Experimental design
We conducted the experiment in a greenhouse at the University of Montana, Missoula, Montana. We maintained greenhouse temperatures between 15–30ºC, corresponding roughly to natural summer temperatures in the region. Natural light was supplemented by metal halide bulbs, with maximum total photosynthetically active radiation on clear days reaching ~ 1200 µmol m− 2 s− 1. Seeds of all species were planted into plastic trays (54.2 × 27.3 cm in width and 6.5 cm in height) in December 2010. Two weeks after emergence, individual seedlings were transplanted into pots (7 × 7 cm in width and 20.6 cm in height) filled with a 1:1 mixture of top garden soil and sterile silica sand. Forty days after transplanting, the length of the longest leaf for each plant was measured, as the initial size of each individual, before the first round of treatments. We implemented a split plot design, with the first round of treatments as a main factor and the second round of treatments and species as sub-factors. There were two “early experience” treatments: alternative inundation-drought as an early heterogeneous treatment (Ehet), and consistent moderate watering as an early homogeneous treatment (Ehom, control). For each species, a subgroup of plants (20 samples for each species from each early treatment) from these treatments was harvested after 90 days to measure performance during the early stage, and as a reference for calculating “late growth” after the subsequent (or later) treatments. The remaining plants (30 pots for each species in each early treatment) from each of the two early treatment groups (Ehet and Ehom) were divided into three subgroups (10 for each subgroup), each of which was later exposed to one of the three subsequent treatments: inundation, moderate watering and drought, establishing a gradient of moisture, in the second round (Fig. S1). For each treatment combination in the second round, eight species with ten individuals for each species were used (twenty individuals per species were measured from each treatment in the early treatment). In sum, with one individual per pot, and 20 × 8 × 2 individuals with early treatments only (sampling at the end of the first round) + 10 individuals × 8 species × 2 early treatments × 3 late treatments (sampling at the end of the second round) = 800 pots in total.
Experimental treatments
Alternative inundation-drought conditions and moderate water conditions were created using six identical tanks (161 × 91.3 cm in width, 8.5 cm in height), with three tanks assigned to each treatment. Tanks were lined with heavy plastic and fit with drains to regulate water depth. The Ehet treatment was implemented by first subjecting plants to a round of inundation for two weeks, then another round of drought for another two weeks, followed by two weeks of inundation again, for a total three periods of two-week inundation mixed with two-week drought experiences. There were no intervals between any two rounds of treatments, thus the durations of drought treatments were actually shorter than two weeks, during which soil moisture in pots was not measured. From the observed performances of species, we estimated that the drought treatment did not cause a stress as strong enough as the inundation treatment. Nevertheless, early experience with the temporally heterogeneous hydrological event appeared to cause more stress than the early experience of continuous moderate water conditions. For the Ehom treatment, we watered each pot daily to capacity, and soil remained moist throughout the experiment. The first round of treatments lasted for 90 days, before the initiation of the second round, in which subsets of plants from each 1st -round treatment were either placed into inundation, moderate water or drought conditions, or harvested and measured for evaluating early performance after the heterogeneous treatment (Fig. S2). In the second round of treatments, we also used six tanks to create inundation, drought, and moderate water conditions, with two tanks assigned to each treatment. The duration of the second round of treatments was 60 days. Plants receiving both rounds of treatments were harvested and measured after 150 days, separated into roots and shoots, dried at 60oC for two days and weighed.
The inundation, moderate and drought treatments we applied in both rounds of treatments were as similar in greenhouse and hydrological conditions as possible. For the inundation treatment, the water level was maintained at 7 cm in depth above the bottom of the tank, approximately 10 cm below the surface of the soil in the pots, and pots were also watered to saturation every day. There was no standing water in the moderate or drought treatment tanks, but in the moderate treatment, pots were watered to saturation every other day. Pots in the drought treatment were watered to saturation once or twice per week. This created periods of standing water in the tanks as we tried to stress plants without killing them.
Statistical analyses
Mortality rates and total mass for all treatment combinations were calculated. Overall, there were 720 individuals surviving at the end of the experiment, which were used for analyses. Traits of total mass, shoot mass and root mass and root to shoot ratio were used to assess the performance of species. Late growth (LG) for shoot mass, root mass and total mass of each species for all early - late treatment combinations was calculated with the formula (Wang et al. 2017):
LG = (Y – X) / X (1)
where X is the mean trait value of 20 individuals from each early treatment (early response group), and Y is the mean trait value in the late treatment of 10 individuals from the same early treatment as the early response group. For example, to calculate the LG for total biomass in late drought for a species with early heterogeneous experience, X is the mean total mass of individuals with early heterogeneous experience and Y is the mean value of individuals in the late drought with early heterogeneous experience.
Mean values of shoot mass, root mass and total mass were log-transformed, and mortality rates were square root-transformed, to minimize variance heterogeneity. The r2 values derived from models for ANCOVA analyses on shoot mass, root mass, total mass and root to shoot ratio were higher with species as a variable than models with habitat type and nativity (native vs. exotic) as variables. However, due to significant effects of habitat type and nativity on traits, we used the analytic results of ANOVAs or ANCOVAs with the two factors as variables. For individuals that only received one round of treatments, three-way ANCOVA was conducted to evaluate effects of the first round of treatments, habitat type, nativity and their interactions on four traits, including shoot mass, root mass, total mass and root to shoot ratios. The initial size (the length of the longest leaf per individual) of individuals was used as a covariate (the same covariate was applied in the following ANCOVAs). For those with two rounds of treatments, we used four-way ANCOVA for mean values of shoot mass, root mass, total mass and root:shoot ratio (with initial size as a covariate), and four-way ANOVA for mortality, late growth values (of shoot mass, root mass and total mass), with the first and (or) second treatment rounds, habitat type, nativity, and their interactions as effects, since there were not enough degrees of freedom to analyse the effects of individual species on these variables. All dependent variables were then analysed with one-way ANCOVA or ANOVA for the effects of early experience for each or all species, for each or all late treatments, and differences among different groups of species within each of or across all the other treatments. Adjusted mean values for all four traits including total mass, shoot mass, root mass and root:shoot ratio were also produced from one-way ANCOVA in General Linear Model (GLM, for the effects of late treatments on mean values after removal of size effects), to calculate the plasticity in traits.
Adjusted mean values were then used for these traits to calculate the degree of trait plasticity in response to late water conditions. Plasticity for mean values in a given trait was calculated using the Simplified Relative Distance Plasticity Index (Valladares et al. 2006) as:
RDPIs = (Y2-Y1) / Y1 (2 − 1)
Another index of plasticity (PI) was used for late growth because the late growth values were already relative by calculation. PI for late growth in a given trait was calculated as:
PI = Y2-Y1 (2–2)
where Y2 represented mean trait values for each species in inundation or drought after early heterogeneous or homogeneous treatments, and Y1 represented mean trait values in moderate water treatments after the same early treatments. For any individual or group of species, to compare effects of early inundation and drought treatments on their subsequent responses, we defined “difference variables” (‘Diff-’, Wang et al. 2017), as the difference in the mean trait values between individuals from the early homogeneous treatment (Ehom) and the early heterogeneous treatment (Ehet):
Diff-Y = Yhet - Yhom (3)
where Diff-Y was the difference in late performance between individuals after the early time-heterogeneous treatment (Ehet) and those after the early time-homogeneous treatment (Ehom) for a trait of a species. For a given species, Yhom was the mean trait value in a late condition after Ehom (control) and Yhet was its mean trait value in the same late condition after Ehet. For example, to calculate the Diff-TM (difference in total mass) due to Ehet in late drought for a species, Yhom is its mean total biomass in late drought after Ehom, and Yhet is its mean total biomass in late drought after Ehet.
For a given trait, Diff-values due to early treatments were regarded as significant when its mean values (in the same late conditions) differed between two early treatments at 0.10 level (LSD method in one-way ANOVA). The degree of plasticity was regarded as significant when mean values of two late water treatments differed significantly at 0.05 level (LSD method in one-way ANOVA). Diff-values and plasticity for all traits were also analysed with three-way ANOVA, with the first (for plasticity) or second (for Diff-values) treatment rounds, habitat type, nativity, and their interactions as effects. One-way ANOVA was used to analyze effects of the 1st -round/2nd -round treatments on the plasticity and Diff-values for all traits as well as differences among groups of species in them, for each species and across all and within groups of species. The LSD method was used for multiple comparisons of mean values for mortality, mass traits and their late growth, as well as Diff-values and plasticity in all traits among the 1st -round treatments (if available), among the 2nd -round treatments (if available), among different habitat types and between exotic and native species, within each of or across all the other treatments.