We carried out a 4-year manipulative field experiment in a semiarid shrubland in Southeastern Spain to assess the impacts of experimental warming (W), rainfall reduction (RR) and their combination (W+RR) on the composition and diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) communities in rhizosphere soil using singlemolecule real-time (SMRT) DNA sequencing. Across climate treatments, we encountered 109 AMF OTUs that were assigned to four families: Glomeraceae (93.94%), Gigasporaceae (2.19%), Claroideoglomeraceae (1.95%) and Diversisporaceae (1.92%). The AMF community composition and diversity indices at OTU level were unaffected by the climate manipulation treatments, except for a significant decrease in AMF richness in the W treatment relative to the control. In contrast, AMF family richness decreased significantly in all the climate manipulation treatments relative to the control treatment. Members of the Gigasporaceae and Diversisporaceae families appeared to be highly vulnerable to intensification of heat and drought stress, as their abundances decreased by 67% and 77% respectively, in the W+RR treatment relative to current ambient conditions. In contrast, the relative abundance and dominance of the Glomeraceae family within the AMF community increased significantly under the W+RR treatment, with Glomeraceae being indicator family for the W+RR treatment. The interaction between warming and rainfall reduction had a significant effect on AMF community structure at family level. These findings provide new insights into AM fungal community responses to climate warming and drying in dryland ecosystems.