Production of SBC in different culture media
As can be seen in Fig. 2, SBC were obtained in triplicate cuts, in different culture media with different compositions, however, with different macroscopic characteristics. These results demonstrate that the difference in SBC production is not related to the K. hansenii ATCC 23769 strain used, as all cultures were produced from a single pre-inoculum, and under the same agitation conditions, demonstrating that the differences in morphology are related to the different compositions of the media.
Macroscope and FEG-SEM analysis of the SBC produced in different culture media
When the macroscopic characteristics of the lyophilized SBC are compared (Fig. 3), a significant difference was observed between the size of the SBC produced in Z medium compared to those produced in other culture media Y, HS, MS1 and FRU.
The FEG-SEM comparative analysis SBC produced in different culture media showed significative difference in relation to fiber interlacing, thickness, arrangement, and pore size as can observed in greater detail in Fig. 4. It is possible to verify that the variation of the carbon source provided surface morphological differences both related to the thickness and the intertwining of the cellulose fibers.
It is possible to verify that the variation of the carbon source provided microscopic surface morphological differences both related to the thickness and the interlacing of the cellulose fibers. As can be seen, the characteristics of thickness, fiber entanglement and porosity of spheres produced in FRU and Z and MS1 media produced SBC with greater porosity.
The approximate volume of the SBC produced in different culture media were determined as described in item 2.2.3. Table 2 shows the results of the means and standard deviation of the SBC.
Table 2
Results of means and standard deviation of SBC volumes produced in different culture media.
Culture media
Standard deviation
However, the internal volume of 'the SBC produced in the HS and Y media appears to be reduced, in relation to the FRU, Z and MS1 media, as they present, as can be seen in Fig. 4, greater density and degrees of interlacing of the fibers and lower porosity, being smaller, that presented by Y (Fig. 4d) and the one produced in the FRU medium is the one with the lowest degree fiber intertwining and greater porosity (Fi4 4a). and, therefore, greater internal volume, which reinforces the results obtained in the Franz cell diffusion and kinetics test.
SBC characterization by FTIR and XDR
The results obtained by the FTIR analysis showed characteristic bands of bacterial cellulose, with the interval of 3350–3500 cm− 1 attributed to the O-H stretch, the interval 2800–2900 cm− 1 attributed to the C-H stretches, the interval 1160 cm− 1 attributed to the stretch C-O-C, while the 1035–1060 cm− 1 range is due to C-O 61 stretch. The FTIR spectra of the SCBs shown in Fig. 5 confirm the purity of the CB and reinforce the results obtained by the TGA/DTG, indicating that a media with different compositions do not alter the chemical properties of BC.
The result of the SBC XRD analysis showed that the composition of the media did not affect the BC crystallinity index, since its properties are influenced by the arrangement of molecules within the fibers. XRD demonstrated degrees of crystallinity with a typical BC profile (Fig. 5, Panel B). The main diffraction peaks were found at 2θ 14.7, 16.9 and 22.7 and assigned to the 1 0 1, 1 0 ī and 0 0 2 diffraction planes, respectively. The degree of crystallinity ranged from 70 to 80%, and it was not possible to establish a relationship between the different culture media with the degree of crystallinity.
Characterization of CB spheres by TGA/DTG
As in Fig. 6, the variation in the mass loss of the SBC was negligible, and it is also possible to assess that there were no inorganic residues because between the temperatures of 500°C and 550°C 100% of the mass of the SBC was lost. This result reinforces that the use of culture media with different compositions does not alter the thermal behavior of the polymer and does not influence the purity of the SBC
Sustained release capacity of SBC analysis
The data of the sustained release capacity of RIF by SBC were performed as described in item 2.2.4. All SBC were swollen with 10 µL of aqueous RIF solution (stock 20µg⋅µL).
The SBC produced in the different media produced in the different sustained release capacity, as observed by the comparative analysis of the growth inhibition zones every 24 hours presented in the Fig. 7 and Table 3.
All SBC produced in different culture media were swollen with the volume of the RIF aqueous solution corresponding to the volume (20µL), theoretically determined by Eq. (1), of the smallest SBC, which in this case was produced in the FRU medium. Thus, all SBC contained the same RIF mass (400µg), being the measure of the inhibition zones, related to fiber interlacing, thickness, arrangement, and pore size presented in the FEG-SEM comparative analysis (Fig. 2).
The characteristics of thickness, fiber entanglement and higher degree of porosity of SBC produced in FRU and Z and MS1 media determined greater sustained release capacity compared to SBC produced in HS and Y media.
These results suggest that the composition of the culture media interfered directly with bacterial metabolism, a fact that promoted the alterations in the physical characteristics of BC, since the bacterial strain and the culture conditions were the same for the different culture media.
Table 3
Sustained release of SBC-RIF by diffusion assay
Culture media
Inhibition Zone
25.17 ± 1.72*
21.40 ± 1.91*
21.28 ± 1.29*
19.80 ± 1.25*
23.90 ± 1.25*
21.60 ± 1.13*
18.33 ± 3,39*
16.94 ± 2.77*
27.43 ± 0.49*
21.21 ± 2.31*
20.61 ± 1.62*
18.51 ± 1.45*
25.13 ± 2.35*
14.20 ± 1.93*
14.32 ± 1.63*
12.82 ± 2.44*
23.12 ± 1.32*
22.94 ± 1.51*
21.28 ± 1.39*
19.18 ± 1.15*
* Standard deviation |
Sustained release capacity of SBC analysis by kinetics by Franz cells.
In view of the results obtained in the agar diffusion tests, the release kinetics assay was performed using Franz cells. The results of this assay are shown in Fig. 8.
As observed in Fig. 8, the SBC, produced in the different culture media presented dissimilar RIF release capacity. These results demonstrated that SBC produced, respectively, in FRU, Z and MS1were capable to maintained greater release concentration when compared with SBC produced in HS and Y media.
SBC-RIF characterization by FTIR and FEG-SEM
Because no differences were detected in the FTIR spectra of the SBC, the produced in the FRU medium was chosen, for greater capacity for sustained release of RIF. Pristine SBC SBC-RIF were subjected to comparative analysis. The Fig. 9 shows of the chemical structure of RIF and SBC and possible hydrogen bond (a), and the results of the comparative analysis between the FTIR spectra of pristine SBC, the SBC-RIF and commercial RIF. As can be seen, the FTIR spectrum of the commercial sample of RIF used, similar to that published by Schianti et al. (Schianti et al. 2013), with SBC-RIF and pristine SBC demonstrating antibiotic incorporation.
The proposal interaction between RIF and SBC (Fig. 9a) can be confirmed by FEG-SEM (Fig. 10) of SBC-RIF, with SCB produced by K. hansenii ATCC 23769 in FRU (highest concentration released/96 hours) and Y (shorter concentration released/96 hours). The Fig. 10a show surface distribution of the classical crystal structure of RIF, after water dissolution and dry, similar to that published by Agrawal et al.(Agrawal et al. 2004). The Figure show the crystals in the SBC-RIF produced in FRU medium (Panel a) and SBC-RIF in Y medium (Panel b).
As observed in the Fig. 10, the RIF characteristics were maintained two SBC, suggesting that the sustained release capacity is associated with the lower degree of interlacing and thickness of the fibers, and the greater porosity of the SBC produced in FRU media, as can be observed in the Fig. 4a. which allowed greater diffusion between the SBC fibers by RIF in solution, providing major retention after drying.
Thus, the results of this work demonstrate that a product with great possibility of being used as a support for a drug release was obtained, since SBC is a biomaterial known for its hypoallergenic, biocompatible, nanostructured characteristics. It can also be observed that, although the largest volume was of the membrane produced in the Z medium, the microscopic characteristics related to the degree of interlacing, thickness of the fibers, and the porosity were similar to those observed for the SBC produced in the HS medium, MS1, being the SBC produced in the Y medium (Fig. 4d), with greater degree interlacing thickness fiber and less porosity determining a lower permeation of RIF between the fibers of SBC, produced in Y medium, promoting a higher surface concentration and, therefore, less interaction of the RIF with this SBC, that cause a release burst, justifying the lower release capacity by this device. Thus, the relationship can be made between the SCB produced in the FRU medium, which had lower fiber interlacing and thickness, but greater porosity, which determined substantial permeation of RIF in the pores and, consequently, large interaction with the CB, which may justify the greater sustained release capability of this SBC.