3.1. Callus induction and biomass
In the present study the callus were successfully induced from the leaf, inflorescence and petiole explants on MS medium containing different concentration and combination of auxin and cytokinins (Table 1 and Fig. 1). However, as shown in the Table 1, the percent of callus induction, callus growth (biomass), color and structure of the callus were significantly different depending on the explant type and PGRs combination in the medium. The percentage of callus induction from the leaf, inflorescence and petiole explants were varied from 0.0 to 87.15, 63.89 to 100 and 46.43 to 100, respectively, depending on the PGRs combination in the medium. But the lowest percentage of callus induction from inflorescence explants was related to 1 mg/L NAA + 1 mg/L BAP (63.89%), which significantly lower than the other combinations of PGRs and had 1.55-fold lower as compared to the MS medium without PGRs (MS free) (Table 1). However there were no significant differences between the MS medium containing other concentration and combinations of PGRs and MS medium without PGRs in terms of the percentage of callus induction from inflorescence explants. The percentage of callus induction from petiole explants in all auxin and cytokinin combinations were statistically same, and significantly higher than that of the medium without PGRs (table 1). So, the callus induction from this explant in medium supplemented with 1 mg/L NAA + 1 mg/L Kin and 1 mg/L 2,4-D + 1 mg/L Kin (100%), was about 2.15-fold higher than that of the medium without PGRs (46.43%). On the other hands, the variation in the percentage of callus induction from leaf explant was higher as compared to the inflorescence and petiole explants. In this explant, no callus induction was occurred on the medium supplemented with 5 mg/L NAA + 5 mg/L Kin and 5 mg/L 2,4-D + 1 mg/L Kin. However, in the medium supplemented with 1, 3 or 5 mg/L NAA + 1 mg/L Kin, 5 mg/L NAA + 1 mg/L BAP and 3 mg/L 2,4-D + 1 mg/L Kin more than 77% of the leaf explants exhibited callus induction and production (Table 1).
The highest growth of callus (fresh weight) belonged to the leaf explants cultured on the MS medium supplemented with 5 mg/L NAA + 5 mg/L BAP (6.307 g/explant) and 5 mg/L NAA + 3 mg/L Kin (5.152 g/explant) and 5 mg/L 2,4-D + 5 mg/L Kin (3.977 g/explant), which was higher than those of other PGRs combinations and medium without PGRs. In this regards, in all PGR treatments, the growth of callus from the leaf explants was significantly higher than medium without PGRs (Table 1). Increasing the concentration of 2,4-D had no significant effect on callus growth in the leaf explants, but increasing the concentration of NAA from 1 mg/L to 5 mg/L significantly increased the callus growth from the M. azedarach L. leaf explants. Increasing the concentration of cytokinins was also significantly affected the callus growth, and as show in Fig. 2 increasing the concentration of Kin and BAP (from 1 to 3 mg/L) caused 1.5–2.5 fold 1.5–3.5 fold of increase in the callus growth, respectively. In the petiole and inflorescence explants was observed different significant between explants supplemented with 2,4-D and control based on the growth of callus, which the petiole explants supplemented with Kin 1.6-fold higher than BAP and the inflorescence explants supplemented with BAP 2.1-fold higher than Kin had the growth of callus (Table 1 and Fig. 2).
The texture and color of callus were varied depending on the explant type and PGRs combination of in the medium (Fig. 1 and Table 1). The leaf explants cultured on the MS medium containing 1 mg/L NAA, regardless of the cytokinin type, produced green and compact callus,, but on the medium supplemented with the high concentrations of NAA (3 and 5 mg/L) in combination with Kin produced the milky and friable callus. The leaf explants cultured on the medium containing different concentration of 2,4-D (1, 3 and 5 mg/L) in combination with Kin or BAP produced yellow-milky and friable callus (Fig. 1a, b, c and d). The inflorescence explants cultured on the MS medium supplemented with NAA had a milky compact callus; but, the calli produced on the MS medium along with 2,4-D (1 and 3 mg/L) were milky and yellow friable callus.
3.2. Cell suspension culture
The calli derived from leaf, inflorescence and petiole explants were transferred into the liquid MS medium supplemented with the same concentration and combination of PGRs used in the callus induction. Data analysis of suspension culture showed that there were considerable differences between different PGR combinations in terms of the cell growth and fresh and dry weights of the cells (Table 1). The highest fresh weight of the cells from suspension cultures were obtained from the leaf and inflorescence explant- derived callus transferred into the liquid MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/L 2,4-D + 1 mg/L Kin (8.489 g/50 mL suspension) and 1 mg/L 2,4-D + 1 mg/L BAP (6.852 g/50 mL suspension), respectively (Table 1). These suspension cultures were yellow and milky in color (Fig. 1 e, f, g and h). Furthermore, the highest dry weight of the cells were obtained with inflorescence explant-derived callus in the liquid medium containing 1 mg/L 2,4-D + 1 mg/L BAP and leaf explant derived- callus in the liquid medium supplemented with 1 mg/L 2,4-D + 1 mg/L Kin and 3 mg/L Kin + 1 mg/L Kin (Table 1). The cell suspension cultured on the 1 mg/L NAA + 1 mg/L BAP, 3 and 5 NAA + 1 and 3 mg/L mg/L Kin medium were include the green, yellow or brown granular small cells, which were embryogenesis cells.
Increasing the 2,4-D and NAA level from 1 to 3 mg/L significantly reduced the growth of the suspension cultures of M. azedarach L. in terms of the fresh weight and dry weight of the cell. Generally, orthogonal analysis showed that low concentration of 2,4-D and BAP was showed the highest FW and DW of cell suspensions (Fig. 3). So, The MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/L 2,4-D and 1 mg/L Kin or BAP was chosen to evaluate the cell growth curve of suspension cultures stablished form the leaf and inflorescence callus.
3.3. Cell growth and growth efficiency in suspension cultures
The cell growth curve was monitored using the cell count, SCV and PCV in two different medium and two types of explants of M. azedarach L. As showed in Fig. 4, both cell cultures showed four distinct growth phases including lag, exponential (log), linear and stationary phases. The cell culture in medium containing 1 mg/L 2,4-D + 1 mg/L Kin had a remarkable increase in growth on the log phase from the day 6–21 and after the growth declined. The highest cell count was obtained on day 21 (892×104 cell/mL suspension). The growth curve derived from cell suspension of leaf explants compared to inflorescence explants had a better and more process from cell count, SCV and PCV (Fig. 4). Applying 1 mg/L 2,4-D + 1 mg/L BAP on cell derived from inflorescence explants were showed different results, so that, had an increase in growth from the day 4–12 on the cell growth by cell count (×104) and day 0–12 on the cell growth based on SCV and PCV (%) and after the growth decreased and then started stationary phase (Fig. 4). Based on the present study, 2,4-D (1 mg/L) combination with kin resulted in better cell suspension growth responses compared to its combination with BAP. The growth efficiency of the cell cultures were evaluated using growth index (GI), specific growth rate (GSR) and doubling time (Dt) parameters. The leaf cell cultures in liquid medium containing 1 mg/L 2,4-D + 1 mg/L Kin exhibited growth efficiency higher than that of the inflorescence cell cultures in the medium containing 1 mg/L 2,4-D + 1 mg/L BAP (Table 2).
3.4. Antioxidant enzymes activity
There were significant differences between PGRs treatments in terms of CAT, GPX and PPO activity, protein, proline, H2O2 and MDA content in M. azedarach L. cell cultures. The highest CAT (3721.04 U/mg pro.), GPX (1720710.23 U/mg pro.) and PPO (184314.93 U/mg pro.) activity was related to the leaf cell suspensions cultures in 3 mg/L NAA + 3 mg/L BAP treatment. The protein content of inflorescence cell suspension cultures in 3 mg/L NAA + 3 mg/L Kin and 3 mg/L 2,4-D + 3 mg/L BAP and leaf cell suspension cultures in 3 mg/L 2,4-D + 1 mg/L BAP was higher than that of other PGRs treatments. Also, the inflorescence cell suspension cultures in the medium supplemented with 3 mg/L NAA + 1 mg/L Kin had the highest proline content, which was not significantly different from inflorescence and leaf cell suspension cultures in 3 mg/L NAA + 3 mg/L Kin and 1 mg/L NAA + 1 mg/L BAP, respectively. The highest H2O2 content were observed in the leaf and inflorescence cell suspension cultures in the medium containing 3 mg/L NAA and 3 mg/L 2,4-D, respectively. However, the highest MDA content was belonged to the inflorescence cell suspension cultures in the medium supplemented with 3 mg/LNAA regardless the types and concentration of cytokinin (Table 3).
3.5. Secondary metabolites
Quantitative analysis showed that the highest amount of TFC and TPC was observed in the inflorescence (2.93 mg QE/g FW and 1.455 mg GAE/g FW) and leaf (2.90 mg QE/g FW and 1.570 mg GAE/g FW) cell suspension cultures in 3 mg/L NAA + 1 mg/L BAP and 3 mg/L NAA + 1 mg/L Kin treatments, respectively, followed by the inflorescence cell suspension culture in 3 mg/L NAA + 1 mg/L Kin and 1 mg/L 2,4-D + 1 mg/L Kin (TFC) and the leaf cell suspension cultures in 1 mg/L NAA + 1 mg/L BAP treatments (TFC and TPC) (Table 3). Generally, the amount of TFC and TPC in treatments NAA were slightly higher than those in treatments containing 2,4-D. The highest amount of AC belonged to the inflorescence cell suspension culture in 3 mg/L 2,4-D + 3 mg/L BAP. The highest amount of AC in inflorescence cell suspension of cultures was significantly higher than that of leaf cell suspension of cultures. Furthermore, there was no difference between the types of auxins in the inflorescence cell suspension cultures in term of AC content, where in leaf cell suspension cultures, treatments containing NAA produced the higher AC in comparison with treatments containing 2,4-D (Table 3).
By increasing the concentration of 2,4-D from 1 to 3 mg/L was not observed TFC significantly reduced in leaf explants, but in the inflorescence explants likely leaf explants treated by NAA, TFC significantly decreased (1.3-fold). In the total of leaf, inflorescence and petiole explants, decreasing of TFC from concentration of 3 to 5 mg/L NAA is the highest. Also, leaf and inflorescence explants treated by BAP (1.09 and 1.46-fold) and Kin (1.22 and 1.30-fold) induced low by increasing concentration from 1 to 3 mg/L, that this reduction was lowest in leaf explants, respectively. But, in the total of leaf, inflorescence and petiole explants, decreasing of TFC was no different in treated by Kin or BAP. Like that TFC, there was a decline in TPC of cell suspension of leaf explants in M. azedarach L. with an enhancement of NAA concentration from 1 to 3 with a it had lower slope than 3 to 5 mg/L (3 and 5-fold, respectively). This decreasing in overall explants, leaf, inflorescence and petiole explants was obtained up to 5.76-fold by increasing 3 to 5 mg/L of NAA. The cell suspension of inflorescence explants supplemented with 2,4-D (increasing concentration from 1 to 3 mg/L) 1.65-fold significant decreasing were indicated. By applying 2,4-D in the cell suspension of leaf explants showed increasing of AC about 2 fold simultaneously by increasing concentration of 2,4-D (from 1 to 3 mg/L). This content by increasing concentration of NAA from 1 to 3 mg/L and 3 to 5 mg/L had about 1.5 and 2-fold inhibited, respectively. The variation of AC in the increasing trend of cytokinin concentrations for cell suspension of leaf explants of M. azedarach L. is higher than inflorescence explants. So that, in the leaf explants had an increasing trend for Kin (2.52-fold) and a declining trend for BAP (2.31-fold). There is no significant difference the enhancing trend between type of cytokinins in the inflorescence explants, and these changes in AC of the inflorescence explants treated with Kin and BAP ranged from 1.13-fold and 1.40-fold, respectively.
Production and accumulation of rutin, quercetin and kaempferol in the cell suspension of M. azedarach L. were measured by HPLC. The chromatogram of rutin, quercetin and kaempferol standards and samples prepared from leaf, inflorescence and petiole cell suspension cultures were presented in Fig. 5. The results indicated that the amount of these metabolites were significantly different depending of the PGRs combination and explant type (Fig. 6). The inflorescence cell suspension cultures in the medium containing 3 mg/L NAA + 1 mg/L BAP produced the highest amount of rutin (47.536 mg/g FW) which was 1.84-fold of the high-rutin production in the leaf cell suspension cultures (25.845 mg/g FW) (3 mg/L NAA + 3 mg/L Kin) and 3.93-fold of the high-rutin production in the petiole cell suspension culture (12.092 mg/g FW) (1 mg/L 2,4-D + 1 mg/L Kin). The highest amount of quercetin (8.570 mg/g FW) and kaempferol (5.420 mg/g FW) were produced in the petiole cell suspension cultures in the medium supplemented with 1 mg/L 2,4-D + 1 mg/L Kin (Fig. 6).
On average of different explants an cytokinins, increasing the concentration of 2,4-D from 1 to 3 mg/L significantly reduced the quercetin and kaempferol content in cell cultures (Fig. 7). In contrast, increasing the concentration of NAA from 1 to 3 mg/L significantly enhanced the production and accumulation of rutin, quercetin and kaempferol in the leaf cell suspension cultures (Fig. 7). Increasing the concentration of NAA from 3 to 5 mg/L significantly repressed the production and accumulation of rutin and quercetin in the leaf cell suspension cultures, but had no significant effect on kaempferol production and accumulation.
3.7. Correlation analysis
Correlation analysis showed significant coefficients between biochemical and phytochemical characteristics of the cell cultures. The amount of protein had a positive significant correlation with H2O2, MDA, proline and AC content in the cell cultures, where significantly reduced GPX and PPO activity. Also, increasing CAT activity was affected significantly negative on the GPX and PPO activity. There was a significant a positive correlation between GPX with PPO and H2O2, TFC and TPC, H2O2 with MDA, and MDA with the proline content. on the other hand, the proline content had a direct relationship with TFC and TPC, and these characteristic significantly correlated with amount of rutin in the M. azedarach L. cell cultures. A positive and significant correlation was detected between the amount of quercetin with kaempferol (95.3%) and TFC with TPC (92.7%). But, the correlation of rutin with quercetin and kaempferol was not statistically significant (Table 4). There was significant and positive correlation between FW with DW (93.6%), but they had no correlation with enzyme activity and secondary metabolites (data not shown).