Selection of eligible studies
A total of 4597 articles were obtained in the initial search. After removal of 478 due to duplicates, 4119 were remained and screened for titles and abstracts. Following this, 4018 studies were removed after reading titles and abstracts. The full texts of 101 articles were downloaded and assessed for eligibility criteria. Twenty five studies were excluded due to the following exclusion criteria: different study population, no full test, unclear diagnostic criteria, letter to editor, written in non-English language, and different study design (Additional file 3). Finally, 76 articles [33-108] were included in the final analysis in this meta-analysis (Fig. 1).
Characteristics of the included studies
All studies included in this study were cross-sectional studies. Regarding study population, 20 studies [35, 47, 50, 55, 57, 58, 63, 69, 71, 72, 77, 79, 84, 87-89, 91, 92, 95, 104] were conducted among overweight and/or obese children and adolescents, and 56 studies [33, 34, 36-46, 48, 49, 51-54, 56, 59-62, 64-68, 70, 73-76, 78, 80-83, 85, 86, 90, 93, 94, 96-103, 105-108] were conducted among the general population of children and adolescents. This review included 142,142 study participants from 76 articles. Of which, 138,236 were the general population, whereas 3,906 were overweight and obese population. The sample size of included studies ranged from 51 in Tunisia [58] to 37504 in Brazil [52]. The age of study population across the included studies ranged between 5 to 20 years. Most of the studies were conducted in UMIE Asian countries and very few articles were found from Africa. The quality of articles was also assessed using the JBI checklist, and 56 articles had medium quality. The remaining 20 studies had high quality (Table 2, Table 3)
Prevalence of MetS and components among overweight and obese children and adolescents
The pooled prevalence of MetS was estimated based on the three diagnostic methods (IDF, ATP III and de Ferranti). A total of 14 articles [35, 47, 55, 58, 63, 69, 72, 77, 79, 87-89, 92, 95] were eligible to compute the pooled prevalence of MetS in the IDF criteria. Accordingly, 24.1% (95% CI: 16.90, 31.29, I2=96.6%) of the study subjects were found to have MetS. Abdominal obesity was the most common (60.9%) component of MetS, whereas high FG level was the least (10.3%) component. According to the modified ATP III, the pooled prevalence of MetS was 36.51% (95% CI: -1.76, 74.78, I2=99.8%). It was computed using eight articles [50, 57, 63, 71, 77, 84, 89, 104]. Two thirds (67.2%) of the children and adolescents were found to have abdominal obesity, but very few (3.4%) of them had high FG level. Besides, only two articles [89, 91] were eligible to estimate the pooled prevalence of MetS (56.32%, 95% CI: 22.34, 90.29, I2=94.4%) among overweight and/or obese children and adolescents in accordance with de Ferranti criteria. Similarly, abdominal obesity and high FG level were the most (91.2%) and least (7.75%) components of MetS in the de Ferranti diagnostic criteria.
The pooled prevalence of MetS was also computed based on gender. The prevalence of MetS was relatively higher in males (26.63%) than females (24.05%) in the IDF method. Likewise, males (33.37%) were highly affected by MetS than females (31.4%) according to the modified ATP III diagnostic criteria (Fig. 2 & Table 4).
Prevalence of MetS & components in the general population of children & adolescents
The pooled prevalence of MetS was estimated in LMICs using the IDF, ATP III and de Ferranti diagnostic methods. A total of 30 [33, 36-38, 40-44, 46, 48, 51, 52, 54, 60, 62, 68, 70, 73-75, 78, 80, 81, 83, 85, 90, 94, 98, 102], 33 [34, 39, 42, 43, 51, 53, 56, 59-62, 65-67, 73-76, 82, 85, 86, 93, 96-102, 105-108], and 8 [42, 45, 49, 51, 64, 75, 78, 103] articles were eligible to compute the pooled estimates in the IDF, ATP III and de Ferranti diagnostic criteria, respectively.
According to the IDF criteria, the pooled prevalence of MetS among the general population of children and adolescents was 3.98% (95% CI: 3.35, 4.61, I2=97.8%). The pooled estimate in males (3.46%; 95% CI: 2.69, 4.23, I2=97.6%) was relatively higher than females (2.99%; 95% CI: 2.34, 3.65, I2=95.6%). From the components, low HDL-C level was the commonest (27.93%) and high FG (7.78%) was the infrequent one.
Similarly, 6.71% (95% CI: 5.51, 7.91, I2=97.6%) study subjects were found to have MetS in the ATP III criteria. MetS among males (6.24%; 95% CI: 4.89, 7.59, I2=93.9%) and females (6.51%; 95% CI: 4.99, 8.03, I2=95.8%) was nearly the same. Low HDL-C was seen in one third (31.3%; 95% CI: 23.89, 38.72, I2=99.7%) of study subjects and high FG in 6.1% (95% CI: 5.02, 7.15, I2=98.7%) of study subjects.
Besides, the pooled prevalence of MetS in children and adolescents with de Ferranti diagnostic method was 8.19% (95% CI: 5.58, 10.79, I2=96.2%) with similar prevalence in males (8.78%; 95% CI: 5.45, 12.12, I2=94.3%) and females (8.51%; 95% CI: 5.21, 11.75, I2=93.7%). The pooled estimate of low HDL-C was 45.83% (95% CI: 34.53, 57.14, I2=99.1%), the highest, and only 2.12% (95% CI: 1.15, 3.08, I2=94.7%) of the population had a high FG level (Fig. 3 & Table 5).
Subgroup analysis of the pooled prevalence of MetS in the general population
The subgroup analyses were performed for the two diagnostic methods (IDF and ATP III) using the two parameters (income level and continent). In the IDF diagnostic method, the pooled estimate of MetS in LIE, LMIE and UMIE countries were estimated. The prevalence of MetS in LIEs (12.4%, 95% CI: 10.5, 14.65) was computed from one study. Likewise, the pooled estimates of MetS in LMIE (6.91%; 95% CI: 2.35, 11.46, I2=98.2%) and UMIE (3.51%; 2.88, 4.14, I2=97.7%) countries were computed from three and 26 articles, respectively. Regarding the continent where the original studies were conducted, only three articles were from Africa, seven articles from Latin America and the majorities (20) articles were from Asia. The pooled prevalence of MetS in Africa, Asia and Latin America were 6.03% (95% CI: 0.24, 11.28, I2=94.7%), 4.39% (95% CI: 3.50, 5.29, I2=98%), and 2.46% (95% CI: 1.29, 3.64, I2=97.8%), respectively (Fig. 4).
According to the ATP III diagnostic method, the pooled prevalence of MetS in countries classified under LMIE and UMIE was estimated from eight and 25 eligible articles, respectively. Accordingly, 5.73% (95% CI: 3.72, 7.74, I2=95.9%) of the study subjects in LMIEs and 7% (95% CI: 5.53, 8.48, I2=96.8%) in UMIE countries were found to have MetS. The pooled prevalence of MetS in Africa, Latin America and Asia was computed from two, eight and 23 articles, respectively. Thus, 6.71% (95% CI: 5.51, 7.91, I2= 0.00%) in Africa, 5.19% (95% CI: 3.31, 7.05, I2= 95.3%) in Latin America and 7.24% (95% CI: 5.64, 8.84%, I2=96.9%) in Asia had MetS (Fig. 5).
Publication Bias and Sensitivity Analysis
Due to the presence of high heterogeneity among the included articles, the possible sources of variation were further explained. Thus, the funnel plots for both IDF and ATP III diagnostic criteria were presented (Fig. 6). The asymmetry of plots was objectively verified by Egger’s regression test and there was publication bias among the articles included in computing the pooled prevalence of MetS in the IDF criteria (P=0.001), whereas the Egger’s regression test revealed that there was no publication bias in the pooled estimate of ATP III diagnostic criteria (P=0.063). Moreover, sensitivity analysis was computed for both diagnostic methods. This was done to evaluate if the pooled estimates were altered by the exclusion of any single study. However, none of the studies had significant effects in the pooled estimates (Fig. 7).
Finally, the prevalence of MetS in LMICs among the general population children and adolescents was plotted in linear graph using the number of cases with publication year (2004 to 2020). The graph depicted that there is an increasing trend in the two diagnostic methods (IDF & de Ferranti) and the reverse was true in ATP III criteria (Fig. 8).