Aiming to investigate the anatomical characteristic of CC ligament based on MRI and raise a reference for surgeons to create transosseous tunnels precisely in reconstructing CC ligament, we designed to review 480 cases of patients and analyze their MRI scans of left shoulders. By taking different measurements, we obtained some anatomical parameters related to the length of ligament, the location and footprint of the insertions at the clavicle and the coracoid process as well as the orientation of ligament in the coronal and sagittal plane, respectively. With these abundant parameters, the present study permits a better understanding of the anatomy of CC ligament and conduces to find the applicable points where transosseous tunnels should be drilled in the clavicle and the coracoid process. More importantly, MRI offers more possibilities for anatomical research of CC ligament. This is an improvement on previous studies in which similar measurements have been made using cadaveric specimens. In contrast, imaging techniques are able to acquire numerous samples in a short time and avoid potential errors caused by manual measuring due to the automatic operation. This study reveals that MRI not only has advantages in clinical diagnosis and prognosis of AC joint dislocations, also contributing to restore the primitive anatomy of CC ligament with high accuracy to reduce the incidence of postoperative complications and promote the operative treatment of AC joint dislocation.
The AC joint is a diarthrodial joint formed by the distal clavicle and the medial facet of the acromion (2), and its stability is mostly maintained by CC and AC ligaments and capsule (15). The AC ligament and capsule are essential in providing its anterior-posterior stability. The CC ligament is the laterally located trapezoid ligament and the more medial conoid ligament, which prevents superior-inferior displacement of the clavicle (2, 17, 27). The mechanism of AC joint dislocation usually involves a direct blow to the lateral aspect of the adducted shoulder, leading to downward displacement of the scapula opposed by impaction of the clavicle onto the first rib (7). The force initially damages AC ligament, then further injuries CC ligament as the force perpetuates. Thus AC joint dislocation range from a simple sprain of AC ligament to a complete dislocation of the joint. Variable severity of injuries results in the great diversity of treatment. However, no matter how many treatment exist, the controversy of almost all the literature about the therapies of AC joint dislocation eventually focus on the options of operative or nonoperative techniques. At present, most scholars generally accept that Rockwood type Ⅰ and II choose conservative treatment while Rockwood type IV to VI use operative management. The ideal treatment of type-III injuries is debated (9, 21), each individual treatment should be carried out according to the specific conditions of patient, namely the type of injury, age, amount of exercise and aesthetic requirements.
In spite of there is ongoing debate as to which technique should be the gold standard of the surgical management of high-grade AC joint dislocations, operative techniques continue to advance with technology and an improved characterization of the anatomy (15). Early surgical procedures using K-wires, Steinman pins and cerclage wires to fixate AC joint. Because of there are a lot of shortcomings and the use of hardware across AC joint may worsen the intra-articular injury and might hasten the onset of joint arthrosis (2), these techniques have been largely eliminated. Later, AC joint reconstruction has gradually become the mainstream as clinicians gained a deeper understanding of the anatomical structure of AC joint. Hardware such as hook plate and screw was the main surgical material for reconstructing the anatomy of AC joint at first, but researches reported that it had been associated with numerous complications (2) and required a secondary operation for implant removal (25). Then clinicians began to shift their attention to ligament reconstruction. In 1972, the Weaver-Dunn procedure was first described, which utilized the native AC ligament in AC joint reconstruction (15). Following this kind of technique was improved on, the utilization of autograft or allograft for the anatomic reconstruction of CC ligament in AC joint dislocation has rapidly gained popularity in the past few decades (9). The reconstructions using either tendon grafts or suture-button configurations in anatomically placed drill holes have been demonstrated to biomechanically replicate the intact CC ligament complex and improved clinical effects as well. Nevertheless, CC ligament reconstruction has its own limitations. On the one hand, the choice of materials for stabilization of CC ligament mainly relies on the clinical conditions. Historically, tendon graft is best for chronic AC joint injury while synthetic materials (buttons or tapes) suit for acute injury. Choi etal. (4) confirmed that using autogenous tendon graft caused loss of reduction rate of 47% and a complication rate of 20%, which adversely affected clinical outcomes. On the other hand, the technical difficulty is to create transosseous tunnels at the remaining stumps of the ruptured ligaments to reconstruct the normal anatomy of CC ligaments accurately. Actually, where and how to drill a transosseous tunnel either in the coracoid process or in the clavicle varies according to the authors.
With regard to cadaveric researches, Xue etal. (26) measured the mean lengths of the conoid ligament and the trapezoid ligament were 11.2 ± 2.5 and 12.8 ± 2.7 mm, which is similar to the values that Izadpanah etal. (11) measured with 0.25-T open-bore MRI scanner: the mean CC distance along the center course of the conoid ligament and the trapezoid ligament were 11.2 ± 2.9 mm and 13.5 ± 2.7 mm. Though using MRI equally, since the limitation of the image, our study can not clearly divide CC ligament into the conoid and trapezoid ligaments, the length of CC ligament in the coronal plane is different from theirs. More we did that we got a overlapped length was 19.0 ± 4.5 mm, as the two ligaments in the sagittal plane nearly overlap. Furthermore, for better to maintain the horizontal stability of AC joint, the relative orientation of the transosseous tunnels should be considered (16), which means the angle of drilling tunnels need to be consistent with the alignment of CC ligament. According to Zhu etal (27), they measured 20 fresh-frozen Chinese cadavers and found that the valgus angle and retroversion angle of the trapezoid ligament were 39.3°± 0.9° and 6.0°± 0.6°, the valgus angle and retroversion angle of the conoid ligament was 6.6°± 0.7° and 11.0° ± 0.9°, respectively. Their references are two 2.0 mm K-wires, One at the anterior border of the clavicle just anterior to the center of the trapezoid ligament, the other was perpendicular with the anterior border and was parallel with the superior surface of the clavicle. While our reference are orientation of the clavicle and the coracoid process, emphasizing the anatomical positional relationship of the two vital structures with CC ligament.
More importantly, how to precisely determine the position and size of the transosseous tunnels depend on the attachments of the native CC ligament on the clavicle and the coracoid process. In many cadaveric studies, researchers often measured the distance from the lateral edge of the clavicle to the center of the trapezoid and conoid tuberosities. Mazzocca etal. (18) reported the values were 25.9 ± 3.9 mm and 35 ± 5.9 mm, respectively. Xue etal. (26) measured the distances of Chinese population were 21.8 ± 2.7 mm and 35.7 ± 3.4 mm. Besides, it is necessary to calculate the ratios of the distance to the conoidal center and to the trapezoidal center divided by clavicular length and coracoidal length. As for the coracoid process, researchers focused more on the footprint of ligaments. Izadpanah etal. (11) showed on the coracoid process, footprint expansion of the conoid ligament and the trapezoid ligament in medial-to-lateral direction from MRI were 8 ± 2 mm and 9.6 ± 2.9 mm. In like manner, our study described the attachments of CC ligament with some defined parameters. In the coronal plane, on the basis of the structures that can be observed in the image, we measured the distance form AC joint to the insertion at the clavicle and the value was 29.4 ± 4.2 mm. In the sagittal plane, the distance form the tip of the coracoid process to the insertion at the coracoid process was 12.0 ± 4.3 mm. Moreover, we described the footprint of ligaments by measuring the diameters of insertions at the clavicle and the coracoid process. The values we obtained, 8.2 ± 2.3 mm and 7.1 ± 3.3 mm, resemble to footprint on the coracoid process of Izadpanah etal, but unlike Katsumi (13), whose results on the clavicle are the attachments of the conoid ligament and the trapezoid ligament extended from 15 to 30 mm and 13 to 26 mm in sagittal dimension. Last but not least, we creatively measured the distance from the supraclavicular plane to the subcoracoid plane to study the anatomic relationship between the clavicle and the coracoid process. This will provide a guidance for the length of sutures in surgeries with synthetic materials.
This study has several limitations. First, there are deficiencies in the collection of materials. These prospective MRI scans without taking into account whether the diseases of the shoulder joint or even AC joint itself affect the normal structure of CC ligament, which may lead to measurement errors. Second, experimental method of this study is a combination of physical anatomy and MRI images, its rationality and availability need to be confirmed by further biomechanical studies. Third, one of the main purposes of operative treatment for AC joint dislocation is to return the motor function of the shoulder joint. Hence, more studies should perform dynamic analysis of CC ligament in vivo and conduce to the long-term clinical outcome of operative treatment.