Soil salinity condition in agroirrigation landscapes
It should be noted that the agroirrigation landscapes are comprised the loess sand and sandy soils in the ancient flood-lands of the Syrdarya, and also the alluvial and proluvial deposits of the seasonal flowing water from the mountains in the south. In the past, by several times of the sea floods the rock layers of salty carbonate, gypsum and clay have been formed. Particularly, deposits related to sand-clay, carbonate sulphate formation were washed away from the surrounding mountains of Mirzachul's oasis and accumulated in the area (Rafikov, 1979; Pankov, 1962, 1974; Poslavskiy, 1970; Yakubova, 2018). As can be seen from this information, nature of the soil of the agro irrigation landscapes adjacent to lake is saline. However, due to the irrigation system disruption in these geocomplexes, the disproportionate of water-salt balance has been intensified by the process of secondary salinization in irrigated lands and it is rapidly developing, despite the increasing use of countermeasures (Toderich et al., 2013). The secondary salinization process is occurring as a result of the accumulation of additional salts into irrigation layers, excessive irrigation measures, elevation of mineralized groundwater levels and their evaporation (Toderich et al., 2009; Saysel & Barlas, 2001; ). So far the irrigated land that adjacent to the lake has been subjected to various, weak, moderate and very strong secondary salinization (Azabdaftari & Sunar, 2016; Singh, 2018; Wang et al., 2018). In areas near the lake, salinity increases. Salinization is especially high in Arnasay, Dustlik, Mirzachul regions. The main reason for this is that the slope and closed river-bed basins are located in the central part of the oasis, and they head towards the lake. Such conditions effect for the accumulation of salts in the slope and AALS, as well as, increase mineralization of lake water (Kulmatov,et al., 2013; Kulmatov, et al., 2020). With the rising of lake water level, the groundwater level in the surrounding landscapes and secondary salinization in the soil will also increase (Wahyuni et al., 2009; Kulmatov, et al., 2021).
Increasing groundwater levels in agroirrigation landscapes
The rising level of groundwater in irrigated lands also leads to degradation of agricultural lands (Wahyuni et. al., 2010). Today, the excessive irrigation systems in the agro-irrigated landscape are much higher than norms (norms, total irrigation lands – 1746,6 thousand m3, used irrigation lands – 1765,9 thousand m3, and 19,3 thousand m3 more than norms) and due to the proximity of these landscapes to the lake, the surface water level is quite high.
According to the data of July 1, 2017, the level of groundwater is 1–2 meters in the area of 104,3 thousand hectares of irrigated lands. In the agro irrigation landscapes adjacent to the eastern part of the lake, the level of groundwater is 0–1 meters, and the irrigated land has formed hydromorphic landscapes, which are more susceptible to swamping and excessive irrigation. The level of groundwater is 2–3 meters in the area of 163 thousand hectares or 87,3% of the irrigated lands. Especially these indicators are high in Arnasay, Dustlik, Mirzachul, Zafarobod districts which adjacent to the lake and there are also a lot of territories which total subsoil water consist of 0 to 3 meters. After 1994, the lake level rose. This also affects the agroirrigation landscapes. During these years, groundwater levels have risen dramatically (Fig. 3.). This is particularly evident in areas near the lake (Fig. 4.). This situation requires a high level of land reclamation over many years.
Impact of chemicals on soil fertility and changes in water quality indicators of Aydar-Arnasay lake system
Soil salinization also occurs under the influence of human farming. This situation requires further development of ameliorative measures in agroirrigation landscapes and strict adherence to the irrigation system. Various toxic chemical compounds and preparations used to increase productivity in soils have a negative impact on soil quality and fertility. We can say, that the first (1960–1985 years) use of chemical compounds, mineral fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides in the developing new lands were more than the highest standard. In particular, an average of 284.4 kg (438 kg for cotton) fertilizers per hectare and up to 19.5 kg of toxic chemicals (sometimes 50 kg for cotton) were used (Kodirov. et al., 1999). The use of excessive chemicals in soils will result in loss of productivity and natural condition. Of course, we can say that the soil is a renewable natural resource, but it would take 2000 to 7000 years to restore its 18 cm layer of productivity by naturally (Burigin & Marsinkovskaya, 1980).
Moreover, the chemical compounds that are used excessively will lead to the degree of pollution not only to the soil cover of agro irrigation landscapes, but also the open water reservoirs, rivers, canals, lakes, groundwater and even drinking water (Abbasov & Sabirova, 2017; 2018; Sabirova, 2020).
It should be noted that in the months of May and June, during study of lakes and landscapes around the lake in the field expedition, we received water sampling for analysis from the 8 meters and 12 meters artesian wells adjacent to the lake in Gagarin city of Mirzachul district and center of Arnasay district (Fig. 1.). The results of the analysis revealed that nitrite content in the groundwater of these zones (0.08 mg/dm3 in Mirzachul district and 0.02 mg/dm3 in Arnasay district). It is known that nitrite is a highly poisonous compound that is caused by the use of various chemical compounds against pests (Groffman et. al., 2006), weeds and wild plants diseases in the agriculture, it is also dangerous to have a 0.001 mg/dm3 in nature (Noelle, 2014). Unfortunately, today these waters are unfit for drinking, but it is used for irrigation of plants and livestock. In addition, similar hazardous compounds are also influenced to water quality indicators by the ditch-drainage water of the AALS, which has the potential to increase the mineralization of the lake water and to increase the number of dangerous compounds in the water.
According to the analysis, the lake water mineralization is average 4.0-4.5 g/l between 1972–1983 years in the Tuskan lake, average 2.5-2.0 g/l in the western part of this lake and average 9–10 g/l in the Aydarkul part.
The impact on the quality indicators of the lake water is also influenced by wastewater, collector, ditch-drainage water of agro irrigation landscapes. Mainly Central-Mirzachul, Akbulak, Kli, ARK and boundary collector-drainage waters are poured to the lake. The highest mineralization of drainage waters consists of 5.4 g/l in ARK collector, then boundary water 4.9 g/l, Central Mirzachul 4.4 g/l, Akbulok 4.1 g/l, Kli 3.6 g/l. However, being poured of drainage waters during long years leaded with improvement of mineralization of lake water (Groll, 2016). Today, the lake water mineralization is average 14–15 g/l (Chembarisov, 2016). Such changes in the quality influence to the groundwater mineralization.