Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is an important cereal crop feeding more than one third of the global population (Sarangi et al., 2019). It supplies 23% of the world’s dietary energy needs with 16% of the per capita protein requirement (Moorthy et al., 2011). In Asia alone, 90% of rice is produced and consumed (Sarangi et al., 2019). India ranks first in consumption, whereas in the world it is the second most consumed cereal next to maize (Chandusingh et al., 2017a; Tiwari et al., 2018). With the advent of Green Revolution, rice production in the country has not only doubled but also enabled self-sufficiency (Chandusingh et al., 2017b; Singh et al., 2019). However, the demand for rice is still anticipated to escalate unequivocally in the coming future due to steady increase in population.
Several reports suggested that the rice production in Asian countries and India must be doubled by 2025 in order to encounter the hunger needs of exploding population (Hossain, 1996; Paroda, 1998). This implies that more than half of the population across the globe relies on the production and supply of rice, which ensures food and nutritional security (Bora et al., 2016; Bandumula, 2017; Singh et al., 2019). Since the land is scarce and expansion is not likely, achieving higher levels of production and productivity in rice is only feasible through adoption of high yielding and improved varieties. Nevertheless, the success of these high yielding and improved varieties largely depends on the availability of quality seed with greater genetic purity standards is critical to realize the genetic gains accumulated through efforts of plant breeding (Agarwal et al., 1999). Further, high demand and market price fluctuations for highly preferred quality rice varieties often promote with certain level of adulteration in the seed supply chain. Hence, ensuring the genetic purity of crop varieties is a pre-requisite and immensely critical for realizing their full yield potential.
In India, seed lots often pass through multi-level generation system during the process of seed multiplication that increases the risk of genetic contamination through pollen shedders and by physical admixtures during post-harvest handling. Impurities stemmed from these routes would remain undetected morphologically and cause deterioration of quality seed pertinent to variety, which ultimately leads to a drastic reduction in crop yields (Liu and Wang, 2000). Moreover, the characterization of genetic stocks and varieties is mandatory for unambiguous identification of varieties that are genetically very close, protection of intellectual rights and for grant of Plant Breeder’s Rights besides preventing unauthorized commercial use of seeds (Faccioli et al., 1995; Bora et al., 2016). Thus, conservation of seed purity continues to be an important aspect of crop improvement for both seed production and multiplication.
The genetic purity of commercial seed lots is traditionally assayed by performing Grow Out Tests (GOT) based on morphological characters. Morphological characterization based on physical traits descriptors for quality seed production is not only time taking and laborious but also environment responsive, hence less reliable and often provide impetuous results due to hindering effect of G X E interaction (Li et al., 2002). Although methods based on biochemical approaches such as isozyme analysis through protein separation using electrophoresis is available but their ability to distinguish closely related genotypes is meagre due to finite polymorphism and influenced by environment similar to GOT’s (Ainsworth and Sharp, 1989). This makes the process of varietal identification and cultivar protection less empirical and sometimes more elusive using conventional approaches.
In contrast, genetic purity assessment using molecular markers based on DNA sequence polymorphism has been proven to be an unbiased means of identifying cultivar purity in several crop species (Karkousis et al., 2003). Among the various DNA based markers available, simple sequence repeats (SSR) also called microsatellites are widely deployed for rapid genetic purity assessment of both varieties and hybrids in rice (Bora et al., 2016; Sundaram et al., 2008; Joshi and Behera, 2006; Nandakumar et al., 2004; Singh et al., 2004; Yashitola et al., 2002) and in several other crop species (Mingsheng et al., 2006; Dongre et al., 2011; Nagawade et al., 2016). The specific advantage of these microsatellite markers include their reproducibility, abundance, uniform genetic distribution, co-dominant nature and ease in handling (McCouch et al., 1997; Akagi et al., 1996) that remarkably enhanced their utilization in genetic purity assessment in several crop species of agricultural value. Owing to its potential features than the other markers, the study under investigation has been carried out for assessment of genetic purity in rice using several SSR markers.