The incidence of brachial plexus injuries (BPI) is increasing due to improvement in transportation technology. Those with BPI have upper limb performance limitation depends on the type of injury. Various surgical treatments have been used in this group of the subjects to restore their performance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of supinator transferred to wrist extensors in those with lesion level at C7-T1 based on OpenSim modelling approach.
The motions of the upper limb during vertical reaching, transverse reaching and wrist motion of a normal subject were achieved by use of motion analysis system. The ranges of motion of the upper limb joints were evaluated by inverse kinematic. OpenSim software was used to determine the muscles forces during aforementioned tasks. Tendon of supinator was transferred to extensors in modified models of OpenSim. Forward dynamic approach was used to determine the range of motion in tendon transferred condition.
The range of wrist motion in normal condition (extensors intake) were 85, 103 and 140 degrees for the first task (transverse reaching), the second task (vertical reaching) and the third task (only flexion/extension of wrist), respectively. Although the force of supinator was significantly less than that of wrist extensors, the pattern of its force is the same as wrist extensors.