Due to its variable presentation and often indolent course, the diagnosis of adult intussusception in ED requires a high index of suspicion.
Adult intussusception has been reported across ages, the highest numbers seen in the 30–50 age group. The male: female incidence ratio is approximately 2:1.[1] Compared to children, malignancy is more commonly associated with intussusception in adults in up to 42–65 % cases.[5][7]
Abdominal pain is the most common symptom, reported in more than 70% of cases. The onset is gradual with the average interval between onset and presentation being around 5 weeks, ranging from 1 day to 1 year.[1] Around half of all cases have a pre-operative diagnosis of bowel obstruction.[1][5]
Where the small bowel is involved, patients usually present with colicky central abdominal pain and vomiting. Nausea and vomiting are also commonly reported in 40–60% of cases.
Diarrhoea is often seen in large bowel intussusception and can be associated with lower abdominal pain and blood/mucus in stool and has been reported in 2–29% of cases.[1][10]
There have been multiple classifications of adult intussusception described.[12][13][14] Dean’s classification, from 1956, remains commonly used describing 4 types based on location.[13][15] Enteric intussusception is the commonest type seen in adults and originates in the small bowel. In ileocecal intussusception, the ileocecal valve becomes the lead point. In ileocolic intussusception, the ileum goes through the ileocaecal valve. In colocolic intussusception, the colon telescopes in a contiguous part of the colon.
Malignancy as a lead point, is more commonly associated with large bowel intussusception, in up to 80% of cases, with adenocarcinoma being the commonest malignant lesion seen. Other malignant lesions include lymphoma, lymphomasarcoma, and leiomyosarcoma. The rest are benign lesions like leiomyoma, endometriosis, and anastomosis.[4][16] In contrast, the majority of lead points in small bowel intussusception are benign in nature like lipomas, polyps, hemangiomas, Meckel’s diverticulum, lymphoid hyperplasia and villous adenoma of the appendix. In small bowel intussusception, malignancy is seen in only 14–47% of cases.[4][15][16]
Laboratory investigations are not useful in establishing a diagnosis of intussusception. Often the first imaging requested when patients present with abdominal pain and vomiting is a plain abdominal Xray which has a low sensitivity to rule out bowel obstruction or intussusception.[11][16]
Contrary to children, in adults with suspected intussusception, contrast enema studies are rarely performed. Ultrasound has been used regularly to evaluate intussusception in children than in adults and with a skilled operator has a high sensitivity and specificity approaching 100% for intussusception in children. In adults, this is not the case.[11] Due to increasing accessibility and advances in CT technology, this is the imaging modality that more commonly diagnoses intussusception. Most cases are found incidentally on CT performed for non-specific abdominal pain or bowel obstruction.[11] Additional information around bowel viability and the etiology can also be identified with this modality.[11] Different appearances of intussusception are described on CT but the presence of a ‘bowel-within-bowel’ appearance is pathognomonic.[17] A target-like lesion is seen when the beam is at 90 degrees to the long axis of the intussusception segment. This appears as a round shadow with intraluminal soft tissue and eccentric fat density. The intussusception can also appear like a sausage-shaped mass when the beam is parallel to the long axis of the lesion. When oral contrast is administered, contrast coating of the outer opposing walls of the intussusceptum can also be seen. A kidney-like reniform appearance is also described.[11][16][17] Magnetic resonance imaging of the small bowel has similar accuracy to CT. However, it requires a stable patient to stay still for a longer period time and may not be as readily available as CT in the emergency department.[11]
The best practice for management of adult intussusception remains debatable. Well-designed therapeutic trials comparing surgical to non-surgical treatment in adults are lacking.(18) In contrast to children, in adults, most cases are managed operatively perhaps due to the higher likelihood of finding a pathological lesion.[17][18] Some studies suggest small bowel intussusception can be reduced without resection if an underlying benign lead point is suspected, a medically treated condition is found like inflammatory bowel disease, or if the surgery could result in short bowel syndrome.[8][19] It is recommended these cases have a follow up small bowel enteroscopy or capsule endoscopy to rule out an intraluminal lesion that may predispose to recurrent intussusception.[19] Indications for operative management in adult intussusception may include bowel obstruction, a palpable abdominal mass or a lead point identified on imaging, gastro-intestinal bleeding, constitutional symptoms of malignancy, and colo-colic or ileo-colic intussusception due to their greater association with malignancy.[19][20]
Another study reported surgery as the modality of treatment in patients with clinical features of acute abdomen, clinical or radiological signs of bowel obstruction, peritonism, septic shock, intussusception with a mass visible on CT scan, patients with a diagnosis of colonic or ileocolic intussusception (often associated with malignancy), even in the absence of acute abdomen.[21]