Cargo amount determines length of the kiss between RAB-11 and SNX-1 compartments.
We noticed previously that cargo vesicles containing hTfR-GFP or Glut1-GFP showed extended residence times on SNX-1 compartments compared to RAB-11 vesicles, even though theses cargoes would leave the SNX-1 compartment in RAB-11 vesicles 7. We hypothesized that cargo concentration may influence the length of the residence time (kiss). To test this hypothesis, we reduced cargo availability by downregulating hTfR-GFP and Glut1-GFP levels using RNAi against GFP (Fig. S1 A-D). The length of the kiss of hTfR-GFP and Glut1-GFP vesicles was reduced and was comparable to the residence times that we had observed previously for RAB-11, but the 7 sec periodicity was not perturbed by the reduced cargo levels (Fig. 1A and B, Fig. S1E-H, 7).
Next, we asked how cargo availability would influence the Rab11 residence time. We hypothesized that high cargo concentrations might cause cargo to become stuck in the fusion pore or the stalk. To gain better understanding, we first built a model based on the stalk diameters to which EHD proteins would bind and the size of hTfR 8–11 (Fig. 1C). In addition, cargo would prefer regions of negative membrane curvature 12, 13. Therefore, cargo might potentially obstruct the stalk between recycling and sorting endosomes. We envisage the 7s intervals to be the time for an attempted fission event, which is abortive when cargo is still present in the stalk. In a nutshell, cargo in the stalk would prevent membrane fission. We next went on to test our model.
SNX-6 is involved in the regulation of the length of the kiss between RAB-11 and SNX-1 compartments
To ensure proper cargo sorting into the RAB-11 recycling compartment, regulation of cargo flow is required. In fact, cargo sorting in the sorting compartment is supposed to be regulated by multiple cargo adaptors 6, 14. Mammalian cargo adaptors SNX5 and SNX6 interact with SNX1 15, making them prime candidates as potential regulators of cargo sorting. To interfere with sorting into RAB-11 vesicles in C. elegans, we knocked down SNX-6, the sole homolog of mammalian SNX5/6. The result of the knockdown was threefold. First, we found that at least some of the Rab11 vesicles that would normally just kiss-and-run must have fused with membrane flattening yielding RAB-11 patches on the SNX-1 network, as highlighted by an increase in the Mander’s coefficients (Fig. 1D, movie 1). Second, the RAB-11 vesicles that underwent kiss-and-run stayed there for long times (Fig. 1E, Fig. S2A). Third, the RAB-11 vesicles were smaller in snx-6(RNAi) than in control animals (Fig. 1F, Fig. S2E). All three effects are consistent with a defect in cargo sorting. In the absence of SNX-6, cargo fails to be sorted into the recycling vesicles, but instead cargo could diffuse into the neck and interfere with fusion pore closure thereby extending the docked stage between RAB-11 and SNX-1 compartments. Since the cargo flux into RAB-11 vesicles would be suboptimal, they would eventually leave with little cargo resulting in smaller vesicles. This effect might be aggravated by potentially reduced cargo availability in snx-6(RNAi) sorting compartments due to reduced recruitment of cargo into tubular sorting structures (see also below). Taken together, our results so far indicate that cargo amounts and cargo flow regulated by SNX-6 directly affect kiss-and-run and thereby most likely also FERARI function.
Kiss-and-run between Rab11 and SNX1 compartments are conserved in mammalian cells
While we have previously shown that FERARI is conserved in metazoan and our data were also consistent with a functional conservation, we had not shown that FERARI-dependent kiss-and-run of Rab11 vesicles on SNX1 sorting endosomes occurred. Therefore, we imaged HeLa cells expressing GFP-Rab11 and mCherry-SNX1. Indeed, we observed kiss-and-run events with a similar quantal behavior as in C. elegans 7 (Fig. 1G and H, movie 2), with the sole difference that the residence times increased with a 4-sec periodicity, compared to 7 sec in C. elegans. This difference in the periodicity might be due to the temperature difference at which these events were measured; 37°C for mammalian cells and 20°C for worms. Nevertheless, like in C. elegans, these kiss-and-run events required FERARI function, as knockout lines of FERARI abolished kiss-and-run between Rab11 and SNX1 compartments (Fig. 1G and H, Fig. S1K, Fig. S3A, movie 2). We conclude the function of FERARI is conserved from C. elegans to mammals.
SNX5/6 are involved in Rab11-dependent recycling
Next, we tested whether the sorting defects caused by snx-6(RNAi) in C. elegans were conserved in mammalian cells. We knocked out SNX5 and SNX6 in HeLa cells (Fig. S4C) and assessed the co-localization of Rab11 and SNX1. Surprisingly, we observed a reduction in the co-localization between Rab11 and Snx1 in snx5/6 KO cells (Fig. 2A and B). In part, this decrease in co-localization might be explained by the reduced stability of SNX1 upon loss of SNX5 and SNX6, presumably due to the interaction between SNX1 and SNX6 16, 17. Consistent with these reports, we observed a reduction of SNX1-GFP in snx5/6 KO cells (Fig. S4D and E). Thus, the concomitant removal of SNX5 and SNX6 also severely affected SNX1 in mammalian cells. As a result, the Rab11 compartment was increased in snx5/6 KO cells compared to control (Fig. 2C and D). This phenotype was reminiscent of the one we had observed previously in FERARI KO cells 7. Therefore, we asked whether SNX5 and SNX6 could interact with FERARI. FERARI members RBSN-5 and VIPAS39 specifically co-precipitated with SNX6 but not with SNX5 (Fig. 2E) indicating a link between the cargo adaptor SNX6 and the tether FERARI. This interaction is likely to be direct through interaction with RBSN-5 as in C. elegans (Fig. 2F). Taken together our data suggest a link between FERARI and at least SNX6. In addition to the connection with FERARI, SNX5 and SNX6 have probably additional roles. In fact, knock-down and knock-out of SNX5/6 in RPE cells was reported to yield a defect in CI-MPR retrograde transport to the TGN 16, 17. We reproduced this phenotype in snx5/6 KO HeLa cells (Fig. 2G). This role in retrograde transport is independent of the one that involves FERARI, as FERARI KO cells did not impede CI-MPR retrograde transport to the TGN (Fig. 2H). Nevertheless, our results are consistent with a role of at least SNX6 in FERARI and Rab11-dependent recycling to the plasma membrane. This role is expected to be conserved from C. elegans to mammalian cells. The difference in phenotypes is most likely related to differences in SNX1 stability, which is not affected in C. elegans and where we still observe SNX-1 tubules. The variation between the systems is most likely due to the greater specialization in mammals. The worm contains only one member of the SNX5/6 pair, SNX-6, and similarly the SNX1/SNX4 pair is only represented by SNX-1. Therefore, it is conceivable that SNX-1 might be less dependent on SNX-6 binding for stability. Taken together, our data so far suggest that cargo flow and cargo adaptors may contribute to the regulation of the length of the kiss.
RAB-5-positive structures contact the SNX-1 compartment via kiss-and-run
If cargo flow and cargo adaptors are regulating the length of the RAB-11 kiss, then cargo influx into the SNX-1 compartment might likewise be regulated. Incoming cargo from the plasma membrane is transported in RAB-5 endosomes. Therefore, we explored how Rab5 endosomes would interact with the SNX-1 sorting compartment. Similar to what we had observed for RAB-11 vesicles, RAB-5 vesicles contacted the SNX-1 structures by kiss-and-run (Fig. 3A). Moreover, even the periodicity of 7 sec was the same than the one observed for RAB-11vesicles previously (Fig. 3 compare B and C). Therefore, we tested next, whether FERARI would be involved in tethering RAB-5 and SNX-1 structures. Knocking down FERARI members reduced the residence time of RAB-5 endocytic vesicles on SNX-1 structures (Fig. 3A and B), indicating that FERARI is indeed responsible for RAB-5 dependent kiss-and-run of endocytic vesicles on sorting structures. FERARI-mediated kiss-and-run of Rab5 vesicles with SNX1 sorting compartments is conserved in mammalian cells (Fig. 3D and E). Moreover, the periodicity was 4 sec, the same as we observed for the Rab11 kisses (compare Fig. 1H and Fig. 3E). Our results are consistent the notion of FERARI-mediated cargo influx into the sorting compartment via RAB-5 endocytic vesicles.
Early endosomes can undergo kiss-and-run with sorting compartments
We next asked whether the RAB-5 compartments that undergo kiss-and-run might be early endosomes. One of the hallmarks of early endosomes is that they can fuse with each other 18, 19. Thus, we analyzed our data for events in which RAB-5 entities would undergo homotypic fusion and then contact SNX-1 positive structures in a kiss-and-run event. Indeed, we observed RAB-5 compartments fusing with each other and then go on to contact SNX-1 compartments and then move away to fuse with another early endosome (Fig. 4A, movie 5). Therefore, we assume that at least a subset of the RAB-5 compartments that undergo kiss-and-run with sorting compartments are early endosomes. We speculate that during the kiss cargo will be exchanged between the early and the sorting compartment.
SNX-6 is required for efficient kiss-and-run of Rab5-positive endosomes
Therefore, we asked next whether the cargo adaptor SNX-6 would not only regulate cargo efflux but also cargo influx. Upon knock-down of SNX-6, we observed and increase of the co-localization of RAB-5 with SNX-1 (Fig. 4B), which might be an indication for an increase in the residence time of RAB-5 vesicles on sorting endosomes. Indeed, when we measured the residence time of RAB-5 positive vesicles on SNX-1 endosomes, we observed a large increase, similar to what we noticed for RAB-11 (Fig. 4C compare to Fig. 1D). In contrast to the effect on RAB-11 vesicles, which were smaller in snx-6(RNAi) animals, RAB-5 vesicles were generally larger under the same condition (Fig. 4D, compare to Fig. 1F). Similarly, we observed an increased co-localization of Rab5 and SNX1 as well as an increase in the size of the co-localizing structures in snx5/6 KO cells (Fig. 4E and Fig. S4F) Our data suggest that SNX-6 traps incoming cargo from the RAB-5 compartment and thereby provide vectorial transport into the sorting compartment, while the ordered release of cargo by SNX-6 into RAB-11 vesicles regulates efflux from the sorting compartment.
Kiss-and-run at SNX-1 sorting compartments might be a common feature
Given our data above, we were wondering, whether this mechanism of kiss-and-run on endosomal membranes is even more widespread and asked whether other RAB GTPases could interact with FERARI. To this end, we performed a yeast-two-hybrid assay with RAB-10, the other RAB GTPase known to act on endosomes in C. elegans (Fig. S4B). RAB-10 is involved in recycling to the basal-lateral membrane in polarized cells (C. C.-H. Chen et al. 2006). RAB-10 interacted specifically with the FERARI member Rabenosyn 5. Notably, RAB-7 did not interact with any FERARI member in this assay, suggesting that RAB-7 positive structures would not undergo FERARI-mediated kiss-and-run. Indeed, we never observed any kiss-and-run of RAB-7 vesicles with the SNX-1 compartment. Larger RAB-7 compartments were stably connected to SNX-1 and did not move around like the smaller vesicles (Fig. S5A and Suppl. Movie 1). In contrast, homotypic fusion events were frequently observed (Fig. S5B and Suppl. Movie 1). Similarly, we failed to observe kiss-and-run between Rab7 and SNX1 in mammalian cells (Fig. S5C).
To further explore the possible connection of RAB-10 and FERARI-mediated kiss-and-run at sorting compartments, we determined the localization of RAB-10 in comparison to SNX-1. We observed RAB-10 vesicular structures docked onto the SNX-1 compartment (Fig. 5A, movie 7), similar to what we had observed for RAB-11 previously 7 and for RAB-5 (Fig. 3D). Next, we explored the effect of loss of RAB-10 on SNX-1(Fig. 5B). Worms carrying the rab-10 loss-of-function allele (ok1494) showed accumulations of enlarged SNX-1 compartments that were drastically enlarged by vps-45 and spe-39(RNAi). This phenotype was not observed in rab-10(ok1494); vps-33.2(RNAi) worms, implying that the effect was not due to a lack of CHEVI. CHEVI is a potential tethering complex consisting of at least SPE-39 and VPS-33.2 2. Similarly, in mammalian cells, Rab10 knockout resulted in enlarged SNX1 structures (Fig. 5D). Moreover, RAB-10 vesicles undergo kiss-and-run similar to RAB-5 and RAB-11, and this kiss-and-run is dependent on FERARI in C. elegans (Fig. 5E-G, movie 8) and mammalian cells (Fig. 5H, movie 9). Finally, the co-localization between the FERARI subunit RME-1 and RAB-10 is strongly increased in snx-6(RNAi) animals (Fig. 5I). Therefore, different endocytic vesicles can interact with the sorting compartment in a FERARI-dependent manner presumably in order to exchange cargo. We surmise that RAB-5 vesicles provides cargo that is transferred via the sorting compartment into RAB-10 and RAB-11 recycling entities.
FERARI interacts with distinct sets of SNAREs for RAB-11 and RAB-10 mediated recycling
RAB-11 is chiefly responsible for recycling to the apical membrane, while RAB-10 promotes recycling to the basal-lateral membrane 20, 21. The fusion of the RAB-11 and RAB-10 vesicles with the sorting compartment is mediated by SNAREs. We were wondering whether the same or a different set of SNAREs would be involved in the fusion event. We have shown previously that the syntaxins SYX-6 and SYX-7 are involved in the fusion of RAB-11 vesicles with the SNX-1 compartment 7. RAB-10 appears to use a largely non-overlapping set of SNAREs. The three different SNAREs syx-16, vamp-7 and vti-1 indeed showed elongated RAB-10 tubules characteristic of FERARI knock-downs, but had no effect on RAB-11 compartments (Fig. 6A and B) 7. In contrast, knockdown of the two SNAREs syx-6. However, knockdown of the sorting endosomal SNARE SYX-3 affected both RAB-10 and RAB-11 endosomes (Fig. 6A and C). Moreover, SYX-3 partially co-localized with SNX-1 tubular networks, RAB-10 and the FERARI member RME-1 (Fig. 6D and E, movie 10). Collectively our data suggest that FERARI uses a common t-SNARE and a selective set of v-SNAREs to mediate fusion of RAB-10 vesicles with the SNX-1 compartment.
Regulated cargo flux from RAB-5 endocytic vesicles into RAB-11 recycling vesicles requires additional adaptors.
Since the SNX-1 sorting compartment has at least two outlets, RAB-10 and RAB-11 vesicles, it is reasonable to assume that SNX-6 is not the only factor regulating cargo flux. Indeed, different other cargo adaptors were postulated to play roles in cargo sorting during endosomal recycling. For example, the ESCRT machinery sorts cargo into the degradative pathway away from recycling cargo 3, 22. Specific sorting nexins (SNX17 and SNX27) as well as AP1 have been described to promote recycling of cargo 23, 24. Therefore, we decided to analyze the effects of these cargo adaptors on cargo flow from RAB-5 endocytic vesicles into RAB-11 recycling structures via the SNX-1 sorting endosome (Fig. 7A; model). First, we turned to HGRS-1, the C. elegans homolog of mammalian Hrs, a subunit of ESCRT-0 necessary for shunting cargoes into the degradative pathway. HGRS-1 should not interact with recycling cargo and would therefore not interfere with its efflux into the sorting compartment. GFP-HGRS-1 was frequently found on RAB-5 compartments (Fig. 7B, movie 11). In addition, RFP-RAB-5 vesicles also often contained a domain with HGRS-1 (Fig. 7C, movie 12), consistent with the notion that they are early endosomes (Fig. 4A). These results support our model that ESCRT-0 might sequester cargo away for the degradative pathway, while the remaining cargo would be free to diffuse into the SNX-1 sorting compartment during the kiss of RAB-5 early endosomes with SNX-1 compartments (Fig. 3A and B). The directionality of the flow would be brought about by cargo binding by SNX-6. Analogously, we assumed that vectorial flow into recycling vesicles would depend on cargo adaptors in the RAB-11 compartment. To test this hypothesis, we considered the more specialized cargo adaptors SNX-17and SNX-27 and the adaptor complex AP1 for clathrin-dependent delivery of cargoes to the plasma membrane 23. When we knocked down these cargo adaptors, we observed an increase in the size of the SNX-1 sorting compartment, consistent with an accumulation of cargo in these structures (Fig. 7D, black arrows, Fig. S5D-F). In addition, knockdown of SNX-17 or two subunits of AP-1 led to accumulation of hTfR in enlarged SNX-1 positive compartments (Fig. 7D white arrows and E). Moreover, we observed structures that were filled with SNX-1, which also often contained hTfR (Fig. 7D, white arrowheads and asterisks). snx-27(RNAi) did not lead to hTfR accumulations, indicating that it may not be involved in hTfR recycling to the plasma membrane. However, since we observed the enlargement of the SNX-1 sorting compartment, we tested whether other cargoes were trapped under these conditions. Indeed, we found that Glut1 was trapped in SNX-1 compartments, when SNX-27 was missing (Fig. S5E), consistent with data from mammalian cells 25, 26. Taken together, our data support the hypothesis of cargo influx from RAB-5 vesicles into SNX-1 sorting endosomes, where the vectorial transport is ensured by SNX-6, while the retention of cargo into RAB-11 structures would be mediated by adaptor complexes such as AP1 or SNX-17; both processes would be coordinated by FERARI.