In this work, we assess the contributions of different geophysical phenomena to the observed gravity signals, based on observations and models. Eq. 1 shows the gravity contributions examined in our study.
These include gravitational effects induced by solid Earth and ocean tides Δgtide, local atmospheric mass changes Δgatm, polar motion Δgpm, global atmosphere, large-scale hydrology and nontidal ocean loading Δgglob, local hydrology in terms of soil moisture changes Δghydr, snow Δgsnow, vertical surface displacement Δh with the vertical gravity gradient δg/δh, geothermal mass changes Δggeoth and instrumental drift Δgdrift. The “Error” in equation 1 consists of further gravity contributions like magma-induced mass changes from volcanic activity that are neglected in this study. Before the gravity data can be used for interpreting geothermal related mass changes, we have to identify and reduce the interfering gravity effects that superimpose onto the target signal. To assess the contribution of the local environmental parameters in the gravity records, we analysed the continuous hydrometeorological measurements from remotely operated multiparameter stations (ROMPS; Schöne et al. 2013) at each site. Figure A1 in the Appendix shows top view sketches of the ROMPS sensors and gravity containers for the three gravity stations. In the following subsections, we describe details of the instruments, the methods and the models for these individual gravity contributions, and we show the observed environmental signals from Þeistareykir.
Earth tides (Δgtide), local pressure effects (Δgatm), polar motion (Δgpm) and instrumental drift (Δgdrift)
The largest gravity signal results from the solid Earth and ocean tides and is estimated by tidal modelling (Agnew 2015). We calculated the barometric admittance factors for each iGrav to correct the gravity effects of local pressure changes (Merriam 1992). Both, local tidal models and barometric admittance factors were computed for each gravity station at Þeistareykir using the ETERNA 3.4 package (Wenzel 1996). Results of the tidal analyses are given in the Appendix (chap. A1, A2 and A3). The polar motion effect is provided as Earth orientation parameter file (EOP) by the International Earth Rotation and References Systems Service (IERS;, Accessed 02 July 2021). We used the TSoft package (Van Camp and Vauterin 2005) for computation of the associated gravity contributions. Next, we examined and corrected the individual drift behaviour of the instruments by comparison to absolute gravity measurements (Hinderer et al. 2015). For this, we performed absolute gravity campaigns (with FG5#206) at each station once every year and adjusted the continuous time series to the absolute values. Detailed explanation of these standard corrections is given in Schäfer et al. (2020).
Global gravity contributions (Δgglob)
In order to determine the contribution of global atmospheric mass variations in the gravity signal, we used a local air pressure measurements and the Atmacs model (Klügel and Wziontek 2009). We combined the results of local air pressure measurements at each gravity station with the Atmacs pressure model for Þeistareykir: We applied the remove-restore technique suggested by the Atmacs service (, Accessed 02 July 2021) by removing the model surface air pressure from the total atmospheric effect (both calculated by Atmacs) and replacing it with the local pressure data from the gravity stations. For the computation of large-scale hydrological effects, we applied the land surface model NOAHv21 of the GLDAS model (Rodell et al. 2004). In addition, we computed nontidal ocean loading with the OMCTv06 model (Dobslaw et al. 2017). The simulated storage and mass variations from both models were converted to gravity effects using the mGlobe toolbox (Mikolaj et al. 2016).
Local hydrology (Δghydr)
At each station we recorded the variations of soil water content with in-situ soil moisture sensors. The sensors are arranged at different depths within soil profiles and at different distances to the gravity meter pillar (Table 1). From the soil moisture time series of all three gravity stations, we calculated the mean water content variations and their associated standard deviation at the four measurement depths (10 cm, 30 cm, 50 cm, 80 cm) and assigned those to the respective soil layers (0–20 cm, 20–40 cm, 40–65 cm, 65–95 cm). Assuming that the temporal variability of soil moisture decreases linearly with depth, we used the observed depth-dependence of the standard deviation to extrapolate at which depth it becomes zero, i.e., the threshold at which depth temporal variations of soil water content can be expected to vanish (Fig. A2, Appendix). The soil moisture variations of the deepest observation depth at 80 cm were accordingly extrapolated to this threshold depth (here 1.8 m, see Fig. A2, Appendix).
The calculated soil water content variations at the different depths, expressed in millimetre water equivalent were used as input variable to model the local hydrological gravity effects. Further, we included local digital elevation models (DEM) to account for topographic characteristics (i.e. relative height changes of the soil layers with regard to the gravity sensor). The hydro-gravitational modelling (HyGra) is based on the method of Leirião et al. (2009) and was adapted to SG observatory buildings by Reich et al. (2019). HyGra is a spatially distributed model that enables the setup of a nested component grid with adjustable radii around the gravity station. We chose a small lateral discretisation (of 0.1 m) for the model cells closest to the gravity sensor (radius of 50 m) and larger model cells with increasing distance (1 m cells for 50 to 300 m radius and 10 m cells for 300 to 3000 m radius), and a vertical discretization (cell height) of 0.1 m for every cell. The gravity sensor height above the ground surface of the DEM is 1.0 m. For the volume of the field container and the sub-surface column below the container, no (hydrological) mass changes were assumed because of the umbrella effect of the container.
Table 1
Distribution of soil moisture sensors installed at different depths around each gravity station; some soil profiles are deployed at equal distances to the iGrav pillar (e.g. two profiles with 12.1 m distance at the west station), in these cases the sensors are installed below different micro-topographic features (e.g. small hills or terrain depressions).
Gravity station
Nr. of sensors
Nr. of profiles
Profile distance to iGrav pillar [m]
Sensor depths [m]
6.5, 7.5, 12.1, 12.1
0.1 (4x), 0.3 (4x), 0.5 (4x), 0.8 (2x)
10.3, 11.9, 11.9, 13.4, 13.4
0.1 (5x), 0.3 (4x), 0.5 (3x), 0.8 (1x)
8.1, 8.4, 11.4, 11.4
0.1 (4x), 0.3 (4x), 0.5 (3x), 0.6 (1x), 0.8 (1x)
Snow (Δgsnow)
To determine the mass changes of the snow cover around the monitoring stations in the course of snowfall and snowmelt, we continuously measured (every 15 minutes) the snow water equivalent (SWE), i.e., the amount of water that is stored in the snow cover in solid and liquid state. As independent observations of SWE, we installed two snow monitoring instruments at the eastern gravity station (Fig. 2). We used a snow scale to determine the SWE by weighing the column of snow that is on top of a pressure pillow of 6.72 m² in size. Additionally, we used a snow pack analyser system (Sommer Messtechnik) equipped with strap sensors that measure (with an electro-magnetic approach) the specific volume contents of ice, water and air within the snow cover, from which the SWE is calculated in combination with a snow height measurement of an ultra-sonic device. We used the mean SWE of the time series of both measuring systems (snow scale and snow pack analyser) as input to calculate the gravity effect of snow with the HyGra model. It should be noted that the calculation of the snow gravity effect considered the actual thickness of the snow cover relative to the gravity meter sensor height, so that both positive and negative gravity contributions may occur, depending on whether parts of the snow cover are below or above the sensor, respectively. Piling up of snow on top of the gravity container was minimal because of the windy conditions at the sites, as confirmed by daily photos of automatic cameras (see Fig. A1, Appendix) deployed at each station. Also, based on the camera observations, no snow mass accumulation was observed within the first two meters around the container due to snow drift by wind. Thus the snow mass in the near field of the gravity meter was neglected when computing the gravity effect of the snow cover.
Vertical surface displacement (Δh)
We used GNSS data observed at each gravity station at Þeistareykir to estimate the vertical surface displacement. The GNSS processing was performed using GFZ’s EPOS.P8 software based on a classical network approach while introducing satellite orbits, clock corrections, and Earth rotation parameters from GFZ repro3 solution (Männel et al. 2020, 2021). We processed undifferenced GPS observations in the ionosphere-free linear combination and fixed the ambiguities to their integer values. Finally we estimated daily coordinates, Earth rotation parameters, hourly troposphere delays using a piece-wise linear function, and daily troposphere gradients. The geodetic datum was realised by applying no-net-translation and rotation conditions to the core stations of the IGS14 frame (Johnston et al. 2017). According to the current IERS Conventions 2010 (Petit and Luzum 2010) nontidal surface loading was not corrected.
To account for the contribution of the observed height changes to gravity we used the vertical gravity gradient. As a first approximation, the free-air vertical gravity gradient (FAG) (Eq. 2) is given by:
with the Universal gravitational constant G (6.67 x 10− 11 N m2 kg− 2), the mass M and radius R of the Earth (~ 5.98 x 1024 kg and ~ 6.37 x 106 m) (Brown and Rymer 1991). As we measured the FAG using a Scintrex CG5 gravity meter (Portier et al. 2020), we used 319 µGal m− 1 for the west station (iGrav006), 330 µGal m− 1 for the central station (iGrav015) and 307 µGal m− 1 for the east station (iGrav032). However, Eq. 2 does not account for subsurface mass or density changes, which we expect to occur in an active geothermal reservoir (see Sect. 4).