The focus of this study was to investigate variations of the NM in healthy dogs of different breeds with different facial and body conformations. To this end the NM of 46 dogs of 3 different breed groups were compared. We showed major differences in the NM composition together with increased richness and α-diversity in brachycephalic dogs, compared to meso-/dolichocephalic medium to large dogs and dogs from terrier breeds. Additionally, we failed to detect an effect of age, sex or environment.
In the present study, the nasal microbial population was largely dominated by the phylum Proteobacteria and the family Moraxellaceae, in accordance with what has been described in previous studies using next-generation sequencing methods for bacterial analysis7,9,10. The phylum Proteobacteria has been found to dominate in association with Tenericutes and Bacteroidetes7,9 or in association with Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes10 while in the current study it was associated with Tenericutes and Actinobacteria followed by Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes. The Actinobacteria phylum predominated in the group of brachycephalic dogs, likely explaining the difference with other studies in which this breed type was not sampled.
The group of brachycephalic dogs in this study was also characterized by a higher species α-diversity and richness, a decrease in Proteobacteria (mainly a decrease in Moraxella and Suttonella) associated with an increase in Actinobacteria (mainly an increase in Corynebacterium and Rothia), Firmicutes (mainly an increase in Streptococcus and Staphylococcus) and other Proteobacteria (mainly an increase in unclassified genus of the order Pseudomonadales, unclassified genus of the family Pasteurellaceae, and Conchiformibius). Different reasons could explain these changes.
A first hypothesis rests on the probable occurrence of an important reflux of oropharyngeal secretions in brachycephalic breeds34. Indeed, in men, Wu et al. (2018) demonstrated an association between severe obstructive sleep apnea, local inflammation and alterations in NM. Such association was presumed to be due to recurrent obstruction during sleep causing reflux of oropharyngeal secretions that otherwise would be swallowed in a healthy subject. Human oral commensals, such as Streptococcus, Veillonella and Porphyromonas were frequently identified in men with obstructive sleep apnea. Dogs of brachycephalic breeds frequently have at least a certain degree of upper respiratory obstruction and in the English bulldog obstructive sleep apnea has been described and even evaluated as a model for obstructive sleep apnea in humans36. In dogs, the oropharyngeal microbiota has been shown to be associated with higher abundance of Porphyromonas sp. (family Porphyromonadaceae), Pasteurellaceae, Conchiformibius sp. (family Neisseriaceae), with less Moraxella sp. (Moraxellaceae) and Pseudomonadaceae compared to the nasal cavities7,9. Interestingly, these features corresponded to some of the variations observed in the NM of brachycephalic dogs in this study supporting the hypothesis of contamination of the NM by the oropharyngeal populations.
Another hypothesis to explain differences in NM composition in brachycephalic dogs is related to the changes in airflow distribution and increased airflow resistance described in brachycephalic breeds32,33. Indeed, in one study in men investigating changes in bacterial communities after sinus surgery37, greater airflow was suggested to cause reductions in temperature and humidity creating a cooler and drier postoperative ecosystem, with an effect on bacterial composition. According to this hypothesis, changes in intranasal temperature and humidity in brachycephalic dogs could be related to distinct intranasal microenvironment in these breeds compared to meso- and dolichocephalic dog. Unfortunately, intranasal temperature and relative humidity have not yet been analyzed in dogs.
In the same order of idea, the differences in NM found in brachycephalic dogs could also be associated with the reduced length of the nasal cavities in brachycephalic dogs, and the closer proximity between the nares and the deeper intranasal sites. In men Corynebacterium38, Propionibacterium and Staphylococcus genera2 have been shown to dominate in the anterior nares compared with deeper intranasal sites. Such differences have been suspected to be secondary to niche-specific micro-environmental conditions such as pH, humidity, temperature and epithelium type2,6,39, with humidity and moisture representing more favorable environmental factors for Corynebacterium and Staphylococcus species on this mucosal site2. In dogs, compared to the other sites of the skin, the nares were shown to be colonized by Moraxellaceae (genus Moraxella) in combination with Oxalobacteraceae (genus Ralstonia), Corynebacteriaceae (genus Corynebacterium) and Staphylococcaceae (genus Staphylococcus)40. Therefore, the higher predominance of Staphylococcus (phylum Firmicutes) and Corynebacteriaceae (phylum Actinobacteria) found in the nasal cavities of brachycephalic breeds could be associated with the closer location between the sampled site and the nares.
The presence of population of the nares in NM of brachycephalic dogs could also be linked to contamination of the swab by the microbiota of the nares and surrounding skin, due to the reduced nasal passage in these breeds. However, such a contamination has been minimized by the use of a sterile speculum for introduction of the swab into the nasal cavity.
Finally, as only one of these hypotheses could hardly explain all the variations observed in the NM of brachycephalic dogs compared to the other breeds, most likely the differences in NM in brachycephalic dogs could be multifactorial and be initiated by more than one of these mechanisms.
As previously described7,9,10 Moraxella was the most abundant genus in the family Moraxellaceae in this study. Despite their numerical dominance, the genus Moraxella and associated family Moraxellaceae were significantly lower in brachycephalic breeds compared to the 2 other breed groups. In dogs, the abundance of Moraxella in the nasal passages has been reported to be decreased in dogs with nasal disease (chronic rhinitis and nasal neoplasia)10. Whether this is a cause or consequence remains to be discovered and the exact role of Moraxella in the nasal cavities is still unknown. The decreased amount of Moraxella observed in brachycephalic dogs in this study is not in favor of this alteration being at the origin of nasal diseases, as brachycephalic dogs are less prone to these pathologies compared with the other breed groups. Consequently, the decreased amount of Moraxella reported in dogs with nasal disease is more likely due to local changes in microenvironment secondary to the disease. This is consistent with our hypothesis that the lower abundance of Moraxellaceae in brachycephalic dogs in this study could be due to selection pressure by other taxa, such as those colonizing the nares or those brought by oropharyngeal reflux, and/or due to local changes in microenvironment as detailed earlier.
In young children, profiles dominated by Moraxella and Dolosigranulum combined with Corynebacterium form a stable nasal microbiome associated with lower rates of respiratory infections, suggesting that Moraxella might be a keystone bacterium in infants, at the exception of Moraxella catarrhalis, found to be associated with bronchiolitis, otitis in and chronic rhinosinusitis19,25,41,42. In dogs, the vast majority of Moraxellaceae found in this study, besides the species Moraxella canis, were not resolved beyond genus level. As a result, the potential presence of M. catarrhalis in healthy dogs is unknown and the lower abundance of Moraxella in brachycephalic dogs makes the hypothesis of Moraxella as a keystone bacterium less likely in dogs.
Patterns of microbiota sharing have been described between humans and companion animals. Humans and pets living in the same household seem to share more microbiota with each other than humans and pets living in different households43. Although Staphylococcus aureus is one of the most well-described pathobiont of the nasal cavities in men44, its level of carriage was low in this study, particularly in brachycephalic breeds. Interestingly, an inverse correlation between the genus Corynebacterium, a family that was more abundant in brachycephalic breeds, and S. aureus has been reported in some studies of adult NM2,45. However, conclusions cannot be drawn as inter-species interactions are very complex and have not been studied yet in the nasal cavities of dogs. The carriage of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius in companion animals has also received attention as it is also an opportunistic pathogen46. In opposition to S. aureus, S. pseudintermedius was more prevalent in brachycephalic breeds. These informations could be of value when evaluating dog breeds as a potential source of Staphylococcus carriage.
Rodriguez et al. (2019) suggested canine nasal secretions as a novel transmission route for toxigenic Clostridium difficile but we failed to detect this bacterium in the nasal samples which does not support this route of transmission as being frequent.
Older age (>9 years) has previously been reported to be associated with an increase in Shannon diversity index in dogs10. Differences in NM have been described in humans between infants, adults and elderly with a nasal community shifting toward oropharyngeal population in elderly18. The present study failed to show an association between age and differences in α- or β-diversity. Shift of NM in association with age at first sight seem to be negligible in dogs compared to humans although studies specifically designed to address this question are needed to draw any conclusion.
Ahmed et al. (2019) reported differences in NM between individuals living in rural and industrial locations, the latter being associated with exposure to pollution which has been hypothesized to cause microbiota alteration. In dogs, the results of Isaiah et al. (2017) also suggested that the NM could differ based on location. Dogs of the same breed were compared between Alabama and California and showed differences in α- and β-diversity. Differences between dogs living in rural and industrial regions were not observed in that study. However, in contrast to the two studies cited above, differences in geographic locations and associated environmental conditions among the dogs of this cohort were probably quite limited (‘which could have influenced the results).
The sampling protocol described in this study aimed to limit contaminations by the nares and surrounding skin by introducing the swab through a sterile speculum and during anesthesia. Performing sampling during anesthesia allowed proper swabbing of the nasal mucosa of deeper subsites. This protocol as well as the swab that was used (Copan, FLOQSwabsTM, 553C, Brescia, Italy) seem suitable to sample the nasal microbial population as it yielded sufficient material. This is in agreement with other studies showing that swab samples are representative of the microbiome in the nasal cavities in healthy subjects47.
Comparison across studies is made difficult by the potential introduction of bias due to variations in sampling technique, sampling site, DNA extraction and different variable regions of the 16S rRNA gene used to characterize the bacterial microbiota. It is possible that some of the differences with other publications in dogs are due to variations in sampling method. In the study of Tress et al (2017) the nasal mucosa was sampled in awake animals without speculum, which likely prevented sampling deep subsites and could have led to contamination by the nares and surrounding skin. In the study of Ericsson et al (2016) samples were performed in anesthetized dogs at midway between the tip of the nose and the medial canthus without speculum. And finally, in the study of Isaiah et al (2017), swabs were sampled without anesthesia and at a distance of half an inch from the nares, so again more in the cranial part of the nasal cavities. In all these studies a different region of the 16S rDNA was also sequenced (V4 or V4-V6).
Limitations in this study include the absence of information concerning spatial organization of the NM in groups DL and T as well as the absence of oro-pharyngeal and nostril swabs which would have allowed comparing the microbiota in the 3 adjacent niches, and the possible impact of reflux of oropharyngeal secretions and/or nares contamination on the NM. The possible influence of parameters like diet was not analyzed due to small group size and influence of other non-measured environmental parameters (season and crowding conditions for example) cannot be excluded. Finally, beside the bacterial composition, the nasal cavities host a complex viral and fungal community that has not been taken into account but could also influence the bacterial microbiota.