A total of 1153 P. falciparum RDT positive samples were collected from the Vhembe district, the highest proportion (56%) of which were collected in 2017 and, for those with known source health district data, the majority came from within the Mutale district (Figure 1). A slightly higher proportion (54 vs. 46%) of females compared to males was sampled during the study with a median age of 23 years, ranging between 19 and 65 years. The median parasite density of a subset of randomly selected quantified samples (n = 313) was 660 parasites/µL of blood, which was above the genotyping threshold of ≥ 10 parasites/μL of blood. All 1153 samples were therefore subjected to microsatellite genotyping.
Microsatellite genotyping indicates parasite complexity and diversity
Of the 1153 genotyped samples, 65% of the samples (747/1153) had sufficient coverage at a minimum of 15 of the 26 microsatellite loci evaluated and were included in the final sample set for population genetics analysis. Overall, a high proportion (66%) of polyclonal infections was observed with a mean MOI = 2.13 in the genotyped samples (Figure 2A). This indicates a moderate complexity of infection within individual samples and thus moderate to high within-host diversity in the parasite population. Mean MOI did not differ significantly (P = 0.73, ANOVA, n = 353 excluding unknowns) between male (mean MOI = 2.11) and female participants (mean MOI = 2.16). The different age groups also exhibited similar mean MOIs (from 2 to 2.17) which were not significantly different (P = 0.94, ANOVA, n = 353 excluding unknowns).
A significant positive relationship (Pearson's r = 0.85 [95% CI: 0.83-0.87], P < 0.001, t-test, n = 747) was seen between outbreeding (1-FWS) and MOI, which suggests that both metrics support the presence of within-host diversity. Similarly to the one third of samples appearing monoclonal observed, only 40% of samples had 1-FWS < 0.05 (Fws ≥ 0.95, indicating effectively clonal infections, Figure 2B). Mean outbreeding (1-FWS) was low at 0.22, with only 33% of samples with a stringent 1-Fws value of ≥ 0.30 (Fws ≤ 0.70), suggesting that these were the most highly diverse infections (Figure 2B).
On a population level, the majority of the samples (99%, 742/747) had unique haplotypes thus indicating high levels of outcrossing and therefore high genotypic diversity in the parasite population. The high number of unique haplotypes implies underlying allelic richness which is indeed reflected in the high mean number of unique alleles (mean A of 12.2) with anywhere from 3 to 26 unique alleles detected across all 26 loci (Figure 2C). This was supported by a moderate to high mean He of 0.74 (Figure 2D) that indicates frequent recombination of different parasite clones. This suggests a larger P. falciparum population than that expected in a low transmission setting, but is consistent with the Vhembe District being the highest transmission setting in South Africa. Locus PfPK2 was the most diverse marker (Nei’s genetic diversity of 0.91) and contributed to the high genotypic diversity whereas locus Ara2 had the most evenly distributed alleles (0.86) and therefore contributed to the most genotypic evenness. Overall, the sample set had a moderate to high genotypic richness, evenness and diversity.
Additionally, low LD (standardised index of association, ISA = 0.08) was observed between alleles of the P. falciparum haplotypes (Table 1) and this was not due to a single locus. The observed ISA value fell outside of the re-sampled distribution expected under no linkage when compared to histograms showing results of 10 000 permutations. The Monte Carlo method was used to test the significance of LD in the complete data set and alleles of monoclonal infections (n = 253) were linked across loci with P = 0.0001. For all infections including polyclonal infection, LD was also low at 0.138 but significant (P = 0.0001, n = 747). This was emphasized by a small proportion (0.26%, 221/85078) of pairwise infections in the sample set being highly related (IBS ≥ 0.5). The significantly low LD therefore indicates high recombination of distinct parasite clones which therefore supports the moderate to high within-host diversity observed in Vhembe, and is consistent with the presence of some degree of local transmission.
Parasites are fragmented based on their level of within-host diversity
To further evaluate the genetic relatedness between the parasite genotypes, k-means clustering was employed based on individual multi-locus genotype discrimination. Eight genetic clusters were identified in the parasite population with the parasite populations in genetic clusters 1, 2, 4, 7 and 8 observed using DAPC (Figure 3A) separated by linear discriminant 1 (LD1) from parasites in clusters 5 and 6. Linear discriminant 2 (LD2) further separated clusters 2, 4 and 8 from clusters 1 and 7. The proportion of correct assignment of the haplotypes to each inferred cluster ranged between 0.95 and 1. The DAPC analysis could be performed with missing data in place with missing data which was randomly distributed in the data set basically replaced by the mean allele frequency in the case of multi-locus genotype (MLG) calculations. MLGs were generated from all major and minor allele data. Although all samples with any missing genotypes/data were included, loci PfPK2 and TA1 in which the majority of 83% and 90% of data was missing respectively were discarded in the DAPC analysis. Interestingly, clusters 5 and 6 contained the majority (98%, 249/253) of monoclonal (MOI = 1) infections (Figure 3B). This was consistent with the mixture of mostly clonal (1-Fws < 0.05) and less diverse (medium, 1-Fws > 0.05 but < 0.30) infections in clusters 5 and 6 (Figure 3C). Clusters 1 and 2, and to a lesser extent cluster 7, appeared fragmented and contained only highly diverse infections (1-Fws > 0.30, Figure 3C). This indicates that although the majority of the parasite population is indeed structured, the most highly diverse infections result in fragmentation in the population. The moderate genetic diversity and MOI, and relatively pronounced population structure are all indicative of constant transmission at overall relatively moderate levels.
No geospatial correlation exists to explain genetic diversity
Overall, the levels of within-host and population level diversity were not influenced by where infections were reported since the mean MOI (global ANOVA P = 0.36, n = 747, Figure 4A); the level of outbreeding (global ANOVA, P = 0.27, n = 747, Figure 4B) and heterozygosity (global ANOVA P=0.23, n = 747, Figure 4C) between the different source health districts did not significantly differ. Only differences in the MOI from Elim and Thohoyandou were observed compared to the overall mean MOI (pairwise t-test, n = 747, P≤0.01 and P ≤ 0.05, respectively), which may be due to small sample size from these sites. The different source districts also did not contribute to the genetic clusters observed from the DAPC analysis, as infections from the different areas were represented/distributed in the eight different inferred genetic clusters, implying free gene flow and possible parasite mixing between these sites. This was confirmed by the very low FST values (Figure 4D), with only the Elim and Levubu/Shingwedzi districts sharing significant FST with two other districts each, implying some degree of differentiation but again associated with small sample size from these areas. A Hendrick's GST at -0.0394 and Jost's D at -0.0122 supports general parasite mixing for the complete Vhembe district. This lack of separation based on geospatial data agrees with patient demographic and travel history information, with 99% of the infections locally acquired of which 95% are within the Mutale health district. This also correlated to residential status, with 93% of the individuals residing in Mutale. Additionally, 1-IBS analysis showed that infections were genetically connected within and between source areas, with highly related infections significantly higher (P < 0.0001, ANOVA, n = 221) within source areas (mean 1-IBS = 0.76 ± 0.022) compared to between source areas (mean 1-IBS = 0.56 ± 0.007) which confirms some level of local transmission.
Transmission dynamics was not temporally influenced
The level of genetic diversity did not differ between the years of transmission as demonstrated by global ANOVA P values (n = 747) for MOI (Figure 5A), outbreeding (Figure 5B) and heterozygosity (Figure 5C) of 0.90, 0.77 and 0.07, respectively, providing no evidence for differing transmission intensity during that period. No genetic differentiation (FST range -0.00005 to 0.0003) between parasite populations from the different years was observed, which suggests that the malaria outbreak experienced in 2017 was not due to an introduction of a completely distinct/new parasite population to Vhembe.
Stratification of MOI distribution by transmission season (month of infection) (Figure 5D) showed that infections were persistently complex throughout the year. In spite of an approximately 15-fold reduction in the number of cases and notable decrease in rainfall levels between the wet (high transmission) and dry (low transmission) seasons (Figure 5D), mean MOI was also not significantly different (P = 0.42, Bonferroni P adjustment method) between the two seasons (wet season mean MOI = 2.14 ± 0.056, and mean MOI = 1.96 ± 0.178 in the dry season). Infections were similarly complex (mean MOI ± SE = 2.15 ± 0.075 and 2.14 ± 0.101; P = 1, Bonferroni P adjustment method) between infections from sprayed or unsprayed households respectively suggesting the maintenance of complex infections in spite of vector control implementation during wet seasons, therefore suggesting possible co-transmission of strains. These data may indicate that the mean MOI may be seasonally stable thus reflecting the impact of continued residual transmission on the complexity of infections in the Vhembe District. Out of the 220 patients who knew which insecticides were sprayed in their households, 53% (116/220), 44% (97/220) and 3% (7/220) reported use of DDT, Fendona® and K-Othrine® respectively.
Table 1 Multi-locus linkage disequilibrium in P. falciparum populations of Vhembe district
All infections
Single clones
ISA (P value)
ISA (P value)
0.14 (0.0001)
0.03 (0.2633)
0.14 (0.0001)
0.12 (0.0001)
0.08 (0.0319)
-0.11 (1)
0.14 (0.0001)
0.05 (0.3665)
0.138 (0.0001)
0.08 (0.0001)
n = number of isolates; ISA = standardised index of association; NA = not applicable
The Monte Carlo method was used to test the significance of LD