters. These findings have important implications for the field of fetal surgery, which is rapidly expanding, and associated monitoring techniques. In the future, this technology could be used for intra-operative assessment of fetuses to detect early acid/base or perfusion disturbances.
Prolonged insufflation led to fetal acidosis and hypercapnia without significant changes in hemodynamics or oxygenation. Prior in utero insufflation studies have similarly demonstrated severe acidosis in exposed fetal sheep.5,7,8 Here we show that fetuses within EXTEND still develop hypercapnic acidosis, albeit much milder than in utero fetuses. The implications of this difference between our models on human fetuses undergoing fetoscopy is unclear, particularly as differences in placentation, uterine laxity, amniotic fluid, and/or skin keratinization in fetal sheep may limit direct translation of findings to humans and future studies are aimed to better delineate the mechanisms of fetal carbon dioxide absorption. However, currently, echocardiography is used to monitor fetal heart rate, systolic function, and valvular regurgitation intra-operatively,9 but here we showed that metabolic and brain perfusion disturbances can occur without changes in heart rate or blood pressure implying that echocardiography has limited utility in detecting these early disturbances and improved methods of detecting aberrations in fetal physiology are warranted.
Hypercapnia and acidosis cause cerebral vasodilation which results in increased cerebral blood flow.20 Increased cerebral blood flow is particularly poorly tolerated in fetuses, because of impaired cerebral auto-regulatory mechanisms and the presence of fragile germinal matrix blood vessels21,22 Therefore, early detection of acid/base or perfusion derangements is critical to prevent neurologic sequelae.21–23 Our data demonstrate that CEUS can be used to measure cerebral perfusion during simulated fetal surgery. Importantly, we also showed that the measured time-dependent perfusion parameters including RT, FT, and TT, all decreased with hypercapnia and acidosis indicating faster/increased cerebral blood flow, assuming a constant fetal blood volume.10,11 In other words, CEUS detected increased cerebral blood flow when fetuses became acidotic or hypercapnic during fetal surgery making this a potentially useful monitoring tool during fetal surgery.
In contrast to pH and pCO2, measured cerebral perfusion parameters did not change with fetal heart rate or blood pressure. Maintenance of cerebral blood flow under these conditions suggests that lamb fetuses at this gestational age can autoregulate cerebral blood flow to a certain extent. These results, however, may underestimate the effects of fetal hemodynamics on cerebral blood flow. First, we did not evaluate volume-dependent perfusion variables such as wash-in and wash-out area under curve which may be more sensitive to changes in hemodynamics.13 Second, there was no significant change in fetal heart rate or blood pressure throughout the studies which limited our ability to study associated perfusion changes. Future studies are planned to analyze both time and volume-dependent perfusion variables over a range of hemodynamic parameters to better understand fetal autoregulation of cerebral blood flow during surgery.
There were several additional limitations to this study which may limit clinical utility. First, contrast was delivered via umbilical vein or carotid artery which would not be feasible using current surgical methods during minimally invasive fetoscopic procedures. Prior to clinical use, trans-placental delivery of ultrasound contrast agents must be refined and is an area of ongoing research. Second, normative fetal cerebral perfusion data does not exist, so measured changes in cerebral perfusion may be difficult to interpret in early implementation of this technique. Future studies will be aimed to establish normative data and perform subsequent MRI to better understand neurologic implications of perfusion changes. Next, while we were able to demonstrate significant relationships, sample size was limited for these studies which increases the likelihood of a type two error. Finally, perfusion parameters are calculated by interpretation of contrast kinetics, and thus, is an intermittent monitoring technique. Ideally, fetal cerebral perfusion would be measured continuously during fetal surgery, and future exploration into refining contrast kinetic analyses to minimize gaps in fetal monitoring would be useful before intra-operative implementation.