Morphological observation of Cyphellostereum ushima
The hymenium of Cyphellostereum ushima is whitish, resupinate, thin, and membranaceous, forming patches adjacent to the lichenized thallus covering the wood surface, especially on margins or underside of the substrate near the thallus (Fig. 1a, b). Basidia are short, about 10 μm in length, cylindrical to clavate, and produce four thin-walled hyaline basidiospores (Fig. 1j–l). These morphological features suggest an affinity with Athelia in Atheliales; the phylogenetic analyses, however, did not support such a placement, indicating its inclusion in the Cyphellostereum lineage in Agaricales (see below; Fig. 3). The lichenized thallus is composed of loosely intertwined, lichenized cyanobacterial filaments (Rhizonema trichomes) (Fig. 1c), and does not form a combined structure with hymenium as seen in Dictyonema. The thallus sometimes forms tufts of fibrils of densely arranged fungal-cyanobacterial filaments (Fig. 1d–f) as seen in C. galapagoense (Dal Forno et al. 2017). Each cyanobacterial filament is incompletely surrounded by the mycobiont hyphae (Fig. 1g–i) and different from that of Dictyonema, in which the trichome was completely surrounded by the jigsaw-shaped hyphae sheath. These thallus features are consistent with the conventional definition of Cyphellostereum. However, the mycobiont forms a central haustorium within the trichome, visible with light microscopy (Fig. 1h, i). TEM observation revealed that the surrounding mycobiont hyphae penetrated into the trichome, and longitudinally traversed trichome cells as tubular haustoria (Fig. 2f–i). Such haustoria are commonly seen in Dictyonema, but are unusual in Cyphellostereum, reported only in C. galapagoense so far (Dal Forno et al. 2017). Additionally, Võ (2016) reported the presence of tubular haustoria in three undescribed Cyphellostereum species; further sampling is needed to assess how widespread haustoria are in Cyphellostereum. TEM observation also showed that the haustoria were regularly constricted as they passed through the septa between trichome cells (Fig 2a, b). The presence of the haustorium did not appear to have a significant effect on the division of trichome cells. Thylakoids were irregularly arranged in the photobiont cytoplasm, and electron-dense granules were scattered throughout (Fig. 2d). A barrel-shaped intercalary heterocyte with a thickened wall was observed in the trichome, and its cytoplasm was continuous with the adjacent normal cells through a septal pore (Fig. 2e). The heterocyte contained fewer thylakoids than the neighboring cells and the electron-dense granules were scattered. Intracellular haustoria were frequently observed in vegetative cells, but not in heterocytes. The external mycobiont hyphae occasionally penetrated trichome cells and were constricted considerably in the cell wall of the trichome (haustorial neck) (Fig. 2f–i). The width of the haustoria neck was less than 1 µm, and although the cytoplasm of the external hyphae and intracellular haustoria was continuous, the wall of the hypha seemed to be discontinuous in the thin sections observed (Fig. 2g, i). Compared with the cell wall thickness of the external hyphae (about 150 nm), that of the intracellular haustoria was much thinner (about 50 nm).
TEM observations of Cyphellostereum are reported here for the first time. However, two structurally similar genera, Cora and Dictyonema, were previously observed with TEM (Roskin 1970; Oberwinkler 1980, 1984; Slocum 1980). The observation of the thallus of C. ushima was essentially consistent with these observations. On the other hand, the following characters could not be detected in this study: the dark staining material at the site of penetration observed in D. irpicinum (Slocum 1980), the multilayered scar of the haustorial mother cells, and the electron-dense ring around the haustorial neck observed in D. sericeum (Oberwinkler 1980). The wall of the tubular intracellular haustoria was thinner than that of the external hyphae, as observed in D. irpicinum (Slocum 1980), and consistent with the idea that the haustorium facilitates the transport of metabolites from photobiont to mycobiont. Unlike Dictyonema, which always forms tubular intracellular haustoria, there are many species of Cyphellostereum for which tubular intracellular haustoria have been reported as absent in light microscope observations. These need to be investigated in more detail with TEM in the future. In Ascomycota, several genera are known to lichenize Rhizonema, including Coccocarpia (Lücking et al. 2009) and Erioderma (Cornejo et al. 2016) in Lecanoromycetes, and Lichinodium (Prieto et al. 2019) in Leotiomycetes. However, TEM observations of Coccocarpia (Arvidsson 1982) and Lichinodium (Prieto et al. 2019) showed that while mycobiont hyphae are in close contact with algal cells, the intracellular haustoria were not formed. Thus, at present, only basidiomycetes are known to form tubular intracellular haustoria within Rhizonema trichome cells.
Comparison between C. ushima and other known Cyphellostereum species
Cyphellostereum ushima is unusual in Cyphellostereum in that the fruiting body is resupinate and membranaceous, forming tubular haustoria, and is easily distinguished from other known Cyphellostereum species (Table 1). However, in recent years, some species other than C. ushima have been described with characteristics deviating from the conventional recognition of Cyphellostereum, although they are phylogenetically placed in the Cyphellostereum lineage, a phylogenetically well-supported monophyletic clade. For example, C. galopagoense was originally described as Dictyonema because the trichome was completely surrounded by the jigsaw-shaped hyphal sheath cells (Yánez et al. 2012), but subsequent molecular analysis resulted in its assignment to the Cyphellostereum clade (Dal Forno et al. 2017). Cyphellostereum galapagoense is also unusual in that tubular haustoria are formed in the trichome cells (Dal Forno et al. 2017), as occurs in C. ushima. In addition, C. georgianum and C. jamesianum are unique in that clamp connections are observed in the vegetative hyphae (Dal Forno et al. 2019).
Isolation of Cyphellostereum ushima
Basidiospores discharged onto agar did not germinate at all after one month of incubation in the dark at 20°C. Some additional factors such as the presence of the photobiont may be needed for germination. On the other hand, regrowth of vegetative hyphae from the thallus fragments was observed on rare occasions (Fig. 1m), and an axenic mycobiont isolate was established by transferring the elongated mycelium to a new PDA medium (Fig. 1n). The identity of the mycobiont culture and its relationship to other taxa of Cyphellostereum were analyzed as detailed below.
Molecular analyses
The ML and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses were conducted using an aligned sequence dataset composed of 405 bp from the mycobiont ITS. The tree topology inferred by the Bayesian analysis was mostly identical to that of the ML tree, except for unsupported branches in the ML tree. The sequences of C. ushima formed a strongly supported monophyletic clade (100% ML BP/1.00 Bayesian PP) with the sequences of C. unoquinoum (KY861495) and C. phyllogenum (KF443219), and they were located in a unique lineage within the clade (Fig. 3). These three species all lack clamp connections in vegetative hyphae, and incompletely cover the cyanobacterial symbiont filaments. However, C. phyllogenum and C. unoquinoum differ from C. ushima in that they lack tubular internal haustoria. Cyphellostereum galapagoense, the only other species of Cyphellostereum known to have tubular internal haustoria (Dal Forno et al. 2017), is in a distant lineage from C. ushima; our phylogenetic analysis does not support genetic relatedness between the two.
The BLAST search of the sequence of 16S rDNA (GenBank accession no. LC597370) derived from the lichenized thallus of C. ushima indicated that the photobiont is Rhizonema species. Similarly, we tried to get the rbcLX sequence from the thallus, but rbcLX could not be amplified despite multiple attempts. The primers for CX and/or CW are probably not compatible with the photobiont genome. Referring to figure S9 of Dal Forno et al. (2021) on the delimitation of Rhizonema species based on the sequences of 16S rDNA and rbcLX, the 16S rDNA sequences obtained agreed with those specific to R. interruptum in 6 out of 7 diagnostic positions. Therefore, the photobiont of C. ushima is closely related to R. interruptum, but the rbcLX sequence will be needed for more precise identification.
Similarities between C. ushima and some lichenized Athelia species
In addition to the lichenized monophyletic group including such as Cyphellostereum and Dictyonema in Hygrophoraceae, three Athelia species (A. andina, A. phycophila, and A. poeltii) are also known to be lichenized with filamentous cyanobacteria (Jülich 1972, 1978) (Table 1). However, none of these lichenized Athelia species has been reliably reported since their original description, and all lack DNA information. The descriptions of these species do not include detailed information on the lichenized thallus, except for the sketch and observations of A. andina by Oberwinkler (1970, 2012), and thus they remain poorly known taxa even as lichens. Since all basidiomata of lichenized Athelia species are whitish, resupinate, and membranaceous, they have never been compared with Cyphellostereum species, whose basidiomata have been recognized as cyphelloid. The basidioma of C. ushima has many similarities with the above-mentioned lichenized Athelia species, especially with those of A. phycophila, but C. ushima is morphologically distinguished by its shorter basidia and ellipsoid to slightly elongate basidiospores (vs pyriform in A. phycophila). The basidioma of Eonema pyriforme, a non-lichenized sister lineage of Cyphellostereum, is whitish and resupinate like that of Athelia, and, in fact, used to be treated as Athelia pyriformis (Jülich 1972) until phylogenetic analysis placed it in Hygrophoraceae (Lawrey et al. 2009). The fact that the basidioma of C. ushima is similar to those of lichenized Athelia species suggests that the latter may actually be part of the Cyphellostereum lineage. Their phylogenetic affiliations will have to be verified by examining type specimens, re-collecting in the type localities, and further molecular work.
Oberwinkler (1970) reported that both C. pusiolum and A. andina are associated not only with filamentous cyanobacteria but also with unicellular green algae to form a Botrydina-type thallus. Although he did not elaborate on the Botryodina-type thallus, his subsequent reviews of basidiolichens retain the view that the mycelia of both species form distinct thalli with filamentous cyanobacteria and unicellular green algae simultaneously (Oberwinkler 2012). On the other hand, Jülich (1972), in his official description of A. andina, refers to lichenization with cyanobacteria (as Scytonema), but does not mention green algae. Our observations of the thallus of C. ushima showed that the mycelium lichenized only Rhizonema trichomes; no interaction with other algae was observed. While dual relationships with both green algae and cyanobacteria are well-documented in certain ascolichens (particularly in Peltigerales), similar reports in basidiolichens need further study.
Here we describe Cyphellostereum ushima with data on both the matured basidioma and the lichenized thallus. The circumscription of Cyphellostereum is emended as follows to encompass the features of other recently described species mentioned above.
Cyphellostereum D.A. Reid, Beih. Nova Hedwigia 18: 336 (1965), emend. H. Masumoto & Y. Degawa
Emended diagnosis: Basidiomata terrestrial, saxicolous, muscicolous, or lignicolous, whitish, sessile (resupinate) or stipitate (fan-shaped), separated from the thallus or only at the base connected to the thallus. Hyphae thin-walled, with or without clamp connections, monomitic. Cystidia absent. Basidia clavate to cylindrical, with 4 sterigmata and a simple basal septum. Basidiospores subglobose to ellipsoid, smooth, thin-walled, non-amyloid. Thallus blue-green to greenish, crustose, composed of cyanobacterial filaments, without haustoria or with tubular intracellular haustoria. Photobiont Rhizonema, cells cylindrical, uniseriate, with cylindrical to rounded intercalary heterocytes, occasionally forming false branches. Hyphal sheath around cyanobacterial filaments composed of irregular hyphae leaving interspaces, or composed of jigsaw-puzzle-shaped paraplectenchymatous fungal cells completely ensheathing the photobiont trichome.
Cyphellostereum ushima H. Masumoto & Y. Degawa, sp. nov. (Figs. 1 and 2)
MycoBank no.: MB XXXXX.
Holotype: JAPAN. Kagoshima, Amami-Oshima, Setouchi, Amurogama, on tree trunks of Cryptomeria japonica, elevation 15 m, 6 Mar 2020, H. Masumoto 364 (OSA-MY-9529, ex-type culture: NBRC 115003).
Etymology: From the island name of the type locality (Amami-Oshima) in Amami language (Ushima).
Description: Thallus epiphytic on tree trunks (Cryptomeria japonica), undifferentiated, membranous, developing a mat of loosely interwoven fungal-cyanobacterial fibrils, fragile, green to bluish-green. Thallus in section up to 80 µm thick; occasionally with tufts of fibrils up to 300 µm long from base, formed by densely arranged fungal-cyanobacterial filaments. Thallus composed of cyanobacterial filaments (Rhizonema trichomes) incompletely surrounded by hyaline hyphae (fungal sheath), 2.7–3.5 µm diam; trichome cells 5.5–8.6 µm wide × 3.3–7.3 µm high, green to bluish-green, uniseriate, occasionally false branched; trichome cells penetrated by tubular fungal hyphae (haustoria) of 2.5–3.4 µm diam; heterocytes sparse, pale yellow, 5.5–10.0 µm wide and 4.0–10 µm high, cylindrical to broadly ellipsoid; clamp connections not observed. Basidiomata formed on margins or underside of the substrate near the thallus, resupinate, effuse, very thin, arachnoid, whitish, free of cyanobacterial filament; hymenophore in section up to 40 µm thick. Hyphal system monomitic, consisting of branched, hyaline generative hyphae, smooth, thin-walled, 3–4(–5) µm wide lacking clamp connections. Cystidia absent. Basidia (8.6–)9.4–13.0(–15.4) × (4.9–)5.4–6.5(–7.1) µm, 11.19 ± 1.83 × 5.94 ± 0.58 µm on average with standard deviation (std) (n = 24), 4-spored, clavate or short-cylindrical, thin-walled, hyaline, with a simple basal septum; sterigmata 2.2–3.6 µm. Basidiospores (4.6–)5.3–6.3(–6.9) × (3.0–)3.4–4.0(–4.3) µm, 5.76 ± 0.50 × 3.69 ± 0.31 µm on average with std (n = 50), Q = (1.3–)1.4–1.6(–1.8), 1.57 ± 0.14 on average with std (n = 50), ellipsoid to slightly elongate, hyaline, smooth, thin-walled, non-amyloid. Colonies on PDA slow-growing, reaching 4.0–4.5 mm in diam after 2 months at 20 °C in the dark, three-dimensional, aggregated, pale-pink to pale-brown, the mycelium hardly extending into the agar.
Distribution: Currently found only in the type locality (Amami-Oshima, Kagoshima, Japan). This is the first report of the genus Cyphellostereum in Japan.
Gene sequences of the holotype: LC597364 (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2), LC597367 (28S rDNA)
Gene sequences of the ex-type culture: LC597366 (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2), LC597369 (28S rDNA)
Japanese name: Taorugoke (Taoru, meaning a towel, refers to the loosely interwoven texture of the thallus; -goke, a suffix often used to mean a lichen).