Using the Qiang-Dong proper quantization rule (PQR) and the supersymmetric quantum mechanics approach, we obtained the eigenspectrum of the energy and momentum for time independent and time dependent Hulthen-screened cosine Kratzer potentials. For the suggested time independent Hulthen-screened cosine Kratzer potential, we solved the Schrodinger equation in D dimensions (HSCKP). The Feinberg-Horodecki equation for time-dependent Hulthen-screened cosine Kratzer potential was also solved (tHSCKP). To address the inverse square term in the time independent and time dependent equations, we employed the Greene-Aldrich approximation approach. We were able to extract time independent and time dependent potentials, as well as their accompanying energy and momentum spectra. In three-dimensional space, we estimated the rotational vibrational (RV) energy spectrum for many homodimers ($H_2, I_2, O_2$) and heterodimers ($MnH, ScN, LiH, HCl$). We also used the recently introduced formula approach to obtain the relevant eigen function. We also calculated momentum spectra for the dimers $MnH$ and $ScN$. The method is compared to prior methodologies for accuracy and validity using numerical data for heterodimer $LiH, HCl$ and homodimer $I_2, O_2,H_2$. The calculated energy and momentum spectra are tabulated and analysed.