The co-occurrence analysis of Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) terms in the bibliographic database is popularly used in bibliometrics. Practically for making the result interpretable, it is necessary to apply a certain filter procedure of co-occurrence matrix for removing the low-frequency items that should not appear in the final result due to their low representativeness for co-occurrence analysis. Unfortunately, there is rare research referring to determine a critical threshold to remove noise of data for co-occurrence analysis. Here, we propose a probabilistic model for co-occurrence analysis that can calculate statistical significance (p-values) of co-occurred items. With help of this model, the dimensionality of co-occurrence network could be conveniently reduced according to selection of different levels of p-value thresholds. The conceptual model framework, simulation and practical applications are illustrated in the manuscript. Further details (including all reproducible codes) can be downloaded from the project website: