The Effects of Normal Aging
Figure 3 shows the results of the visual-search behavioral performance (panels a,b) and the eye tracking (panels c,d,e,f) in the healthy-younger group and the healthy-older group under either the letter masking (LM) condition (left panels) or the random noise (RN) masking condition (right panels). The visual-search performance was poor in the two groups under the LM condition, indicating that the LM condition had a much stronger masking effect than the RN-masking condition.
Visual-search performance
Under the LM condition (Figure 3a), with the increase of the stimulus presentation time, the performance in the younger group but not in the older group improved. A 2 (age group: younger, older) × 6 (stimulus presentation time: 100, 300, 500, 700, 900, 1100 ms) ANOVA showed that the interaction between the stimulus presentation time and group was significant [F (5,168) = 21.83, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.59]. Post hoc analyses showed that the differences in visual-search performance between the younger group and the older group under the LM condition was significant (the performance of the younger group was significantly better than that of the older group) only when the stimulus presentation time was either 700 ms (adjusted p = 0.002) or 1100 ms (adjusted p = 0.0394).
Figure 3b shows the visual search behavioral performance in the heathy-younger group and the healthy-older group under the RN-masking condition. With the increase of the stimulus presentation time, the performance in both groups gradually improved, and the difference between the two groups was marked. A 2 × 6 ANOVA showed that the interaction of stimulus presentation time and the group was significant [F (5,168) = 37.47, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.46]. Post hoc analyses showed that under the RN-masking condition, at each of the stimulus presentation times, the behavioral performance of the younger group was significantly better than that of the older group (for each of the 6 presentation times, adjusted p < 0.01).
Eye movements
Figure 3c shows the interest-area first fixation duration (IFFD) in the younger group and that in the older group under the LM condition. A 2 × 6 ANOVA showed that the interaction between group and stimulus presentation time was significant [F (5,168) = 38.07, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.78]. Post hoc analyses showed that the IFFD difference between the younger group and the older group under the LM condition was significant when the stimulus-presentation time was 300 (adjusted p < 0.001), 700 (adjusted p = 0.005), 900 (adjusted p < 0.001), or 1100 ms (adjusted p < 0.001).
Figure 3d shows the IFFD in the younger healthy group and that in the older healthy group under the RN-masking condition. A 2 × 6 ANOVA showed that the interaction between age difference and stimulus presentation time was significant [F (5,168) = 30.64 (p < 0.001), ηp2 = 0.38]. Post-tests showed that the IFFD difference between the younger group and the older group under the RN-masking condition was significant when the stimulus-presentation time was 300 (adjusted p = 0.015), 700 (adjusted p < 0.001), or 900 (adjusted p < 0.001), or 1100 ms (adjusted p < 0.001).
Figure 3e shows the maximum number of interest-area fixation counts (IFC) in the younger-healthy group and that in the older-healthy group under the LM condition. A 2 × 6 ANOVA showed that the interaction between age group and stimulus presentation time was significant [F (5,168) = 8.411, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.72]. Post-tests showed that at the longer times (300, 500, 700, 900 and 1100 ms), the IFC difference between the younger group and the older group under the LM condition was significant (for all the 5 stimulus presentation times adjusted p < 0.001).
Figure 3f shows the maximum number of IFC of the younger healthy group and that of the older healthy group under the RN-masking condition. A 2 × 6 ANOVA showed that the interaction between age group and stimulus presentation time was significant [F (5,168) = 5.637, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.42]. Post hoc analyses showed that at the longer stimulus presentation times (300, 500, 700, 900, and 1100 ms), the IFC difference between the younger group and the older group under the RN-masking condition was significant (for all the five stimulus presentation times, adjusted p < 0.001).
The Normal Relationship between the Visual-Search Performance and the Eye Movement
To demonstrate the normal relationship between the visual-search performance and the eye movement, Figure 4 shows the visual-search behavioral performance as a function of the average number of IFC across individual participants in the younger healthy group under either the LM condition (left panel) or the RN-masking condition (right panel) at the 6 different stimulus presentation times. As mentioned above, both the visual-search performance improved and the IFC increased as the stimulus-presentation time became longer. There was a positive linear correlation between the behavioral performance and the IFC at either masking condition. The mathematical formula of behavioral performance (the ordinate) as a function of IFC (the abscissa) was also established (Figure 4). The slop of the regression curve for the RN-masking condition (Figure 4 right panel) is much larger than that for the LM condition (Figure 4 left panel).
Comparisons between the Older-Healthy Group and Patient Groups
Figure 5 shows the visual-search behavioral performance and the eye-tracking results in the healthy-older (normal-control, NC) group and the 3 older-patient groups (SCD, MCI, and AD) under either the LM condition (left panels) or the RN-masking condition (right panels). The visual-search performance was also very poor in each group under the LM condition than the that under the RN-masking condition (Figure 5a,b).
Visual-search behavioral performance under the LM condition
For the visual-search performance under the LM condition (Figure 5a), a 6 (stimulus presentation time: 100, 300, 500, 700, 900, and 1100 ms) × 4 (group: NC, SCD, MCI, AD) ANOVA showed a significant interaction between stimulus presentation time and group [F (15,336) = 9.165 p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.30]. Post hoc tests showed that there was no significant difference in behavioral performance between the NC group and the SCD group, the aMCI group or the AD group at each of the stimulus presentation times (for all the 6 stimulus presentation times, adjusted p > 0.999). There was no significant difference in behavioral performance between the SCD group and the aMCI group or the AD group at each of the stimulus presentation times (for all the 6 stimulus presentation times, adjusted p > 0.999). There was no significant difference in behavioral performance between the aMCI group and the AD group at each of the stimulus presentation times (for all the 6 stimulus presentation times, adjusted p > 0.999).
Visual-search behavioral performance under the RN-masking condition
For the visual-search performance under the RN-masking condition (Figure 5b), a 6 × 4 ANOVA showed a significant interaction between stimulus presentation time and group [F (15,336) = 17.94, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.32]. Post hoc tests showed that there was no significant difference in behavioral performance between the NC group and the SCD group at each of the stimulus presentation times (for all the 6 stimulus presentation times, adjusted p > 0.999).
The behavioral performance of the NC group was significantly better than that of the aMCI when the stimulus presentation time was either 300 ms (adjusted p = 0.001) or 500 ms (adjusted p = 0.02).
The behavioral performance of the NC group was significantly better than that of the AD group when stimulus presentation time was 300 ms (adjusted p = 0.01), 500 ms (adjusted p = 0.005), 700 ms (adjusted p = 0.013), or 900 ms (adjusted p < 0.001).
The behavioral performance of SCD was significantly better than that of the aMCI group only when the stimulus presentation time was 300 ms (adjusted p = 0.003).
The visual-search performance of the SCD group was significantly better than that of the AD group when the stimulus presentation time was 300 ms (adjusted p = 0.019), 700 ms (adjusted p = 0.047), or 900 ms (adjusted p < 0.001).
There was no significant difference in behavioral performance between the aMCI and AD groups at each of the stimulus presentation times (for all adjusted p > 0.060).
Eye movement IFFD under the LM condition
Figure 5c also shows the IFFD in these groups with older participants under the LM condition. With the increase of the stimulus presentation time, the IFFD in each of groups increased. A 6 × 4 ANOVA showed that there was a significant interaction between stimulus presentation time and group [F (15,336) = 3.221, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.49]. Post hoc tests showed that under the LM condition, the IFFD of the SCD group was significantly longer than that of NC group when stimulus presentation time was 500 ms or larger (for the four stimulus presentation times, adjusted p < 0.001).
The IFFD of the aMCI group was significantly longer than that of NC group when the presentation time was either 500 ms (adjusted p = 0.006), 900 (adjusted p < 0.001) or 1100 ms (adjusted p < 0.001).
The IFFD of the AD group was significantly longer than that of the NC group only when the stimulus presentation time was 1100 ms (adjusted p < 0.001).
The IFFD of the SCD group was significantly longer than that of the aMCI group only when the stimulus presentation time was 1100 ms (adjusted p = 0.002).
The IFFD of the SCD group was significantly longer than that of the AD group when stimulus presentation time was also 1100 ms (adjusted p = 0.034).
There was no significant difference in IFFD between the aMCI group and the AD group at each of the 6 stimulus presentation times (for all the 6 stimulus presentation times, adjusted p > 0.999).
Eye movement IFFD under the RN-masking condition
Figure 5d shows the IFFD in the groups with older participants under the RN-masking condition. The IFFD became longer with the increase of the stimulus presentation time similarly for all the groups with older participants. A 6 × 4 ANOVA showed that under the RN-masking condition there was a significant interaction between stimulus presentation time and group [F (15,336) = 29.92, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.32]. Multiple comparisons showed that when stimulus presentation time was 500 ms or above, the IFFD of the SCD group was significantly longer than that of the NC group (for the 4 stimulus presentation times, adjusted p4 < 0.001).
The IFFD of the aMCI group was significantly longer than that of the NC group when the stimulus presentation time was 500 ms and longer (for the 4 stimulus presentation times, adjusted p < 0.001).
The IFFD of the AD group was significantly longer than that of the NC group when stimulus presentation time was also 500 ms or longer (for the 4 stimulus presentation times, adjusted p < 0.001).
The IFFD of the aMCI group was significantly longer than that of SCD group only when stimulus time was 1100 ms (adjusted p = 0.024).
The IFFD of the AD group was significantly longer than that of the SCD group only when the stimulus presentation time was either 900 ms or 1100 ms (for the 2 stimulus presentation times, adjusted p < 0.001).
There was no significant difference in IFFD between the aMCI and AD groups at each of the stimulus presentation times (all adjusted p > 0.999).
The Eye movement IFC under the LM condition
Figure 5e shows the IFC in the groups with older participants under the LM condition. A 6 × 4 ANOVA showed that there was a significant interaction between stimulus presentation time and group [F (15,336) = 26.54, p < 0.001) , ηp2 = 0.22]. Post hoc tests showed that between the NC and SCD there were significant differences when stimulus presentation time was 100, 300, 500, 900, or 1100 ms (for all adjusted p < 0.001).
The IFC of the aMCI group was significantly different from that of the NC group when the stimulus presentation time was 500 ms or longer (for each of the 4 stimulus presentation times, adjusted p < 0.001).
The IFC of the AD group was significantly higher than that of the NC group when the stimulus presentation time was either 300 ms or 900 ms (for the 2 stimulus presentation times, adjusted p < 0.001).
The IFC of the SCD group was significantly higher than that of the aMCI group when the stimulus presentation time was 500, 700, or 1100 ms (for the 3 stimulus presentation times, adjusted p < 0.001).
The IFC of the SCD group was significantly different from that of the AD group when the stimulus presentation time was 100, 500, 900, or 1100 ms (for the 4 stimulus presentation times, adjusted p < 0.001).
The IFC of the AD group was significantly higher than that of the aMCI group when the stimulus presentation time was 500 ms and above (for the 4 stimulus presentation times, adjusted p < 0.001).
The IFC under the RN-masking condition
Figure 5-f shows the maximum number of IFC across groups with older participants (groups at different developmental stages of Alzheimer's disease) under the condition of RN masking. A 6 × 4 ANOVA showed that there was a significant interaction between stimulus presentation time and group [F (15,336) = 28.09, p < 0.001, ηp2 = 0.91]. Post hoc tests showed that there was a significant difference between NC and SCD only at the stimulus presentation time of 100 ms (adjusted p < 0.001).
The IFC of the aMCI group was significantly higher than that of the NC group only when the stimulus presentation time was 500 ms (for this stimulus presentation time, adjusted p < 0.001).
The IFC of the AD group was significantly higher than that of the NC group when the stimulus presentation time was 500, 700, or 900 ms (for the 3 stimulus presentation times, adjusted p < 0.001).
The aMCI group was significantly different that of the SCD group when the stimulus presentation times was100 ms or 500 ms (adjusted p <0.001)].
The IFC of the AD group was significantly higher than that of the SCD group when the stimulus presentation time was 100, 700, or 900 ms (for the 3 stimulus presentation times, adjusted p < 0.001).
The IFC of the AD group was significantly higher than that of the aMCI group when the stimulus presentation time was 500, 700, or 900 ms (for the 3 stimulus presentation times, adjusted p < 0.001).