The rapid increase in the number of consumers in our societies has caused a significant waste management problem as well as other problems such as global warming and climate change, degradation of natural vegetation and soil resources, reduction of water resources and drinking water, destruction of biodiversity,damage to the ozone layer, and environmental pollution. While waste did not cause much problem in society before, it has grown over time and reached a level that will threaten the entire world ecosystem. Environmentalists have rallied behind the concept of sustainability and this concept has been applied in many important areas, including the construction sector, with a sustainable development perspective [32].
The fact that energy consumption in buildings constitute 40% of overall energy consumption has led the construction sector to make more sustainable and environmentally friendly buildings and has led to the concept of green building. As green building projects got off the ground, green building certification systems have been created to evaluate the environmental impact of these buildings, and to measure and document energy efficiency.
Green building certification systems examine buildings based on a multitude of criteria and scores and certifies them. One of the most important topics of green building certification systems is land management. To understand this concept in the best way possible and to elaborate on this concept within the scope of a green building project are very important for the success of green building projects. Social, economic and ecological components that form the basis of sustainability for effective land management in a green building project need to be understood and utilised in the best way possible.
In order for the land management concept to gain an economic dimension, it should be aimed to create a system which is suitable for the socio-economic structure, decreasing the costs while increasing the efficiency, enabling the use of recycled materials and maintaining the balance with the production sector as well as the environmental values. To give an economic dimension to the criteria created for this purpose, criteria such as cost effectiveness analysis, use of recycled materials, energy efficiency, renewable energy use, material management were added to the system.
Land management, which aims to preserve the biodiversity, wetlands and coastal areas based on the reuse of land for the purpose of preserving the ecological value and characteristics of the region, ensures that natural balance is maintained by reducing environmental degradation. Criteria such as ambient air quality, waste management, environmental friendliness, protection of underground and surface water were added in order to provide ecological dimension to the criteria set for this purpose.
The percentages of the 5 different responses (not important, less important, moderately important, important, very important) given to the questionnaire were calculated to be used to determine the weight of the criteria and sub-criteria of land management. The percentage of each sub-criterion within all criteria is calculated as follows:
Green buildings and green building certification systems have been gaining importance in the world as well as in Turkey, and meetings and seminars were delivered to create awareness and put forward new ideas since 2012. The Green Buildings Summit, which has been taking place since 2012 and is organized every year, is an indicator of the awareness of the green building concept in our country. At the first summit, urban transformation and sustainability issues were the most prominent. It was also mentioned that green buildings are no longer luxury and have become day-to-day necessity. At the end of the summit, the final declaration stated that green building projects should be designed for urban transformation applications and especially for energy efficiency in the transformation of shanty houses, and that among those shanty houses, the ones that are in good condition can be reused after restoration. It was emphasized that the costs of green buildings are now approaching and levelling traditional building costs, that the savings provided by green buildings in terms of the country's economy are significant, and that the green housing certification should be supported by law.
The 2nd International Green Buildings Summit, which was held in 2013, addressed the theme of green transformation and linked the solution of environmental, economic and sociological problems to these transformations. At this summit, it was highlighted that public participation is very important in this transformation, and that in order to increase savings associated with green buildings, energy efficiency should be focused on existing buildings.
The following points were emphasized in the decisions taken at the 3rd International Green Buildings Summit in 2014, concepts such as sustainability and liveability will gain a meaning only when they are realized; these should be the basic concepts and principles in the process of urban transformation; and in order to realize the concept of sustainability and green transformation, human behavior should be changed first.
In the 4th Green Building Summit held in 2016, the main theme was sustainable efficiency and building management. At the summit, it was mentioned that the energy efficiency is inevitable, that there are savings and advantages associated with the process; and that it is necessary to implement energy efficiency projects in the public sector. It was revealed that building management impacts the cost significantly, and that all the owners of the building should adopt the building management throughout the life span of the building by explaining how energy saving can be achieved in buildings, and that sustainability should be transferred from generation to generation.
The criteria of land management were determined in line with the decisions taken as a result of these summits, expert opinions, local conditions and needs of our country. In order to determine criteria and sub-criteria applicable toland management, the land-related parts of the BREEAM, LEED, SBTOOL, and ÇEDBİK systems were examined. Based on these examinations and local needs, sub-criteria of the land management category were determined to be building features, protection of ecological values and properties of the land, land features, proximity to urban equipment and transportation networks, and identification of risk. The sub-criteria of these criteria were determined and survey questions were prepared for each criterion, These survey questions were then sent to the instructors involved in the discipline of green building certificate systems, and responses were entered into the SPSS program. Firstly, a reliability analysis was performed with SPSS. The reliability analysis made was Cronbach Alpha. As a result of this analysis, the Cronbach Alpha value was found to be 0.921. The values above 0.9 are considered excellent and this resulted in a perfectly reliable survey. After this analysis, the weights that would be assigned to the criteria were determined according to sorting, scoring, and paired comparison methods. The most important sub-criterion of the building features criterion was found to be functional.
Table 4
Sorting, scoring and paired comparison methods
Main Criterion
Sub Criterion
Main Criterion Order
Sub Criterion Order
Sorting Method
Scoring Method
Paired Comparison Method
Building Features
Being Economical
Being Functional
Appropriate to Urban Esthetics
Being Environment Friendly
Using Recycled Material
Being Innovative
Being Energy Efficient
Providing Water-Saving
Having Waste Management
Project Design
Using Renewable Energy
Having Material Management
Establish Health and Comfort
Reuse of Land
Protection of Ecological
Values and Properties
of Land
Protection of Wetlands and Coastal Regions
Protection of Biodiversity
Protection of Underground and Surface Waters
Land Constraints
Renewable Energy Source Potential
Ambient Air Quality
Market Value
Land Features
Zoning Status of the Land
Topography of the Land
Geological Structure of the Land
Climate Conditions of the Region
Cultural Heritage of the Region
Demographic Structure of the Region
Ecological Structure of the Region
Solar Energy Potential
Wind Energy Potential
Geothermal Energy Potent
Urban Equipments
tation Networks
Proximity to Public Service Areas
Proximity to Metro and Light Rail Systems
Proximity to Rest and Recreation Areas
Proximity to Bicycle Roads and Sport Areas
Proximity to Commercial Facilities and Living Centers
Proximity to Culture and Art Centers
Proximity to Health and Personal Care Facilities
Natural Disaster Risk
Identification of
Risk of Human Disaster
Proximity to Garbage Collection Points
Proximity to Animal Shelters
Proximity to Treatment Plants
The concept of green building can be successful if it is implemented in accordance with people’s needs and local conditions. A survey was conducted in line with the opinions of the experts for this reason. The decrease in the amount of water resources is a trend that is witnessed not in our country but worldwide. So the most important criteria of the Criterion for the Protection of The Ecological Value and Properties of the Land is determined as the Protection of Underground and Surface Water. As Turkey is located on the North Anatolian Fault Line, there is high earthquake risk in the region. Therefore, the most important criterion of risk criteria is natural disaster risk.