We found the prevalence of thalassemia minor (carrier) in nearly half of the infants, at 47%. It was higher than previously reports of 30–40%.13,15 One of the main reasons was the DNA testing used in our current study was far more comprehensive than the approaches such as cord blood hemoglobin studies, hemoglobin typing, etc. used 20 years ago. This is consistent with a report on thalassemia prevalence by Viprakasit V et al. in 200944, stating that Hb E trait was the most common type of thalassemia minor14,15,44 in Thailand, with a frequency up to 50–60% in Southeast Asia.14 We found no individuals with thalassemia disease. This may point to the effectiveness of Thailand’s prevention and control program that screens for thalassemia carriers in pregnant women and their partners in order to identify the genetic risk of severe thalassemia syndromes.16 Therefore, our studied population is likely to represent relatively “healthy” infants receiving routine health care and are a primary target for the iron supplementation program.
A previous study of β-thalassemia traits noted the presence of mildly increased erythropoiesis, as seen through elevated erythropoietin levels.45 It has also been observed that adults with α- or β-thalassemia traits have shown increases in soluble transferrin receptors or erythropoietin concentrations, indicating ineffective erythropoiesis and increased erythropoietic drive leading to hepcidin suppression and upregulated iron absorption.20 Prior studies in India and Iran examining the iron status of adults with β-thalassemia traits concluded that β-thalassemia traits had higher serum ferritin than the controls, representing an advantage in iron balance.46,47 These particular findings did not concur with others, which had stated that ID might commonly coexist with thalassemia traits.20,48,49 These conflicting results have caused uncertainty in iron supplementation strategies for areas with a high prevalence of hemoglobinopathy. With a potential increase in risk of iron overload for individuals with thalassemia minors, universal iron supplementation programs remain a point of contention.
A recent community study of 1821 Sri Lankan schoolchildren aged 8–18 years (48.3% males) from the Oxford group has shown that this might be the case for those with β-thalassemia traits.28 Eighty-two β-thalassemia carriers with iron-replete had evidence of increased erythropoiesis, a slight but significant reduction in hepcidin, and suppression of hepcidin out of proportion to their iron stores: lower hepcidin-ferritin ratio compared with non-carrier controls (n = 176 with normal MCV and MCH). Another Sri Lankan cross-sectional study of 2273 children (aged 12–19 years) from a total of 7526 students, reported the same effect in iron-replete α-thalassemia carriers as compared to the non‐iron deficient controls without thalassemia minor (4.8 ng/mL vs 5.3 ng/mL, p = 0.02).50 However, this was not observed in those with Hb E traits from both cohorts.28,50 Based on these results, it has been proposed that a hepcidin cutoff of < 3.2 ng/mL could be used to select cases for iron supplementation in countries with high rates of thalassemia carriers.50 Both studies were conducted in primary and secondary school students as this is the age group at which iron supplementation is given in Sri Lanka. However, the effects of being a thalassemia carrier on hepcidin suppression, as well as the risk of iron accumulation in younger cases with thalassemia minor, remain unclear.
Our study determined this iron supplement issue in infants with thalassemia minor. While we could not find significant hepcidin suppression in our infants with thalassemia minors as compared to previous studies, our results were somewhat in line with such findings. Most of our thalassemia minors were Hb E traits, and this condition did not show a significant enough globin imbalance leading to ineffective erythropoiesis and subsequent hepcidin suppression. Moreover, even for individuals with homozygous Hb E, we found no evidence of this effect. Our infants with α-thalassemia carriers also demonstrated no effects of hepcidin suppression, differing from the previous study.50 This may be because our population was younger with remaining Hb F expression (Tables 1 and 3) and had less globin imbalance and ineffective erythropoiesis per se. It is, therefore, possible the erythropoietic drive that suppresses hepcidin was not fully operative yet.
In addition, the normal physiology of hepcidin expression, especially within the first year of life, might be more dynamic. A recent study in late preterm infants (32–36 weeks gestation) described a physiologic decrease of hepcidin levels during the first four months of life to increase iron availability.51 Another longitudinal study that followed 140 Spanish healthy and full-term infants found hepcidin levels increased from six to 12 months of age with hepcidin levels positively correlated with iron status.52 These results suggested that, in normal babies, a regulation of hepcidin production is under development during the first year of life; this may also be true for infants with thalassemia. Therefore, the effects of ineffective erythropoiesis on hepcidin suppression in thalassemia traits are likely not fully apparent during the first year of their life. This warrants further study to define at what age this effect would first be identified.
We still found our infants with thalassemia minor having a high proportion of iron depletion (57.7%), similar to infants without thalassemia (61.5%); the number of infants with both thalassemia and IDA was even significantly higher than infants without thalassemia minor (32 vs 20.2%) (Table 2). Thus, the likely causes and possible risk factors of ID need to be further identified. Nevertheless, infants with thalassemia minor who have IDA or ID would benefit from proper iron supplementation. Interestingly, infants with a coexisting thalassemia minor and IDA had significantly reduced Hb, MCV, MCH, and MCHC with increased RDW versus those having thalassemia minor with normal iron (Table 3). These findings were consistent with previous studies in India where MCV and MCH were significantly lower in adults with combined thalassemia traits and IDA than with either of these conditions.48 We believe our RBC indices to present a comprehensive analysis of thalassemia carriers at this age group. Our findings could be useful as references.
Among 36 thalassemia minor infants with anemia, we found five cases who did not have coexisting IDA, including infants with two α-thalassemia traits (-α3.7/αα and --SEA/αα), one β-thalassemia trait, one Hb E trait and one homozygous Hb E. This suggested that α- and β-thalassemia traits may be the cause of mild anemia in some infants. Accordingly, anemic infants unresponsive to oral iron therapy should be investigated for thalassemia, rather than continuously undergoing long-term iron therapy by default, as toxicity or other side effects may develop. Familial history of anemia or thalassemia as shown herein was found to be strongly associated with thalassemia minor in offspring and could be used to diagnose future cases early.
In conclusion, our study showed that infants in Thailand, from six to 12 months old, with thalassemia minor, in which the majority had Hb E and α-thalassemia traits, are at similar risk of developing IDA as the general population. This may partially be due to a lack of hepcidin suppression at this age or the type of mutations we found. Therefore, a universal short-term period of iron supplementation in infants would likely not be harmful. More than half of this population could benefit from this strategy. Beyond this age group, however, particularly for school children, a proper measurement of serum hepcidin along with using a cutoff as described earlier would be an alternative approach to select those who should genuinely receive iron supplementation. This would minimize the chance of overtreating individuals with thalassemia minor in areas of high prevalence of thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies.50