4.1. GC-MS Analysis of the Ethanolic Extract of Ocimum tenuiflorum (KT)
Gas chromatographic analysis of ethanolic extract of KT was performed and the mass chromatogram of the unknown bioactive compounds were identified by comparing with the chromatogram of known compounds already stored in NIST (National Institute Standard and Technology) library. The compound name, molecular weight, molecular formula and peak area of the test sample were determined. Various bioactive compounds of KT identified from GC-MS chromatogram are listed in Table 1. The major components found were gallic acid, p-coumaric acid, cinnamic acid, catechol, caffeic acid, 3,4-dimethoxycinnamic acid, luteolin, diosmetin, kaempferol, apigenin, rosmarinic acid, genistein, eucalyptol, camphor and eugenol (28) Presence of various compounds eluted at different retention times were detected once the large compound fragments into small compounds resulting into characteristic peaks at different m/z ratios which can be further compared with the standard NIST library. Among these detected bioactive compounds, few possesses the potential to act as future drug candidate molecules which can be further tested for their biological activities in vitro and in vivo.
4.2. Quorum Sensing Assay
Quorum sensing (QS) is a cell population density dependent signaling mechanism developed by microorganisms during biofilm formation and maturation. Bacterial cells striving within the EPS matrix of biofilm can efficiently sense the neighbouring cells by a series of small signaling molecules such as aceyl-homoserine lactones (AHL), small peptides, autoinducers (AI) regulated by a complex genetic machinery. Formation of biofilm is directly proportional to the AHL secretion by the microorganisms. Thus quantification of AHL serves an essential purpose for the detection of QS mechanism. Figure 3 shows that the QS are drastically reduced in comparison to control (S. aureus) at OD at 520 nm which is 0.823±0.073 to 0.382±0.031 when treated with KT extract and 0.513±0.026 when treated with tetracycline. We detected a significant decrease in QS activity in presence of ethanolic extracts of KT as compared to tetracyclin treated and control sample indicating the anti-quorum sensing and antibiofilm efficacy of KT (29).
4.3. Effect of ethanolic extract of Ocimum tenuiflorum upon various components of EPS
Biofilm comprises of sessile microbial colonies embedded in a slimy layer of exopolymeric substances known as EPS which consists majorly of water, carbohydrate, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids. The presence and absence of the challenge of ethanolic extract of KT were estimated upon various EPS components. It was observed that components of EPS viz. protein, carbohydrates and nucleic acids were largely reduced by the challenge of ethanolic extract of KT. The carbohydrate content within EPS of S. aureus biofilm were effected maximum by the ethanolic extract of KT for a time challenge of 2 hours showing 56.2% with respect to control (0.168±0.023 to 0.072±0.011 mM). The protein and nucleic acid content of S. aureus EPS matrix were reduced by the ethanolic extract of KT for a time challenge of 2 hours showing 21.8% and 44.3 % reduction with respect to control (0.138±0.013 to 0.108±0.011 mM) and (0.183±0.016 to 0.102±0.041 mM) respectively (Figure 4). The reduction in protein, carbohydrate or nucleic acid content indicates towards the disintegration of EPS matrix in comparison to the stable and intact EPS matrix of the control sets (30). All the data were Mean±SE. The data were statistically significant.
4.4. Minimum Biofilm Eradication Concentration (MBEC) determination assay
MBEC assay was performed to calculate the potency of KT in successful eradication of S. aureus biofilm. It provides information regarding the minimum dosage required for clearance of the sessile bacterial colony formed on various biotic/abiotic surfaces. From Figure 5 it can be concluded that S.aureus were eradicated by 73.81±8.97% in the challenge of Ocimum tenuiflorum (KT) at an inhibitory concentration of and 51.45 ±5.13% in the presence of antibiotic Tetracycline
4.5. Viability Count of the biofilm cells in the presence or absence of the KT
The viability count of the S.aureus cells were found to decrease growth (log CFU/ml) for a time challenge of 0 to 48 hours with a maximum effect by Ocimum tenuiflorum (KT) from 6.18±0.014 to 6.02±0.02 in comparison to control (6.21±0.03 to 6.61±0.02) and tetracyclyine (6.19±0.005 to 6.056±0.018). It was also observed that upon removal of challenge of KT extract lead to a negligible revival from log CFU/ml 6.22±0.015 to 6.029±0.024 in comparison to the control that showed a continuous growth from log CFU/ml 6.18±0.03 to 6.58±0.013 and log CFU/ml 6.198±0.005 to 6.086±0.018 on removing the challenge of standard antibiotic (Figure 6 a) and b)). The revival studies were performed after allowing the cultures to grow for 24 hours after removing the challenge of 0 to 48 hours. The data were statistically significant.
4.6. Microscopic studies of biofilm
The effect of time challenge of KT extract upon the S. aureus biofilm topology was observed by scanning electron microscopy. The control sample (Figure 18b) comprises of well-developed and mature biofilm cells adhered on the chitin surface whereas a dispersed and partially distorted biofilm assembly was observed on the KT extract treated samples (Figure 18c). This was further supported by fewer bacterial colonies in the biofilm treated with KT extract. SEM micrograph image and QS assay suggests that ethanolic extract of Ocimum tenuiflorum directly effects the biofilm development and maturation by influencing the flagellum driven motility which is necessary for attachment to the substratum via swimming and swarming motion (31).
4.7. Docking between biofilm forming protein (3TIP) of S.aureus with potent bioactive compounds from Ocimum tenuiflorum (KT)
The bioactive molecules identified from GC-MS spectrograph of ethanolic extract of KT were used for understanding the mechanism of binding with the biofilm forming protein of S. aureus (3TIP) with the help of molecular docking. In–silico docking analysis helps predict the binding sites and major interacting amino acid residues with the phytocompounds alongwith the binding interaction energies (32). This analysis helps predict the best docked poses based on minimum binding energies alongwith the tentative interaction viz. H-bonds, electrostatic interactions or pi-pi interactions taking place between the amino acid residues and the phytocompounds enabling the prediction of few putative lead molecules that can be looked for future drug compounds. Binding energy is released when drug molecule associated with a target, which causes lowering of the overall energy of the complex. This release of binding energy compensates for any transformation of the ligand from its energy minimum to its bound conformation with the protein. Therefore, the greater the energy released (i. e., the greater the negative value), on binding of a ligand to the protein, greater is the propensity of the ligand to associate with that protein. From the docking results obtained, it is observed that rosmarinic acid, ursolic acid, oleanolic acid show the highest binding energy (∆Go) with the Staphylococcus aureus as compared to other bioactive compounds present (Table 2). The docked results were further analysed with Ligplot software for identifying the key residues in the protein and CABs-flex server for performing the 20ns MD simulation.
From the Ligplot analysis, various amino acids that are interacting with the biofilm forming bacterial proteins (3TIP) are observed (33). These amino acids interact with the proteins via different types of bond like hydrophobic bonds, hydrogen bonds, pi-pi stacking bonds and salt bridges. Also, from the online server called PLIP (Protein-Ligand Interaction Profiler) the distances of the bioactive compounds from their binding pockets is obtained. These distances determine the type of bond each amino acid residue has with the bioactive compounds (ligands). Upon comparison of the results obtained from both the Ligplot software and PLIP server, it can be concluded that results obtained from them are almost identical and that, both the software and server have given accurate results. From the results obtained, it can be seen that rosmarinic acid and linalool have highest number of bonds meaning that they have highest amount of stability while interacting with the biofilm forming proteins of Staphylococcus aureus (Table 3)
From the CABS FLEX analysis (Table 4), it is observed that almost all the bioactive compounds show significant variations in their interaction with biofilm forming proteins of Staphylococcus aureus (3TIP). From these variations, the interaction of the biofilm forming proteins with and without their ligands (bioactive compounds) is observed. Most significant variations are observed in Staphylococcus aureus (3TIP).