In this section we will present the results from the preliminary and post-estimation tests, the main model and the robustness check, as well as the possible explanation for the impacts that were found. In this context, the results from the preliminary tests indicate the presence of serial correlation up to the second-order, where the null hypothesis of Bias-corrected LM-based test can be rejected (see Table 1A in the Appendix); The presence of low-multicollinearity and cross-section dependence between the variables of the model (see Table 2A in the Appendix), and the variables being on the borderline between the I(0) and I(1) orders of integration (see Table 3A in the Appendix). Moreover, the preliminary tests indicate the presence of fixed effects was found, where the null hypothesis of the Hausman test can be rejected (see Table 4A in the Appendix).
After to realisation of preliminary tests, it is needed to carry out the Panel quantile model regression. The 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 quantiles were respectively calculated. These quantiles were used to simplify the exhibition of empirical results. Table 3 below, shows the results from the Panel quantile model regression.
Table 3
Panel quantile model and post-estimation test
Independent variables
Dependent variable (DRAP)
Quantiles regression at
Post-estimation test for the QvM model
F / Wald test
Chi2(8) = 104.29
Chi2(8) = 174.64
Chi2(8) = 105.50
Notes: The Stata commands xtqreg and testparm were used ***,**,* denotes statistically significant at 1%, 5%, and 10% level.
The results from the Panel quantile model regression show that in the 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75 quantiles, the variables Carbon dioxide emissions (CO2), Electricity consumption from new renewable energy sources (REC), Economic instruments-fiscal/financial incentives policies to enable clean energy deployment (EIP), Economic growth (GDP), and Social Globalisation (KOFSoGI) reduces the air pollution deaths (DRAP), while the variables Electricity consumption from non-renewable energy sources (FOC), urbanisation (URB), and Economic globalisation (KOFEcGI) encourages the increase of these deaths in the LAC region. Moreover, the results from the post-estimation test for the Panel quantile model indicates that the model estimator that this study choose is adequate to perform this analysis.
The next step after the realisation of the main model regression is the verification of the robustness of the results. To this end, we added variables, dummies, in the Panel quantile model regression (see Table 4, below).
Table 4
Panel quantile model (with dummy variables) and post-estimation test
Independent variables
Dependent variable (DRAP)
Quantiles regression at
Post-estimation test for the Panel quantile model
F / Wald test
Chi2(8) = 107.90
Chi2(8) = 178.56
Chi2(8) = 107.30
Notes: The Stata commands xtqreg and testparm were used ***,**,* denotes statistically significant at 1%, 5%, and 10% level.
To verify the robustness of the Panel quantile model regression that was carried out before, this investigation opted to add in the model regression dummy variables. These dummies variables represent possible shocks (e.g., economic, pollical, and social) that some LAC countries passed. However, if not considered it, could have produce inaccurate results, which could lead to misinterpretations. Therefore, dummy variables that were added to the model regression are IDPARAGUAY_2010 (Paraguay, the year 2010), and IDPARAGUAY_2011 (Paraguay, the year 2011). These two dummies represent a peak in Paraguay’s GDP, wherein in 2010 the country registered a growth of 13%, while in 2011, was registered a growth of 4.3% (World Bank Open Data, 2021). Indeed, this rapid growth in economic activity in Paraguay, affected consumer behaviour, industrial production, the consumption of energy, and consequently the air pollution.
Therefore, the results from the Panel quantile model with dummy variables, indicate that in the 0.25, 0.5, and 0.75, quantiles the variables Carbon dioxide emissions (CO2), Electricity consumption from new renewable energy sources (REC), Economic instruments-fiscal/financial incentives policies to enable clean energy deployment (EIP), Economic growth (GDP), and Social Globalisation (KOFSoGI) reduces the air pollution deaths (DRAP), while the variables Electricity consumption from non-renewable energy sources (FOC), urbanisation (URB), encourages increase the of these deaths in the LAC region. Moreover, the Economic globalisation (KOFEcGI) in 0.25, and 0.5, quantiles, also increase this problem.
The dummy variables are statistically significant at 1% levels, indicating that the approach of this investigation used, such as to add dummy variables in the model regression is the most correct. The results from the post-estimation test for the Panel quantile model indicates that the model estimator that this study choose is adequate to perform this analysis. Finally, the results obtained from the model regression confirms that the results of this investigation are robust and reliable even in the presence of chocks. Indeed, to summarise the effect of independent variables on dependent ones, ones created in Fig. 1, below. This figure was based on the results of the Panel quantile model.
After to found that the Carbon dioxide emissions (CO2), Electricity consumption from new renewable energy sources (REC), Economic instruments-fiscal/financial incentives policies to enable clean energy deployment (EIP), Economic growth (GDP), and Social Globalisation (KOFSoGI) reduces the air pollution deaths (DRAP), while the variables Electricity consumption from non-renewable energy sources (FOC), urbanisation (URB), and Economic globalisation (KOFEcGI) encourages the increase of these deaths caused by the air pollution in the LAC region, we raise the following question. What are the explanations for these effects?
As shown in Fig. 1, the effect of carbon dioxide emissions on air pollution deaths rates in the countries under study is negative. The negative signal of CO2 emissions could seem atypical but reflect the substitution of more dangerous gases by activities less aggressive for humans, but there are CO2 emitters (e.g., Koengkan et al., 2021a). Fuinhas et al. (2017) that studied the effect of renewable energy policies on CO2 emissions in the LAC region, identify that the renewable energy policies in the region encourages the process of the energy transition by consumption of renewable energy, reduces the consumption of fossil fuels, and consequently reduces the emissions of CO2. This reduction in CO2 emissions reflects in the reduction of air pollution deaths. Moreover, evidence that the energy transition reduces the consumption of non-renewable energy in the LAC region was found by Koengkan et al. (2021b). According to the author, renewable energy consumption that is a proxy of the energy transition reduces the consumption of fossil fuels. The same authors also add that the reduction of non-renewable energy sources by the consumption of renewable energy sources is possible due to the presence of effective renewable energy policies that encourages the development, investment, and consumption of green energy in the region.
This explanation was confirmed using the Pooled OLS model regression. Table 5 below, shows the capacity of economic instruments-fiscal/financial incentives policies to encourages the consumption of renewable energy sources. Moreover, the results also indicate that the consumption of renewable energy and economic instruments-fiscal/financial incentives policies decrease the consumption of fossil fuels and CO2 emissions in the LAC region.
Table 5
Pooled OLS model regression and post-estimation test
Independent variables
Dependent variable (REC)
Post-estimation test for the Pooled OLS model
F / Wald test
F(3,444) = 60.97
Independent variables
Dependent variable (FOC)
Post-estimation test for the Pooled OLS model
F / Wald test
F(6,440) = 405.86
Independent variables
Dependent variable (CO2)
Post-estimation test for the Pooled OLS model
F / Wald test
F(5,442) = 647.92
Notes: The Stata commands reg and testparm were used ***,**,* denotes statistically significant at 1%, 5%, and 10% level.
According to Table 3, the effect of electricity consumption from new renewable energy sources on DRAP in all quantiles is negative and significant. In other words, with a 1% increase in REC, the air pollution deaths decrease by 0.12% at 0.25th quantile, and higher quantiles, the negative effect of REC on air pollution deaths increases. It can be said that the use of renewable energy sources to generate electricity reduces the emission of carbon dioxide and other pollutants, which can ultimately reduce air pollution deaths. This finding is consistent with Kharecha & Hansen (2013), Hanif (2018), Taghizadeh-Hesary & Taghizadeh-Hesary (2020), and Koengkan et al. (2021a).
The economic instruments-fiscal/financial incentives policies to enable clean energy deployment has a negative and significant effect on air pollution deaths rate in the LAC region. As shown in Table 3, with increasing quantile, the impact of this factor on air pollution deaths is decreased. In other words, the impact of EIP in countries that account for 25% high of air pollution deaths is lower than those at the lowest levels. In other words, the government's financial incentives policies to enable clean energy deployment cause industries and companies in the countries under study to use clean and environmentally friendly technologies, thus this matter leading to a reduction in pollutants and, consequently, a reduction in air pollution deaths.
The impact of electricity consumption from non-renewable energy sources on air pollution deaths is positive and significant. Electricity consumption from non-renewable energy sources such as oil and gas emits pollutants such as CO2, SO2, and NOx into the air and increases air pollution deaths. This finding is consistent with Mukhopadhyay & Forssell (2005), Machol & Rizk (2013), Lelieveld et al. (2019), Marais et al. (2019), and Rasoulinezhad et al. (2020).
According to the results, the impact of GDP on air pollution deaths is negative and significant. It can be argued that increasing GDP and economic growth may be an important tool for improving countries' infrastructure that reduces mortality. Zhang et al. (2001), Janssen et al. (2006), and Hanif (2018) confirm a negative relationship between GDP and deaths. On the other hand, other studies such as Chaabouni et al. (2016) and Rasoulinezhad et al. (2020), have shown that the impact of GDP on mortality is positive. In fact, in these studies, economic growth may lead to the emission of pollutants due to the need to use fossil fuels, which endangers human health. Indeed, evidence that the Latin American and Caribbean countries are in the process of decarbonization is found in Table 5, where was found that economic growth reduces emissions. This result is related to the capacity of economic growth to increase the consumption of renewable energy sources.
According to Table 3, urbanisation has a positive and significant effect on air pollution deaths in all quantiles. Accordingly, a 1% increase in urbanisation led to a 0.65% increase in air pollution deaths in the 25th quantile. An increase in urbanisation means an increase in population, and an increase in population leads to carbon dioxide emissions (e.g., Mansoor & Sultana, 2018; Salehnia et al., 2020; Dogan & Inglesi-Lotz, 2020). Therefore, CO2 emissions increase air pollution deaths. This finding confirms that found by Rumana et al. (2014), Liu et al. (2017a), Chen et al. (2017), and Liu et al. (2017b). This explanation is confirmed with results that were pointed in Table 5 above, where the urbanisation process increases the consumption of fossil fuels and CO2 emissions.
According to Fig. 1, there is an inverse relationship between the Social Globalisation index and the air pollution deaths, so that with the increase of KOFSoGI, the air pollution deaths in the studied countries decreases. In other words, social globalisation, through information and cultural links, connects the people of the LAC region countries. Social globalisation enables countries to access new information. New knowledge help reduces energy consumption in production processes, which can improve environmental quality and reduce air pollution deaths (e.g., Shahbaz et al., 2018). Indeed, this explanation is confirmed with results that were pointed in Table 5 above, where social globalisation reduce the consumption of fossil fuels.
Finally, according to the research findings, the Economic Globalisation index leads to an increase in air pollution deaths in the countries under study. As economic globalisation connects the economy through trade in goods and services, foreign investment, and financial activities, the expansion of the global economy leads to more energy consumption, resulting in more carbon dioxide emissions, and endangers people's health (e.g., Shahbaz et al. 2015 and Shahbaz et al., 2018). This outcome is linin e with studies in the literature such as Kan (2014). This explanation is confirmed with results that were pointed in Table 5 abover, where the economic globalisation increases the consumption of fossil fuels.
As mentioned before, this section showed the results and their possible explanations for the results that were found in our empirical investigation.The next section, will present the conclusions and possible policy implications.