The results describe the ethical approaches used by experts in collecting, using, and sharing health data. Through the analysis, four main categories and fourteen sub-categories were used to classify the discussions. 1) Consideration of the consequences (consequentialism), 2) Respect for rights (rights-based approach), 3) Having a good procedure (procedural ethics), and 4) Professional conduct (virtue ethics). An overview of the categories and sub-categories is presented in Table 3. In the following, categories and sub-categories will be described and illustrated by quotes.
Table 3. Categories and sub-categories of ethical approaches used by experts related to sharing health data.
1) Consideration of the consequences (consequentialism)
Benefit for society
Benefit for science
Do no harm to individuals/non-maleficence
2) Respect for rights (rights-based approach)
Right to a private sphere
Human dignity
Keep promises
3) Procedural compliance (procedural ethics)
Effective approach
Transparent to data subject and society
Do the right thing by default
4) Professional conduct (virtue ethics)
Be responsible
Be respectful
Category 1: Consideration of the consequences (consequentialism)
The consequentialist approach was expressed in three different ways: benefit for society, benefit for science, and do no harm to individuals/non-maleficence.
Benefit for society
One perspective of sharing data is that it will benefit society in one way or another: data sharing may help explain the origin of diseases, have utility for the population due to new development of treatments and lives saved. Some participants expressed that the more collaboration there is with academic scientific research and other academic projects or even commercial companies developing new medical devices or drugs, the more benefit there will be to society. A concern was raised that having too strict legal rules does not benefit society, as it may hinder beneficial research and technical development for society. The respondents pushed for open data sharing in the research community as a means to improve health care down the line.
Another consequentialist argument for the wide re-use of health data was the need to maximize benefits to the society by maximizing data re-use as much as possible. It was argued that people’s tax money needs to be used in a manner that is beneficial for the population. And because hospitals, universities, and national consortia in Sweden are financed with tax money, the data collected or generated need to be widely used to maximize the benefits.
[…] data has been produced by tax money for example, then they [tax payers] want them to be used as much as possible. There should be no obstacles to that. So that one [taxpayers] gets as much bang for the buck of data that has been produced. It must then be shared with more researchers and so on. (Respondent 1, data manager, male)
Benefit for science
All participants stressed that sharing data is not only beneficial for research, but also a necessity to answer some research questions. Sharing and re-use of data increase the possibility of making new discoveries. If the legal rules are too strict, the view expressed was that the law will hinder important research.
I understand that there are reasons for laws and stuff like that. But it just seems obvious to me that Facebook should be allowed to do some basic experiments on us. It is not really harming us, and it is often a hindrance I think, being constrained to what you are allowed to do in this way. (Respondent 12, scientist in applied mathematics, male)
Since data collection is expensive, a view is that the research community needs to preserve existing data. Re-use is a way to utilize. Even under this sub-category, two participants expressed that they see no great risk for harm. Rather, their view was that the good consequences for better research outweigh the risk of people being harmed. They could imagine potential bad consequences, but they perceived the risk as being highly unlikely. Some of the participants expressed engagement in having access to data and freedom to perform research. They were triggered by and expressed a great motivation to perform data intensive research tasks.
Another aspect of sharing data responsibly is that science needs a good reputation to maintain trust. It is important to maintain people’s confidence in the research community for financial purposes since most research funding comes from taxpayers.
Do no harm to individuals/non-maleficence
The majority of the respondents acknowledged that there are threats to participants’ private sphere in the form of bad consequences if people’s personal health information falls in the wrong hands. They recognize that data can be lost and end up in the wrong hands; people can be identified, and data can be misused. Someone can sell the data, earn money by blackmailing individuals by threatening to disseminate information about being in a risk group or having a certain disease. Insurance companies are mentioned as interested in this kind of information. There is therefore a risk that data ending up in the wrong hands can give people an economic disadvantage. Some of the participants think this is very hypothetical, but it could happen, and therefore protective measures must be taken to protect participants.
However, two respondents perceived the risk of individuals getting harmed as being so small that it almost does not count. One respondent could not see how anyone could be interested in the participants’ health data.
I do not really think that there are very many who are super interested in this data in that way. (Respondent 7, epidemiologist, male)
People [researchers] are generally very unnecessarily anxious. People sit behind desks and behind paper and are very anxious about… ‘what if data comes out and what if I do wrong and I do not know exactly what is right or wrong.’ There seems to be a bit of chaos and GDPR has not exactly made things clearer and eased nervousness either. My very personal attitude is that people are a little too anxious for their own health about this. (Respondent 4, project coordinator, male)
Category 2: Respect for rights (rights-based approach)
In this category, respondents described certain rights that need to be respected regardless of the consequences. The respondents described that it may be unpleasant and create a bad feeling among the data subjects that the information is in the hands of others. Under this category, we have also included respondents’ views on the researchers’ right to perform research in the name of freedom of research.
Right to a private sphere
Participants strongly emphasized people’s right to be protected, the right not to be identified without consent. It was viewed as a matter of respecting other people and their integrity. Respondents expressed that if people’s health data is spread and comes in the wrong hands, personal integrity is violated. Another opinion strengthening this view was that personal data is not open to anyone: people have the right to control information that relates to them. One respondent thought that personal information known of any random person is not sensitive, but if it is a neighbor or colleague that knows the same information, it makes a difference. Hence, as it is difficult to know what is a person’s level of acceptance to share information and his or her level of vulnerability beforehand, the respondents expressed that actions and level of security need to be such that it meets those of the most vulnerable.
So, in general, I think the risks are quite low, but it is more to protect personal integrity, … some care very much and do not want to give out their social security number or do not want to have such information everywhere, and you have to respect that. Then, there are others who do not care. (Respondent 6, epidemiologist, female)
The respondents described that people are entitled to decide according to their own wishes; autonomy is the core. It is the right of participants to decide for themselves whether or not health data should be shared, and with whom. Careful attention should be paid to the information stage before collecting data, so that potential participants are aware of the purpose, scientific method, re-use of the data, and expected result before consenting. It is essential for people to know whether the data will be used by others or for other purposes to be able to make an autonomous decision. Some of the respondents viewed that the responsibility for re-use of data lay on the potential participants’ agreement. If participants consented to the potential risks and benefits, then it is for a good reason. People’s different preferences were also brought up as a reason to leave the responsibility to decide to the individual. Moreover, to give them the opportunity do decide was seen as a way of respecting them as a person, the life they have, and their experiences.
who is responsible for?… I would say the data subject. So, who is responsible for the data that is shared, yes, it is the individual […] it is the individual who decides for him or herself. Do I want to accept this, that is, or do I want to sign this consent? I want to buy a smart watch. I want a Google Home like this at home. Somewhere consciously or unconsciously, the individual makes a lot of choices in our society. So, it must always start from the individual. […] Yes and some people glide around in some form of ignorance as well. But I do not see that the government should be allowed to take responsibility for the fact that there happens to be ignorant individuals… (Respondent 4, project coordinator, male)
…and that the patient has approved and is informed that it is shared and that it is understandable patient information for example. That the patient understands that it is voluntary and that they can say no as well. (Respondent 11, nephrologist, male)
Moreover, the respondents voiced the importance of people being free to choose whether they want to be part of data collections. Not solely in order to exercise their right to autonomy, but also for the value of living a free life. It was argued that the state should not regulate everything and protect all possible incidents. That was perceived as an undesirable situation for our society.
…it is so dynamic [the technical development] so I feel very skeptical about appointing the state as responsible; I think it is the wrong way to go. One must be able to protect oneself in the first place. I am a little reluctant to leave it to a government to decide what kind of data I may share or what I allow someone else to do with it. (Respondent 4, project coordinator, male)
Two respondents made the opposite declaration that all participants are not autonomous and therefore not free to decide on they own, due to the fact that they are patients and dependent on care (a power imbalance). Therefore, they need the protection of rules, processes, and guidelines that make the collection and use of people’s health data safe and rigorous. Thus, they are free because of the rules.
Freedom to perform research was mentioned as an important norm for the research community. That is the basis for scientific research and needs to be protected; too strict and complicated rules hinder free research. Additionally, rules were viewed as potentially limiting the knowledge we can achieve, which goes against the nature of doing research.
Human dignity
Human dignity reflects the inherent worthiness of being a human. Respondents are of the view that respect for human dignity may be less of a concern with the extensive data sets that researchers are working with, since an individual becomes just one in a crowd. One reason can be the social distance between the participant and the user of the data. The importance of remembering that there is a real person behind the numbers was emphasized, and therefore it is important to be careful when collecting, storing, and using data.
I think it is important that the researcher who uses data or those who share data should be aware that there are actually people attached to the information, that you should be very careful about how to use it and how to store it, and there should not exist any names and so on. (Respondent 6, epidemiologist, female)
Keeping promises
Keeping promises and following what has been agreed upon were mentioned in two contexts. In the first context, it was described as if there is an agreement in place; nothing hinders the use of people’s health data. If people agree to something, there is no need to question whether that is harmful or wrong. In the second context, participants mentioned the importance of acting according to what has been promised. What has been said should be followed:
[…] that is what people expect from us. (Respondent 8, geneticist, female)
Another reason for having a high standard of control over participants’ health data is that some people will be in a more vulnerable situation. Therefore, justice based on needs should be applied.
… there should be very high demands [on how we treat data]. I think there are some people that are weak and extra vulnerable. (Respondent 7, epidemiologist, male)
In contrast, the idea of justice was also deemed to motivate openness of data in research and care. The argument follows: by having open access to data, it will be possible to achieve a representativeness of all people in the scientific research. In addition, there was a concern that that inequalities, which exist when it comes to people’s health, will be maintained due to a lack of representativeness of data. The concern is that in the long run, there will be an unequal distribution of care. A more open sharing of health data will benefit us all, and mostly the underrepresented groups.
And that is a driving force for why it is so damn important that open sharing and equal sharing of data are as broad as possible […]it is because this group has not been represented in the data on which this algorithm was practiced… (Respondent 10, medical scientist developing AI based tools, male)
On the other hand, having a totally open access to data was viewed as problematic because the people preforming the job should be recognized for their accomplishment. A researcher needs to get credit for the work performed before sharing.
You have to get credit for what you have done, but still you can share it with others. (Respondent 3, neuroscientist, female)
Category 3: Procedural compliance (procedural ethics)
Many respondents voiced the need to have a good procedure for good professional behavior. They expressed a will to do the right thing, but they wanted less obstacles that hold back beneficial development and make the administrative work inefficient. They asked for a routine that embedded the right action; it is simple to follow rules and not think all the time about what is right or wrong. Rules that are implemented in a good procedure were perceived as giving freedom to do the research and innovate.
[…]but it has happened that I get emails with social security numbers and addresses to people, it should not happen. I do not want that in my mailbox. (Respondent 6, epidemiologist, female)
As a new researcher, I think you become overwhelmed, and then I think that many start to cheat. Many do not apply [for ethical approval], but they run their race. (Respondent 8, geneticist, female)
However, one respondent emphasized that the rules need to be adaptive to comply with a changing reality (e.g., technological development and new research questions). This can be difficult to foresee; therefore, the need to be transparent was viewed as important. A transparent process is a good process for a changing world. To be transparent to the community and to the participants is also viewed as a good path for an ethically sustainable research environment.
So, this is a balancing act; it [the regulations and processes] must be alive ... the ethical regulations must be alive so that it can adapt, because if there is new technology that makes it possible to do something we cannot today, we must be able to say, you cannot do it this way, you have to do it this way or protect the individual in some way. (Respondent 8, geneticist, female)
Category 4:Professional conduct (virtue ethics)
Finally, the analysis revealed expressions of professional conduct. It was mostly related to the character that a data collector and user has or should have. One view was that a researcher (data collector) is not interested in individuals’ health status, and therefore the risk of something going wrong is negligible.
A researcher needs to be respectful and responsible. That is part of the profession of being a researcher. Another view is that data users can be affected by the interest of discovery and forget or stretch the rules because of being curious.
[…] and then these people start to fumble a bit and hand data over to some company they collaborated with, which they thought was very exciting, and so it starts to slide. (Respondent 4, project coordinator, male)