Ethics approval and consent to participate
Recruitment and data collection occurred only after families had received information and agreed to participate in the EPIPAGE 2 study. The EPIPAGE 2 study was approved by the National Data Protection Authority (CNIL no. 911009) and by the appropriate national ethics committees (Consultative Committee on the Treatment of Data on Personal Health for Research Purposes – reference: 10.626, Committee for the Protection of People Participating in Biomedical Research – reference: CPP SC-2873).
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
Availability of data and materials
Data used in the current study are not publicly available as they contain confidential information but are available from the Scientific Group of the EPIPAGE 2 study for researchers who meet the criteria for access to confidential data on reasonable request.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
The EPIPAGE 2 Study was supported by the French Institute of Public Health Research/Institute of Public Health and its partners the French Health Ministry, the National Institutes of Health and Medical Research, the National Institute of Cancer, and the National Solidarity Fund for Autonomy; grant ANR-11-EQPX-0038 from the National Research Agency through the French Equipex Program of Investments in the Future; the PremUp Foundation, and the Fondation de France. Robert A. Reed has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 665850. Andrei S. Morgan is funded by Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (reference SPF20160936356). The funders had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish or preparation of the manuscript.
Author's contributions
RAR conceptualised the study, carried out the analyses and drafted the initial manuscript. BK and ASM conceptualised the study, supervised the analyses, and reviewed and revised the manuscript. PYA conceptualised the study, supervised the analyses, reviewed and revised the manuscript and is responsible for the overall funding and project administration of the EPIPAGE 2 cohort study. JZ, VP, HT and PHJ conceptualised the study and reviewed the manuscript. All authors were involved in manuscript review and read and approved the final manuscript.
We are grateful for the participation of all families of preterm infants in the EPIPAGE 2 cohort study and for the cooperation of all maternity and neonatal units in France. We thank the EPIPAGE 2 Study Group for its substantial contribution to the conception, design, and acquisition of data and to the revision of the manuscript.
EPIPAGE 2 study group
Alsace: D Astruc, P Kuhn, B Langer, J Matis (Strasbourg), C Ramousset; Aquitaine: X Hernandorena (Bayonne), P Chabanier, L Joly-Pedespan (Bordeaux), MJ Costedoat, A Leguen; Auvergne: B Lecomte, D Lemery, F Vendittelli (Clermont-Ferrand); Basse-Normandie: G Beucher, M Dreyfus, B Guillois (Caen), Y Toure; Bourgogne: A Burguet, S Couvreur, JB Gouyon, P Sagot (Dijon), N Colas; Bretagne: J Sizun (Brest), A Beuchée, P Pladys, F Rouget (Rennes), RP Dupuy (St-Brieuc), D Soupre (Vannes), F Charlot , S Roudaut; Centre: A Favreau , E Saliba (Tours), L Reboul; Champagne-Ardenne: N Bednarek, P Morville (Reims), V Verrière; Franche-Comté: G Thiriez (Besançon), C Balamou; Haute-Normandie: L Marpeau , S Marret (Rouen), C Barbier; Ile-de-France: G Kayem (Colombes), X Durrmeyer (Créteil), M Granier (Evry), M Ayoubi , A Baud , B Carbonne , L Foix L’Hélias, F Goffinet, PH Jarreau , D Mitanchez (Paris), P Boileau (Poissy), L Cornu, R Moras; Languedoc-Roussillon: P Boulot , G Cambonie , H Daudé (Montpellier), A Badessi, N Tsaoussis; Limousin: A Bédu, F Mons (Limoges), C Bahans; Lorraine: MH Binet, J Fresson, JM Hascoët, A Milton, O Morel, R Vieux (Nancy), L Hilpert; Midi-Pyrénées: C Alberge, C Arnaud, C Vayssière (Toulouse), M Baron; Nord-Pas-de-Calais: ML Charkaluk, V Pierrat, D Subtil, P Truffert (Lille), S Akowanou, D Roche; PACA et Corse: C D’Ercole, C Gire, U Simeoni (Marseille), A Bongain (Nice), M Deschamps; Pays de Loire: B Branger (FFRSP), JC Rozé, N Winer (Nantes), V Rouger, C Dupont; Picardie: J Gondry, G Krim (Amiens), B Baby; Rhône-Alpes: M Debeir (Chambéry), O Claris, JC Picaud, S Rubio-Gurung (Lyon), C Cans, A Ego, T Debillon (Grenoble), H Patural (Saint-Etienne), A Rannaud; Guadeloupe: E Janky, A Poulichet, JM Rosenthal (Point à Pitre), E Coliné; Guyane: A Favre (Cayenne), N Joly; Martinique: S Châlons (Fort de France), V Lochelongue; La Réunion : PY Robillard (Saint-Pierre), S Samperiz, D Ramful (Saint-Denis).
Inserm UMR 1153: PY Ancel, V Benhammou, B Blondel, M Bonet, A Brinis, ML Charkaluk, A Coquelin, M Durox, L Foix-L’Hélias, F Goffinet, M Kaminski, G Kayem, B Khoshnood, C Lebeaux, L Marchand-Martin, AS Morgan, V Pierrat, J Rousseau, MJ Saurel-Cubizolles, D Sylla, D Tran, L Vasante-Annamale, J Zeitlin.