Arthropod rain sampled in two biotopes in a temperate mixed forest throughout vegetation season reflected a great taxonomic and functional diversity of crown fauna and air plankton. Seasonal changes in the abundance and taxonomic composition of the arthropod rain were reported elsewhere (Rozanova et al. 2019). The stable isotope composition of the arthropod rain (730 samples) was compared to a large reference dataset of the isotopic composition of soil animals from temperate forests compiled in Potapov et al. (2019) (1300 samples). Both datasets contained litter-normalized δ13С and δ15N values, allowing a direct comparison of data collected in different biotopes (Korobushkin et al. 2014). As a note of caution, it should be stressed that sizes of the standard ellipses reflecting “isotopic space” of soil animals and arthropod rain (Fig. 1) cannot be compared directly, as they were based on species means and individual measurements, respectively. Nevertheless, their centroids can be accurately compared. This accuracy is confirmed by a close similarity in the isotopic signatures of soil macro- and mesofauna collected in this study and those represented in the reference dataset (Fig. S1).
Consistent with our first hypothesis, invertebrates forming arthropod rain were on average depleted in 13C and 15N compared to the soil-dwelling animals. Preservation of the arthropod rain invertebrates in 75% alcohol could not affect this conclusion since the expected change in 13С content due to leaching of lipids (Post et al. 2007) would increase, rather than decrease, the δ13С value of the arthropod rain.
The difference in the isotopic composition of soil animals and arthropod rain was mainly driven by the presence in the latter of a significant proportion of macro- and microphytophages with relatively low δ13C values (Spence and Rosenheim 2005; Hyodo et al. 2010). Furthermore, there was a clear difference between microphytophages and macrophytophages in δ15N values (Fig. 3), consistent with the difference in isotopic signatures of their basic trophic resources: non-vascular plants, such as algae and lichens, and fresh leaves, respectively. Indeed, the difference in Δ15N values between micro- and macrophytophages roughly corresponded to the difference between crown lichens and fresh leaf litter (Table S1). These data corroborate previous reports on the importance of non-vascular plants in forest food webs (Potapov et al. 2018).
Microphytophages depleted in 15N were represented mainly by Psocoptera and Collembola (Table S1). Psocoptera grazing on epiphytes are typical components of crown fauna (e.g., Southwood et al. 2005), while Collembola are usually regarded as typical soil animals feeding predominantly on fungi. Nevertheless, feeding of collembolans on 15N-depleted lower plants has been repeatedly noted. According to Potapov et al. (2016), at least 20% of collembolan species in temperate forest soils are depleted in 15N relative to litter, suggesting they are trophically linked to non-vascular plants, predominantly algae (Chahartaghi et al. 2005; Potapov et al. 2018). Thus, even in the soil, there are many phycophagous collembolans, but in the crowns, microphytophagy is apparently more widespread, as suggested by significantly lower δ15N and δ13С values in the Collembola from the arthropod rain than in soil-dwelling Collembola (Fig. 2).
Among other groups of arthropods well represented in both datasets, Diptera and Araneae were depleted in 13С compared to soil-dwelling animals. This observation further confirms that the “detrital shift,” i.e., enrichment of detrital food webs with 13С due to interactions with saprotrophic microorganisms (see Potapov et al. 2019 and references therein) can be traced both in micro- and macroarthropods and also at higher trophic levels. Coleopterans did not follow this pattern (Fig. 2) likely because they were represented mainly by winged imagoes (Table S1).
Dead stems and branches, bark crevices, suspended litter and soil support a substantial amount of detritus in the crown space, which in turn harbors rich fauna of detritophagous arthropods (Winchester et al. 1999; Grove 2002). Thus, the detrital shift can be expected and was observed in the canopy food webs (e.g., Erdmann et al. 2007). Nevertheless, the isotopic signature of non-winged specimens, which presumably fed in the crowns, suggests that the effect of the detrital shift in crown fauna was considerably less pronounced than in the soil food webs (Fig. 4А). Furthermore, soil-dwelling taxa associated with mineral soil that are the most enriched in 13С and 15N, such as earthworms and euedaphic collembolans among saprophages, or gamasid mites and geophilid centipedes among predators (Klarner et al. 2013; Potapov et al. 2019), were rare or absent in our samples of the arthropod rain.
On the other hand, a large range of δ13С values in macrophytophages (ca. 8‰, Fig. 3B) can be related to the “canopy effect,” i.e., a gradient in the concentration of 13C in green leaves growing at different heights (Brooks et al. 1997). Therefore, phytophages that consumed green parts of vascular plants at different canopy heights could differ greatly in isotopic carbon composition.
As suggested by our second hypothesis, decreased δ13С and δ15N values were typical of wingless arthropods, while winged insects collected in the traps hardly differed in the isotopic composition from soil animals (Table 1, Fig. 4B). Another important feature of winged insects was the lack of difference between predators and phytophages or microbi/saprophages, while in the wingless arthropods, this difference was pronounced (Fig. 4). This observation confirms that winged insects collected in the traps represented a random assemblage of specimens originating in different biotopes or local ecosystems. Nevertheless, isotopic signatures of the winged insects suggest that they mostly originated from the soil. This localization is especially true for Diptera and Coleoptera (Table S1) that often have litter-dwelling larvae (Wallwork 1970). Thus, exploring the descending gravity-driven flow (Pringle and Fox-Dobbs 2008) of arthropod rain, we found evidence of the ascending flow of the nutrients and energy from the soil to the crown layer.
The flux of arthropods falling from the crown space in temperate forests can be quite large. According to our calculations, its intensity is approximately 20 mg dry weight m− 2 day− 1 and can be comparable to the total food requirement of soil-dwelling spiders (Rozanova et al. 2019). A significant proportion of the arthropod rain biomass (up to 40% in certain months) consists of small and slow-moving arthropods (such as psocids, aphids, and collembolans), which can be easy prey for predators. Furthermore, approximately a third of arthropod rains consist of dead animals or their fragments that decomposers can consume. One of the objectives of this study was to assess the possibility of evaluating the contribution of arthropod rain to the nutrition of soil invertebrates using stable isotope analysis. The biomass-weighed mean values of Δ13С and Δ15N of the arthropod rain (-27.0‰ and 2.4‰) were approximately 1.3 and 1.8‰ lower, respectively, than the mean Δ13С and Δ15N values of soil animals. The difference is even more pronounced (approximately 2‰ and 4‰, respectively) if only wingless animals are considered in the arthropod rain (Table 1). Even smaller differences have been successfully used to identify energy pathways in detrital food webs (Pollierer et al. 2007, 2009).