I Ultrasound of the precerebral arteries
Imaging will be performed with a Canon ultrasound machine (Canon Medical Systems, Aplio 300 US system); using a 7L probe for both standard and contrast enhanced ultrasound as well as superb microvascular imaging (SMI) and a 10L probe for shear wave elastography (SWE).
A) Standard ultrasound
Identification of the common carotid artery (CCA), carotid artery bifurcation (BIF), internal carotid artery (ICA) bilaterally by B-mode ultrasound, color Doppler and pulsed-wave Doppler as follows (Table 1); Intima-media thickness (IMT) measurements of proximal and distal CCA. Detection and localization of plaques with registration of length and width. Determination of plaque echogenicity (hypoechoic, predominantly hypoechoic, predominantly hyperechoic, hyperechoic)(24, 25). Fibrous cap surface classification into: regular, irregular or ulcerated. Peak systolic velocity (PSV) measurements in CCA, ICA and grading of stenosis will be carried out based on velocities according to the consensus criteria of the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound (26). If needed additional end diastolic velocity (EDV) measurement and ICA/CCA ratio. The examination will be digitally stored for later review.
B) SWE An inbuilt software is used to quantify YM as absolute tissue stiffness in Kpa. When chosen on the Canon ultrasound unit, this SWE specific software provides a real-time elastography box which is representative of elasticity (Kpa) or speed (m/s) by means of a colorimetric map. This software also shows the shear wave propagation map in form of wave-front lines as quality control. YM measurements of a given ROI within the elastography box when these propagation lines are parallel to each other is the most reliable, and if these lines are absent or distorted, measurement may need to be repeated. ROI’s will be placed as follows:
1) Manually drawn ROI to include the entire plaque and determine average, SD and range YM values via a work sheet on the Canon system for the whole plaque.
2) Place 3 circular ROIs in hard/high stress zone (red) within the plaque and 3 ROIs in the soft/low stress zone (blue) within the previously marked plaque and determine average, SD and YM range values for each ROI.
C) Advanced ultrasound SMI, CEUS
Part 1. Semi-quantitative SMI
After choosing the inbuilt monochrome SMI (mSMI) software, the SMI specific ROI box will be positioned to portray the entire plaque. Other settings are a mechanical index of 1.5, frame rate of 50-60 frame per seconds (fps), dynamic range of 55-65 dB and velocity less than 2.0 cm/s. Plaques will be observed for 2 minutes and video images will be stored in the scanners hard drive. The intraplaque microvascular flow (IMVF) signals will firstly be categorized on a visual scale as follows: Grade 0: no IMVF within the plaque or IMVF confined to the adjacent adventitia, Grade 1: moving IMVF confined to the adventitial side, Grade 2: moving IMVF at the plaque shoulder, Grade3: IMVF moving to the plaque core, Grade 4: extensive IMVF. Secondly, a visual count of IMVF signal will be carried out and number of neo-vessels in a two-minute video clip will be counted.
Part 2. Semi-quantitative and quantitative analysis of CEUS
Preset real-time contrast-specific image settings (pulse inversion, MI 0.12) will be chosen from the scanner for optimizing images and to avoid destruction of contrast microbubbles. SonoVue (Bracco SpA, Milan, Italy), a microbubble contrast agent containing sulfur hexafluoride gas abilized with phospholipids (2.5 ml) will be injected as an intravenous bolus followed by 5 ml saline for semi-quantitative and quantitative analysis. Data registration starts upon the arrival of contrast material to the carotid artery bifurcation. Video clips will be stored as RAW data
a. Semiquantitativ analysis: The contrast enhancement in each plaque will be categorized on a visual scale as follows: Grade 0: no bubbles within the plaque or bubbles confined to the adjacent adventitia, Grade 1: moving bubbles confined to the adventitial side, Grade 2: moving bubbles at the plaque shoulder, Grade 3: bubbles moving to the plaque core, Grade 4: extensive intraplaque enhancement.
b. Quantitative analysis: Quantitative assessment of plaque contrast enhancement will be performed on RAW data off-line by plotting time-intensity curve (TIC) analysis using built-in quantification software (Canon, medical systems). A ROI will be drawn manually to include the entire plaque and a second circular ROI will be placed in the lumen of the artery as reference. Motion tracking and curve fitting will be applied to the TIC and the TIC derived peak intensity (PI) value will be obtained. PI in 10E-5AU (arbitrary unit) is a value that is correlated with the blood vessel density in a given volume of tissue, expressing the maximum intensity relative to baseline of TIC.
II Blood Sampling
Venipuncture of a forearm vein will be performed on the same day as the ultrasound examination except for those patients scheduled for carotid endarterectomy (CEA) where the blood test will be performed within 2 days prior to CEA.
Blood tests
Plasma: 2 EDTA tubes (6ml) will be placed on ice/cool water. The tubes will be centrifuged within 30 min at 3200 rpm. Plasma will be stored in aliquots tubes (Nunc) at 80◦ C.
Serum: 1 serum tube (6ml) will be stored in room temperature (max 2 hours). After full coagulation, the tube will be centrifuged for 10 min at 3200 rpm before it is stored in aliquots tubes (Nunc) at 80◦C. Values of white blood cells, CRP, ESR, glucose, HbA1c, cholesterol, HDL, LDL and TG will be determined. Biobank blood tests will be used for determination of inflammation markers (Matrix metalloproteinase 7/ MMP-7, interleukin-23 / IL23, visfatin.
III Carotid MRI
The carotid arteries will be imaged using a 3T whole-body scanner (Achieva, Philips Healthcare, Best, The Netherlands) equipped with an 8-channel carotid coil (Philips/Shanghai Chenguang Medical Technologies, Shanghai China). For each scan, the location of the carotid bifurcation will be determined using a 3D time-of-flight angiographic sequence, followed by 8 continuous slices using proton density, high resolution 3D time-of-flight T2 weighted and T1 weighted images.
Custom software (VP Diagnostics, Seattle, USA) will be used for the automatic analysis of the MRI examinations for plaque content, including neovascularization.
IV 18F-FDG PET co-registered with enhanced CT
A subgroup of the study population will be examined with a hybrid PET/CT scanner (Siemens Biograph 64, Siemens Medical Systems, Erlangen, Germany). After an overnight fast (minimum six-hours), an 18F-FDG PET/CT will be performed from the base of the skull to the aortic arch. Approximately 90 minutes after the injection of 5Mbq/kg 18FFDG blood glucose levels will be measured. A CT without contrast for attenuation correction will be performed immediately before the PET scan with the patient in the same position. A contrast-enhanced CT of the carotid arteries will also be performed on those patients that do not have a recent CT angiography available. The contrast-enhanced CT will be used for localizing the carotid artery plaque. A specialist in nuclear medicine blinded for patient data will place the ROI. The contrast-enhanced CT angiography is used as a guide for drawing the ROI on the PET slice (fused with non-contrast CT). ROIs covering the whole plaque including vessel wall thickening and the lumen contrast-filling defect are drawn on each axial slice from the most cranial to the most caudal slice of the plaque.
Patients will undergo cerebral diffusion-weighted imaging MRI (DWI-MRI) a 3T whole-body scanner (Achieva, Philips Healthcare, Best, The Netherlands) on inclusion and at 1- year follow-up. DWI sequences will be used at each scan to detect new ischemic brain lesions. Detection of ischemic brain lesions/infarct during the follow-up time will strengthen the assumption of an unstable plaque. A neuroradiologist, blinded to clinical status and findings, will rate the diffusion-weighted trace images for the absence or presence of acute ischemic parenchymal damage. Positive, lesions will be quantified by using the following scoring system: number of lesions, location of lesions, lesion sizes (categorized into lesions <5 mm, 5-10 mm, or >10 mm), and total lesion volume (milliliters). Locations will be described to determine the vascular territories (anterior or posterior circulation), the side (ipsilateral or contralateral to the ICA stenosis), and the distribution (cortical, subcortical, or deep areas) (27).The results from DWI-MRI will be correlated to degree of neovascularization obtained by the advanced ultrasound methods: SMI, CEUS and SWE.
IV Histological assessment
The plaques will be removed en bloc (intact) at endarterectomy (CEA), fixed in 4% formaldehyde, decalcified in ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid or 17% formic acid and cut into 2–3 mm slices. After dehydration the slices will be embedded in paraffin. Histological sections, measuring 5 μm, will be cut at and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Plaques will be assessed by an experienced pathologist blinded for the clinical, carotid MRI, PET/CT and ultrasound findings and a research physician. In each section plaque area will be calculated based on measurements in a microscope with an ocular with micrometer scale. Areas with inflammation, granulation tissue, fat, fibrosis and calcification will be estimated as percentages of the plaque area. The percentages of the different components in a plaque will be calculated as the total area of each component in all sections from the plaque divided by the total plaque area. In each plaque-section number and diameters of vessels with a lumen diameter of 0.01 mm or greater will be measured. As an estimate of neovascularization of the plaque the sum of vessel lumens in all sections from the plaque will be divided by the total plaque area. The advanced Ultrasound (SMI, SWE and CEUS) findings will be correlated to the histology findings (28).
V Study population
Patients > 18 years referred to our ultrasound lab at the neurological outpatient clinic (Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet) before endarterectomy or for routine ultrasound control, fulfilling study inclusion criteria will consecutively be asked to participate.