In all, 22 domestic-breed piglets of both sexes were included. All animals, aged 9-12 weeks, were healthy and sexually immature. The animals were procured from a private farm, Mångsbo Gård, Uppsala, Sweden. On the morning of each experiment, two healthy animals, as assessed by the experienced provider, were separated from the other animals and transported in individual containers to the research facility.
Ethical statement
The study was designed with consideration of Minimum Quality Threshold in Pre-clinical Sepsis Studies (MQTiPSS) [22] and reported in adherence to the Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments (ARRIVE) guidelines [23]. The study was approved by the Animal Ethics Board (Uppsala Djurförsöksetiska Nämnd, permit no. C250/11) in Uppsala, Sweden. Handling of the animals was done according to the guidelines of the Swedish Board of Agriculture. All measures were taken to decrease suffering. The animals were free to eat and drink ad libitum up to 1 hour (h) before the start of the experiment. All surgical procedures were performed under general anaesthesia and signs of pain were monitored and treated. Immediately after the experimental endpoint, the animals were euthanised by an intravenous (i.v.) injection of potassium chloride and MV withdrawn.
General i.v. anaesthesia was induced with zolazepam 3 mg x kg-1, tiletamine 3 mg x kg-1, xylazine 2.2 mg x kg-1 and atropine 0.04 mg x kg-1. A bolus i.v. injection of ketamine 100 mg and morphine 20 mg was administered before securing the airway by surgical tracheostomy. Thereafter, MV (Servo 900C or Servo I, Siemens Elema, Stockholm, Sweden) was initiated and continued until the end of the experiment. Anaesthesia was maintained by continuous i.v. infusion of sodium pentobarbital 8 mg x kg-1 x h-1 and morphine 0.26 mg x kg-1 x h-1 dissolved in a glucose solution of 2.5% concentration, resulting in a fluid administration rate of 15 ml x kg-1 x h-1. Rocuronium bromide 2 mg x kg-1 x h-1 was administered by a separate infusion.
After bilateral paratracheal skin incisions, the thyroglossal arteries and jugular veins were identified with blunt dissection. A branch of the right thyroglossal artery was cannulated using a 5F catheter to sample blood and monitor blood pressure. A central venous catheter and a 7F pulmonary artery catheter were then placed via the right external jugular vein. On the left side, the internal jugular vein was cannulated using a 5F arterial catheter advanced 5 cm cranially to approximate the jugular bulb. A flow meter was applied to the left internal carotid artery. Through a small laparotomy, the urinary bladder was catheterised. After placement of the pig in the left side position, in which the animal remained so throughout the experiment, preparatory neurosurgery was initiated. Following a frontal flap incision, stretching medially from between the eyes to between the ears of the pig, the skull was trepanned with care taken not to injure the dura mater. The total area of the trepanation covered approximately 2 cm2. The superior sagittal vein was cannulated with a 22 G catheter to collect blood samples. A Clarke electrode, LiCox (Mediplast AB) was introduced to the brain parenchyma in 50% of the animals for registration of the partial oxygen pressure in brain tissue (pbtO2). One catheter for registration of intracranial pressure (ICP) and one for microdialysis were also introduced to the brain parenchyma.
After preparatory surgery, an i.v. fluid bolus of Ringer’s acetate 20 ml x kg-1 was administered and a stabilisation time of 30 minutes (min) allowed, after which baseline physiological values were recorded, blood samples collected and the abdominal fascia and skin sutured.
The animals were randomised to two experimental sepsis groups: Low VT (n=9) or Medium high VT (n=9), or two corresponding control groups not receiving systemic inflammatory-inducing endotoxin: Low VT Control (n=2) or Medium high VT Control (n=2). The design of the experiment is depicted in Figure 1.
In the Low VT and the Low VT Control groups PEEP was set to 8 cmH2O, tidal volume (VT) to 6 mL x kg-1 and respiratory rate to 35 x min-1. Animals in the Medium high VT and Medium high VT Control group received the same PEEP, 8 cmH2O, but a VT of 10 mL x kg-1 and a respiratory rate of 25 x min-1. Volume control mode, with an inspiratory to expiratory (I:E) ratio of 1:2 and a fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) of 0.3, was initially used in both groups. Immediately after preparatory surgery, a lung recruitment manoeuvre was performed by a stepwise increase of PEEP until an inspiratory plateau pressure of 30 cmH2O was reached. Then inspiratory pressure was kept constant for 10 seconds. An infusion of Ringer’s acetate, 20 mL x kg-1 was set for 30 min. During that period, ventilator adjustments were made to achieve normoventilation, i.e. an arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PaCO2) between 5.0-5.5 kPa before the start of the experiment at 0 h.
At 0 h, an i.v. challenge of endotoxin was started at 0.25 µg x kg-1 x h-1 and kept for the remainder of the experiment.
A goal-directed intervention protocol was used for the experiment set-up to mimic an intensive care setting of postoperative sepsis. Adjustments of the FiO2 and respiratory rate (RR) were made on the ventilator during the experiment. FiO2 was tuned by increments or decrements of 0.1 to maintain arterial partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2) within 10 to 30 kPa. RR was increased or decreased by 10% to maintain PaCO2 between 4.5 and 6.5 kPa. After every adjustment of ventilation, an arterial blood gas analysis was performed to evaluate ventilatory changes.
Circulatory management during the experiment was based on infusion of crystalloid fluids and noradrenaline. If mean arterial pressure (MAP) approximated mean pulmonary arterial pressure (MPAP), a 1 mL i.v. bolus of noradrenalin 20 µg x mL-1 was administered and followed by a continuous i.v. infusion of noradrenaline 20 µg x mL-1 at a rate of 5 mL x h-1 and an i.v. fluid bolus of Ringer’s acetate 15 ml x kg-1 x h-1 rapidly infused. The fluid bolus was allowed to be repeated to a maximum additional fluid, outside the ordinary fluid protocol, to 30 ml x kg-1 x h-1.
Noradrenalin infusion was initiated if MAP values of less than 60 mmHg or cardiac index (CI) values of less than 2.0 L x min-1 x m-2 were recorded. When values of MAP exceeding 70 mmHg were recorded, the infusion of noradrenalin was decreased or discontinued.
Adjustments of the rate of infusion of noradrenalin 20 µg x mL-1 were made in the following steps: 0ml x h-1à 5ml x h-1 à10ml x h-1à20ml x h-1à40ml x h-1. Combined paper/plastic covers were applied to the body of the animals to prevent hypothermia. The covers were removed if body temperature exceeded 42.5° C. No additional heating sources were applied.
Collection of physiologic data and samples from blood were done hourly, as were blood gas analyses performed on blood samples from the pulmonary artery, jugular bulb, thyroglossal artery and superior sagittal sinus. Samples from cerebral microdialysis were collected every second hour. The blood samples, in sodium heparin, were centrifuged to retain plasma and immediately frozen for later analyses. Samples from cerebral microdialysis were immediately frozen in cuvettes without additives. Commercial porcine-specific sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to determine TNF-α and IL-6 in plasma (DY690B (TNF-α) and DY686 (IL-6), R&D Systems, Minneapolis, MN, USA and KSC0102 (IL-10), Invitrogen, Camarillo, CA, USA). The lower detection limits in sodium heparin plasma were 230 pg × mL−1 for TNF-α and 60 pg × mL−1 for IL-6. All ELISAs had intraassay coefficients of variation (CV) of <5% and a total CV of <10%. S100B was measured by CanAg S100 EIA assay (Fujirebio Diagnostics, Gothenburg, Sweden). The monoclonal antibodies in the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay are raised against bovine S100B. CanAg S100 is a sandwich assay performed in microstrips coated with streptavidin. This S100B assay measures an equal amount of S100A1B and S100BB. The detection limit for S100B was 10 ng x L-1. The analytical precisions of S100 were 1.3%–2.5% CV (intraassay) and 1.5%–2.5% CV (interassay). Analyses of microdialysis samples were performed using kinetic enzymatic methodology and a single ray filter photometry detector. The instrument used was ISCUSflex Microdialysis Analyzer (M Dialysis AB, Stockholm, Sweden) with a total CV of less than 10%. Lower level of detection for glucose was 0.02 mmol x L-1, lactate 0.02 mmol x L-1, pyruvate 2 µmol x L-1, glycerol 2 µmol x L-1 and glutamate 1 µmol x L-1.
Calculations and statistics
To calculate the net cerebral contribution of different biomarkers of metabolism and inflammation the product of the trans-cerebral concentration difference for each biomarker and the cerebral blood flow was calculated. The trans-cerebral concentration difference was calculated as the difference between the efferent plasma concentration, i.e. the superior sagittal sinus and the afferent plasma concentration, i.e. the artery.
The available amount of plasma available for analyses of S100B was not sufficient in sagittal sinus blood. Thus, this analysis was only performed in arterial and jugular bulb samples. For this reason, cerebral production of S100B was not calculated.
Based on previous studies, the power analysis was based on a detectable difference of 10% of TNF-α in systemic plasma during the experiment, an alpha error of 0.05, a power of 0.8 and an SD of 10%, yielding at least nine evaluable animals per group. All parameters approximated the normal distribution, except for the cytokines that were log-normally distributed. Urine output was non-normally distributed. For inference testing of group differences, a general linear model (GLM) with random effects was used. Random effects were introduced into the model to account for the within-subject dependencies of the time and the repeated measures [24]. The GLM equations were therefore a mix of fixed and random factors, i.e. mixed models. StatisticaTM (Version 13.5, Statsoft, Tulsa, OK) was used in the statistical calculations and for the control of relevant assumptions.