In this study, we found that there were significant alterations in structural connectivity and structural co-variance network in patients with FCD compared to healthy controls. These findings suggest that focal lesions in FCD can produce alterations in the whole-brain network.
The present findings are in agreement with previous studies that have investigated the brain network in FCD using various MRI modalities. Liu et al. investigated the functional connectivity using resting state functional MRI and graph theory, and they found disrupted interactions and dysconnectivity in a large-scale neural network in patients with FCD, compared to healthy controls.[23] Another study analyzed the functional connectivity using magnetoencephalography recordings and graph theory, and successfully demonstrated that the brain had increased functional connectivity in the beta and gamma frequency bands in resting state in patients with FCD compared to healthy controls.[24] In addition, a graph theoretical analysis of structural co-variance network using the cortical thickness of ROIs has indicated a consistent rearrangement characterized by inefficient global and excessive local connectivity in patients with FCD.[25] However, our study is the first to investigate the alterations in structural connectivity based on DTI and structural co-variance network based on volume in patients with FCD and compare it to healthy controls, and successfully demonstrate significant changes in the whole-brain network.
In the structural connectivity analysis, we found that the local efficiency in patients with FCD was lower than in healthy controls. Structural co-variance network analysis revealed that the mean clustering coefficient, global efficiency, local efficiency, and transitivity were lower in patients with FCD than in healthy controls. The local efficiency was calculated as the inverse of the average shortest path connecting the given node with all other nodes, which provides a measure of the efficiency of a given node in communicating with the rest of the brain.[26] The mean clustering coefficient was calculated as the mean local clustering coefficient, averaged over all nodes in the network, which assesses the degree to which the regions cluster, providing a measure of local connectivity.[26] The global efficiency was calculated as the average of the inverse of the shortest path length in a network, which estimates the ability of the network for parallel information transfer.[26] Decreased local efficiency and mean clustering coefficient reflects a decrease of segregation in a network, and decreased global efficiency represents a decrease of integration in a network. Segregation is supported by densely connected network communities, whereas integration is promoted by network hubs that are rich in connections between the communities, referred to as the ‘rich club’, members of which have high graphical measures of node degree and betweenness.[27] Thus, decreased segregation and integration decreases small-worldness in a network, which plays a crucial role in complex dynamical processes such as information transmission, pattern recognition, or learning.[28] These findings suggest decreased connectivity of the whole-brain network in patients with FCD.
Both segregation and integration of a brain network are critical for cognitive function.[27, 29] Thus, their alteration can be related to cognitive dysfunction, behavioral issues, or developmental delay, which are the clinical presentations of patients with FCD.[14, 30] Furthermore, previous studies have indicated a high prevalence of autism spectrum disorders in patients with FCD.[31] In connectivity studies, it has been demonstrated that autism spectrum disorders are accompanied by abnormal functional and structural features in specific brain regions of the default mode network.[32] Thus, we can postulate that all these disorders lie in a continuum of network diseases.
Although we successfully demonstrate alterations in structural connectivity and structural co-variance network in patients with FCD, there were several limitations to this study. First, we included patients with FCD with a clinical presentation of seizures. Thus, we cannot exclude the possibility that alterations in structural connectivity and structural co-variance network in patients with FCD might have been caused by symptoms of seizures. However, it was difficult to enroll patients with FCD who had no neurological or psychiatric problems. Second, we only looked at the structural connectivity and structural co-variance network at the whole-brain network level, because the specific location of FCD was variable. Thus, we could not investigate whether decreased connectivity was related to the location of FCD lesion. Lastly, the diagnosis of most of the patients was not pathologically confirmed, but were diagnosed with FCD based on clinical and MRI findings. However, we exclusively enrolled patients with typical MRI findings, compatible with FCD. Further studies with pathologically confirmed patients in a large sample size may be needed to confirm our findings.