The clay samples
All samples done by the Pipette method were classified as clay with little proportion of sand. In the 100%H2O2 treatment, 100% (10) of the samples was also classified as clay. In the 60sec6hrs treatment, in which 60 seconds and 6 hours represents the time of first and second hydrometer reading respectively, 90% of the samples (9) was classified as clay whilst 10% was clay loam. In the 40%H2O2 treatment, 60% (6) of the samples was classified as clay, with 30% (3) being sandy clay and 10% (1) being sandy clay loam. In the 10Days Digestion treatment with 35% H2O2, only 40% (4 samples) was classified as clay, with the rest being coarser, having 10% clay loam, 20 % sandy clay and 30% sandy clay loam. In 5Days Digestion treatment, none of the samples was clay, with 100% (10) of the samples classified as sandy clay loam. In the 4%Calgon treatment, none of the samples was clay, with 40% being loam and 60% sandy clay loam. In samples where organic matter was not removed, none of the samples qualified as clay, with 50% being sandy clay loam and 50% qualifying as sandy clay. These observations are indicative of the importance of using of hydrogen peroxide to remove organic matter before soil texture analysis. This suggestion can be attributed to the fact that organic matter is a coagulating agent having cementing properties that entangles clay particles. Using H2O2 is therefore recommended as sample pre-treatment to avoid underestimation of the clay proportion. It also lucidly exposes the need to use 10% instead of 5% calgon proposed in the Bouyoucos procedure. The importance of removal of organic matter was also supported by [22].
Removal of Organic Matter
Results of this study show the importance of removing organic matter as an important pre-treatment before soil texture analysis. It should be noted, however, that the digestion should be complete as incomplete destruction of organic matter led to underestimation of the clay proportion. This is shown by the values of 5 days’ treatment with hydrogen peroxide (Table 3). The concentration of hydrogen peroxide seems to affect the proportions of sand, silt and clay with samples digested using 100% H2O2 having the highest proportion of clay content. Compared to values obtained from the Pipette method, 100% hydrogen peroxide is recommended except when shaking instead of stirring is done, when 35% hydrogen peroxide can be used for digestion. [14] and [15] suggested that particle size distribution may for practical purposes, be characterized by analysis done on whole soil and that, if desired, lime and organic matter can be quantified separately. The time of digestion of the sample is also contributing to differences in the proportions of the texture components as shown by the results of 10Days versus 5Days Digestion. Samples digested for longer period of time showed a higher clay content (Table 3) which can be attributed to complete destruction of the clay-cementing organic material leading to release of entangled clay. This observation leads to the conclusion that, in the interest of accuracy, samples should be subjected to complete digestion by increasing days of digestion or increasing the concentration of hydrogen peroxide. This finding is consistent with the observations of [22] who reported that failure to remove organic matter underestimated the clay proportion.
Correcting the Raw Hydrometer Readings
The actual blank reading (Br) was made in the dispersing solution (with no soil) at the same temperature as that of the soil suspensions according to [23] and [17]. A blank sample with water only measured 1g/L, with 10% calgon measured 5g/L while with 4% calgon measured 2.5g/L. These densities are indicative of the importance of taking away blank readings from temperature corrected hydrometer readings to increase the accuracy of particle estimates. This observation supports the view that blank-adjusted readings indicate with sufficient accuracy the density D (in gL-1) of suspended solids according to the equation:
D = Hr-Br………………………………………………………………………… (Equation 5)
Where: D = Density in gL-1, Hr = Temperature corrected hydrometer reading, Br = Blank reading at the same temperature as the sample.
Temperature corrections were done for hydrometer readings whose respective temperatures deviated from 20oC. The practice of subtracting an actual Br from Hr was aimed to offset any discrepancies in environmental conditions between the lab and the hydrometer calibration.
Sand Reading
There was a linear relationship for the batch of 10 samples selected for the Pipette method and samples under Shaking treatment (Table 1). Percent sand in the Pipette method was determined gravimetrically using the particles retained on a 53µ sieve whereas in Shaking treatment, the sand fraction was calculated from blank-adjusted 40 seconds hydrometer readings (Hr40s) in 1000 ml suspensions (Equation 1). The near 1:1 relationship obtained (r=0.862) supports the empirical choice of 40 seconds for the sand reading time (Table 1).
Time of Clay Reading
Clay content obtained after 6 hours (6sec6hrs) was lesser than that taken after 2 hours (100% H2O2) as shown in Table 3 but exhibited a significant linear correlation (r = 0.957; P-value = 0.000). Using a 6-hour reading could have removed any bias in percentage clay associated with a 2 hour reading as noted by [24]. However, taking the second hydrometer reading after 6 hours may be practical for researchers having relatively few samples but impractical for students’ demonstration in a lab whereby practical lectures run for at most 3 hours using already pre-treated samples or in the case whereby a researcher has many samples. In a real laboratory environment, whereby clients need soil analysis results at close intervals, a 2-hour reading is recommended.
Comparison of the Pipette method with Bouyoucos treatments
Percent sand obtained through the Pipette method significantly correlated with that obtained through Shaking treatment at the 0.01 level (r = 0.862; P-value = 0.001) and that obtained through Shaking+Stirring at the 0.05 level (r = 0.737; P-value = 0.015) as shown in Table 1. This observation can be attributed to the extended time of vigorous shaking on a reciprocal shaker that could have completely dispersed the sample into individual constituent aggregates. It is indicative of the importance of careful consideration of the duration and the magnitude of shaking of the soil samples to enhance the action of sodium hexametaphosphate. The sand measurements made using the hydrometer treatments overestimated the sand fraction in the soil samples. This finding is consistent with the observations of [25] and [19]. Differences in the procedures for destroying soil organic matter and the dispersion of the samples between the Pipette method and the Bouyoucos treatments could have significantly affected the quantity of sand. Therefore, the observed differences can be attributed to variation in analytical procedures. [6] also reported a similar finding of overestimated sand by the Bouyoucos method compared to the Pipette method. In this study, Bouyoucos treatments overestimated the sand proportion by between 25.63 to 47.23%. This observation is consistent with findings of [25] who reported a 9.69% sand overestimation when estimating the sand proportion in 29 samples from the Andean region using the Bouyoucos method.
Table 1: Means of percent sand and correlation with the Pipette method
Std. Deviation
Coe. Correl.
10Days Digestion
No Digestion
5Days Digestion
Overall p-value = <0.001
Least Significant Difference (LSD) = 2.126
**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Where Correl. Coe. = Correlation coefficient (r) with the Pipette method.
In terms of percentage silt, none of the treatments correlated significantly with the pipette method with the highest correlation observed in the 10Days Digestion treatment (r = 0.512; p-value = 0.130). This finding indicative that none of the Bouyoucos treatments estimated the percentage silt with sufficient accuracy. The mean of percent silt obtained through the Pipette method is statistically significant (P-value = <0.001) compared to the Bouyoucos treatments (Table 2). The silt fraction is, however, determined through calculation using percent clay and sand therefore more emphasis should be put on accurate determination of sand and clay. Since all the Bouyoucos treatments evaluated in this study estimated the silt concentration as the difference between 100 percent and the percent sand and clay (Equation 3), any analytical errors would impact the estimation of the silt content when determining these two fractions. This finding is consistent with the observations of [22] who reported that the silt fraction was systematically overestimated when soil organic matter was not removed. The average silt content determined using the Bouyoucos methods was 6.89% (P = <0.001) lesser than that determined using the Pipette method. This observation can mathematically be attributed to overestimation of sand fraction accentuate in the hydrometer method. It is consistent with the findings of [26] who observed a 9.58% silt underestimation when comparing the Bouyoucos method with the Pipette method.
Table 2: Means of percent silt and correlation with the Pipette method
Std. Deviation
Correl. Coe.
No Digestion
10Days Digestion
5Days Digestion
Overall p-value = <0.001
Least Significant Difference (LSD) = 2.665
Where Correl. Coe. = Correlation coefficient (r) with the Pipette method.
There was a positive correlation in the clay proportion between the Pipette method and Shaking+Stirring treatment (r = 0.644, P-value = 0.044) at the 0.01 level. Shaking treatment was not significantly correlated with the Pipette method (r = 0.577). Treatments involving shaking estimated the clay proportion with sufficient accuracy, which can be attributed to enhanced dispersion and conversion of the relatively resistant, moderately coarse and coarse material to finer proportions on complete dispersion. This calls for increase in the amount of time if the samples are stirred instead of shaking and also consideration of the stirrer revolutions per minute (r.p.m) which should be at least 16000. [15] suggested the use of a mixer running at a speed of about 16000 r.p.m for 2 minutes. There was a negative correlation between the clay proportion obtained using the Pipette method and No Digestion treatment (r = -0.234). This finding can be attributed to entanglement of the clay particles by organic matter that could have cemented some clay particles owing to its coagulating properties, preventing its breakdown and resulting to clay underestimation in undigested samples. This necessitates the pre-treatment of the soil samples to remove organic matter before texture analysis. This observation is consistent with the findings of [22], who reported underestimation of the clay content in samples where organic matter was not removed. The 4%Calgon treatment was negatively correlated with the Pipette method (r = -0.712; P-value = 0.021) at the 0.05 level which can be attributed to the low concentration of the dispersant that could have led to incomplete dispersion. It is therefore recommended to use 10% sodium hexametaphosphate as the dispersing agent during soil texture analysis. This finding is consistent with the observations of [17] and [22] who also reported clay underestimation by the Bouyoucos method.
[25] reported that the Bouyoucos method did not differ from the sieve, even without the destruction of the Soil Organic Matter (SOM) in the samples. Those results can, however, be attributed to very low SOM concentration in the samples analyzed by the researchers. [26] determined a minor difference in clay content obtained using the Hydrometer method in comparison to that obtained using the Pipette method when the soil samples were pre-treated to destroy the soil organic matter. SOM acts as a cementing agent and could have bound clay particles together into groups that would precipitate more rapidly than individual particles and could thus be quantified as silt. This finding is consistent with the observations of [6] who recommended the need for complete digestion of soil samples. This finding can also explain why samples digested for 5 days underestimated the clay fraction (Table 3). The underestimation of clay can be attributed to incomplete dispersion of soil aggregates. Silt-sized micro-aggregates composed of organic matter-clay complexes could have settled faster and quantified as silt instead of clay. This suggestion is consistent with that of [27] and [22] who suggested a possibility of flocculation after dispersion of soil samples which would classify them as silt.
Table 3: Means of percent clay and correlation with the Pipette method
Std. Deviation
Correl. Coe.
5Days Digestion
No Digestion
10Days Digestion
Overall p-value = <0.001
Least Significant Difference (LSD) = 2.707
*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Where Correl. Coe. = Correlation coefficient (r) with the Pipette method.
Inter-treatment correlations were also done and significant relationships discussed, aiming to identify treatments that can be substituted for others and still give the same accuracy and rapidity. In terms of percent sand, 100% H2O2 treatment correlated perfectly with 60sec6hrs (r = 1; P-value = 0.000) at the 0.01 level. This can be attributed to the fact that the samples treated with 100% hydrogen peroxide and readings taken after 40 seconds and 2 hours respectively are the same samples used for the 60 seconds and 6-hour readings. Percent sand from 10Days Digestion had a positive correlation with the Plunger (r = 0.949; P-value = 0.000) at the 0.01 level. This finding demonstrated that before inserting the hydrometer, agitation can be done through inversion or through plunging as long as the latter does not induce circular movements within the column as this may affect the settling velocity of the sand particles. Compared to the pipette method, the magnitude of error for the batch agitated using the plunger (40%H2O2) and the same batch by inversion was 35.23% and 36.03% respectively. The lesser sand when using the plunger can be attributed to the circular movements in the suspension that could have been induced by the plunger therefore slowing the settling velocity of the sand particles. Shaking and Shaking+Stirring also correlated at 0.01 level (r = 0.817; P-value = 0.004). This can be attributed to the similar process the two treatments underwent. Shaking+Stirring had lesser sand fraction indicating that the more the dispersion, the lesser the proportion of the coarse fraction in the sample.
The silt fraction also demonstrated significant correlations among the treatments. The proportion obtained from 100%H2O2 treatment correlated with that obtained in 60sec6hrs treatment (r = 0.938; P-value = 0.000) and that obtained with No Digestion treatment (r = 0.844; P-value = 0.002), all at the 0.01 level of significance. The silt percentage obtained through 60sec6hrs also correlated with that obtained through No Digestion (r=0.895; P-value=0.000). These observations indicate that pre-treatment does not influence the silt proportion, despite the silt being affected by the proportions of sand and clay, with the latter being directly influenced by pretreatment of the sample with hydrogen peroxide. Silt from 10Days Digestion that used 10% calgon negatively correlated with the fraction obtained through 4%Calgon treatment, with the latter having more silt (r = -0.769; P-value = 0.009) at the 0.01 level. This can be attributed to decreased dispersion in 4%Calgon, resulting to higher proportion of fractions coarser than clay. This observation is indicative that the lesser the concentration of the dispersant, the more the overestimation of the moderately coarse fraction. The silt fraction obtained from 10Days Digestion also correlated with that obtained through use of plunger (r = 0.949; P-value = 0.000) at the 0.01 level which could be due to similar treatments in digestion and dispersion. Silt from 4%Calgon negatively correlated with that from use of Plunger (r = -0.839; P-value = 0.002) at the 0.01 level of significance. This can be attributed to differences in the concentration of the dispersing reagent.
The clay proportion obtained through 100%H2O2 significantly correlated with that obtained through 60sec6hrs (r = 0.957; P-value = 0.000) and that obtained through No Digestion (r = 0.925; P-value = 0.000) at the 0.01 level. It should, however, be noted that the No Digestion treatment has the least mean among the three treatments therefore necessitating pretreatment so as not to underestimate the clay. The observation also demonstrated that the clay fraction obtained after 2 hours of settling is sufficiently reflecting the amount of clay in the sample and there is no need of waiting for 6 hours. Clay obtained through 60sec6hrs also significantly correlates with the fraction obtained via No Digestion (r = 0.933; P-value = 0.000) at the 0.01 level. This can be attributed to the fact that No Digestion treatment could have underestimated the clay fraction and its correlation with 60sec6hrs is not counterintuitive given the functionality of the ASTM soil hydrometer. Since the hydrometer reading is a reflection of what is suspended, there is a possibility that after 6 hours of settling, some clay particles could have settled and therefore not reflected by the hydrometer as would be the case with a 2 hour reading. This scenario could have led to underestimation of the clay to some extent.
Percentage clay obtained through 10Days Digestion correlates with that obtained though 4%Calgon (r = -0.701; P-value = 0.024) at the 0.05 level, that obtained through Shaking (r=0.883; P-value=0.001), that obtained through Shaking +Stirring (r = 0.774; P-value = 0.009) and that obtained through Plunger (r = 1; P-value = 0.000) at the 0.01 level of significance. This observation is indicative that for rapidity purposes especially for a practical lecture, samples digested for 10 days can be used to offer sufficient clay percentage with stirring for 3 minutes instead of the lengthy 6-hour shaking process. The negative correlation with 4%Calgon indicates that 10% calgon should be adopted as the conventional concentration of the soil dispersant to avoid underestimation of the clay. The clay fraction obtained by 4%Calgon significantly correlates with that obtained through Shaking (r = -0.768; P-value = -0.010) and that obtained through Shaking+Stirring (r = -0.841; P-value = 0.002) at 0.01 level. This can be attributed to the reduced concentration of sodium hexametaphosphate. It also correlates with that obtained through Plunger (r=-0.701; P-value=0.024) at 0.05 level. The values of clay obtained through Shaking correlated significantly with those obtained through Shaking+Stirring (r = 0.961; P-value = 0.000). This finding indicates that the values of clay obtained through shaking alone can give satisfactory clay percentages without necessarily stirring the sample after shaking. The use of plunger may not be of direct importance for the clay fraction because there is no agitation prior to second hydrometer reading that reflects clay.
When considering the magnitude of error in the proportions of sand and clay obtained from the hydrometer treatments and those from the standard Pipette method, Shaking+Stirring, Shaking and 100%H2O2 treatments have the least magnitude of error (Table 1 and Table 3). These three treatments would therefore present the smallest analytical error when compared to the particle size distribution obtained through the Pipette method. These observations are consistent with the findings of [19] who suggested that the hydrometer can be used instead of the pipette method only in cases where the pre-treatment of the sample completely destroys the SOM and a total dispersion of the sample is achieved.