2.1 Sampling and sample preparation
Two samples each of sludge, soil sediment, dust, phosphate rock and phosphogypsum were randomly collected within and around the super phosphate fertilizer company using EPA standard sampling procedure. Sludge samples were collected from the only two tanks in the industry premises, soil samples were collected one from the premises of the industry and another outside the premise, dust samples were collected from roofs around the premises, phosphate rock samples were collected from the rock pile freshly brought from the phosphate quarry, while phosphogypsum samples were collected from another pile approved for collection by the authorities of the industry. The industrial area was a restricted area and authority has to be sort before samples were collected. Areas approved for the team to collect samples were only accessible at the time of collection as major work was already going on around the company. All the samples collected were carefully packed into a polythene bag and transported to the laboratory at the Center for Energy Research and Training (CERT), Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria for analysis.
IAEA soil-7 was used as standard reference material relevant to the sample matrix and included as additional sample for irradiation. Before sample were sent into the reactor through the pneumatic system, 0.2000g of each sample was carefully placed in a high-density polyethylene bag, heat sealed and store in the desiccator. For short lived irradiation, one sample was packaged per capsule, while for long-lived irradiation, five to seven samples were packed in one capsule as required by the Nigeria Research Reactor 1 (NIRR-1) protocol for geological samples. The sealed capsules were made air tight ready for irradiation. Clean spatula and forceps were cleaned with acetone in-between samples handlings.
2.2 Instrumentation
The samples were analyzed at Reactor Engineering Section of the Centre for Energy Research and Training (CERT), Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Zaria, Nigeria using a Miniature Neutron Source Reactor (MNSR) by means of Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis (INAA) technique. INAA can analyse NORMs, race, minor and major elements in different sample types (Arabi et al., 2016). The reactor uses high-enriched uranium as fuel, and light water as a moderator and coolant. The natural radioactivity in these samples were determined using High-resolution gamma-ray spectrometers. The High Purity Germanium (HPGe) detector (model GEM 30P4–76) with a resolution of 1.74keV FWHM, operated at 1332.5keV of Co- 60, H.V. biased supply model 659 Ortec, 5kV, spectroscopy amplifier model 672 Ortec, acquisition interface card with computer and basic spectroscopy software (WINSPAN) was employed in the analysis. The samples were pulverized together with the standard, and then sealed and irradiated at a flux of 5 x 1011ncm− 2s− 1 for 6 hours. Afterwards, the samples were counted for 1800s and 3600s after 4 and 14 days of cooling, respectively. Identification of gamma ray of product (uranium, thorium and potassium) radionuclide through their energies and quantitative analysis of their concentrations were achieved using the gamma-ray spectrum analysis software. The activation product’s half-life and energy of the photopeak are detailed in (Ahmed, 2005).
2.3 Calculation of risks and hazard indices
The risks and hazard indices were calculated from values obtained and analyzed from results of INAA. These indices are discussed below.
2.3.1 Annual Effective Dose Equivalent (µSv/y)
To estimate the annual effective dose rate, it is necessary to use the conversion coefficient from the absorbed dose in air to the effective dose (0.7 SvGy-1) and the outdoor occupancy factor (0.2 mSvy-1) proposed by (UNSCEAR, 2000). Therefore, the effective dose rate is determined as follows as obtainable in (UNSCEAR, 2000).
HR (mSvy-1) = DR (nGh-1) x 24 h x 365.25 d x 0.2 Eq. 1
(Out-door occupancy factor) x 0.7 SvGy-1(conversion factor) x 10− 6
HR = DR x 8766 x 0.2 x 0.7 x 10− 6 = DR x 0.00123
Where: DR = estimated dose rate
D (nGyh-1) is given by Eq. 6
2.3.2 External and Internal Hazard Index, (Hex, Hin)
In addition to the external radiation hazard they pose; radon and its short-lived daughters are also hazardous to the respiratory organs. The internal exposure caused by radon and its daughter products is quantified by the internal hazard index (Hin), which is defined in UNSCEAR, 2000, Eq. 2 below:
Hin = ARa/185Bqkg-1 + ATh/259Bqkg-1 + AK/4810Bqkg-1 Eq. 2
The internal hazard index is defined to reduce the acceptable maximum concentration of 226Ra to half the value appropriate for external exposure alone. This criterion was proposed by Krieger, R. (1981), to assess the safety of use of materials in the construction of dwellings. Hin ≤ 1
The external hazard index is a criterion used to assess the radiological suitability of a material. Using the relation given in UNSCEAR, 2000, Eq. 3 below (Beretka, J. and P.J. Mathew (1985)).
Hex = ARa/370Bqkg-1 + ATh/259Bqkg-1 + AK/4810Bqkg-1 ≤ 1 Eq. 3
ARa, ATh and AK are the activities of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K in BqKg− 1.
2.3.3 Annual Gonad Dose Equivalent (µSv/y)
In UNSCEAR (1988), the activities of bone marrow and bone surface cells are considered to be organs of interest, therefore, the Annual Gonadal Dose Equivalent (AGDE) was introduced to take care of the specific activities arising from Ra, Th and K. The AGDE was calculated using the following formula given in Eq. 4 (UNSCEAR, 2000).
AGDE (mSVy-1) = 3.09ARa + 4.18ATh + 0.31AK Eq. 4
2.3.4 Radium Equivalent Activity (Raeq) (Bq/kg)
A common radiological index referred to as radium equivalent was used in this study to evaluate the actual activity level of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K in the samples and the radiation hazards associated with these radionuclides. This is as a result of the fact that distribution of natural radionuclide in the samples under investigation is not uniform and is assumed that 10Bqkg− 1 of Ra, 7Bqkg− 1 of Th and 130Bqkg− 1of K produce an equal gamma-ray dose (Krisiuk, 1971; Stranden, 1976).
This index is usually known as radium equivalent activity (UNSCEAR, 2008) and formula used to calculate radium equivalent is given in UNSCEAR, 2000 as:
Raeq = ARa + 1.43ATh + 0.077AK Eq. 5
2.3.5 Absorbed gamma ray dose rate (nGy/h)
Estimation of the Absorbed Gamma Dose Rate (DR) was calculated to take care of mean values of gamma dose rate in air at the distance of 1 m from the ground surface for different kinds of building materials. These values were calculated using the relation given in Eq. 6 (UNSCEAR, 2000).
DR (nGyh-1) = 0.92ARa + 1.1ATh + 0.0807AK Eq. 6
2.3.6 Activity Utilization Index (AUI)
Because of the fact that building materials are mostly of geologic origin, they act as sources of radiation and also as shields against outdoor radiation (UNSCEAR, 1993). In houses constructed from different building materials, the factor that most strongly affects the indoor absorbed dose is the activity concentrations of natural radionuclide in those materials, while the walls absorb the radiation emitted by outdoor sources. Consequently, dose rates in indoor air will be elevated according to the concentrations of naturally occurring radionuclide in the construction materials used. To calculate dose rates in air from 226Ra, 232Th and 40K in building materials and by applying the appropriate conversion factors, another parameter referred to as activity utilization index (AUI) was obtained using the formula as provided in Eq. 7 according to UNSCEAR, 2000 as follows:
AU = (ARa/50Bqkg− 1) fU + (ATh/50Bqkg− 1) fTh + (AK/500Bqkg− 1) fK Eq. 7
in our samples when they are considered for use as building materials; fTh, fRa and fK are the fractional contributions to the total dose rate in air attributed to gamma radiation from the actual concentrations of these radionuclide. In the NEA-OECD (1979), report, some typical activities per unit mass of 232Th, 226Ra and 40K in building materials, are reported as 50, 50 and 500 Bqkg− 1, respectively.
2.3.7 Gamma representation index (Iγ)
Another radiation hazard index, the gamma activity concentration index, (Iγ), defined by Righi, S. and Bruzzi (2006) and the (European Commission, 1990) given as Eq. 8 below was used and correlated with the annual dose rate attributed to excess external gamma radiation (UNSCEAR, 2000), caused by superficial material.
Iγ = (CRa/300Bqkg− 1) fU + (CTh/200Bqkg− 1) fTh + (CK/3000Bqkg− 1) fK Eq. 8
Values of Iγ≤2 correspond to a dose rate criterion of 0.3mSvy− 1, whereas 2 < Iγ > 6 corresponds to a criterion of 1 mSvy− 1 (European Commission, 1990; Anjos, R.M., 2005). Thus, the activity concentration index should be used only as a screening tool for identifying materials that might be of concern when used as construction materials; although materials with Iγ > 6 should be avoided, these values correspond to dose rates higher than 1mSv y− 1valuerecommended for the population (European Commission, 1999).
2.3.8 Excess lifetime cancer risk (ELCR)
Excess lifetime cancer risk (ELCR) was calculated using the following equation and presented in UNSCEAR, (2000), as Eq. 9 below.
ELCR = AEDE × DL × RF (5) Eq. 9
AEDE, DL and RF are the annual effective dose equivalent, duration of life (70 years) and risk factor (Sv-1), fatal cancer risk per Sievert. For stochastic effects, ICRP60 uses values of 0.05 for the public (Stranden, 1976).
2.3.9 Potential Heavy and Toxic Elements
Potential heavy and toxic elements in the samples were evaluated, plotted and analysed for compliance with world averages and standard as presented in the appropriate Tables together with corresponding figures that allows for pictorial variability of the element in each of the samples as provided in the discussions chapter.