In the present study, 397 patients who were treated > 6 months for anisometropic amblyopia in a secondary referral eye hospital were analyzed. The factors affecting treatment success in anisometropic amblyopia were different according to the SE type of the amblyopic eyes. The age and the BCVA of the amblyopic eye at presentation were factors affecting the odds of amblyopia treatment success in hyperopia and myopia groups. Smaller astigmatism of sound eye at presentation, longer follow-up period, and the absence of comorbid strabismus were significant factors increasing the odds of treatment success only in hyperopia group. Furthermore, there was no significant factor affecting treatment success in the emmetropia group.
There are diverse reports about treatment outcome of anisometropic amblyopia. However, as the hyperopic difference in refractive error are more amblyogenic than myopic differences14, many anisometropic amblyopia studies were comprised of mostly hyperopic patients6,15,16. Small number of papers have analyzed treatment outcome according to refractive type of amblyopic eye. Keech reported that the refractive type of anisometropia was significant factor affecting anisometropic amblyopia treatment outcome as patients with myopic and compound myopic/mixed astigmatism had poorer visual outcomes than hyperopia7. On the contrary, Meenakshi et al. found that greatest amount of improvement in visual acuity was seen in myopic anisometropic patients and the least in hyperopes5. Husseint et al. reported that the refractive type of amblyopia was not a significant factor for amblyopia treatment outcome15. Our study classified anisometropic amblyopia as hyperopia, emmetropia, and myopia groups according to SE of amblyopic eye at first exam and analyzed the factors for treatment success.
Treatment success rates during the follow-up were significantly different according to SE type in amblyopic eye at the first exam; the highest success rate in emmetropia group, followed by hyperopia group and then myopia group. This result is in accordance to our previous study,13 even though this study included only the patients with sufficient follow-up duration of more than six months, considering the duration for treatment success in our previous study (mean 6.0, 4.1, and 6.6 months for the hyperopia, emmetropia, and myopia group). The emmetropia group had the shortest duration to treatment success, and highest treatment success rate. The hyperopia group had higher treatment success rate during the follow-up than myopia group.
These different treatment results according to SE type in amblyopic eye group made us questioned which of the refractive error factors, including the amount of SE or cylinder of the amblyopic eye, or SE or cylinder difference between the two eyes, are more important for treatment success in anisometropic amblyopia, and if there are differences in treatment success factors by the SE groups. In our univariate analyses results, the significance of SE in amblyopic eye, cylinder of the amblyopic eye, and SE difference were different in each SE group. In univariate analyses of hyperopia group, SE of amblyopic eye, SE of sound eye, cylinder of sound eye, and difference of SE between two eyes at first exam were significant factors. In the univariate analyses of emmetropia group, SE of sound eye and cylinder of amblyopic eye, while in the myopia group, SE of amblyopic eye and difference of SE between two eyes were significant factors. However, the significance disappeared as the other factors were adjusted in each SE group, which implies that SE type was more important than other refractive error-related variables and other factors unrelated to refractive error were more important for treatment success than the refractive error itself within each SE group.
Previously, Hussein et al. reviewed the record of 104 children aged 3 to 8 years with anisometropic amblyopia, and found that neither the type or amount of refractive error nor the difference in the refractive power between the two eyes was a significant risk factor for treatment failure15. Myopic anisometropia were only 22% in their study population, and rest were classified as hyperopic anisometropia. They reported age above 6 at the onset of treatment, and worse than 20/200 initial BCVA of amblyopic eye as failure risk factors. These results are in accordance with our negative results about refractive factors, also with the age and BCVA of amblyopic eye at presentation as significant factors for treatment success in hyperopia and myopia groups. On the contrary, Cobb et al. reviewed 112 children with anisometropic amblyopia who treated with spectacles and patching, and reported that the age at presentation had no effect on the final visual outcome, while the amount of refractive error and degree of anisometropia do correlate strongly with final visual acuity16. It is notable that most (87%) of their study population were hyperopic and the myopic anisometropia were only 12.5%. Kirandi et al. reviewed 64 children aged 7–9 years with anisometropic amblyopia who were treated with spectacles and patching, and reported that refractive error of SE > + 3D in the amblyopic eye was a risk factor for treatment failure6. The study population of Kirandi et al. was also mostly comprised of hyperopic anisometropic subjects (n = 60, 93.7%). The results of Cobb et al. and Kirandi et al. may be comparable to our results of hyperopia group. In our hyperopia group, however, the age at presentation was a significant factor, and neither the amount of SE nor the difference of SE were a significant factor for treatment success. These different results may be due to different definition of treatment outcome, and method of analyses. Our study has its merits to analyze the effect of SE amount or the SE difference on the amblyopia treatment success in the hyperopia group, and adjusted factors other than refractive errors, such as follow-up duration or concomitant strabismus. Pang et al. prospectively analyzed myopic anisometropic amblyopia patients, and found that the final VA in the amblyopic eye was associated with the VA in the amblyopic eye at baseline and the amount of anisometropia10. The improvement in VA with patching was inversely associated with patients age. In the similar manner, the age at presentation and the VA of amblyopic eye at first exam were significant factor for treatment success in our myopia group. However, the difference of SE was not a significant factor in our study.
Despite different treatment success rate according to SE type of amblyopic eye in our study, the SE amount of amblyopic eye at first exam was not a significant factor in all of the SE groups after adjusting potential confounding variables. Similarly, the difference of SE between the two eyes was not significant factor in all SE groups in the multivariate analysis, neither. Although the amount of SE difference is a well-known risk factor for developing amblyopia17, our results showed that after adequate optical correction and amblyopia treatment, it is not a significant factor for treatment success in each SE group. Usually we prescribed glasses after cycloplegic refraction at initial visit, and waited for 1 to 2 months to see the effect of optical adaptation. If there was no sign of vision improving, patching or atropine penalization was initiated. Twenty subjects (5.19%) achieved treatment success without patching or atropine penalization.
The cylinder value of the amblyopic eye was also not a significant factor for all SE groups in multivariate analyses. The emmetropia group had a larger cylinder value than those of the hyperopia and myopia group. The emmetropia group subjects in this study may have been classified as astigmatic or mixed astigmatic amblyopia in other studies. Our emmetropia group showed higher treatment success compared to the myopia group, and comparably similar to the hyperopia group. This may imply that SE is more important than the cylindrical amount itself, in other words, even if the astigmatism is large, treatment outcome may be good, as long as the SE is close to emmetropia. There are conflicting studies on the impact of astigmatism for the treatment success in amblyopia. Hussein et al. reported that eyes with significant astigmatism were less likely to achieve successful outcomes in cases of anisometropic amblyopia18, while others reported that the degree of astigmatism is not a significant factor for treatment outcome 6,19.
It is interesting that the odds of treatment success in the hyperopia group were associated with the cylinder value of the sound eye. There was a moderate correlation between the cylinder of sound and amblyopic eyes in all SE group (Pearson’s correlation coefficient 0.555, p = 0.001, data not shown). However, the cylinder value in the amblyopic eye was not a significant factor for treatment success in any of the three SE groups. We speculated that the larger cylinder value of sound eye would make the cylinder difference between two eyes smaller, however, there was only weak correlation between cylinder value of amblyopic and sound eye (Pearson’s correlation coefficient − 0.163, p = 0.001, data not shown). In the multivariate analysis including the cylinder difference between two eyes instead of the cylinder in the amblyopic eye considering multicollinearity, the cylinder difference was not a significant factor for treatment success in any SE group as well. Further studies are needed to interpret these results.
Age at presentation was a significant factor for amblyopia treatment success in hyperopia and myopia group of our study. The younger at presentation, the more likely it was to have the greater odds of treatment success in anisometropic amblyopia. This result agrees with many previous reports, which have found the better visual outcomes in younger than older patients9,15,20,21. However, some authors insisted that the age at presentation had no effect on the final visual outcome.7,16,22 These various results might be due to the different definition of treatment success. It is notable that the age at presentation was not a significant factor for treatment success in our emmetropia group. One study about astigmatic amblyopia reported that the age at presentation did not influence final visual acuity19. Even though our emmetropia group may comparable with usual astigmatic anisometropia group from other study due to its large cylinder value, but our emmetropia group only included subjects who had SE is close to emmetropia. We may speculate that emmetropic SE is a strong prognostic factor that can overcome the age.
BCVA of amblyopic eye at the first visit was also a significant factor in both the hyperopia and myopia groups. This study showed that the chance of achieving treatment success in both groups depended on the visual acuity of the amblyopic eye at the first visit. These results are consistent with those of previous studies.7,18−20 On the contrary, in the emmetropia group, BCVA of the amblyopic eye was not a significant factor affecting treatment success. This result might be due to the fact the initial BCVA of amblyopic eye in emmetropia group was better than the other two SE groups.
Follow-up duration had a significant positive effect on treatment success in the hyperopia group only. The longer follow-up duration made the odds of treatment success increase by 1.1 times. It can be suspected that the longer follow-up duration is associated with good compliance and selection bias, therefore yield good treatment results. However, follow-up duration is not a significant factor for the emmetropia and myopia groups whereas their follow-up durations were not significantly different, therefore different SE group demonstrated different treatment response by follow-up duration.
Strabismus was a significant poor prognostic factor for treatment success only in the hyperopia group. The hyperopia group subjects with strabismus had odds of treatment success decreased by 0.25 times than the hyperopia group subjects without strabismus. In myopia group only one subject had vertical strabismus (1.47%). Fifty-four percent of emmetropia group had strabismus, but strabismus was not a significant factor for treatment success. There were contradictory reports about the effect of strabismus on amblyopia treatment results. Some reported strabismus is not a significant risk factor7,8,18, while others found it as a significant failure factor16,23. Further study with larger number of subjects is warranted to clarify the influence of strabismus on each refractive type of anisometropic amblyopia treatment result.
The results that there were no significant factors related to treatment success in the emmetropia group might need some interpretation. We speculated that the relatively small number of patients with very high success rates made lack of diversity to predict success and failure in this group.
We focused on achieving treatment success any time during the follow-up, not the success at the last visit in our study. Defining treatment success at the last visit will reflect fluctuation of visual acuity such as recurrence with or without recovery after recurrence. In our study, treatment success rates at the last follow-up were also significantly different among the SE groups (96.61% for emmetropia, 86.30% for hyperopia, and 77.94% for myopia group, respectively, p = 0.001 by Chi-square test, data not shown), whereas treatment success rate during the follow-up and at the last exam were not significantly different whithin each SE group (p = 0.055, 1.0, 0.519 for the hyperopia, emmetropia, and myopia group respectively, p-values by Chi-squared test, data not shown). There were 14 patients (5.19%) in the hyperopia group, and 3 patients (4.41%) in the myopia group who had once achieved treatment success, but failed to maintain it at the last exam. In a prospective follow-up study after treatment cessation in children with successfully treated amblyopia due to anisometropia, strabismus or both, the risk of amblyopia recurrence was reported to be 24% within the first year off treatment25. In other retrospective study also reported recurrence of amblyopia after a cessation of occlusion therapy was 27% within the first year off treatment26. Relatively lower recurrence rate of our result than previous studies may be due to given active treatment during the whole follow-up period in our subjects, such as re-occlusion therapy. It is also interesting that the emmetropia group had no recurrence at all, while the other two SE groups had some. Due to the small number of recurrent cases and possibility of visual acuity fluctuation during the follow-up, we defined our primary end-point as the treatment success rate during the follow-up.
There are some limitations in our study. Due to the retrospective study design, treatment method and duration were not able to controlled. Also, there was a limitation to evaluate the compliance of patching and wearing glasses. However, this study has its merit that a large scale study population recruited from a secondary referral eye hospital which would reflect the general population better than the tertiary referral hospitals. The goal of this study was to compare the treatment outcome depending on the SE type of amblyopic eye in anisometropia amblyopia in real world pediatric ophthalmology clinic. Also this is one of a few studies to evaluate the factors affecting amblyopia treatment success according to the refractive error type of amblyopic eye.