Isolation of pullulan producing fungi by selective enrichment
Selective enrichment of the extract from Peltophorum leaves resulted in five isolates namely OL1, OL2, OL3 obtained from old leaf and YL1 and YL2 obtained from young leaf respectively.
All isolates were maintained on P2 as well as PDA media. P2 medium was used as it contained minimal salts medium plus sucrose and low pH, which acted as basis for selective enrichment. Chloramphenicol was added to prevent bacterial growth during enrichment and isolation. After incubation for 2 days at 30 °C, the color of the colony ranged from off-white or light beige to pale pink to green and black appeared.
Production of pullulan and screening of isolates for pullulan production
The five isolates were subjected to screening for pullulan production by SF and SSF. Basal medium consisting of trace elements, mineral nutrients and buffering agents was used to supplement the solid substrate for pullulan production. Pullulan yield was higher for WB by SSF as compared to 5% Sucrose in SF. CSD could not be utilized to produce pullulan, as the precipitates extracted from the cultures post fermentation were insoluble in water which is a preliminary confirmatory qualitative test for identification of pullulan (Table 1).
Table 1 EPS from A. pullulans MTCC 1991 and isolates using different carbon sources and qualitative tests for identification of pullulan
Sr. No.
Culture / Sample details
EPS yield (gL-1 ± SD)
Solubility in water
Precipitate with PEG 600
Sucrose (SF)
A. pullulans MTCC 1991
1.83 ± 0.15
63.68 ± 2
15.15 ± 0.25
2.28 ± 0.2
28.70 ± 0.66
12.90 ± 0.14
1.93 ± 0.19
44.43 ± 1.5
10.08 ± 0.16
0.55 ± 0.22
67.4 ± 2.2
11.73 ± 0.2
0.69 ± 0.28
30.2 ± 0.85
14.08 ± 0.23
0.6 ± 0.21
9.45± 0.1
Commercial pullulan
Table 2 Biochemical Analysis of the substrates used for SSF
Sr. No.
WB (%) ± SD
CSD (%) ± SD
8.08 ± 0.55
9.58 ± 2.2
Crude fibre
10.25 ± 2
30.91 ± 4.5
3.85 ± 0.63
1.5 ± 0.17
Crude Protein
21.9 ± 3.6
9.37 ± 1.1
Total Ash
5.5 ± 0.76
10.93 ± 3.3
As per the results in Table 1, various cultures including A. pullulans MTCC 1991 as well as isolates were screened for the production of pullulan. The yield obtained for A. pullulans MTCC 1991 using WB in SSF was found to be 63.68 gL-1. Also the isolate, OL3 gave a yield of 67.4 gL-1 using WB in SSF. As seen in Fig. 1, the FTIR spectra showed strong absorption at around 3400 cm-1 indicated that all the pullulan had some repeating units of –OH as in sugars. The other strong absorption at 2926 cm-1 indicated a SP3-hybridisation of C–H bond, around 1600 cm-1 for the O-C-O bond, around 1300 cm-1 for C-O-H bond, 1000 cm-1 for the C-O bonds in the alkane compounds existed in all the samples. Fig. 1 FTIR spectra of Commercial Pullulan (a), Pullulan of A. pullulans MTCC 1991 (b) and EPS of OL3 (c)
SSF has gained importance recently due to several advantages over SF such as lower investment, easy operation and simplified downstream processing. Two undesirable features of SF of A. pullulans are reported. The decrease in culture viscosity during submerged growth resulted in decrease of average molecular weight of the accumulated extracellular pullulan from 3 x 106 - 6 x 106 to 1 x 105 - 2 x 105 Da. Also, there is a simultaneous synthesis of dark melanin-like pigment, which contaminates the pullulan (Pollock et al. 1992b; Punnapayak et al. 2003).
As per the results in Table 1, the yield obtained for A. pullulans MTCC 1991 using WB in SSF was more than the reported commercial production rate (25 to 61 gL-1) in liquid medium (SF) (Pollock et al. 1992; Choudhury et al. 2013; Karim et al. 2011). Earlier research reported the use of jackfruit seed powder based medium components for pullulan production by Aureobasidium pullulans and the maximum pullulan concentration of 17.95 (gL-1) only was produced in the validation experiment (Sharmila et al. 2013). Also the isolate, OL3 gave more yield than A. pullulans MTCC 1991 using WB in SSF. Thus, WB could be a promising economic substrate for production of pullulan in SSF. Thus the above results support the finding that WB has more than 50% nutritional value (Table 2) as compared to CSD, making it a good solid substrate for pullulan production by SSF. Pullulan content and color depends on the strain of microorganisms used and the chemical composition of the substrate. Earlier work reported the preference of glucose over sucrose for production of pullulans by A. pullulans (Punnapayak et al. 2003).
As seen in Fig. 1, the FTIR spectrum of the commercial grade pullulan matches well with the EPS produced by A. pullulans MTCC 1991 and the isolate, thereby confirming the production of pullulan.
Morphological and biochemical analysis for identification
The selected fungal isolate for pullulan production, OL3 was subjected to identification based on morphological and nutritional physiological characteristics. Fungal growth in standard conditions (PDA at 30 °C) occurred within 48 h that were not pigmented or light pink at the beginning, later became olive green-black. As per Fig. 2, A. pullulans MTCC 1991 and OL3 had septate hyphae of diameter more than 2 µm. The conidiophore bearing conidia were observed for A. pullulans MTCC 1991 and prototunicate asci and blastic conidiogenesis of OL3 were also observed. Growth on different cultural media (PDA, MEA and YMA) affected both the morphology and pigment production. Variation in colony color was also detected when the fungi were cultivated on MEA for seven days.
Following the identification keys provided earlier (de Hoog et al. 1994) and morphological appearance, the isolate namely OL3 was identified as Aureobasidium pullulans (de Bary & Lowenthal) G. Arnaud. This has also been confirmed by the morphological characterization carried out by National Fungal Culture Collection of India (NFCCI)-A National Facility, Agharkar Research Institute, Pune, India. As per the sequencing results done by Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) method, it was found that the strain showed 99% similarity with Aureobasidium melanogenum CBS 105.22, carried out at NCMR-NCCS, Pune, India. The same strain has been deposited at NCCS, Pune, with the accession number MCC 1868.
Table 3 The nutritional physiology profiles of A. pullulans MTCC 1991 and isolate OL3
A. pullulans MTCC 1991
Isolate OL3
Carbon sources
D - Xylose
D - Arabinose
D (+) Melibiose
α methyl-D-glucoside
Urea hydrolysis
Temperature tolerance
25 °C
30 °C
37 °C
CaCO3 Solubilization
The nutritional physiology profiles of isolate OL3 corresponded well to those of A. pullulans MTCC 1991 as shown in Table 3. Cultures equivalent to identified strain of culture Aureobasidium pullulans (de Bary & Lowenthal) are NCIM 1048, ATCC 42023, DSM 3042, ATCC 62922.
Physical characterization of pullulan
The XRD patterns of pullulan extracted from A. pullulans MTCC 1991 and A. pullulans (Fig. 3) had a very distinct broad valley and peak, indicating the amorphous and crystalline nature of the material. The deepest point of the valley was considered for calculation purpose of amorphous region. The apparent crystallinity indices of commercial pullulan, A. pullulans MTCC 1991 and A. pullulans were calculated as 29.0%, 45.8% and 18.3%, respectively.
As seen in Table 4, the average pore radius of commercial pullulan and that of extracted pullulan from A. pullulans MTCC 1991 as well as isolates was the same around 24-30 Å. Similarly the total pore volume was found to be in the range 0.02 to 0.075 cc g-1.
Table 4 BET analysis and solution properties of pullulans
Source of Pullulan
Average Pore Radius (Å) ± SD
Total Pore Volume (cc/g) ± SD
Surface area (m2/g) ± SD
Mean diameter by DLS (nm) ± SD
Zeta potential (mV) ± SD
Viscosity (cP) ± SD
Conductivity (mS) ± SD
22.8± 1.8
6.51 ± 0.35
74.6 ± 11
47.63 (µS)± 0.53
A. pullulans MTCC
697.9± 21
28.04 ± 1.4
144 ±14
9.673 ±1.85
A. pullulans
527.9± 18
11.34 ± 0.75
265.2 ± 22
13.66 ± 2.5
As seen in the thermograms (Fig. 4), Tg values were 41, 43 and 43 for commercial pullulan, pullulans from A. pullulans MTCC 1991 pullulan and A. pullulans respectively. The range of melting temperature was found to be from 107 to 152 °C.
Structural characterization of pullulan was carried out by 1H-NMR and 13C-NMR spectroscopy and compared with that of commercial pullulan. Four chemical signals were displayed in the anomeric region between 4.4 to 5.3 ppm due to the four sugar repeating unit present in the pullulan polysaccharide. Signals were observed at 1.2 and 1.1 ppm was due to 6-deoxy-d-altrose present in the polysaccharide as shown in Fig. 5a. This confirms the presence of the major components of the pullulan structure in the extracted polymer as compared with the commercial in 1H-NMR spectra. For all the extracted pullulans (Fig. 5b), it was found that there was splitting of C-6 (peaks between 60 to 62 ppm) and C-4 (peaks between 71 to 79 ppm) were due to C-1 of (1 → 4) linked glucose unit. C-6 signals arrived at around 60 ppm are due to two kinds of 1, 4 linked α-D glucose, whereas the signal at around 69 ppm corresponds to C-6 of the 1, 6 linked α-D glucose. There was a single peak between 82 and 88 ppm at around 84ppm which explained that very few of the sugar residues were available in furanose form and most of them were in pyranose form in biopolymer. Anomeric α (1 → 6) appeared by peak at around 99 ppm. Signals were detected in the 57.7–64.7 regions indicating that some C-6 positions were non-glycosylated. Anomeric α (1 → 6) was indicated by peak resonance at 99.73 ppm whereas anomeric α (1 → 4) was indicated by peak resonance at 100-101 ppm. None of the peaks were obtained between 93 and 97 ppm indicating the absence of oligomers.
As per the results of XRD spectra, the apparent crystallinity indices of commercial pullulan, A. pullulans MTCC 1991 and A. pullulans match well with the literature reported values (Wu et al. 2013; Xiao et al. 2015). Although a highly crystalline polymer is stronger but it loses its flexibility since it is too brittle and cannot be reused as a plastic. The amorphous nature of the polymer gives it the ability to bend without breaking. It's important to know that fibres are always composed of polymers which are arranged into crystals showing regular arrangement (Zalar et al. 2008). Based on the above mentioned points, pullulan was found to be a balanced polymer.
The technique is named after its inventors; BET is the most frequent method for determination of specific surface area of porous materials. The measurement is based on physical adsorption of gas on the surface of the sample. As seen in Table 4, the average pore radii and total pore volume of the commercial pullulan and extracted samples were similar. But, the surface area for extracted pullulan was more than twice the surface area of commercial pullulan. It is also evident that particle size, charge, viscosity and conductivity, of the lyophilized pullulans from A. pullulans MTCC 1991 and A. pullulans, were significantly larger than commercial pullulan. The increased amount of charge as seen from the values of zeta potential corresponds to the increased conductivity of the extracted pullulans. This increased conductivity in turn would help in the process of electrospinning thereby giving larger surface area, pore size and pore volume.
The glass transition temperature (Tg) was taken as the mid-point of the change of slope in the DSC curves. As per the literature depending on different sources of pullulan, the range of Tg of pullulan was from 38 to 59 °C (Xiao et al. 2015). As seen in the thermograms (Fig. 4), Tg values of the commercial and extracted samples matched well with the literature and also fall in the normal range. The change in melting point reflects the change in crystallinity of the polymer extracted from the cultures (Li et al. 2017).
Pullulan is a glucose polysaccharide of 20 kDa, consisting of maltotriose [α (1,4) units attached by α(1,6) linkages]. Hence the 13C spectrum should yield 18 resonances (Li et al. 2017; Arnosti et al. 1995). But, achieving all 18 peaks is difficult as there are chances for overlapping. All the peak resonances match well with the commercial pullulan and other references showing NMR spectra of pullulan except that there was absence of furanose form of sugar residues in them as seen in Fig. 5b (Ye et al. 2008; Sugumaran et al. 2014; Sugumaran et al. 2013). The additional peaks in the extracted pullulan might be due to the impurities present in the samples.
Electrospinning of pullulan
The pH of the solution was found to be on the acidic side for commercial pullulan but neutral or slightly alkaline for the extracted pullulan. The zeta potential and conductivity of extracted pullulans were higher than that of commercial pullulan. The viscosity of extracted pullulans was higher than that of commercial pullulan. All the values are given in Table 4. Taking into account, pH, zeta potential, conductivity and particle size of the extracted pullulans, there was a need for a carrier polymer to aid the process of electrospinning to produce nanofibers for which PVA was chosen.
Throughout the experiment the applied voltage, flow rate, polymer concentration and TCD were fixed at 20kV, 0.5 mL h-1, 18% pullulan and 15 cm, respectively. The proportion of PVA required to produce nanofibres was found to be 50% for pullulan extracted from A. pullulans where as it was 40% for pullulan extracted from A. pullulans MTCC 1991. But, commercial pullulan gave beaded nanofibres with PVA (Fig. 6).
Acidic solution tend to give better electrospinning due to presence of H+ ion concentration aiding in attraction of polymer solution droplet from the tip of the collector towards the negative electrode when electric field is applied. So, the pullulan with neutral to alkaline pH was not getting electrospun without any carrier polymer. Higher zeta potential and conductivity let to increasing the charge carrying ability of the polymer jet which subjected to higher tension under the electric field, resulted in poor fibre formation. The viscosity range of different polymer solutions at which electrospinning is done is a major variable. Higher viscosity of extracted pullulans aided them to give continuous smooth fibres when electrospun whereas commercial pullulan having lower viscosity would give beaded fibres. PVA was used as a carrier polymer as it is relatively inexpensive, chemically and thermally stable, and not degradable under most physiological conditions. An earlier work reported the production of gelatin/polyurethane blended nanofiber by electrospinning having the potential application for use as a wound dressing, wherein the polyurethane was used to reduce the hydrophilicity of gelatin (Kim et al. 2009). Yet another work reported the production of a composite electrospun nanofibre using pullulan, PVA and montmorillonite clay having enhanced thermal stability and mechanical property (Islam et al. 2012).
The morphology of electrospun nanofibres can be affected by electrospinning instrument parameters including applied voltage, tip to collector distance (TCD), flow rate and solution parameters such as polymer concentration. Earlier work reported the electrospinning of chitosan from its solutions in 2% aqueous acetic acid by adding PVA as a “guest” polymer (Zhang et al. 2007).
Characterization of nanofibre mats
The SEM images showed smooth bead free nanofibres for electrospun pullulan extracted from A. pullulans and A. pullulans MTCC 1991 but commercial pullulan gave beaded nanofibres (Fig. 6). As analyzed in Image J® software, the average diameter range of nanofibres was found to be 130 to 179 nm for commercial pullulan blended with PVA whereas the diameter range was 180 to 220 nm for pullulan extracted from A. pullulans and A. pullulans MTCC 1991 blended with PVA (see Table 5).
Table 5 Size analysis of electrospun nanofibre mats of pullulan using SEM images
Sr. No.
Electrospun nanofibre mats
Diameter in nm
(Average ± SD)
Commercial pullulan
838 ± 53
494 ± 74
Commercial pullulan + 40 % PVA
179 ± 19
Commercial pullulan + 50 % PVA
130 ± 23
A. pullulans MTCC 1991 pullulan + 40% PVA
213 ± 78
A. pullulans pullulan + 50% PVA
183 ± 33
The AFM images (Fig. 7) as analyzed in the SPM lab software showed that the fibres obtained on electrospinning of commercial pullulan and PVA were larger in height and diameter as compared to their blended fibres (Table 6). Also, the extracted pullulans blended with PVA not only gave thinner fibres than commercial polymer but also gave fibres in the nano-size range.
Table 6 AFM analysis of pullulan / PVA nanofibres at 2µm magnification
Sr. No.
Electrospun pullulan nanofibre mats
Average Height (nm) ± SD
Average Diameter (nm) ± SD
Average Roughness (nm) ± SD
Average Surface area (μm)2 ± SD
Commercial pullulan
145 ± 21
897 ± 42
14.2 ± 0.002
4.33 ± 1.6
240 ± 35
1210 ± 78
35.5 ± 0.007
5.18 ± 0.4
Commercial + 40% PVA
84 ± 14
413 ± 25
14.7 ± 0.0036
4.22 ± 2.1
Commercial + 50% PVA
15.82 ± 3.5
128 ± 16
13.1 ± 0.0015
4.09 ± 1.2
A. pullulans MTCC 1991 + 40% PVA
15.59 ± 4.2
260 ± 32
9.464 ± 0.0024
4.13 ± 2.7
A. pullulans + 50% PVA
28.72 ± 8.8
383 ± 39
25.2 ± 0.009
4.07 ± 1.8
The BET analysis data measuring the average pore radius, total pore volume are given in the table 7. The average pore radius (8.664 Å) was smallest in case of the electrospun nanofibre mat produced from commercial pullulan + 40 % PVA. The total pore volume (0.08785 cc/g) was lowest in case of the electrospun nanofibre mat produced from A. pullulans pullulan + 50% PVA. The surface area (1302 m2/g) was the highest in case of the electrospun nanofibre mat produced from PVA alone. The surface area for commercial pullulan alone was found to be 183.4 m2/g. But the surface areas of their blended solutions were more than 183.4 m2/g, this is attributed to the high surface area of PVA nanofibres.
Table 7 BET analysis of electrospun nanofibre mats of pullulan
Sr. No.
Electrospun pullulan nanofibre mats
Average Pore Radius (Å) ± SD
Average Total Pore Volume (cc/g) ± SD
Average Surface area (m2/g) ± SD
Commercial pullulan
15.20 ± 0.072
0.1394 ± 0.002
183.4 ± 5.7
17.4 ± 0.085
1.133 ± 0.009
1302 ± 32
Commercial + 40 % PVA
8.664 ± 0.041
0.1027 ± 0.0015
237 ± 11
Commercial + 50 % PVA
18.08 ± 0.1
0.2003 ± 0.004
221.6 ± 9.5
A. pullulans MTCC 1991 + 40% PVA
15.61 ± 0.079
0.1176 ± 0.0024
150.68 ± 4.5
A. pullulans + 50% PVA
11.81 ± 0.065
0.08785 ± 0.0023
148.8 ± 8
Electrospun mat of pullulan without carrier polymer had contact angle of 57.5° indicating the hydrophilic nature of pullulan and, the electrospun mat of only PVA has the contact angle of 108.7° indicating the hydrophobic nature. The electrospun mats of blended polymers had contact angle of 101.3° for Commercial pullulan + 40% PVA, 110.4° for Commercial pullulan + 50% PVA, 98.0° for A. pullulans MTCC 1991 pullulan + 40% PVA, 104.7° for A. pullulans pullulan + 50% PVA.
In the DSC analysis, the electrospun pullulan mat without PVA did not show any endothermic peak around 220 °C, which is attributed to melting temperature of PVA (Fig. 8). This peak was prominent in all the electrospun blended mats of pullulan and PVA at around 220 °C.
As per the CIE colour space analysis, the lightness value, L*, represents the darkest black at L* = 0, and the brightest white at L* = 100. The L* (Lightness) values obtained for electrospun commercial pullulan was 91 whereas L* values for electrospun pullulan extracted from, A. pullulans MTCC 1991 and A. pullulans were 91 and 90 respectively When compared to standard white paper on which the electrospinning was carried out, ΔL* values for electrospun, commercial pullulan, pullulan extracted from A. pullulans MTCC 1991 and A. pullulans were 2.408, 1.394 and 1.367, respectively. The redness/greenness color component, a*, negative values indicate greenness while positive values indicate redness. The, a*, values obtained for electrospun commercial pullulan was 2.126 whereas for electrospun pullulan extracted from, A. pullulans MTCC 1991 and A. pullulans were -0.006 and 1.090 respectively. The blueness/yellowness color component, b*, negative values indicate blueness while positive values indicate yellowness. The, b*, values obtained for electrospun commercial pullulan was -3.051 whereas for electrospun pullulan extracted from, A. pullulans MTCC 1991 and A. pullulans were 4.556 and 1.078 respectively. When the magnitude of the color difference, ΔE*, is higher than 1, it indicates a visually detectable color difference and its value increases further for greater color changes. When compared to standard white paper on which the electrospinning was carried out, ΔE* values for electrospun, commercial pullulan, pullulan extracted from A. pullulans MTCC 1991 and A. pullulans were 6.995, 16.219 and 12.873 respectively.
Results of SEM and measurement of average diameter range of nanofibers indicated that the addition of PVA helps to reduce the diameter of nanofibres out of pullulan. Earlier work reported the diameter of composite pullulan-whey protein nanofibers made by electrospinning to be 231 nm (Drosou et al. 2018).
As per the results of AFM, the height and diameter of nanofibres increased by 40% and 70% for pullulan extracted from A. pullulans whereas it decreased by 40% and 35% for pullulan extracted from A. pullulans MTCC 1991, respectively, when compared to the nanofibres of commercial pullulan / PVA blend. The roughness of pullulan nanofibres increased by 45% and 10% for pullulans extracted from A. pullulans and filamentous yeast, respectively whereas it decreased by 35% for pullulan extracted from A. pullulans MTCC 1991 as compared to the commercial pullulan / PVA blend. In case of measurement of surface area, the difference in the extracted pullulan and commercial were less than 5%. Overall surface area calculated for all the samples were not significantly different.
As per the BET results in Table 7, the average pore radius electrospun nanofibres from pullulan of A. pullulans MTCC 1991 + 40% PVA was 80% more than its comparable commercial pullulan with 40% PVA. But, the average pore radius electrospun nanofibres from pullulan of A. pullulans + 50% PVA was 35% lesser than its comparable commercial pullulan with 50% PVA. The total pore volume of electrospun nanofibres from pullulan of A. pullulans + 50% PVA is 56% lesser than its comparable commercial pullulan with 50% PVA. On the other hand, the total pore volume of electrospun nanofibres from pullulan of A. pullulans MTCC 1991 + 40% PVA was 14.5% more than its comparable commercial pullulan with 40% PVA. Thus, extracted pullulan gave better average pore radius and total pore volume as compared to commercial when same amount of PVA carrier polymer was added. The surface area of electrospun nanofibres from pullulan of A. pullulans MTCC 1991 + 40% PVA was 36.4% less than its comparable commercial pullulan with 40% PVA. The surface area of electrospun nanofibres from pullulan of A. pullulans + 50% PVA was 32% less than its comparable commercial pullulan with 50% PVA. This proves that finest nanofibres were produced from extracted pullulan from A. pullulans + 50% PVA. The surface area obtained in this work is very much higher than the reported value of 17.6 m2/g in case of electrospun gelatin nanofibres (Jakub et al. 2012) and 19.49 m2/g in case of β-Cyclodextrin based electrospun nanofibers (Zhao et al. 2015). Similar result was reported earlier wherein a facile route for fabrication of novel microporous material based on chitosan and PVA nanofibres resulted in high specific surface area (1680 m2/g), considerably small, pore volume (0.061 cc/g), and small pore radius (0.08 Å), as proved by BET analysis (Sargazi et al. 2018).
The wettability of a material surface is an important property that is described as the contact angle between the liquid and the material surface. It clearly showed that as the presence of PVA imparted hydrophobic effect to the electrospun pullulan mat. In all the cases, the contact angle of the blended polymer electrospun mat was in between that of pure pullulan and pure PVA. In an earlier report, the fluorinated silane functionalized superhydrophobic pullulan/poly(vinyl alcohol) blend membrane with water contact angle larger than 150° was prepared by the electrospinning method and characterized (Karim et al. 2011). Another study was reported earlier wherein the hydrophobicity was introduced in the biodegradable films using PVA (Karim et al. 2011; Dominguez-Martinez et al. 2017).
As per the DSC curves, the dramatic changes observed in the melting temperature of the blended mat can be attributed by the introduction of CF3 groups into heteroatom (O atom) containing hydrophobic carbon ring of pullulan and hydrophobic carbon chain of PVA (Zalar et al. 2008; Liu et al. 2013; Karim et al. 2011).
As per the CIE colour space analysis, no significant difference in whiteness (L*) was observed among various pullulan samples. The electrospun mat of extracted pullulan was darker than that of commercial pullulan as per the values of ΔL*. The commercial pullulan and one extracted from A. pullulans were found be having redness color component whereas pullulan extracted from A. pullulans MTCC 1991 was found to be having greenness color component as per the values of a*. The commercial pullulan was found to be having blueness color component whereas pullulan extracted from A. pullulans MTCC 1991 and A. pullulans MTCC 1991 were found to be having yellowness color component as per the values of b*. According to the values of ΔE*, mat from electrospun extracted pullulan is having significant color difference than that of commercial pullulan.