3.1 Microclimatic characteristics of the Postojna Cave System
The ventilation pattern shows typical seasonal and diurnal variations, which are characteristic for a dynamically ventilated cave system with several entrances (Fig. 3a). In winter, cold outside air flows into the cave through the main entrance at the base of the structural escarpment. The air, heated by the massif, is then driven by buoyancy through the cave passages and numerous small but open airflow pathways connecting the cave with the topographic surface above. In summer the situation is reversed. The air enters the massif at inlets on the surface, cools down in contact with the massif, and flows along largely unknown pathways to the cave and along the cave towards the main entrance (Fig. 2a and b). During the transition regimes, the outside temperature rises above and below the cave temperature daily, so that diurnal changes from updraft to downdraft are observed (typically in spring and fall). In all graphs negative values for the airflow velocity are used for the downdraft situation and positive for the updraft situation. Although the chimney effect is the dominant driving factor of cave airflow, external wind also drives subsurface ventilation, as will be discussed in Section 3.3. However, a detailed analysis of wind-induced cave airflow in Postojna Cave is provided in another paper (Kukuljan et al., 2021).
Seasonal/daily temperature variations depend strongly on the relative position with respect to the main ventilation pathway and the distance from the entrances. Points near the main entrances and along the main ventilation pathways show much higher seasonal temperature variations (±3.5°C at OC), which decrease towards the cave interior (±0.4°C at BC) and towards the most distant dead-ends (±0.1°C at PP). The average air temperature in the system is between 9°C and 11°C and a phase delay between the outside and seasonal average cave temperature reaches several months (Šebela and Turk 2011). In some places, especially in BC, the presence of tourists interrupts the typical cave temperature for a short time (Šebela et al. 2015).
The seasonality of the ventilation is also reflected in the composition of the cave atmosphere. In summer, the air enters underground at a topographically higher surface, passes mostly through smaller openings and enters the main cave system. Downdraft seasonally coincides with increased biogenic CO2 production during the warm season, resulting in increased pCO2 values in the cave (Lang et al. 2017). During updraft, outside air enters the cave through large entrances and dilutes the CO2 throughout the entire cave system (Fig. 3c). pCO2 along the main ventilation pathways can decrease to atmospheric levels. Various circumstances can lead to a substantially uneven distribution of pCO2 in the cave. In a poorly ventilated passage, the pCO2 in the cave is nearly in equilibrium with the pCO2 of the surrounding vadose zone. In the case of Pisani Passage, high pCO2 values were considered to be the result of poor ventilation (Prelovšek et al. 2018). The main proposed sources of CO2 were direct seepage of CO2-enriched air from the vadose zone and degassing of the percolating water, which showed equilibrium pCO2 values similar to those measured in the cave air. Gregorič et al. (2013) found similar fluctuations in another trace gas, radon, whose activity concentration reached extremely high values (up to 45 kBq/m3, annual mean ~25 kBq/m3). The authors suspect that in addition to stagnating summer air conditions, thick soil layers, surface proximity and clay-rich cave sediments could be responsible for such extremes. The Pisani Passage is, therefore, an ideal candidate to study the CO2 dynamics of PC.
3.2 Microclimatic observations in the Pisani Passage
3.3 Cave airflow
The airflow velocity into/out of the Pisani Passage is measured at its entrance, where the passage is limited to a cross-sectional area of 1.42 m2. The air flow rate is shown in Fig. 4b. In general, the airflow follows the ventilation regimes typical of Postojna Cave, updraft for Tcave > Text (typically in winter, positive values) and downdraft for Tcave < Text (typically in summer, negative values, Fig. 4a and Fig. 4b). The PP, thus presents an airflow pathway that connects the inner part of the cave (OC) with the higher-lying surface. However, there are no physically known connections between the PP and the surface, suggesting that the air mainly follows a network of small conduits and fractures. Most of these airflow pathways are too small to be localized exactly, but a site of detectable, seasonally reversible airflow was found at the far end of PP (PPend), suggesting that the entire passage is ventilated.
The temperature records in Fig. 4c show small differences at different vertical position in the Red Hall and in the PPend. Similar temperatures were recorded in the Ladder Depression (LD)(Fig. 4c), During downdraft the temperature span along the entire Pisani Passage is less than 0.4 K (8.5°C-8.9°C).
In Fig.4b one can observe a steady dominant downdraft in warm periods and updraft in cold periods. In cold periods, however, clear intervals of downdraft can also be observed, which is contrary to the forcing of the chimney effect. The correlation of the direction of the cave airflow with various possible drivers showed that such downdrafts are caused by the external wind gusts. Fig. 5a shows the airflow velocity at OC and PP in relation to the outside wind during one such a cold period. Note that for visual clarity, the wind speed has been oriented and colored depending on the prevailing direction; positive values for winds of 0–90° and 270–360° (winds 0–90° are colored red and marked NE), and negative values for 90–270° (winds 135–225° are colored blue and marked S). The decrease of an updraft or the complete reversal of the airflow to a downdraft occurs during periods of the northeastern external wind, especially with gusts of >10 m/s (marked by the red arrow). In some periods these reversals occur despite of the fact that Tcave is more than 10°C above Text. On the other hand, an increase of updraft (blue arrow) is observed when the wind is blowing from a S direction. The effect is similar in the warm period (Fig. 5b), where the typical downdraft (Tcave << Text) is reduced or reversed by a S wind or increased by a NE wind. These effects occur throughout all seasons, as the outside winds do not have a clear seasonality. During the high summer or high winter season, however, the chimney effect is predominant and only the strongest gusts of wind cause a change in the direction of airflow.
The importance of the wind-driven effect is also demonstrated in Fig. 6, which shows the relation between the cave airflow velocity and the external temperature for the 2018 and 2019 time series. Red dots present the complete dataset, while blue and green dots show only data points when the external wind gusts were below 3 m/s and 1 m/s, respectively. By excluding the wind effect (blue and green points on Fig. 6), a typical picture of the chimney effect relationship emerges, where cave airflow velocity has a square root dependence on the difference between external and internal temperature. The black line in Fig. 6 shows the square root fit to the green point cloud (Badino 2010).
Figures 4b and 6 also show that for the same ΔT the wind speed is stronger in downdraft. While the reasons for this asymmetry have not yet been investigated in our case, such an observation is not so rare (Covington and Perne 2015). Reasonable assumptions would be that it is due to the geometry of the airflow pathways or to a disequilibrium between the outside temperature range and the temperature of the massif, which presents a long-term average. The use of virtual temperature, which includes the influence of relative humidity and pCO2 on air density, may also explain the shift (Kowalski and Sánchez-Cañete 2010). However, these discrepancies are not crucial for this work.
The air temperature inside Pisani Passage has a very stable value of 8.8°C, which is on average lower than in the adjacent parts of Postojna Cave for the same period 2017–2019 (10.8°C in BC). Annual temperature fluctuations below 0.1°C were recorded at all measuring sites in the passage. This includes the PPend site, which is only ~30 m from the surface and has a detectable airflow almost all year round. Therefore, it can be expected that the air is in thermal equilibrium with the massif when it reaches the cave. While the annual temperature fluctuation of a given location is rather small, there are systematic differences between them. This can be seen between T1–T3 in RD where the span increases in summer and greater variability is observed in winter (Fig. 4d). These differences have not yet been investigated in detail. Records since 2012 show a gradual temperature increase of about 0.08°C/year, starting from 8.5°C in 2012 and reaching 8.9°C at the end of 2019. At present, we cannot yet confirm whether this is a trend following the warming of the exterior indicated by Domínguez-Villar et al. (2015), whether it is related to the change in the surface vegetation cover, increasing number of visitors, or whether is it due to another reason. Warming has also been observed in other parts of Postojna Cave (Šebela et al. 2015).
3.4 The longitudinal gradient of CO2
Spot pCO2 measurements were carried out during different seasons and ventilation regimes to investigate the general dynamics and possible gradients of CO2 across Pisani Passage. As already observed by Prelovšek et al. (2018), an increasing trend with distance from the entrance is confirmed, independent of the ventilation regime (Fig. 7). However, this rule does not apply to the Red Hall at the far end of PP nor to other weakly ventilated or unventilated sites, which apparently protect the CO2 from advection. We have found that all CO2 rich sites are located in morphological depressions (see Fig. 1, Fig. 3c, and Fig. S1). The seasonal differences are seen as changes in the size and slope of the longitudinal CO2 gradient from the entrance to the inner cave–the winter gradient is the gentlest and the summer gradient the steepest. These gradients are similar to those measured in Ste-Anne Cave (5.3 ppm/m (Ek and Gewelt 1985)) or in Srednja Bijambarska Cave (0.2–2.2 ppm/m (Milanolo and Gabrovšek 2009)).
3.5 Temporal CO2 dynamics in the Red Hall
In general, the seasonal variation of pCO2 in Pisani Passage corresponds to the variations in other sections of the Postojna cave system; low values in cold periods due to strong dilution by the outside air, and high values in warm periods due to advection from the CO2-rich vadose zone. A closer look, however, reveals an interesting phenomenon in the final chamber of PP (Red Hall), where during the downdraft the pCO2 is significantly higher near the floor than at the ceiling (Fig. 4d). The pCO2 at the floor station can even exceed 10,000 ppm, while the maximum daily value at the ceiling probe is only 3200 ppm. The differences between floor and ceiling can reach almost 8000 ppm during the summer season, indicating a permanent, drastically different air composition within only 6.5 m of vertical difference. Both values and their difference show a gradual increase from mid-May to mid-October, when pCO2 in the soil and the epikarst is expected to increase as well. During the updraft, the air in the RD is well mixed and the pCO2 can fall well below 1000 ppm. This apparent “stratification” will be discussed further in the next section.
The pCO2 fluctuations in Red Hall are directly related to the airflow in Pisani Passage, which is not only driven by the chimney effect, which explains the seasonal dynamics, but also by the wind effect. The wind-driven effect on cave ventilation is explained in another paper (Kukuljan et al., 2021), here we present the effect on pCO2. An example of a winter period (18 days) is shown in Fig. 8, where the chimney effect forces an updraft. During most of the period, the pCO2 on the floor and the ceiling of Red Hall are almost equal and low (~1000 ppm). However, during periods of strong NE wind, the direction of the airflow reverses towards downdraft, whereupon the floor and ceiling pCO2 curves are immediately separated. The floor pCO2 increases, while the ceiling pCO2 even shows an initial decrease, followed by a moderate increase. When the outside wind direction and thus the airflow direction along the PP is reversed, the updraft situation with the mixed atmosphere is restored within a few hours. This effect also occurs during the rest of the year. However, in the high summer season, it is suspected that a maximum CO2 flux from the karst massif is reached, so that the NE wind only increases the speed of the airflow, while the CO2 concentration remains the same or even decreases slightly. The southerly wind causes a temporary mixing of the air in RD or, if it lasts long enough, a decrease of the total pCO2, regardless of the season or the ventilation regime.
3.6 Vertical CO2 profile
To investigate the phenomenon of apparently vertically stratified air in Red Hall in full spatial detail, we measured vertical CO2 profiles. This was done by gradually lowering the instrument from the ceiling to the floor at different horizontal positions. Two complete grid profiles of 8 m in height and 20 m length were created to confirm that the stratification is present in the entire cross-section of the chamber (Fig. 9). After uniform values were found in the horizontal position, only one position (14 or 16) was selected for the subsequent profiles (for more details on profile setup, see section S2 in the supplementary materials). The pCO2(height) curves show two distinct gradients with maximum values at the floor of the hall and minimum values at the ceiling.
The profiling was repeated in different ventilation regimes to obtain a temporal resolution of the CO2 profiles as shown in Fig. 10. A typical winter regime with updraft is characterized by an almost uniform CO2 distribution, while during downdraft the curves take on a characteristic shape and in extreme cases reach gradients of almost 1000 ppm per vertical meter. The maximum difference resulting from the available time series of the fixed floor and ceiling stations corresponds to a gradient of 1200 ppm/m (daily average). Similar curves were reported from borehole measurements in a karstic environment by Benavente et al. (2010, 2015).
The stratification in Red Hall is built up on the time scale of hours to days after the reversal of the airflow from updraft to downdraft regime. We have observed that our movement in the lower part of the chamber disturbs the stable stratification, but the characteristic profile restores within a few hours (few examples are available in Fig. S4b). To study this phenomenon in more detail, we deliberately force-mixed the air by stirring it with flat panels in RD for 20 min so that CO2 was distributed almost evenly throughout the chamber. During this experiment we deployed two additional CO2 meters at intermediate heights between the CO2 stations on the floor and the ceiling. Fig. 11a shows the vertical profile before and after the mixing, and Fig. 11b shows the recordings of four CO2 probes during the restoration of the characteristic profile. The experiment was performed in the summer ventilation regime (i.e., Tcave < Text), where we expected constant downdraft conditions. While the relaxation curve at the ceiling shows a typical exponential decrease almost immediately after the mixing, the concentrations at other positions begin to change 12 hours later. The comparison with the external wind data showed that the delay occurred during a southerly wind, which may have temporarily restricted the accumulation and relaxation of the lower probes. As soon as the wind changed direction, the accumulation and relaxation processes continued. However, this was a rather surprising situation, since the simultaneous separation of the pCO2 curves is much more common (visible in time series in Fig. 8 and Fig. S4). The reason for these apparent differences in responses has not yet been found.
The characteristic response times for CO2 curves were investigated by fitting the data points to an exponential function. For the experiment of 17th of September 2019, the accumulation rates were 5.00 h for the lower (temporary) CO2 instrument and 7.14 h for the floor CO2 station. The relaxation times were shorter, from 1.41 to 4.00 h, for the ceiling CO2 station and the upper instrument. The short characteristic time needed for restoration of a distinct CO2 profile can only be explained by advective inflow of CO2-rich and CO2-poor air (Covington 2016; Lang et al. 2017). A plausible explanation is that there are several inputs with different CO2 concentrations and that their flow distribution is such that the mixing is negligible. A pronounced CO2 input is located at the far end of PP at 533 m a.s.l., 4 meters below the ceiling CO2 station (marked PPend, Fig. 2c). It is a narrow passage with a measurable airflow showing typical downdraft volume flow rates of about 0.05 m3/s and low pCO2 values (1350–5180 ppm, average 2000 ppm, n = 30), which is comparable to the ceiling CO2 station. The volume flow at the PPend is about 14% of the volume flow that is discharged out of PP during downdraft.
Several places with extreme CO2 levels have been located in Red Hall, White Hall and at the Ladder depression, although none of them has detectable airflow. One of them is a small flowstone-covered depression in the White Hall (Fig. S5a). We have performed similar mixing tests as described above where the air in depression was well mixed with the surrounding low-CO2 air. After mixing is stopped, a high concentration is restored with a characteristic relaxation time of 0.02–0.07 h in a warm period and an order of magnitude slower in a cold period (Fig S5b). Such a rapid increase during the downdraft indicates an advective inflow with a small volume flow rate but high pCO2. Based on these measurements and observations we propose a conceptual model of CO2 transport in the Red/White Hall, which explains the observed phenomena.
4 The conceptual model of CO2 transport
The advection driven by the chimney or wind effect is the main mechanism for CO2 transport and the reason for the observed fluctuations of CO2 concentration in the Pisani Passage atmosphere. Throughout the year an average of 0.54 m3/s of air is exchanged with the surface. Although it is an important ventilation pathway in the Postojna Cave system, the temperature in the passage is very stable, indicating an efficient heat exchange between the rock mass and the air. This indicates that the air enters and exits the passage through many small pathways (such as solutionally enlarged fractures and small conduits) that provide a high ratio of rock surface area to air volume required for efficient heat exchange. The entire area of Postojna Cave is strongly tectonised with numerous faults, fractures and crushed zones. These elements were also mapped along the entire Pisani Passage (Šebela 1992, 1998).
Figure 12 shows a conceptual model of airflow and CO2 dynamics between the outside atmosphere and PP. During the updraft regime, air with low pCO2 coming from the main entrance through the Old Cave dominates along the entire Pisani Passage and exits to the surface along open pathways (blue arrows in Fig. 12a). During the downdraft regime the air enters the passage from the surface through many pathways with different aeraulic conductivities (red arrows in Fig. 12a). One can imagine a complex flow network of fractures and conduits along which the air flows from the surface to the cave (Fig. 12b). The air can enter the network enriched with soil CO2 to varying degrees, depending on the soil thickness, the CO2 production rate, and the porosity of the soil and the airflow network (Pla et al. 2016b). Furthermore, CO2 may enter the airflow by diffusion from poorly ventilated compartments of the massif and reach the junctions with high pCO2 pathways. Generally, pathways with high flow rate are expected to be less enriched with CO2 once entering the cave, compared to poorly ventilated pathways. An example of a fast flow pathway is PPend in Red Hall, the only inflow with a detectable airflow, and where the overall lowest pCO2 values were observed in the Red Hall. The inflows with the highest CO2 concentration cannot currently be detected because the air velocity is too low, but we can locate areas with high CO2 concentrations and estimate the flux (Fig. S5). It has already been shown that the updraft in PP during cold periods contributes significantly to the soil CO2, thus obviously requiring the existence of an underground CO2 reservoir (Krajnc et al. 2017). Similarly, Faimon et al. (2020) found a clear relationship between updraft (UAF) and downdraft (DAF) modes of subsurface ventilation and the CO2 concentration and δ13C isotopic composition of soil air fluxes at the breathing spot above the probable cavity in Hranice Karst (Czech Republic). The concepts presented in that paper agree well with the concept presented here.
The geometry of the system seems to be important for the formation of the vertical CO2 profile. Significant vertical differences discovered during the measurements (Fig. 9 and Fig. 10) support the idea of dividing the Red/White Hall chambers into at least two, vertically stratified, microclimatic compartments. The upper compartment is efficiently ventilated by the inflow of CO2-poor air from PPend, while the lower compartment is filled with slow seepage of CO2-rich air, emerging from cracks in the walls or from the floor (Fig. 12b). The boundary between these compartments is between 533 and 535 m a.s.l., which coincides with the height of the outflow from RD/WH, and the height of the inflow at PPend (Fig. 2c and Fig. 9). The spatial characteristics of the CO2-rich pathways are not yet clear. Although we have not found high-CO2 inflows at or near the ceiling, it is likely that they surround the entire cave perimeter as illustrated in Fig. 12b. Airflow near the ceiling could mask these sources. Further work on the analysis of the spatially variable δ13CO2 signals within the cave could provide further insights (Mandić et al. 2013; Krajnc et al. 2017).
The CO2 dynamics for the rest of the Pisani Passage is presented as a longitudinal profile in Fig. 7. A positive gradient is expected in the cold season, when the outside air enters the cave through the large main entrances. Along the flow towards the interior of the massif the air is enriched with (mainly) remnant CO2 and CO2 degassing from the calcite precipitating trickles. An inverse gradient would be expected in the warm period, which is not the case in PP. There, the air enters the passage along many small hardly detectable pathways enriched with vadose CO2 to different degrees. The change of pCO2 along the passage depends on the longitudinal distribution, flow rate and pCO2 of the inlets. Decrease of pCO2 along the flow path indicates increasing contribution of inlets with lower pCO2.
In order to clarify the hypothesis of low flow high-CO2 and fast flow low-CO2 pathways, a comparison with observations in the Brezimeni Passage (BP) can be made, which connects to the Old Cave 50 m from Pisani Passage (Fig. 1). The passage is similar in length to PP but has a smaller cross-section on average. The decisive element for the airflow dynamics of this passage is the high chimney in the middle section, as shown schematically in the Supplement (Fig. S6). Although we have not yet located the exact surface opening, it is assumed that it is connected by an efficient airflow pathway. This is indicated by an average airflow rate of 3.44 m3/s, which is almost 7 times that of the PP (0.54 m3/s). Further on, its role is particularly reflected in the annual temperature records at three different positions in the passage (Fig. S7a). The amplitude of the seasonal variations at two sites (T1 and T2) along the dominant airflow pathway between the chimney and the OC is more than 2°C, while the temperature recording away from the dominant pathway (T3) shows a variation (0.25°C) that is one order of magnitude smaller. The typical diurnal variation is also visible in the time series of the airflow velocity (Fig. S7b). The dominant airflow pathway is also evident in the pCO2 data, where values of only 515 ppm were measured during the downdraft below the chimney and over 3000 ppm further away from the chimney (Sept 2018; Fig. S8). In summary, strong inlets/outlets like the chimney in BP, dominate the dynamics and composition of the cave atmosphere and obscure the contribution of smaller pathways that certainly exist. Such a dominant pathway is not present in PP, which makes the contribution of smaller pathways more obvious. The results could also be discussed in terms of the concepts proposed by Lang et al. (2017). They emphasized the importance of advective flows from the epikarst (abbreviated AIFE) for CO2 concentration in caves. Therefore, Pisani Passage can be considered as a cave with geometry A (sensu Lang et al. (2017)) with an open lower entrance and “hidden” upper entrances. Although the Brezimeni Passage has no known upper entrance, it falls into geometry C based on airflow dynamics, with two open entrances with weak sources from soil/epikarst. While in Pisani Passage the AIFE plays a crucial role in the resulting CO2 concentrations, in Brezimeni Passage it is obscured by the concentrated airflow entering through the chimney.
The effect of the external wind on cave airflow in Postojna Cave and thus on pCO2 is clearly visible in the data (Figs. 4–6). A detailed analysis and quantitative assessment of the relative importance of the chimney effect and the wind-driven effect, supported by CFD simulations, is discussed by Kukuljan et al. (in review), so we give only a brief outline here. The surface above PC is characterised by karstified terrain with many dolines, while the main entrance is located on a south-facing scarp. Wind flow over a rough topography induces a variable pressure field at the surface and at the cave openings. External winds induce differential pressure between different entrances and “blowholes” (air inlets and outlets). Therefore, the relative orientation and position of entrances is important. In warm periods, NE winds enhance the downdraft driven by the chimney effect in OC and PP, while the S winds oppose the chimney effect and diminish the cave airflow. Conversely, in cold periods, the NE winds oppose the updraft driven by the chimney effect and can even reverse it to downdraft causing an increase in pCO2 values, as discussed in Section 3.3. The southerly wind increases the updraft in the cave, which is especially noticeable at the OC site, which is closest to the main cave entrance. Figs. 5a and 5b show how the high-frequency variation in the outside wind also affects the high-frequency variation in the time series of the cave airflow. Similar wind-driven cave ventilation has been studied in a cave in Florida (Kowalczk and Froelich 2010) and in a tropical cave on the island of Guam, where seasonal density-driven airflows are otherwise unexpected (Noronha et al. 2017).
Although it appears that the chimney effect and wind effect control the CO2 dynamics in PP, there may be other factors involved. In some cases, CO2 dynamics in mature caves has been found to be controlled by variation of drip rate, water infiltration or saturation of vadose zone (Milanolo and Gabrovšek 2015; Bourges et al. 2020). Theoretically, airflow and infiltration water pathways are shared within a vadose zone, and in this way saturation with water can limit or block the gas exchange between the cave and the exterior (Cuezva et al. 2011; Garcia-Anton et al. 2014; Pla et al. 2016b). In the case of PP, however, we have not found that this effect is significant in the CO2 dynamics studied (at the level of continuous variation of pCO2 or the specific CO2 phenomena described previously). A redistribution of the airflow through larger, open, and non-saturated pathways may obscure the significance of this effect. If it is present nevertheless, it may be more pronounced in the cold period, when more precipitation is normally recorded in Postojna and rates of evapotranspiration are lower. It is also expected that snow cover or freezing of the soil could restrict gas exchange, as only the larger openings would remain open due to the melting effect of the rising warm cave air. The longest period in the years 2017–2019 with continuous snow cover was February 2018, when the cold fronts brought about 30 cm of snowfall. This month-long period with a low average outside temperature of –2°C was characterized by a strong accumulation of CO2, which reached a maximum of 2500 ppm at the floor station in the Red Hall. Although it is probable that the air discharge from the cave was blocked by the snow cover or the soil freezing, the same period is also characterized by the longest continuous NE wind event, which may also have limited the air discharge (i.e., expected updraft). Therefore, we could not study these effects in detail separately. As suggested by some recent studies in the Mediterranean (Cuezva et al. 2011; Garcia-Anton et al. 2014, 2017; Pla et al. 2016a), prolonged warm periods increase soil permeability and cause increased soil gas exchange. Although the long-term effects can only be speculated, we might expect that longer dry seasons would limit soil biogenic CO2 production and reduce overall CO2 flux due to increased ventilation. However, in our case we did not found this limiting threshold, but rather increasingly prolonged periods of high CO2 in the RD (Fig. 4c). This behavior could be explained by the greater role of subsoil CO2 sources, which are less affected by outside conditions (Mattey et al. 2016). The CO2 dynamics were also compared with the change in atmospheric pressure, but did not show a significant correlation. Previous research in PC confirms that pressure equalization is practically instantaneous, so that no barometric airflow is expected (Šebela and Turk 2011).
Although the specific configuration of the airflow pathways in the Pisani Passage may be considered as local and hardly generalized, we believe that these observations are not unique and that such situations would be (or have been) recorded in other caves where the airflow system connecting the cave to the surface consists of several non-dominant airflow pathways. In reality, there are many more caves with a single-entrance that are, nevertheless, better ventilated than caves with continuous, unobstructed passages between numerous entrances. A poorly mixed cave atmosphere would probably lead to high gradients of parameters (such as CO2 and temperature) between different parts of the cave and microclimatic environments. These can be easily identified and investigated by denser and more careful measurements of pCO2. Certainly such micro-local CO2 environments also have an important influence on the hydrochemistry of dripping water and subsequent analysis for paleoclimate or similar research. This is already obvious in the case of the RD, where the floor underneath the drip spots shows a large number of characteristic dissolution features, so-called corrosion cups. While these are the subject of ongoing research, we postulate that high vertical CO2 gradients during the downdraft profoundly alter the hydrochemistry of the drip water. In the upper air compartment, the drips equilibrate to a low pCO2 level, while in the lower one they reach a much higher pCO2 value and become corrosive. The kinetics and long-term effects of such a heterogeneous environment on the geochemistry of speleothems is still an important open research question.