Thinning and stand structure
The basal area of unthinned oak-hornbeam forests near the city of Vienna does not increase after reaching 38-40 m2 ha-1 (Fig. 2a). While basal area remains largely constant, stem density keeps decreasing for the unthinned stand and thus the average tree size increases (Fig. 2b). For thinned forests on the other hand, basal area is increasing and approaching the basal area of the unthinned stand. The net increase of basal area is caused by increment exceeding mortality independent (see next section). We also noted a constant stem density for thinned forests (independent of thinning intensity) and no mortality and no recruitment were observed within 10 years after thinning (Fig. 2b). The thinnings removed proportionally more stem density, than basal area, and in consequence, the harvesting targeted smaller diameter stems (see also diameter distribution in Fig. A2).
The stem density distributions of the three stands before thinning in 2009 were similar (Fig. A2). We noted initially more trees with 10-20 cm DBH in the heavily thinned stand, while the moderately thinned stand had fewer trees with 0-10 cm and 20-30 cm DBH than the two other stands (Fig. A2a). The thinning removed trees with diameters smaller 30 cm and the moderate thinning retained trees with 0-10 cm with about 60 ha-1 partly (Fig. A2b). For the unthinned stand, stem density was decreasing over, particularly for trees below 20 cm DBH. From these results, we cannot determine the processes behind the observed changes in stand structure over time. Since each tree was observed separately, we were able to analyse increment and losses in terms of basal area.
Increment and losses
We measured the plots three times after thinning in 2009 and calculated increment and losses (i.e., mortality and harvesting) for two periods, 2009-2014 and 2014-2019. The balance of increment and losses determines the net change, whether a stand accumulates or loses basal area. The forests in the study region were mixed and composed predominantly of oak and hornbeam (Table 1, Fig. A3). In Fig. 3, we show increment and losses separeted for oak, hornbeam and beech – a minor admixed species. hornbeam and beech had smaller diameters (Fig. A3).
Between 2009-2014, immediately after thinning in 2009, the increment ranged between 0.54 and 0.69 m2 ha-1 year-1 and oak contribute by far most (>85%) to increment. The stand with highest basal area (unthinned, 37 m2 ha-1) had the second largest increment (0.58 m2 ha-1 year-1) and the stand with lowest basal area (coppice with standards, 11 m2 ha-1) was fastest growing (0.69 m2 ha-1 year-1). Smallest increment was obsered between 2009 and 2014 for the moderatly thinned stand (high forest conversion, 16 m2 ha-1) with 0.54 m2 ha-1 year-1. Increment was considerable lower than losses for the two thinned stands, as harvesting removed 30-50% of basal area and the ratio of between losses and increment was about 7.4, thus seven times more basal area was lost then gained by increment (Fig. 3). The net change for unthinned stand, on the other hand, was positive (0.58 - 0.29 = +0.29 m2 ha-1 year-1).
Five to ten years after thinning in 2014-2019, these patterns considerably changed. The unthinned stand lost three times more basal area (solely due to mortality) than grew through increment. The climate conditions did not vary considerable between the two periods (Fig. A1). The stand growing less in the previous period (high forest conversion), was now the only stand with a positive net change in basal area (Fig. 3). We note here that despite the reduction of plot basal area by 30-50%, there was still considerable mortality in the two thinned stands, allthough three times smaller than under unthinned conditions. The largest loss due to mortality was found for the stand with highest basal area (unthinned in 2014-2019, Figs 2, 3). Thinning targeted foremost small diameter trees (Fig. 3) and also natural mortality under unthinned conditions was more frequent for trees < 20 cm DBH (Fig. A4). We were next interested, whether thinning (naturally through mortality or artificially through harvesting) has lead to an increase in diameters of larger trees.
Larger trees grew faster across the three studied stands based on 10-year diameter increment between 2000 and 2019 and grouped using 20 cm DBH to separate large and small trees (Fig. 4ac). Small trees were more abundant than large trees (Fig. 4bd). A more detail grouping of trees according to their DBH show that only few trees hat DBH larger 40 cm (Figs A2-A4). For the dense, unthinned stand, we noted a significant effect of tree size on diameter increment, with large trees growing significantly faster (p < 0.001). For the two thinned stands, the faster increment of large trees was not significantly different from small trees (p 0.123 heavy thinning, p 0.149 moderate thinning). There was a clear link between faster diameter increment and thinning intensity (see also Fig. A5). Under unthinned conditions, diameter increment was smallest (Fig. 4), consistent with larger stem density but comparable increment on plot level (Table 2, Fig. 2). Thinning increased the diameter increment 2-2.5 fold for large trees > 20 cm DBH and even 7-9 times for trees with DBH smaller 20 cm. Diameter increment was not significantly by thinning intensity, for both large and small trees, despite larger average increment for the strongly thinned stand (Fig. 4). Comparing both thinned stands with unthinned conditions showed significantly larger increment associated with thinning, irrespective whether 30 or 50% of basal area are removed.