It is well established fact that ticks are capable to develop resistance to different class of the acaricides used against them so far (Whitehead 1965; Wharton 1976; Nolan and Schnitzerling 1986; Dantas-Torres 2008). In India, acaricidal resistance in cattle ticks using bioassays and genotyping is well documented compared to that of dog ticks. In the present study, thirteen populations (92.9%) were categorized as resistant to cypermethrin but, the phenotypic level of resistance between the populations varied due to the difference in pet owners’ management practices that produce dissimilar acaricide exposure. Only three populations, ATP2, MTM1 and MTM2 showed a high level of resistance (LC50: >9-fold) and were collected from dogs at veterinary clinics with confirmed history of frequent cypermethrin use. Of two populations collected from Machilipatnam, MTM1 ticks were collected from dog’s residence and conferred an LC50 9.05 times higher than that of susceptible reference. Nevertheless, MTM2 ticks were collected from dog at veterinary clinic, which had been treated with commercial pet shampoo (cypermethrin 1% shampoo) weekly for three weeks before sampling. The LC50 value for the larvae of this population (240.16 ppm) was higher significantly than the LC50 value of MTM1 population (187.59 ppm), indicating the effect of repeated treatment on the selection of drug resistant populations. In the present study ELR and BZA1 populations had the lowest cypermethrin resistance level and reported the occasional use of drug. The population regarded susceptible to cypermethrin (KNL) was collected from stray dog and for obvious reasons it is not possible to prove prior exposure to any acaricide. Generally, the evolution of acaricide resistance in a tick population is reliant on the prevalence of resistant individuals and the potency of drug selection pressure in a population (Kunz and Kemp 1994). In addition, inappropriate acaricide application without proper veterinary guidance, improper post treatment animal handling (ex: washing animals with shampoo), re-infestation, using acaricides that remain in the environment at sub-lethal concentrations for a prolonged period or combinations of that (Hawkins et al. 2019) contribute development of resistance to acaricides. It is certainly that R. sanguineus tick populations were directly and accidentally exposed to synthetic pyrethroids since the 1990’s, resulting in selection pressure for resistance.
Acaricides containing synthetic pyrethroids i.e., cypermethrin, permethrin, deltamethrin and flumethrin have been used extensively to control ticks and lice on cattle and dogs throughout India, since long back (information obtained from field veterinarians) that might have contributed to the selection of resistance to pyrethroids in Indian isolates of cattle tick, R. microplus populations (Kumar et al. 2020). Alike dog tick, R. sanguineus s.l. populations were put forth to similar selection pressure, which resulted in resistance to cypermethrin. In India there is a paucity of information on effectiveness of pyrethroids on R. sanguineus ticks. In vitro evaluation of efficacy of deltamethrin and cypermethrin against R. sanguineus collected from clinics, Gujarat revealed that ticks were susceptible for cypermethrin and resistant to deltamethrin at the recommended dose (Shyma et al. 2019). The current results were in agreement with those reported earlier. Bioassays carried out on efficacy of pyrethroids against R. sanguineus in Panama (Miller et al. 2001), Spain (Estrada-Pena 2005), Texas and Florida (Eiden et al. 2015) and Mexico (Rodriguez-Vivas et al. 2017a) indicated that the pyrethroids are not option for the control of these ticks and the level of resistance may vary among different tick populations where certain R. sanguineus populations seem to be highly resistant to pyrethroid acaricides.
A mutation (T2134C) in the domain III segment VI of the sodium channel gene was present in all R. sanguineus s.l. populations tested and the populations that carried the mutations showed resistance to cypermethrin in bioassays. Agreeing the present results, earlier study revealed that the domain III segment VI mutation at location 2,134 conferred resistance in R. sanguineus to permethrin (Tucker et al. 2017). Probably the common use of cypermethrin in the study area, where ticks were exposed through earlier on host and environment treatments resulting in selection favoured the mutation in all populations. Though the resistance SNP was present at higher rate in the sodium channel of the Machilipatnam (MTM2) population, RRs of this population is lower than Anantapur (ATP2) population. In addition to sodium channel mutation, the increased metabolic activity leading to acaricide detoxification could have contributed to higher RRs in ATP2 population. Synergist studies indicated increased esterases activity is an important mechanism in R. sanguineus tick’s resistance to pyrethroid acaricides (Miller 2001; Eiden et al. 2017). Based on bioassay and molecular assay results, it is clear that the SNP was not the primary resistance mechanism in any of the populations sampled. While exploring esterase-mediated and target site insensitivity mechanisms in two permethrin-resistant strains of R. microplus, Guerrero et al. (2002) noticed that the two populations exhibited survival at low doses of permethrin through different mechanisms. One population utilized metabolic resistance as the primary survival mechanism, whereas the other population utilized the target site insensitivity mechanism showing that both mechanisms were there in each population.
The simultaneous occurrence of increased metabolic detoxification and target site insensitivity in arthropod parasites is common as was observed previously in Musca domestica (Scott and Georghiou 1986), cattle tick (Jamroz et al. 2000), and mosquitoes (Ochomo et al. 2013) and the relative contribution of metabolic detoxification and target site insensitivity were strain dependent. Likewise, R. sanguineus exhibited similar diversification of resistance mechanisms. Despite the RR of BZA2 population is very low (1.72), the homozygous SNP levels were high suggesting the existence of multiple SNPs in sodium channel gene which has been disclosed in Haematobia irrtans (Guerrero et al. 1997), Musca domestica (Farnham et al. 1987) and cattle tick, R. microplus (Kumar et al. 2013). Dong et al. (2014) reported that over 50 sodium channel mutations are correlated with resistance to pyrethroids in different arthropod vectors. Recently, Tucker et al. (2019) also opined that multiple sodium channel mutations might be responsible for higher resistance to permethrin in certain R. sanguineus populations in south Brazil. The molecular assay proved to be a reliable method for detection of genotypic cypermethrin resistance associated target site insensitivity in tick populations. Further studies should include synergist studies to identify level of metabolic detoxification of cypermethrin in this resistant populations and the occurrence of other resistance conferring sodium channel SNPs.
In spite of the beneficial effect of macrocyclic lactones (MLs) as an acaricide, the extensive use over the last few years has brought drug selective pressure and led to the development of resistance in cattle tick, R. microplus in India (Singh et al. 2015; Nandi et al. 2018). Yet, MLs are working competently nevertheless it is essential to monitor the situation in order to extend the efficacy of this effective compound. Ivermectin, the most frequently used MLs and is administered in dogs at different concentration, orally or subcutaneous as single or repeated treatments for control of ectoparasites and nematodes. This extensive use particularly at off-label doses in dogs has led to the development of resistance to ivermectin (Campbell 2016). Use of ivermectin as endoparasiticide in cattle herds in Mexico generated resistance in gastrointestinal nematodes and the tick R. microplus (Alegria-Lopez et al. 2015). Similarly, use of the MLs to eliminate canine endoparasites could also set selection pressure for ivermectin resistance in R. sanguineus s.l. infesting dogs.
Of the total R. sanguineus populations, six (42.6%) were categorized as resistant with RR ranging from 1.5 to 4.79 and were with confirmed exposure to ivermectin for four years. The increased resistance in these populations may be due to inconsistent treatments (overuse of one class of drugs, or using ineffective concentrations) or the evolutionary selection pressure that a chemical exerts on a tick population. In accordance to the present results Becker et al. (2019) observed lower resistant ratios in R. sanguineus s.s populations in Brazil (RR up to 2.97). However, Rodriguez-Vivas et al. (2017b) found brown dog tick populations with higher resistance ratios in Yucatan, Mexico (RR up to 30.5). The variation among the resistance levels between populations might be correlated to variation in the frequency of exposure to ivermectin. The greatest ivermectin resistant tick population (BZA2, RR = 4.79) was found in the Municipal Corporation of Vijayawada. This population has been treated with ivermectin, cypermethrin, and fipronil for three years. Surprisingly, these ticks expressed considerable susceptibility to cypermethrin alongside intermittent on animal cypermethrin applications. This could be reduced usage of cypermethrin against tick infestation as reported in Veterinary Clinics of Vijayawada following introduction of fipronil in the market.
Most of the pet owners in the study area (Tanuku, Eluru, Machilipatnam, Kadapa) claimed that ivermectin was ineffective for controlling their tick problem, while the bioassay results revealed susceptibility to ivermectin. Under these circumstances it is difficult to determine the reason for lack of success. Generally, inconsistent or improper product use may be occurring that lead to reduced chemical exposure levels for ticks. Further, changes in tick distributions and densities along with owner perception may have a direct impact upon success or failure of an acaricide. Usually, pet owners regard lack of efficacy of an acaricide even dog experiences just a few ticks following treatment of heavily tick infested dog with effective acaricide. Thus, it is not uncommon that label recommended application of a product does not appear to control the problem (Dryden 2009). Detoxification mechanisms mediated by ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporters were observed to be the most important in ivermectin resistance in R. microplus (Pohl et al. 2011). Alike, ABC transporters may also play a role in ivermectin detoxification in R. sanguineus s.l. (Cafarchia et al. 2015). This study reports for the first time occurrence of ivermectin resistant populations of R. sanguineus s.l. in India. Further studies on role of ABC transporters in resistant mechanism of these tick populations are warranted.