MR experiments using calcium phytate phantoms were performed on the Bruker Biospec 47/20 4.7 T MR experimental scanner (Bruker Biospec, Ettlingen, Germany) and the 1.5 T Minispec 60 MHz relaxometer (Bruker Biospin, Ettlingen, Germany). MR properties of nanoparticles were determined using MRI, MRS and relaxometry. The chemical and NMR (Bruker Avance DPX 300 NMR) properties of the probe have been previously described (see16).
Calcium phytate nanoparticles
Nanoparticles are based on calcium phytate (CaIP6) with a phosphorus concentration (cP) of 1 mmol L−1 and a nanoparticle concentration (cn) of 0.89 mg mL−1 doped with different concentrations of paramagnetic Fe3+ ions (cFe = 0, 0.68, 2.04, 2.73, 5.43, 13.6 mmol L−1) coordinated to the phytate anion by partial replacement of Ca2+ ions, as previously described16. Calcium phytate nanoparticles were synthetised by mixing an aqueous solution of calcium nitrate (c = 1 M; adjusted by 1 M NaOH to a final pH of 8) with an equal volume of an aqueous solution of sodium phytate (c = 0.16 M, pH 8). Doping of calcium phytate nanoparticles with iron ions was achieved by mixing an aqueous solution of calcium nitrate (c = 1 M) with an aqueous solution of FeCl3 (c = 1 M) at a different ratio prior to adding the IP6 solution; otherwise, the preparation procedure was the same as mentioned above. Hydrodynamic diameters dN of neat CaIP6 particles was slightly above 100 nm with the highest value of 439 nm for 5.43 mM Fe3+ dopant16. Simulation of Fe3+ release was performed by incubating CaIP6/Fe3+ nanoparticles with DFOA ([DFOA]:[CaIP6 with 2.73 mM Fe3+] ratio 1:1; 2 hours incubation), a bacterial siderophore with high affinity for Fe3+ ions. For testing, a 2.73 mmol L−1 Fe3+ probe was used. A sufficient iron concentration was generated for phosphorus MR signal broadening (see 3.3.) while avoiding over-chelation. The integrity of calcium phytate nanoparticles after the complexation of iron was proven (number average diameter of calcium phytate nanoparticles measured before addition of DFOA and 2 hours after addition was 272 ± 41 nm and 288 ± 59 nm, respectively16).
Phantoms for MR imaging and spectroscopy were tested at all iron concentrations and prepared in 500-µl Eppendorf tubes (Eppendorf AG, Germany) and in NMR tubes for 1H relaxometry. Due to its tendency for sedimentation, calcium phytate was mixed repetitively using a vortex mixer before all measurements.
1H/31P magnetic resonance radiofrequency coil
The MR signal was acquired using a custom-made dual 1H/31P RF 4-turn one-channel solenoid coil (diameter = 8 mm, height = 8 mm). The volume of interest in the coil cavity was 400 µl, with the coil structure designed for 500-µl tubes. The coil was run at 200 and 81 MHz frequencies (1H and 31P, respectively), with retuning performed on a rotating capacitive trimmer (2–64 pF). A matching capacitive trimmer (4–16 pF) was incorporated to suppress waves reflected in the cable, which can cause signal attenuation. Coil homogeneity was measured on a water phantom (500-µl tube filled with H2O) by 1H-MRI, assuming homogeneity of the phosphorus signal was comparable. For homogeneity assessment, we used a gradient echo with a low flip-angle (FLASH) sequence (repetition time/echo time TR/TE = 111.7/3.7 ms, 10° flip angle, 256×256 matrix, field of view FOV = 40×40 mm, slice thickness = 2 mm, scan time ST = 28 s).
Magnetic resonance relaxometry
Hydrogen T1 and T2 relaxation times were evaluated using phantoms with different iron concentrations (V = 240 µl; cP/cFe = 1/0–13.6 mmol L−1) measured at a stable 37 °C temperature. All data points were measured as the average of three repetitions. An inversion recovery sequence (TR = 0.01–10 000 ms, TE = 0.05 ms, recycle delay = 2 s, 1 scan, 8 points for fitting) was used to measure T1 relaxation times. T2 relaxation times were measured using the Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill sequence (TR/TE = 10 000/0.05 ms, recycle delay = 2 s, 8 scans, 20 000 points for fitting). Low scan numbers and data points, which resulted in short acquisition times, were applied to eliminate the influence of sedimentation. 1H T1 and T2 relaxation times were fitted automatically using Minispec software.
Phosphorus T1 relaxation times (V = 500 µl; cP/cFe = 1/0–13.6 mmol L−1) were measured based on 10 spectroscopic single-pulse sequences with varying repetition times (TR = 200–3000 ms, ST = 10–150 min). 31P T2 relaxation times (V = 500 µl; probe without iron and with 2.73 mmol L−1 Fe3+) were measured based on 10 spectroscopic Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) sequences with varying echo times (TR = 5000 ms, TE = 2–1200 ms, ST ~ 90 min).
Magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy
Hydrogen MR imaging (FLASH sequence; TR/TE = 100/6 ms) was first applied for phantom positioning. All phantoms (V = 500 µl; cP = 1 mmol L−1) were measured at different Fe3+ concentrations (cFe = 0–13.6 mmol L−1) as part of one measurement using a custom-made holder and surface 1H/31P coil (area of interest 40×40 mm). To visualise the influence of iron on the 1H MR signal, T2-weighted 1H-MRI (Rapid Acquisition with Relaxation Enhancement RARE sequence; TR/TE = 2000/24 ms; scan time ST = 6 min 24 s, spatial resolution 0.25×0.25×1.5 mm) was used.
Phosphorus MR imaging of phantoms (V = 500 µl; cP/cFe = 1/0–13.6 mmol L−1) was carried out using MR spectroscopic imaging (MRSI chemical shift imaging CSI sequence; TR/TE = 500/15 ms, ST = 60 min, spatial resolution 2.5×2.5×5.8 mm). A non-localised single-pulse sequence was used to obtain 31P spectra of the probe chelated with DFOA (before/after chelation; TR = 500 ms, ST = 16 h 40 min).
Magnetic resonance data quantification
MR imaging and spectroscopy data were quantified by calculating the SNR in order to determine the influence of iron on the MR signal. 1H and 31P-MRI signal intensities of phantoms were acquired by manual segmentation using ImageJ software (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, USA). The SNR was calculated as a ratio of the signal intensity and standard deviation of the surrounding noise (Equation 1):
where S is the signal intensity in the region of interest (ROI), σ is the standard deviation of background noise, with constant 0.655 reflecting the Rician distribution of background noise in the magnitude MR image38.
For 31P MR spectra, SNR quantification and subsequent calculation of T1/T2 relaxation times, a signal integral value was used. Phosphorus spectroscopic data were processed using Matlab software (Matlab R2007b, The MathWorks Inc., USA) script. Topspin software (Bruker, ParaVision 4) was used for 31P signal integral and noise calculation. The evaluation consisted of the following steps: the first was to mark the 31P peak to determine the integral of evaluation areas (∑Isignal); the second was to select the noise region of the spectrum that had shifted sufficiently (∆7 ppm) from the peak; and the third was to calculate the noise integral value (∑Inoise). The SNR was calculated from the resulting values of the signal integral divided by the noise integral (Equation 2):
Finally, for 31P T1 and T2relaxation times measurement, integrals from the evaluation area were fitted on exponential curves to the repetition time/echo time, respectively. ImageJ software was used for curve fitting followed by calculation of relaxation times. Signal intensity dependence on iron concentration and chelation was plotted to determine the effect of iron and DFOA on signal intensity changes for both 1H and 31P MRI.
Cytotoxicity assay
Probe cytotoxicity was tested on the human hepatoma cell line (HepG2) (a standard in vitro testing model) and the human colorectal adenocarcinoma cell line (CaCo-2) (replicating the gastrointestinal tract environment in which iron complexation can occur) to establish viability of the cells for use in in vivo experiments. The assay was tested using a 2.04 mmol L−1 Fe3+ probe – at a sufficient iron concentration for MR studies while ensuring a low iron impact on cell viability – at three concentrations of 0.22–0.89 mg mL−1.
Cells were cultured in a standard humidified atmosphere containing 5 % CO2 and 37 °C. CaCo-2 cells were grown in full high-glucose Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM, Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA) supplemented with 4.5 g L−1 D-glucose, 10 % foetal bovine serum, 0.5 % penicillin/streptomycin and 4 mmol L−1 L-glutamine. For HepG2 cells, a full Roswell Park Memorial Institute medium (RPMI, Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA 10 % fetal bovine serum, 1 % penicillin/streptomycin, 2 mmol L−1 L-glutamine) was prepared. alamarBlue Cell Viability Reagent (Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA) is a resazurin-based solution that functions as a cell health indicator and is used to reduce the power of living cells and quantitatively measure viability. Cells were seeded in 96-well plates at a density of 1x104 cells/well, counted using the Vi-CELL™XR Cell Viability Analyzer (Beckman Coulter, USA) and left to incubate for 24 hours (HepG2) and 48 hours (Caco-2). The phytate calcium probe was filtrated using a 0.2-μm filter, diluted in the fresh growth medium and added to the wells (100 μl/well). The effect of the contrast agent on cell viability was assessed based on 24-hour incubation following 3-hour (HepG2 cells) and 6-hour (CaCo-2 cells) incubations with 10 % alamarBlue. Resazurin, the active component of the reagent, was reduced to resorufin only in viable cells; absorbance in the test wells was detected at 570/600 nm using the Elisa Microplate Reader RT-6900. The percentage of alamarBlue reduction was then calculated as a percentage of the control cell reduction. The assay was conducted in triplicate.