Intravenous administration of hAMSCs dose-dependently improves ICH-induced neurobehavioral deficits during the subacute phase.
To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy and optimal dosage of hAMSCs for ICH, we induced ICH in the mouse brain and treated the mice with intravenous administration of various doses of hAMSCs. Based on the previous study where hAMSCs have been administered at doses of 1.0 x 106 and 4.0 x 106 cells per kg of body [19] [22], the administration doses of hAMSCs used in this study were calculated and determined as 2.5 x 104 and 1.0 x 105 per mouse. In contrast, hADSCs have been used to ICH-bearing mice at a dose of 1.0 x 106 hADSCs per mouse [11]. That is, we administered hAMSCs at 2.5 x 104 (1/40) and 1.0 x 105 (1/10) per mouse compared with the dose of hADSCs (1.0 x 106 per mouse). Subsequently, to evaluate neurobehavioral symptoms, the following multitasking behavioral tests were conducted during subacute phase: open space swimming test, water maze learning test, and passive avoidance learning test. The open space swimming test suggested significant effects of the group on swimming length (Fig. 1B; F 4, 106 = 9.5227, P = .0022) and swimming time (F 9, 98 = 46.6700, P < .0001). The Morris water maze learning test suggested significant effects of the group (Fig. 1C; F 4, 94 = 9.3334, P < .0001) and the latency (F 4, 91 = 30.3615, P < .0001), with the findings that the high dose hAMSC group showed shorter latency than the untreated ICH group at Day 3 (P = .0073), Day 4 (P = .0048), and Day 5 (P = .0092) and that the low dose hAMSC group showed shorter latency at Day 4 (P = .0208) and Day 5 (P = .0016). The passive avoidance learning test suggested significant effects of group (Fig. 1D; F 4, 94 =20.8277, P < .0001), with the findings that the high dose hAMSC group showed longer latency than the untreated ICH group at 24 hours (P < .0001) as well as 48 hours (P < .0001) and that the hADSC also showed longer latency than the untreated ICH group on 48 hours (P = .0186). These data suggest hAMSCs showed clinically comparable efficacy to the hADSCs at 1/10 to 1/40 of the cell number.
Early intravenous administration of hAMSCs might improve ICH-induced neurobehavioral deficits during the subacute phase.
Next, we aimed at optimizing the timing of hAMSC treatment. To this end, we treated with intravenously hAMSC administration of two timings (Days 1 and 3 after the ICH induction), and the ICH-bearing mice were subjected to the same multitask neurobehavioral test described above. The open space swimming test suggested significant effects of the group on swimming lengths (Fig. 2B; F 3, 44 = 3.966, P = .0138) and time (F 9, 36 = 15.724, P < .0001), with the findings that the D1-hAMSC group swam longer than the untreated ICH group (P = .0145) as well as the D3-hAMSC group (P = .0452) at 4 minutes. The Morris water maze learning test suggested significant effects of the group (Fig. 2C; F 3, 44 = 6.496, P = .0001), with the findings that the D1-hAMSC group tended to have shorter latency than the untreated ICH group at Day 5 (P = .0872). The passive avoidance-learning test suggested significant effects of the group (Fig. 2D; F 3, 44 = 4.7152, P = .00061), with the findings that the D1-hAMSC and the D3-hAMSC groups tended to have longer latency than the untreated ICH group at 48 hours (P = .0526 and P = .063, respectively). Taken together, these data suggest initiating the hAMSC treatment in Day 1led to better therapeutic outcome compared with Day 3.
A small number of hAMSCs pass through the blood-brain barrier and interact with macrophage or microglial cell.
To clarify that hAMSCs enter the brain directly on the ICH, we attempted to visualize the presence of hAMSCs in the brain by anti-human Ku80 (STEM101) immunostaining. Here, STEM101 is an antibody that reacts specifically with nucleic molecule Ku80 in human cells but not cross-react with murine cells. Intravenous administration of hAMSCs accumulate STEM101-reactive cells around the vascular structure at Day 4 (Figs. 3A and 3B). This finding was not observed in the untreated ICH group (Fig. 3C). The hAMSC group showed STEM101-reactive cells at significantly higher levels than the control group (P = .0495, Fig. 3D). In addition, double staining with Stem101 and anti-Iba1 antibody showed the co-existence of hAMSCs with macrophages in the ICH lesion (Fig. 3E and 3F). These findings suggested that hAMSCs would migrate to the ICH-lesion of the brain to interact with macrophages.
hAMSC administration decreases the number of CD11b + CD45 + cells, Ly6C + and Ly6G+ cells in the ICH lesions.
The above findings led us to hypothesize that the hAMSCs would improve the neurobehavioral deficits of ICH-bearing mice by altering local inflammation. To address this hypothesis, we performed flow cytometry for CD11b+ cells that include macrophages, microglia, and monocytes [30]. The hAMSC administration decreased total cell number at Day 8 (P = .0475, Fig. 4B) and CD11b+CD45+ cells at Day 4 (P = .0433, Fig. 4C). We further examined the subpopulations of CD11b+CD45+ cells for their polarization. The hAMSC administration tended to decrease the number of Ly6C+ Ly6G− cells at Day4 (P = .075, Fig. 4D) and significantly decreased the number of Ly6G+ Ly6C− cells at Day 8 (P = .012, Fig. 4E) compared with the ICH group. These data suggest that the hAMSC administration would decrease the number of CD11b+CD45+ cells and both Ly6C+ and Ly6G+ cells in the ICH lesion.
hAMSC administration does not affect CD11b + CD45 + cells in the spleen.
To evaluate the systematic immune responses, we also analyzed splenic CD11+CD45+ cells in the hAMSC group and the ICH group by flow cytometry (Fig. 5). Both the groups exhibited no differences in the total cell number (Fig. 5B) and CD11b+CD45+ cells (Fig. 5C). We also evaluated the number of Ly6C+Ly6G−, and Ly6G+Ly6C− cells (Figs. 5D and 5E) in the CD11b+CD45+ cells; there were no differences. These data suggest that the hAMSC administration did not affect systemic immune responses and that ICH-induced inflammation was localized in the brain.
hAMSCs administration decreases the TUNEL + cells in the ICH lesions.
ICH has been reported to cause inflammation by macrophage and microglia, subsequently induce apoptosis of the brain [28] [29]. To evaluate the effects of hAMSCs on the ICH-indued apoptosis, we performed TUNEL staining and counted TUNEL+ cells in the hAMSC and the control groups. The hAMSC groups showed TUNEL+ cells on Days 4 at lower levels than the control group (P = .0204, Fig. 6). The hAMSC administration decreased macrophage-induced apoptosis.
Intravenous administration of hAMSCs suppress protein expression of iNOS and TNFa.
ICH has been reported to affect macrophage-related factors (such as iNOS, TNFα, and arginase 1), transcriptional factors (such as NF-kB, STAT3, and p38MAPK), and apoptosis-related molecules (such as Caspase3) [30]. Consistent with these data, our data also demonstrated the impact of the hAMSC administration on the number of macrophages as well as apoptotic cells in the ICH lesions (Figs. 4 and 6). These findings led us to perform Western blotting to evaluate the expression levels of proteins relevant to the ICH-induced microenvironmental events. The hAMSC administration inhibited protein expression levels of TNFα at Day 4 (P = .0090) and iNOS at Day 8 (P = .00012; Fig. 7). In contrast, the hAMSC administration did not affect the expression levels of arginase 1 (Fig. 7), several transcriptional factors (p38MARK [31], NFkB [32], Akt [33], and Stat3 [34]) and apoptosis-related molecules (Caspase3 [35]; Supplement 1). These data suggest that the hAMSC administration would suppress not only the number of macrophages (Fig. 4) but their functions (iNOS and TNFα) at least partially. Taken together, our data demonstrated that the hAMSC administration ameliorated the ICH-bearing neurobehavioral deficits more effectively compared with 10-fold higher doses of hADSCs by suppressing local inflammation and apoptotic cell death in the ICH lesions.