Figure 2(a) and (b) show the reflection and transmission spectra of RGB colors of CF-1 device. The resonances of RGB colors are 457 nm (B), 560 nm (G), and 704 nm (R) under the geometrical conditions of R = 220 nm (B), 250 nm (G), 350 nm (R), h = 110 nm (B), 150 nm (G), 150 nm (R), and P = 310 nm (B), 380 nm (G), 480 nm (R), respectively. The reflection intensities of RGB colors are all approximate 100% and the corresponding full width at half maximum (FWHM) values are less than 16 nm. All resonances, geometrical parameters, FWHM values, transmission and reflection intensities of CF-1 are summarized in Table I. These results show that CF-1 exhibits ultrahigh color filtering characteristics in the visible spectrum.
Table I. Detailed geometrical parameters and spectra information of RGB colors filtering characteristics of CF-1.
220 |
110 |
310 |
0.996 |
0.0063 |
13 |
560 |
250 |
150 |
380 |
0.997 |
0.0039 |
16 |
704 |
350 |
150 |
480 |
0.951 |
0.0475 |
14 |
Figure 3 shows the electric (E) field distributions on xy- and xz-planes of RGB colors filtering characteristics in TE and TM modes for CF-1 device. For xy-plane, the E-field energies are mainly concentrated in the gap of two nanodisks along y-direction in TE mode and x-direction in TM mode. It indicates that this resonant behavior is a dipole resonance. By increasing the resonant wavelength from blue to red spectrum, E-field distribution appears gradually in the nanodisk. These results are corresponded with the reflection and transmission spectra as shown in Fig. 2. From the cross-sectional views (xz-plane) of E-field distributions, E-field energies of green and red spectra are mainly concentrated in the nanodisk for TE mode and the interface of nanodisk and substrate for TM mode. In particular, the resonant intensities of TE and TM modes are very strong for blue spectrum, which are distributed on top and bottom sides of nanodisk for TE mode and gap between nanodisks for TM mode.
The resonant intensity of TiO2 metasurface can be effectively enhanced by adjusting and increasing the aggregation degree of TiO2 scatterers [27]. Therefore, the structural color can be generated by using periodic TiO2 nanodisks. Moreover, the coupling effect of Mie resonances with photonic crystal radiation can help to enhance the reflection intensity and decrease the FWHM value. These effects are useful to design ultrahigh color filtering devices. In view of the theories of Mie resonances and the results in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, the reason of minor resonances appearing in green and red spectra is owing to the increment of period, the gap between two adjacent TiO2 nanodisks also becomes larger. The numbers of Mie scatters and scattering intensity will be reduced. The enhanced efficiency of resonances is also be attenuated. Therefore, there will produce minor resonances at shorter wavelength.
To investigate the influence of geometrical parameters of CF-1, Fig. 4(a) and (b) show the reflection spectra of CF-1 with different P and h values for green color filtering characteristic, respectively. In Fig, 4(a), by increasing P value from 350 nm to 400 nm, the resonances are red-shifted and the resonant intensities are decreased gradually. The minor resonances appear at the wavelengths of 512 nm ad 525 nm under the conditions of P = 350 nm and 360 nm. They will disappear when P becomes larger. The reason is when other physical parameters determined, the amount of Mie scatters generated between CF-1 is fixed. CF-1 will be more compact under the condition of smaller P value, and the Mie resonant intensity will be stronger. Therefore, it generates minor resonances at lower wavelengths. In Fig, 4(b), by increasing h value from 140 nm to 240 nm, the resonances are red-shifted and the resonant intensities are kept as stable. The minor resonances gradually appear at the wavelength of 560 nm when the h value is bigger than 160 nm. It is because of all geometrical parameters are constant except the h parameter of CF-1. The Mie scatter mode is existed and the scatters intensities are enhanced by the increasing h value, which plays an important role in the Mie resonances along with the generation of another scatter mode. These results prove that the Mie resonances of CF-1 are determined by the geometrical parameters of nanodisk.
Figure 5(a-c) are the contour maps of reflection spectra of CF-1 with different incident angles for blue, green, and red colors filtering characteristics. The resonant intensities are obviously influenced by the incident angle, which decrease gradually by increasing the incident angle. The resonant intensities are higher than 0.55 for blue spectrum that the incident angle is larger than 60°. For green and red spectra, the resonant intensity higher than 0.55 is only 30° and will be attenuated at larger incident angles. They possess stronger incident angle-dependent characteristic. The physical mechanism is that h value for blue spectrum is smaller than that for green and red spectra, the influence of incident angle is less. Figure 5(d-f) are the contour maps of reflection spectra of CF-1 with different polarization angles for blue, green, and red colors filtering characteristics. All resonant intensities are stable by changing polarization angles. It indicates that the CF-1 device is polarization-independence due to the symmetrical structure of CF-1. This highly polarization-independent characteristic is one of the key performance indicators of modern display technologies.
Figure 6 shows the reflection intensities of CF-2 with different r values for RGB colors filtering characteristics. Due to the nanoring structure of CF-2 is symmetric and similar to that of CF-1, CF-2 also possesses polarization-independent characteristic. For RGB spectra, when r value increases to a certain amount, the reflection intensities start to decline gradually. It is because the increment of r value will reduce the resonant area and then attenuate the effect of E-field coupling accordingly. The inserted E-field images indicate the reflection intensities of blue and green colors filtering characteristics are stronger than that of red color filtering characteristic due to the smaller physical parameters to constitute more compact TiO2 nanoring. Therefore, the coupling effect of E-field is stronger and then resulted in the higher reflection intensities.
Figure 7 shows the reflection intensities of CF-3 with different d values for RGB colors filtering characteristics in TE and TM modes. By increasing d values, all reflection intensities decrease firstly and then increase finally. The d value increases until to be tangent to the adjacent split-disk, there will generate new Mie scatters that as same as the original ones and then have the same resonant intensity. It can be found that the same trends for both TE and TM modes, but the resonant intensity recovers to the highest intensity in TM mode is relatively smaller than that in TE mode. The reason is the E-field coupling effect in TM mode is smaller than that in TE mode. However, the amount of Mie scatters is almost the same for both modes, which will generate the same resonances.
Figure 8 illustrates the reflection spectra of CF-4 with different α values for RGB colors filtering characteristics in TE (Fig. 8(a-c)) and TM (Fig. 8(d-f)) modes. By increasing α value, the empty area of CF-4 increases. The E-field energy confined within the fan shape decreases gradually and then resulted in a reflection intensity decrease for blue, green, and red colors filtering characteristics, respectively. All reflection intensities in TE mode (Fig. 8(a-c)) are stronger than those in TM mode (Fig. 8(d-f)) due to the E-field distributions of TE resonance is larger than those of TM resonance as the inserted E-field images shown in Fig. 8. Particularly, when α = 30°, there is a significant difference in the reflection intensity between TE mode and TM mode. Such results mean that CF-4 has certain polarization-dependent characteristics. In addition, the resonances are almost stable not changed by increasing α value in TE and TM modes.