Impact of killing method on microbial load
Heating at the appropriate temperature and for the appropriate duration has a major influence on the reduction of microbial loads in BSF after killing [7], which is able to reduce the total aerobic viable count by around 10 times compared with other methods. As we know, the growth rate of bacteria is reduced in a cold temperature environment, which can result in a low microbial load in BSF after killing by freezing methods [7]. The total bacterial count in the blending method was similar to that of asphyxiation methods in this trial; however, the study of Larouche et al. [7] reported a lower value of this parameter in the blending group than with the asphyxiation method. The blending method provided a homogenized sample which destroyed the cell structure and increased the contact surface between bacteria and substrates which could promote bacterial growth. Black soldier fly prepupae can survive under asphyxiation for long periods, in contrast to house crickets (Acheta domestica [22]). Therefore, this technique promoted anaerobic conditions and prolonged the killing process at room temperature, which led to selective growth of a specific group of microbes. For these reasons, higher microbial loads of facultative anaerobic bacteria and anaerobic bacteria were observed in the asphyxiation treatment groups [7]. The rearing method and biosecurity system are important factors which correlate with the microbial load and community in BSF [23]. The absence of contamination by Acinetobactor sp., Bacillus cereus and Salmonella spp. during cultivation and processing contributed to the absence of growth of these bacteria in BSF. The absence of Salmonella spp. in raw materials is an important quality and safety indicator according to the regulations in several countries; therefore, good agricultural and biosafety practices must be strictly performed Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, 2016 [24] to prevent contamination along the production process. However, contamination with coliforms and other pathogenic bacteria was discovered in this study, which came from the BSF substrates. Heat treatment was suggested to reduce these microorganisms. The overall number of bacteria in this study seemed higher than in the study of Larouche et al. [7]. The different outcome may have been a consequence of the bacterial culture being immediately performed after the end of killing procedures in this study, whereas Larouche et al. [7] cultured microbes from a freeze-thawed sample, which would have decreased the growth rate of microbes. The acidic conditions of end products promote a prolonged shelf life and reduces the microbial growth rate [25], which relates to the activity of acid-producing bacteria such as Lactobacillus sp. [7]. As described above, heat treatment reduced the microbial load, whereas asphyxiation promoted bacterial growth. High pH was observed in heat-treatment groups, and low pH was presented in asphyxiation groups, which was comparable to other research studies [7]. The total viable count after killing by heat treatment was still higher than the limitation based on the regulation on animal feed of Thailand [24], therefore a further hot drying process with appropriate storage conditions should be performed to reduce microbial loads. From our suggestion, the pathogenic bacteria were observed in the black soldier fly prepupae after killing; therefore, further heat treatments and/or drying processes must be performed to prevent infection in animals and also cross contamination of humans, which is a public health concern.
Physicochemical properties
The colour of BSF is an absolutely important factor in terms of customer acceptance because insect meal in light brown shades of beige, tan and khaki is preferred by customers, whereas dark brown or black is not accepted. The browning reaction and melanization are the chemical reactions which influence colour alterations after killing and processing [7, 8]. The enzymatic browning reaction or polyphenol oxidation in an aerobic condition promoted the darkish effects on BSF [28, 29]. Moreover, the complex between amino acids and reducing sugars was present after the drying process, leading to a darker colour, which is called the Maillard reaction or non-enzymatic browning reaction [30, 31]. Melanin was produced as the end product of melanization, which was the innate immune response of insects to harmful environments and promoted a darker colour of BSF [8]. The low level of browning reaction in BSF with heat treatment was caused by enzyme destruction by heat [7, 8]. Heat treatment can only terminate the enzymatic browning reaction [30, 31]; however, the decline of the non-enzymatic browning reaction was observed in this study, which may have resulted from a short time available for metabolism, as the killing process was rapid by heating [7]. The slow killing methods without an enzyme destruction protocol, such as freezing and asphyxiation, promoted the activation of several metabolic process, mainly lipolysis, melanization and browning, which led to a darker colour [8]. The darker colour developed immediately after blending the prepupae of BSF because the enzymatic browning reaction between substrates and enzymes released from cell destruction was increased in the homogenized samples. Therefore, the darkest colour was found in the blending procedure [7]. For these reasons, the BSF colour is greatly influenced by the killing procedures. The lightest BSF was observed in the hot treatment group, which agreed with other research studies [7, 8]. Therefore, limitation on the initiation of browning reaction and melanisation was a major factor to prevent colour alteration of BSF. Blanching was considered as the best killing method to preserve the integrity and quality of BSF, which agreed with the report of Larouche et al. [7]. In contrast, Montevecchi et al. [9] reported blending or grinding of live black soldier fly prepupae as the best killing method due to homogenization of BSF prepupae in a specific solvent mixture that was water free and composed by chloroform-methanol 2:1 (v/v) which water was subtracted by methanol slowing down enzymatic activity (hydrolytic) especially lipase for generated reaction of fat acidity and lipid oxidation. The mechanisms by which different killing procedures affect BSF quality were described in detail. Fat acidity was used to represent the amount of free fatty acids in samples which correlated to lipase activity respectively [9], the fat acidity in the asphyxiation and freezing group was higher than that in the heat treatment group by approximately three and ten times, which agreed with this study [6, 7]. In this study, the extremely high value of fat acidity was observed in the blending group, which represented the high lipase activity in this sample. The freezing technique only decreased lipase activity, which remains in a low temperature environment (5 °C), even at − 30 °C [32]. On the other hand, heat treatment can destroy lipase, which minimizes fat acidity and prevents the pH reduction after killing compared with other methods. Another parameter representing the integrity of BSF is lipid oxidation; the high activity of this chemical reaction promotes several adverse outcomes for consumers such as nutrient loss, lower digestibility of products, rancidity, carcinogen substances and toxicity [33]. The rate of lipid oxidation from killing procedures with heat treatments were reduced around 1–2 times compared with other methods in this and another study [7], whereas the highest lipid oxidation value was presented in the blending group. Based on the standard, the BSF subjected to heat and vacuum treatment was considered not rancid (< 1.5 mg MDA/kg) after an oven drying process [34]. Only BSF subjected to the heat treatment procedure was still slightly rancid (1.6–3.6 mgMDA/kg) after storage at 4 °C for 28 days, whereas asphyxiation, freezing and blending was recognized as rancid products (> 3.6 mgMDA/kg) [34]. The higher carbonyl content (protein oxidation) obtained in the freezing method than in the heating method in the current study may be due to the process being initiated by hydrogen abstraction from the alpha-carbon in a peptide chain. If two protein radicals are in closed proximity, they may crosslink with one another via a radical formed under high-temperature conditions, which generates free radicals (carbonyl production). The terminated of these free radicals were conjugated (i.e. radical-radical interaction). Moreover, lipid radicals (lipid oxidation) can also abstract hydrogen from protein functional groups, which can result in lipid protein cross-link [35], suggesting a possible reduced capacity for protein and lipid oxidation via the indirect effect of radicals from the heating method.
Impacts of killing methods on in vitro digestibility
The digestibility of BSF was an important factor in its use as a feed ingredient, which could promote nutrient utilization efficiency and decrease amount of manure to promote the idea of environmentally friendly. The initiation of browning reaction and melanization consequence on the binding between amino acids (mainly lysine) and reducing sugar which this complex was inability to digest by digestive enzymes from animals [8]. Moreover, protein aggregation was found after melanization, which decreased protein solubility and digestibility [8]. However, the occurrence of some chemical reactions, mainly melanization from the stress response during freezing, was activated, which could lead to lower digestibility of BSF as described above [8]. However, lower crude protein digestibly was observed in blanching compared with freezing in this study and others [8]. Although blanching can destroy several enzymes, heat also can denature the protein, causing aggregation and resistance to digestion by animal enzymes, which could be the cause of this consequence. Interestingly, the end products of protein digestibility in the supernatant of in vitro digestibility were found in the highest value in the humane method compared with other methods. Treatment with CO2 for short periods before submersion in boiling water may influence on this outcome. However, the fact that insects were unconscious and/or had a lower response to stress during CO2 treatment should be investigated further as the cause.
Impacts of killing methods on storage trail (lipid oxidation content)
The sample characteristics and environmental conditions during storage were the major factors which influenced the level of lipid oxidation [33]. The occurrence of free radicals and tissue damage led to lipid oxidation from the reaction between lipids and enzymes [36, 37]. Medium-chain saturated fatty acids, called lauric acids, were a major component of the fatty acid profiles of BSF, which have a low ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acids compared with vegetable oils [4, 5]. However, saturated fatty acids were the main component of BSF. The high proportion of lipid was observed in BSF depending on their diets [4, 5]. Therefore, the characteristics of BSF carry the risk of presenting lipid oxidation. Moreover, inappropriate storage conditions of high oxygen, temperature, water activity and optimal pH for metabolism can accelerate lipid oxidation [33]. The freezing method was only able to decrease the metabolic enzyme activity but did not terminate it; therefore, lipid oxidation was still occurring [8, 9]. Moreover, the metabolomics approach confirmed that several enzymatic methods were activated during killing by freezing because the adaptation to survive in a cold environment was established as the insect is still alive during this slow killing procedure [8]. In addition, cell membranes were damaged by ice crystals obtained from the slow freezing procedures, which led the risk of higher lipid oxidation [7, 9]. On the one hand, the freezing method deteriorated the lipid quality of yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor: TM) [38]. The reduction of lipid oxidation at the first day after oven drying and grinding was observed with vacuum procedures because lipid oxidation was delayed by the lack of oxygen [33]. Blanching was considered as the best procedure to conserve the fat integrity of BSF based on the results in this study and others [6, 7] because heat treatment can destroy the enzymes which reduce the lipid oxidation process. On the other hand, blending was suggested as a way to conserve fat quality, whereas blanching caused severe deterioration of tissues, leading to high lipid oxidation [9]. According to this information and the results of this study, the lower proportion of lipids in blending methods compared with others [9] could be the cause of these different outcomes. However, further analysis could confirm this hypothesis.