| | V, HT, E, DMP | Prespecified or Emerging (single or multiple outcomes) | (Group) Sequential (monitoring) - yes/no | |
Amit, Heiberger & Lane18 | 2008 | V | Emerging (single & multiple) | No | Dot plot for emerging AEs, Kaplan-Meier and hazard function for single AEs and cumulative frequency plots, boxplots and line graphs for continuous outcomes |
Chuang-Stein, Le & Chen20 | 2001 | V | Emerging (single) | No | Displays two-by-two frequencies graphically for emerging AEs, histograms and delta plots for continuous outcomes |
Chuang-Stein & Xia19 | 2013 | V | Emerging (single & multiple) | No | Bar charts, Venn diagrams and Forest plot for emerging AEs, risk over time for single AEs and e-Dish plot for continuous outcomes |
Karpefors & Weatherall23 | 2018 | V | Emerging (multiple) | No | Tendril plot for emerging AEs |
Southworth21 | 2008 | V | Emerging (single) | No | Scatterplot with regression outputs for continuous outcomes |
Trost & Freston22 | 2008 | V | Emerging (multiple) | No | Vector plots for continuous outcomes, includes 3 outcomes per plot |
Zink, Wolfinger & Mann12 | 2013 | V | Emerging (multiple) | No | Volcano plot for emerging AEs |
Zink, Marchenko, Sanchez-Kam, Ma & Jiang24 | 2018 | V | Emerging (multiple) | No | Heat map for emerging AEs |
Bolland & Whitehead25 | 2000 | HT | Prespecified | Yes | Alpha spending function |
Fleishman & Parker26 | 2012 | HT | Prespecified | Yes | Alpha spending function, adjustment to significance threshold and conditional power |
Lieu et al.27 | 2007 | HT | Prespecified | Yes | Likelihood ratio test |
Liu28 | 2007 | HT | Prespecified | No | Non-inferiority test |
Shih, Lai, Heyse & Chen29 | 2010 | HT | Prespecified | Yes | Likelihood ratio test |
Agresti & Klingenberg30 | 2005 | HT | Emerging (overall profile) | No | Multivariate likelihood ratio tests for overall AE numbers |
Bristol & Patel31 | 1990 | HT | Emerging (overall profile) | No | Multivariate likelihood ratio test with Markov chains for overall AE numbers, incorporating recurrent events |
Chuang-Stein, Mohberg & Musselman32 | 1992 | HT | Emerging (overall profile) | No | Multivariate test for overall AE numbers with chi-squared distribution, incorporating severity and participant acceptability scores |
Huang, Zalkikar & Tiwari33 | 2014 | HT | Emerging (single) | Yes | Likelihood ratio tests for AE rate (i.e. incorporating exposure time), incorporating recurrent events |
Mehrotra & Adewale34 | 2012 | HT | Emerging (multiple) | No | P-value adjustment |
Mehrotra & Heyse35 | 2004 | HT | Emerging (multiple) | No | P-value adjustment |
Allignol, Beyersmann & Schmoor36 | 2016 | E | Emerging (single) | No | Estimates cumulative incidence function in presence of competing risks |
Borkowf37 | 2006 | E | Emerging (single) | No | Confidence interval for difference in proportions |
Evans & Nitsch38 | 2012 | E | Emerging (single) | No | Proportions, incidences, odds ratios etc. |
Gong, Tong, Strasak & Fang39 | 2014 | E | Emerging (single) | No | Non-parametric estimate for mean cumulative number of recurrent events in presence of competing risks |
Hengelbrock, Gillhaus, Kloss & Leverkus40 | 2016 | E | Emerging (single) | No | Survival based methods to estimate hazard ratios for recurrent events |
Lancar, Kramar & Haie-Meder41 | 1995 | E | Emerging (single) | No | Non-parametric estimate for prevalence allowing for recurrent events |
Leon-Novelo, Zhou, Nebiyou Bekele & Muller42 | 2010 | E | Emerging (multiple) | No | Bayesian approach to estimate the probability of severity grading of events in treatment and control groups separately |
Liu, Wang, Liu & Snavely43 | 2006 | E | Emerging (single) | No | Confidence interval for difference in exposure adjusted incidence rates |
Nishikawa, Tango & Ogawa44 | 2006 | E | Emerging (single) | No | Estimates the cumulative incidence function in presence of competing risks and conditional estimate for recurrent events |
O'Gorman, Woolson & Jones45 | 1994 | E | Emerging (single) | No | Confidence intervals for difference in proportion |
Rosenkranz46 | 2006 | E | Emerging (single) | No | Survival based method to estimate dependence between AE time and discontinuation time |
Siddiqui47 | 2009 | E | Emerging (single) | No | Non-parametric estimate for the cumulative mean number of events allowing for recurrent events |
Sogliero-Gilbert, Ting, & Zubkoff48 | 1991 | E | Emerging (multiple) | No | A score to indicate abnormal laboratory values |
Wang & Quartey49 | 2012 | E | Emerging (single) | No | Non-parametric estimate for mean cumulative event duration allowing for recurrent events |
Wang & Quartey50 | 2013 | E | Emerging (single) | No | Semi-parametric estimate for mean cumulative event duration allowing for recurrent events |
Berry51 | 1989 | DMP | Prespecified | Yes | Bayesian approach to estimate the posterior probability that event rate or incidence rate (incorporating exposure time) is greater in the treatment group compared to control group |
French, Thomas & Wang52 | 2012 | DMP | Prespecified | Yes | Bayesian logit model and a piecewise exponential models to give posterior probabilities that predefined risk difference threshold is exceeded |
Yao, Zhu, Jiang & Xia53 | 2013 | DMP | Prespecified | Yes | Bayesian beta-binomial model to give posterior probability that predefined risk difference threshold is exceeded |
Zhu, Yao, Xia & Jiang54 | 201638 | DMP | Prespecified | Yes | Bayesian Gamma-Poisson model to give posterior probability that predefined risk difference (incorporating exposure time) threshold is exceeded |
Berry & Berry55 | 2004 | DMP | Emerging (multiple) | No | Bayesian hierarchical logit model to give posterior probability that event rate greater in treatment compared to control group |
Chen, Zhao, Qin & Chen56 | 2013 | DMP | Emerging (multiple) | Yes | Bayesian hierarchical logit model to give posterior probability that event rate greater in treatment compared to control group for interim analysis |
Gould57 | 2008 | DMP | Emerging (multiple) | No | Bayesian approach to estimate the posterior probability that AEs in treatment group produced by a larger process than AEs in control group |
Gould58 | 2013 | DMP | Emerging (multiple) | No | Bayesian approach to estimate the posterior probability that AEs in treatment group produced by a larger process than AEs in control group accounting for exposure time |
McEvoy, Nandy & Tiwari59 | 2013 | DMP | Emerging (multiple) | No | Bayesian multivariate approach to give posterior probability of difference in event rates based on indicator functions |
Xia, Ma & Carlin60 | 2011 | DMP | Emerging (multiple) | No | Bayesian hierarchical logit and log-linear (incorporating exposure time) models to give posterior probability that event rate greater in treatment compared to control group |