We recorded topographic EEG signals driven by a full contrast visual stimulation using pattern reversal checkerboards and analyzed graph-based properties of Magnitude-Squared Coherences of the visual-evoked potentials in patients with SCZ and HC. We found characteristic network differences between resting state activity and visual evoked potentials in both healthy control and patients as quantified from medium phase coherence networks during both phases, suggesting that visual input modulates the cortical network during visual stimulation regardless of the group. However, our results also indicate that, during visual stimulation, topographic cortical integration in the low-gamma band (36-55 Hz), as measured by L and SW values is specifically impaired in SCZ patients.
The visual deficits observed in patients with schizophrenia as measured by the amplitude of evoked potentials are a hallmark of schizophrenia psychopathology (JUTAI et al., 1984; FOXE et al., 2001). Our PR-VEP amplitude results from occipital cortex electrodes are in accordance with these findings. Such deficits in visual processing of elemental features (such as contrast, luminance and orientation of the stimulus) are well described at various stages of the disorder, from the first episode (KIM et al., 2005; MURPHY & ÖNGÜR, 2019) to later stages (Çavuş et al., 2012). Although different visual circuits may contribute to these deficits, the magnocellular pathway seems to exert a greater global contribution to the visual impairments observed in SCZ patients (BUTLER et al., 2001; KÉRI et al., 2002; SCHECHTER et al., 2005; MARTÍNEZ et al., 2008; SKOTTUN & SKOYLES, 2007; MARTÍNEZ et al., 2012; JAHSHAN et al., 2017; FERNANDES et al., 2019).
However, due to their local nature, the well-described deficits in the visual pathways of patients with SCZ are not directly in line with the disconnection theory about the schizophrenic brain. Moreover, our study is the first to describe not only the known amplitude differences in EEG recordings, but also the dynamic interactions between different recording sites using phase connectivity measures during visualization of the stimulus. Our results indicate that a PR-VEP stimulus modifies network properties (number of nodes and edges, mean degree centrality, clustering, characteristic path length and small-worldness) in patients with schizophrenia and healthy volunteers in both frequency bands when compared with pre-stimulus activity (PSI).
In contrast to healthy HC volunteers, the pattern reversal visual stimulus does neither increase small-worldness nor the characteristic path length for EEG responses in the low-gamma band of patients with SCZ. In detail, our visual stimulus paradigm drives an increase of small-worldness in HC subjects. This suggests that under healthy conditions visual input changes the phase network organization (VEP epoch) when compared to the pre-stimulus activity (PSI epoch), in a characteristic manner. Visual inputs seem to increase the randomicity of the complex network and the organization of the edges involved in stimulus processing creating a more random network (characterized by a highly clustered network with reduced characteristic path length, See Figure 1). The same stimulus does not evoke as many new edges in patients as in healthy subjects, as illustrated in Figure 6CD, and the stimulus-induced increase in randomicity is lacking. Therefore, the hypothesis stands to reason that this inability to alter the low-gamma network according to new sensory inputs – especially in response to a high-contrast visual stimulus – could be one of the manifestations of the disconnection syndrome in psychosis.
The reduced small-world phenomenon supporting dysconnectivity in schizophrenia is mostly described as a feature of structural networks estimated from MRI or fMRI recordings at rest or during a cognitive task. Lynall et al. (2010), for instance, showed substantial reductions in clustering, small-worldness and the probability of high degree hubs in SCZ patients. But these structural influences in the characteristic path length and clustering coefficient in psychosis are not only derived from the neuronal fibers themselves, but also from the local cortical thickness, as shown by ZHANG et al., (2012), for example. The reduction of the small-world network towards greater global regularity in schizophrenia (see Fig. 1) is also described in a few EEG studies using resting state recordings (SAKKALIS et al., 2006; RUBINOV et al., 2009) or during working memory tasks (MICHELOYANNIS et al., 2006), but these studies did not describe deficits in specific oscillatory frequency bands. While Olejarczyk & Jernajczyk (2017) showed differences in connectivity using phase-locking value in the alpha band, to date, Gomez-Pilar et al., (2018) is the only study that investigates the EEG network responding to a certain sensory stimulus - in this case, an auditory P300 oddball task. Corroborating with our main finding, they found a decrease in characteristic path length in the theta band exposed by the auditory task. Interestingly, in their pioneer study Uhlhaas and colleagues (2006) analyzed long-range synchrony through phase-locking during Gestalt perception and described that specific Gestalt deficits in schizophrenia were associated with a loss of beta, rather than gamma, phase synchrony, but, in general, reduced gamma band synchronization indicating impaired medium- and long-range interactions in patients was also reported (Hirvonen et al. 2017).
Our observation opens up many questions about frequency-specific functional connectivity in schizophrenia expressed in graph complex networks in visual perception, which is widely affected in schizophrenia even before the first episode (MATHALON; FORD; PFEFFERBAUM, 2000; BUTLER et al., 2001; YEAP et al., 2006; SCHULTZE-LUTTER et al., 2007; FRIEDMAN et al., 2012). All results show that patients with schizophrenia have lower amplitudes in both visual evoked potentials (P1a and P1b), which might support the conclusion that this deficit could change the connectivity in all band frequencies in a systemic manner. However, the amplitude reduction in patients seems to be associated with a lack of edge rearrangements and consequently, altered small world properties, after the visual stimulus onset in CBN networks of only the low-gamma and not the alpha band, suggesting a perceptual impairment in a specific frequency band.
Band-specific cortical oscillations directly reflect the dynamics of a group of neurons engaged in a task or at rest (COHEN, M. X., 2017; MARTÍNEZ-CAÑADA et al., 2021; NÆSS et al., 2021). These oscillations reverberate in amplitude and frequency so that the amplitude decreases with the increase in the oscillatory frequency. As a consequence, lower frequency oscillations have greater energy and reach more distant cortical regions. Thus, alpha oscillations seems to be coupled in phase among different cortical areas (LINKENKAER-HANSEN ET AL., 2001; NIKULIN & BRISMAR, 2004; NIKULIN ET AL., 2012; BECKER ET AL., 2018), while gamma oscillations occur more locally, and for a short period of time due to excitation and inhibition dynamics within a circumscribed cortical region (DONNER & SIEGEL, 2011; UHLHAAS et al., 2011; BUZSÁKI & WANG, 2012; GRÜTZNER et al., 2013; SUN et al., 2013).
Our study is limited by the sample size, the number of trials during the PR-VEP, and the polymedicated SCZ sample. It is known that, in addition to the deficits caused by the disorder itself, different antipsychotics might not only alter the visual perception (FERNANDES et al., 2019A; FERNANDES et al., 2019B), but lead to substantial changes in the overall functional network organization of SCZ patients (HADLEY et al., 2016). Thus, in future studies, we intend to assess the network expressed in graphs in a larger and homogeneously medicated sample of patients, and with a higher number of EEG electrodes. Our work is the first to show that visual stimuli alter the small-world network response in patients with schizophrenia, and various visual stimuli designed to isolate the different pathways in the visual system, such as the parvo- and koniocellular pathways, have yet to be explored.
We may conclude that phase-dependent functional connections, specifically in the low-gamma band, react less to visual input in patients with schizophrenia than in healthy conditions, indicating that functional networks in schizophrenia may be denser and thus do not allow greater cortical integration, resulting in the absence of a stimulus-induced small-world response.