The first three columns of Table 1 summarize the current energy budget [1]. Based on this reference data set, three variations are explored. In this procedure, three parameters are treated as fit variables: the longwave radiation from the atmosphere to the surface, the evapotranspiration & sensible heat component, and the longwave emittance to space from the clouds.
In variability case 1, the insolation at the top of the atmosphere is raised by 2 %. In case 2, the longwave atmospheric absorption is increased such that the surface temperature is raised by 3°C. In case 3, an additional longwave radiation of 3.2 W/m2 is assumed to enter the atmosphere from below. The first two cases relate to variabilities studied earlier ([2] with further references): the first case addressing an insolation increase, the second case an increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration. The third case relates to the anthropogenic energy consumption. The energy budget values of the three variability cases are computed from the reference data set as described in column 2 of Table 1.
Table 1
Earth energy budget: units W/m2, if not explicitly noted; bottom row: black body temperature related to planetary emittance. Column 1: Budget item; SW: shortwave; LW: longwave. Column 2: Item abbreviation and relationship; subscript R: value related to 3rd column; italics: item treated as free variable; σ: Stefan-Boltzmann constant; surface emissivity = 1. Column 3: data from [1], except italics; next columns with variations relative to column 3. Column 4: Variability case 1, insolation (TOA) + 2%. Column 5: Variability case 2, longwave absorption in the atmosphere such that surface temperature + 3°C. Column 6: Variability case 3, extra radiation from the surface with 3.2 W/m2.
Energy budget item | Notation | Reference data set | Variability case |
1 | 2 | 3 |
I + 2% | A + 3°C | EC |
SW (insolation) TOA | SWTOA | 341 | 347.8 | 341 | 341 |
Planetary albedo | αR=(79 + 23)/SWTOA | 0,299 | | | |
SW absorption system | SWAbs=SWTOA∙(1-αR) | 239 | 244 | 239 | 239 |
SW absorption atmosphere | SWAbsA=SWAbsA,R∙SWTOA/SWTOA,R | 78 | 80 | 78 | 78 |
SW absorption surface | SWAbsS=SWAbs–SWAbsA | 161 | 164 | 161 | 161 |
LW radiation atmosphere to surface | LWAS (free variable) | 333 | 347.5 | 350 | 346.5 |
Evapotranspiration and sensible heat | ES | 97 | 98 | 97 | 97 |
Surface in | SRFin=SWAbsS+LWAS | 494 | 512 | 511 | 508 |
Temperature surface (K) | TS=((SRFin–ES)/σ)1/4 | 289.3 | 292.3 | 292.3 | 291.7 |
Atmospheric window fraction | Fwindow,R=LWwindow/(SRFin-ES) = 40/396 | 10.1 % | | | |
LW radiation atm. wind. | LWwindow= Fwindow,R ∙(SRFin–ES) | 40 | 42 | 42 | 41 |
LW radiation from surface to atmosphere | LWSA=SRFin–ES-LWwindow | 357 | 372 | 372 | 372 |
Surface out | SRFout=ES + LWSA+LWwindow | 494 | 512 | 511 | 511 |
Surface equilibrium | SRFout-SRFin=0! | ⎫ | ⎫ | ⎫ | 3,2 |
Atmosphere in | ATMin=SWAbsA+LWSA+ES | 532 | 549 | 547 | 547 |
Clouds radiation fraction | Fcloud (free variable, 5.65 % in [1]) | 5.6 % | 5.8 % | 5.2 % | 5.8 % |
LW radiation clouds | LWcloud=Fcloud∙ATMin | 30 | 32 | 28 | 32 |
LW radiation | LWatm | 169 | 170 | 169 | 169 |
Atmosphere out | ATMout=LWAS+LWcloud+LWatm | 532 | 549 | 547 | 547 |
Atmosphere equilibrium | ATMout-ATMin=0! | ⎫ | ⎫ | ⎫ | ⎫ |
LW emissions to space | LWspace=LWwindow+LWcloud+LWatm | 239 | 244 | 239 | 242 |
System equilibrium | LWspace-SWAbs=0! | ⎫ | ⎫ | ⎫ | 3,2 |
Planetary emissivity (pl. em.) | εp = LWspace/(SRFin-ES) | 0.602 | 0.589 | 0.578 | 0.590 |
Temperature pl. em. (K) | Tp=(LWspace/σ)1/4 | 254.8 | 256.1 | 254.8 | 255.7 |
The solutions for the free parameter values (italics in Table 1) are non-unique. At first, their choice follows rather intuitive perception. At second, they may be adapted for consistency reasons, particularly related to the separately elaborated absorber density scheme [3]). Markable consistency is noted between the present energy budget and the absorber density scheme with water vapor as its dominant player.
Discussion on the variability cases: Variability case 1, insolation increase by 2 %. The temperature increase as given by the energy budget values is 3°C, the same as in [2] when applying there a sensitivity of 0.75°C/(W/m2). – The sensitivity defined as the ratio of surface temperature change to the TOA (longwave) emittance change, the same as the change in planetary shortwave absorption, hence S = ΔTS/ΔLWspace = ΔTS/ΔSWAbs, the energy budget values of case 1 in Table 1 reveal a sensitivity of S = 0.63°C/(W/m2) (case 1 versus reference data set, non-rounded). – The emissivity is decreased and the planetary emittance temperature slightly increased relative to the reference case. – The energy budget values are conformant with the separately presented ‘density scheme’ [3]: There, a temperature increase of 2.7°C is obtained (as compared to 3°C in the energy budget), with a radiation absorption rise of 14.7 W/m2 comparing to the increase of atmosphere-to-surface longwave radiation (LWAS) by 14.5 W/m2 in the energy budget scheme of Table 1.
Variability case 2, atmospheric absorption increase leading to a 3°C-surface temperature rise. For equilibrium, the system (i.e. planetary) emerging radiation (LWspace) must equal the temperature-effective incoming radiation (SWAbs). – As of Table 1, the emissivity is further decreased, to be explained by the absorber concentrations: the lowest concentrations relate to the reference case, mostly water vapor is added in case 1 (following the temperature proportionalities of H2O and CO2), then further CO2 is added in case 2. – The energy budget consideration of Table 1 reveals an atmosphere-to-surface radiation gain (LWAS) of 17 W/m2 (case 2 vs. reference), as compared to an absorption increase of 16 W/m2 in the density scheme, there with a 2.9°C-rise (as compared to 3°C here in the energy budget). In the density scheme, the 2.9°C-16 W/m2-rise is reached at a CO2 level of 440 ppmv opposed to 570 ppmv in [2], or 4°C with 510 ppmv opposed to 570 ppmv as more recently referred to (e.g. [4]).
Variability case 3, additional longwave emissions from the surface by 3.2 W/m2. Division of the 2.4°C-temperature increase (column 6 vs. column 3 for temperature in Table 1) by the extra radiation of 3.2 W/m2 reveals a sensitivity of 0.75°C/(W/m2). – The equilibrium condition of Table 1 needs to be fulfilled for the atmosphere (see ‘ok’-sign). For the surface and the planetary system, the outgoing radiation must equal the incoming ones plus the additional radiation of 3.2 W/m2 to retain energy balance. – The density scheme [3] delivers 2.35°C as compared to the 2.4°C from the energy budget consideration.
Further variability cases (details not shown). Additional energy budget estimates have been performed on the zonal (polar vs. tropical) conditions, on the glacial-interglacial conditions [5], on atmospheric absorption increases effecting the surface temperature to rise by 10 and 20°C (as further variations of case 2), changing of the insolation by -4 % and + 5.5 % (as further variations of case 1), changing of the insolation by 4 % and simultaneously of the absorption with an additional 6°C-effect (coupling cases 1 and 2), and representing the faint young Sun conditions (low insolation, high surface temperature, high pCO2, low pO2, partly low continental coverage). – The energy budget estimates are again well reflected by the absorbing particle densities in the density scheme (i.e. to first order of H2O and CO2, the former dominating by far).
For all variability cases, variations to the algorithms of Table 1 – i.e. altering albedo and atmospheric shortwave absorption in dependence on surface temperature – leaves the described results unchanged (details not shown).
The Charney Report variabilities, i.e. insolation and CO2 concentration change, can be reproduced within the energy budget. Equilibrium requires TOA longwave emittance to change with absorbed shortwave irradiation in case of insolation change, and TOA longwave emittance to remain constant in case of absorber change (e.g. of CO2 concentration). – Already inferring from case 1, emissivity is decreasing with increasing insolation and in turn increasing surface temperature. This indicates that water vapor is predominantly regulating emissivity with temperature, in view of water vapor being the major longwave absorber and at the same time, its concentration relatively strongly dependent on temperature.