Selenicereus undatus is by far one of the most used plants to produce pitahaya as crop worldwide. The blooming of Selenicereus spp. normally occurs during summer when temperatures are higher and the day-time is longer22,26,34,48. It takes about 20 days to develop flowers, plus 35 days to fruit following anthesis22, 24,40,34. In our results, S. setaceus took 41 days to develop flowers, plus 63 days to fruit production, i.e., twice as long to produce fruit. This may be a limiting factor in terms of fruit production as crop, when compared to S. undatus22, 24,40,34.
The duration of anthesis seems to be consistent among the queen-of-the-night cacti. Selenicereus setaceus has anthesis during 18 hours (with the floral senescence about 5 hours after the sunrise). The same anthesis period was reported for other pitahayas, as S. undatus24,25, and S. megalanthus, S. monacanthus, S. undatus and S. costaricensis (F.A.C. Weber) S. Arias & N. Korotkova26.
The high amount (133 µl) of diluted nectar (28% BRIX) produced by the S. setaceus flowers in natural environments was already recorded for this species in plants cultivated in a greenhouse, by Almeida et al.47, that found 160µl of nectar with 28% BRIX. In addition, the pattern found by the authors was higher volume and lower sugar concentration in the large flowers of seven Hylocereeae species, than in the 14 smaller Rhipsalideae species analyzed.
The nectar is secreted with particular rhythms and can be reabsorbed during the life of the flower. The temporal patterns of secretion, cessation, and resorption, if any, define the dynamics of nectar production. This dynamic is generally linked to the foraging behavior of visiting animals. Visitor activity, along with the alteration of environmental parameters, are responsible for the amount of nectar found in a flower in a determinate period of time62. In S. setaceus we found a large nectar volume between 8:00 pm and 1:00 am, with a peak at 11:00 pm. The highest peak of production was just before sunrise at 5:00 am; which leads us to conclude that the expected visitors would have a greater intensity of visits in these periods of greater volume of nectar secretion. In addition, the highest peak, before sunrise, may be related to the last nectar feeding of night visitors.
These results contrast with observations on other Selenicereus species. Valiente-Banuet et al.25 and Muniz et al.24 did not find any nectar produced in flowers of S. undatus e S. monacanthus, cultivated in Mexico and Brazil; the only reward offered to the floral visitor was the pollen grains. According to Valiente-Banuet et al.25, the absence of nectar production in S. undatus was due to the long time that this species has been used as crop by the Mexican people, that may have increased the capacity of this plants to produce fruits via self-pollination.
Selenicereus setaceus has flowers with nectary located in the long and narrow floral tube, producing diluted nectar47. The androecium produces a huge amount of pollen grains. The nocturnal anthesis lasts only one night. The flowers are whitish, and terminal in the branches over the canopy. It let them highlighted in the landscape, contrasting with the vegetation and the dark sky, facilitating their localization by the floral visitors. All these features match with chiropterophily and, mainly, sphingophily pollination syndromes14–16,63−65.
This was confirmed by the visit of the sphingidea M. rustica, recorded in this study. This hawkmoth has a long proboscis able to reach the nectar chamber and drink the nectar to supply its high energetic demand66,67. Other cacti species are already known as recipients of hawkmoth visits68,69,58. However, in three seasons of observation, we got only one sphingidae visit (Fig. 6F). In addition to that, during these three years of nocturnal observation, we found no bat visits at all. As said before, the morphological attributes of the S. setaceus flowers, along with the literature records47,58,68,69 led us to expect to see nocturnal visitors. However, we found only one single hawkmoth visit! No nectarivorous bat visits were observed in Cereus hildmannianus K. Schum. flowers68, even with the occurrence of the bat Anoura caudifer E. Geoffroy in the same geographic areas. The authors only found hawkmoths visiting the flowers. Bats may prefer to feed on flowers with shorter floral tubes.
Fruit production among the plants which had their flowers exposed for the nocturnal visitors (unbagged from 07 pm to 05 am) reached a 50% pollination ratio (Table 2). Since the plants did fruit, there was some pollination (we assumed that it was by spontaneous self-pollination), though in a lower ratio than expected due to the lack of nocturnal visitors. On the other hand, the flowers exposed to the honey bees’ visits, had 100% fruit set (Table 2).
Concerning the flowers visited by honey bees, A. mellifera lands on the flower, gets into the perianth (because the flower is not opened yet), and walks around collecting pollen grains, even touching the stigma. At this time, the bees have their bodies covered by pollen grains so they may promote both cross- and self-pollination on the flower (Fig. 6A-D). In all observed visits, the honey bees were unable to reach the nectary. Therefore, they do not collect nectar.
Other studies have reported A. mellifera collaborating to morning pollination, after anthesis, in several other cacti species with nocturnal anthesis, including species of epiphytic cacti of Selenicereus24–26, the creeping cactus Cereus fernambucensis Lem. 69, and the terrestrial cacti Cereus hildmannianus K. Schum. 68, Carnegiea gigantea (Engelm.) Britton & Rose, Pachycereus pringlei (S. Watson) Britton & Rose e Stenocereus thurberi (Engelm.) Buxb. 70, Pilosocereus tuberculatus (Werderm.) Byles & G.D. Rowley 59, Echinopsis terscheckii (Parm.) Friedrich & G.D. Rowley 71, and Cipocereus crassisepalus (Buining & Brederoo) Zappi & N.P.Taylor 72.
The scarcity or lack of nocturnal visitors may have driven these species to become generalists, expanding the range of pollinators, when plants keep their nocturnal flowers opened and receptive for more hours after sunrise. This time extension in anthesis may supply the seasonal variation in abundance, reliability and competition among the nocturnal visitors (bats and/or hawkmoth) since the diurnal pollinators are more effective and stable70.
The presence of beetles is not rare in cactus flowers, as those found in the flowers of the S. setaceus, and have already been reported by some authors68,73,58. Usually, this coleopterous remain in one unique flower, feeding on floral parts. They may eventually self-pollinate the flower, stimulating thignomasty of the stamens74, but in most cases, the beetles are nectar and/or pollen robbers18.
The ants Camponotus rufipes, that were found patrolling the external surface of the stem, floral buds, and even, on the flower, were seeking the nectar secreted by the scales, on the areoles located on the pericarpel and floral tube surfaces (Fig. 6I-J). Nectar secretory structures, non-related to the pollination, are common in the cactus family, as recorded in Lophocereus schottii (Engelm.) Britton & Rose75, several epiphytic cacti from Hylocereeae and Rhipsalideae47,76, Acanthocereus tetragonus (L.) Hummelinck, Leptocereus paniculatus (Lam.) D.R. Hunt and L. weingartianus (Hartmann in Dams) Britton & Rose77. According to the literature these nectaries are involved in a mutualistic ant-plant relationship, in which the ant protects plant tissues against herbivory and other damage, like fungi infection, and then receive nectar as a reward75,77−79.
All the S. setaceus flowers analyzed showed an interesting movement in the stigma lobes at the end of the anthesis. After 04 am, they started to become flaccid and down projected, even touching the anthers, getting in contact with the pollen grains (Fig. 6L). Because of this movement, the well noted hercogamy at the begging of the anthesis (Fig. 6K) did not last until the end of the anthesis. Despite this, the hercogamy recorded at the anthesis would fit well in the concept of approach hercogamy (discussed in Cardoso et al.80): it is not effective to avoid intrafloral sexual interference. Thus, the hercogamy, of the studied flowers of S. setaceus, seems to be temporal, or even, a pseudo-hercogamy. That would explain the ratio of 66.7% fruit production in spontaneous self-pollination treatments.
Regarding the breeding system of S. setaceus, our results showed that in the studied populations the plants are not dependent on cross-pollination because they are able to fruit through self-pollination (forced and spontaneous) (Table 2). In spite of this, we expected to see more nocturnal visitors, including bats! In three years of observations, not even a single bat visit was recorded, and only one hawkmoth visit was observed. The treatment of nocturnal pollination had a 50% fruit set. Due to the very low presence of nocturnal visitors, and the high capacity of self-pollination, we believe that self-pollination explains the 50% ratio of fructification found in the flowers that were exposed in the night time (07pm to 05am).
Our results make clear the importance of the shift around anthesis duration, mainly stigma receptivity, and the visits of the honey bees because all the treatments that exposed the flowers to bees had high fruit set: between 62 % to 100% (Table 2). Honey bees, therefore, play an important role in the pollination system of S. setaceus, contradicting our expectations.
S. setaceus is self-compatible and fruits through spontaneous and forced self-pollination treatments, in the former case, due to the pseudo-hercogamy. Our results also support self-pollination driven by A. mellifera. Nevertheless, the breeding system of Selenicereus may be very flexible. For instance, S. undatus populations did not fruit through spontaneous self-pollination in Minas Gerais-Brazil41 and Israel26; in Mexico25 and in Ceará-Brazil24 100% fructification was reported from self-pollination. Similar inconsistencies occur concerning the forced self-pollination in populations of S. undatus. Silva et al.52 and Ha et al.34 reported low fruit set ratios in plants studied in São Paulo-Brazil and Taiwan; Pushpakumara et al.81, Weiss et al.26, Valient-Banuet et al.25 found high ratios.
Valiente-Banuet et al.25 hypothesized that the divergence of results found in different locations for the same species is due to the use of different clone lineages and the authors also highlighted that during the domestication process, some plant species may become self-compatible. Thus, as S. undatus has been used since ancient times by mankind, it is putative that the self-compatibility has evolved during its domestication. It would explain the different capabilities to fruit and even the absence of nectar in some Mexican populations.
Our data showed that the natural pollination had high fruit set efficiency (89.8%) in the populations of S. setaceus. While less than the diurnal, hand self-pollination and hand cross-pollination treatments (which had 100%), are still high (Table 2).
On the other hand, when we looked at the seed production per fruit, the differences are significant among the treatments, as seen in Table 2. For example, the hand self-pollination treatment had 100% fruit set, but the mean value of seed produced per fruit was low (329 seeds), while natural pollination had high mean value of seed set per fruit (658). For the pitahaya S. undatus, distinct studies showed different responses for similar treatments. Valient-Banuet et al. 25 found more seeds produced per fruit in the spontaneous self-pollination treatment (7.940), than in the natural pollination (5.393). In contrast, Menezes et al.41 recorded less seed set per fruit for spontaneous self-pollination (822), when compared to the natural pollination (1.298). It is worth noting that the difference in mean values of seed produced per fruit probably indicates that they have studied different varieties of S. undatus.