In Personal Health Records (PHR) data sharing to the cloud face eavesdrop attack with the help of past search history, sometimes the hacker can access the details from the cloud server and key escrow problem. It is suggested to securely transport data stored on a third-party cloud server to improve the security performance of PHR data for the Sigmoid-based signature cryptosystem. In the proposed work, the PHR data is taken as an input and Key encrypting key algorithm (KEK) is implemented for the attribute key generation. After the attribute, key generation sigmoid is calculated for the PHR data to keep the key secured. To keep the personal data of the patient in a secured manner the median support-based signature is generated and without displaying the generated signature the ciphertext is displayed. To gain access to information stored in the cloud, the users have to verify the both generated private key and signature. On the successful verification of both the private key and signature, later, if the data requested by the user is a valid user then the user will be getting permission to access the cloud. The experimental findings show that our suggested technique outperforms other current methods in key computation time, communication complexity, encryption time, decryption time, and cloud operating mechanism.