The protocol was developed according to the SPIRIT (see Additional file 1) and CONSORT
(see Additional file 2) guidelines for randomized controlled trials (46). The schedule
for this study is displayed in Figure 1., while the general procedure is shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 1. Schedule of enrolment, interventions, and measurements, according to SPIRIT guidelines.
Figure 2. General procedure of the study. In Figure 2.A is represented the protocol of one experimental session (in both sessions the procedure
is the same, it changes the intervention condition) with its timeline. The first part
describes the measurements before the intervention (TDMS and Stroop task with fNIRS
recording); the central part corresponds to the vHIE intervention (that, according
to the session, may be in 1PP or 3PP). In Figure 2.B there is the detail of the interventions: every 30 seconds the speed of the avatar
changes from slow walking to running; at specific timepoints, we will administer the
online questionnaire for SoBO and SoA. The third part of A. describes the measurements
after the intervention (same as before the intervention).
This study is a cross-over (within-subjects) randomized controlled trial (RCT) conducted
at the Smart-Aging Research Center (Institute of Development, Aging and Cancer, Tohoku
University), Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. All participants will perform
both, experimental and control condition (in other words, all participants will act
as their own controls). This study (version 1.0) was registered with the University
Hospital Medical Information Network (UMIN) Clinical Trial Registry (UMIN000034255)
on 25st September 2018.
Participants recruitment and eligibility criteria
30 healthy young adults (15 females) will be recruited among students of Tohoku University
(Sendai, Japan) via a specific online system. They will be reimbursed 1.000 yen per
hour for their participation.
Participants must be females and males native Japanese speakers who are between 20
and 35 years old and self-report to be right-handed. In addition, they have to report
no history of neurological, psychiatric or motor disorders and normal colour vision.
To avoid eventual problems during the IVR sessions, we will exclude subjects that
report to be extremely sensitive to motion sickness (e.g., nausea while driving a
Randomization of interventions
The two intervention conditions will be administered to all participants in two separate
sessions (one week apart). Random assignment to the first intervention using an online
program ( will take place (47). Each subject is first assigned to a condition non-randomly
(the random number generator is seeded with the time and the day). Then the assignment
of each subject is swapped twice (to make sure it is really random) with the condition
assignment of a randomly chosen subject. Half of the participants (15 subjects) will
perform fist the experimental condition, while the other half will perform first the
control condition. The sequence, and with it the assignment to the first intervention
condition, is hidden from the researcher that enrols the participants, until the intervention
starts, to avoid biases; once the intervention begins, it is not blinded from anyone.
Participants will visit the laboratory (located in the Smart-Aging Research Center)
for two sessions, one week apart, corresponding to the two intervention conditions.
In both sessions, the participants have to comfortably sit on a stool with their feet
firmly resting on the ground and their arms relaxed on the body sides. They have to
wear the Oculus visor (, equipped with two lenses that show the virtual world. They will be instructed to
stay still with their body but they can move and rotate their head, to explore the
virtual body and the environment. The virtual environment, as well as the virtual
bodies and the animations, is modelled in 3D Studio Max 2015 and implemented in Unity3D:
it represents an open space with a green floor (simulating a meadow) and a naturally-like
illuminated sky, with the horizon visible. Participants will see a gender-matched
life-sized humanoid virtual body.
The intervention will be performed in two conditions: the experimental intervention
consists in the display of the virtual body in first-person perspective (1PP), where
the virtual body substitutes and it is spatially coincident with the real one, in
other words, to observe the virtual body, the participant has to look towards him/herself;
the control intervention consists in the display of the same virtual body in third-person
perspective (3PP), where the virtual body is collocated around 1.5 meters to the left
of the real participant’s body, otherwise speaking, to observe the virtual body, the
participant has to rotate his head and look towards his left side.
In both conditions (1PP and 3PP), the intervention starts with a familiarization phase
of 4 minutes (hereinafter baseline), where the gender-matched virtual body is displayed
but there is no animation yet (i.e., the virtual body either in 1PP or 3PP is standing
still). This phase is necessary to induce the illusory sensation of ownership over
the virtual body (in 1PP) or to do not induce it (in 3PP) (see Measurements section
for the online questionnaire on SoBO and SoA), for the baseline recording of the heart
rate (see Measurements section) and to check for eventual sickness problems due to
the virtual display.
After that, the actual intervention consists in a vHIE performed by the virtual body
exclusively: while they’re sitting, participants will see the virtual body (either
in 1PP or 3PP) alternating 30 seconds of running and 30 seconds of slow walking, for
a total of 8 minutes (17,33). After that, we will ask the participant to stay still
close his/her eyes, while we still record an extra 30 seconds the heart rate (see
Measurements) (see Figure 2.B). While the slow walking animation will be the same
for all participants, in order to choose the speed of the running animation, after
the familiarization phase, we will show four different options on the virtual body
and subjects verbally report which one is subjectively perceived as considerably fast
but feasible. This is necessary to maximize the possibility to have an actual physiological
activation but, at the same time, to display an animation that is subjectively plausible,
in order to do not break the illusion of ownership in 1PP.
During the interventions, in order to check if participants actually perceive the
virtual body as their own (in 1PP and not in 3PP), we will record the heart rate (HR)
with a Polar H10 heart rate monitor, controlled by a specific application via Bluetooth.
Participants have to wear an elastic strip around the chest on which the HR monitor
is attached, positioning it close to the heart, in order to record the HR for each
intervention conditions (1PP and 3PP) during the baseline (4 minutes), the intervention
(4 minutes running, 4 minutes slow walking, for a total of 8 minutes) plus extra 30
seconds (where the subject is still with closed eyes) to check for eventual delay
in the recording and to wait for the synchronization of the HR.
Online and offline questionnaires on SoBO and SoA
We will administer an online questionnaire for the subjective experience of SoBO and
SoA: to control for eventual changes in subjective feelings during the intervention
at different timepoints, in the middle of the baseline phase (i.e., after 2 minutes
from the beginning if the IVR session), during the intervention at minute 1 (i.e.,
while the avatar is running), at minute 2.30 (i.e., while the avatar in slowly walking),
at minute 5 (i.e., while the avatar is running) and at minute 6.30 (i.e., while the
avatar in slowly walking) we will ask participants to rate their level of agreement
(on a 1-7 Likert scale where 1 means “totally disagree” and 7 means “totally agree”)
respect to four statements, two of them (one is a “real statement” that check for
the actual presence of the illusion, while the other is a “control statement”) about
sense of body ownership and two of them about sense of agency (see Table 1) (see Figure
Table 1. Online questionnaire on SoBO and SoA.
Another questionnaire will be administered right after every IVR session (both after
1PP and 3PP intervention conditions) to check in details for feelings of movements,
motor control and physical effort (see Table 2) (see Figure 2.A). The statements are
selected and adapted from previous studies (33,41).
Table 2. Offline questionnaire on SoBO and SoA.
Stroop task
To measure the actual efficacy of the proposed intervention, we will record before
and after every IVR session (either 1PP and 3PP) cortical hemodynamic changes in the
participant’s PFC using the functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) device during
the execution of the colour-word matching Stroop task (see Figure 2.A).
We will adopt the colour-word matching Stroop task as previously used in several studies
(17,22,48–50). The Stroop task we plan to use consists of 30 trials, including 10
neutrals, 10 congruent and 10 incongruent, presented in random order. For all trials,
two words are displayed on the monitor one above the other: specifically for neutral
trials, the upper row consists of XXXX printed in red, white, blue, pink or yellow,
and the lower row shows the words ‘RED’, ‘WHITE’, ‘BLUE’, ‘PINK’ or ‘YELLOW’ printed
in black. For congruent trials, the upper row contains the words ‘RED’, ‘WHITE’, ‘BLUE’,
‘PINK’ or ‘YELLOW’ printed in the congruent colour (e.g., RED was printed in red)
and the lower row contains the same colour words printed in black. For incongruent
trials, the colour word in the upper row is printed in an incongruent colour (e.g.,
RED was printed in yellow) to produce cognitive interference between the colour word
and the colour name (i.e., Stroop interference). All words were written in Japanese
(hiragana). The lower row is presented 100 ms later than the upper row, in order to
achieve sequential visual attention. Between each trial a fixation cross is shown,
as inter-stimulus interval for 9 to 13 seconds to avoid timing prediction (17,22,51).
The stimulus remains on the screen for 2 seconds, independently from the subject’s
answer. We will train participants to decide whether the colour of the upper word
(or letters) corresponds to the colour name of the lower word by pressing button 1
on the keypad to give “yes” or button 2 “no” responses with their forefingers. 50%
of the presented stimuli were correct (the correct answer is “yes”). We recorded response
time (RT) and error rate (ER) as variable.
The Stroop task will be administered entirely via computer (to avoid biases due to
presence of the researcher, especially concerning RT); for the present study, the
Stroop task has been implemented using E-prime 2.0.
Functional near-infrared spectroscopy, fNIRS
We will use a wearable (without optical fibers) fNIRS optical topography system (WOT-HS,
Hitachi Corporation & NeU Corporation, Japan). The NIRS headset (Figure 3.A) sends
the signals to the Wearable Optical Topography High Sensitivity software Version 1.04
(Hitachi Solutions Inc.) through a Control Box.
This system is provided with 35 capsules, placed 3 cm of distance to each other, into
which microprocessors, near infrared emitting or high-sensitivity receiving sensors
are packaged: the top and the bottom lines of capsules alternate an emitting and a
receiving sensor, while the central line comprises receivers only (Figure 3.B); this
new multi-distance measurement mode, including a total of 12 emitting and 23 receiving
(11 of them are short-distance receivers) sensors, significantly reduces the biological
noise on the hardware side, resulting in 34 channels over lateral and anterior PFC.
The device will be positioned on the forehead by centering the specific mark on bottom
line of probes at the Fpz (10% of the distance between Nasion and Inion), according
to the international 10–20 system (52).
The device detects the concentration of oxygenated haemoglobin (O2Hb), deoxygenated
haemoglobin (HHb) and total haemoglobin, calculated in units of millimolar-millimeter
(mM·mm) (53), by applying two short-distance wavelengths of near-infrared light (850
nm, 730nm) to monitor the above mentioned cortical hemodynamic changes in the PFC
during the Stroop task (54).
Figure 3. fNIRS system used in this study. In Figure 3.A the headset of the fNIRS is shown on a mannequin; in Figure 3.B it is graphically represented the details and the distribution of the capsules on
the headset. Source: (55). Permission to reproduce the figure granted by NeU Corporation, Japan.
Two-dimensional mood scale, TDMS
The Two-Dimensional Mood Scale (TDMS) is an effective measure to record changes in
psychological mood states. TDMS was developed as a psychometric scale using eight
mood-expressing items (energetic, lively, lethargic, listless, relaxed, calm, irritated,
and nervous) that, combined, express mood states of pleasure and arousal (56). We
will ask participants to rate their present psychological state using a six-point
Likert scale from 0 = “Not at all” to 5 = “Extremely” (17). They will repeat the TDMS
right before the pre Stroop task (before the vHIE), as well as right after the post
Stroop task (after the vHIE) for each session (1PP and 3PP) (see Figure 2.A).
Considering that the main goal of this study is to determine that vHIE intervention
performed with the own virtual body (1PP) has a beneficial effect on cognitive executive
functions, the primary outcome of this study is the Stroop task (i.e., the cognitive
domain ), and specifically the two related measurements (RT primarily and ER secondarily).
The Stroop task is here considered as primary outcome because it is widely known as
a measure for executive brain functions (21,57). As key effect of the Stroop task,
we’ll consider the so called “stroop interference” as the (average of incongruent
trials– average of neutral trials) contrast, which is assumed to represent Stroop
interference, for both (RT and ER) in each condition (1PP and 3PP).
Specific timepoints (before and after the vHIE) will be considered, but the main comparison
in order to find a significant effect of vHIE on cognitive functions will be 1PP vs
Secondary outcomes are the data extracted from the fNIRS recording, as a neural counterpart
of the behavioural measurements. We’ll focus specifically on O2Hb changes before and
after the vHIE in the two conditions (1PP and 3PP).
In addition, we will examine the relation between Stroop task and the induced cortical
activation, by means of a correlation between behavioral data from Stroop task (RT
and ER) and optical data from fNIRS. For each trial of the Stroop task (neutral, congruent
and incongruent), we’ll average the o2Hb data for 2 seconds before, 2 seconds during
and 10 seconds after the presentation of the stimulus (expecting a peak between 4
and 11 seconds after the display); also in this case, we’ll obtain the stroop interference
by subtracting (incongruent-neutral) o2Hb data. As for the other outcomes, the main
comparison to test our hypothesis will be between 1PP and 3PP.
Additional multiple outcomes are the results obtained during the intervention itself
(i.e., HR, online and offline questionnaires), in addition to the TDMS scale results.
Considering the main outcome of this study is the RT of the Stroop task (which is
claimed by many to be one of the indicators of executive performance), that has typically
a moderate effect, we calculated a sample size of 28 subjects (with α error probability
set at 0.05 and power set at 0.8). We decided to recruit 30 participants to eventually
control for drop off.
To every participant will be assigned a code, according to their arrival at the laboratory
to attend the first session, independently from the intervention condition (S01, S02,
etc). Personal information and data for this experiment are handled exclusively by
the involved researchers (Tohoku University). According to the institutional policy
(47), in order to ensure the security of all data and personal information is limited
to the involved researchers (and to external parts only after their formal approval).
After the end of the experimental period, any information directly linking data back
to the participant will be discarded to guarantee anonymity. Personal data eventually
collected will not be shared or disclosed in any way.
The current RCT is designed to determine if a virtual intervention has a beneficial
effect on executive functions; this is possible only if some assumptions, during the
intervention itself, are satisfied (e.g., embodiment over the virtual body in 1PP).
Consequently, the data analysis will be organized in two phases: in the first phase,
we need to check the results collected during the intervention itself (i.e., HR, online
and offline questionnaires), in order to see whether the virtual intervention is actually
effective. In a second phase, we’ll analyse the measurements in order to directly
check our hypothesis (i.e., Stroop task and fNIRS data) and their correlations.
For the HR, we will average the data of the three recording periods (baseline, running
and slow walking) for 4 minutes each: the averaged baseline (HRb) results will be
subtracted by the averaged running (HRr) and the averaged walking (HRw) results:
dHRr=(HRr-HRb); dHRw =(HRw-HRb)
Then, an ANOVA 2x2 with factor HR speed at two levels (dHRr that means fast, dHRw
that means slow) and factor CONDITION at two levels corresponding to the intervention
conditions (1PP, 3PP) will be run. We predict to find a significant increase in the
dHRr in 1PP condition, respect to all the other measurements, in order to confirm
the physiological counterpart of the embodiment of the virtual body in 1PP only.
Data of online and offline questionnaires on SoBO and SoA
As a subjective counterpart, we will analyse the data of the questionnaires. The online
questionnaire will be repeated in five different timepoints (baseline, 1min, 2.30min,
5min, 6.30min): to exclude temporal effect, we will first compare with an ANOVA 5x4
the factors TIME (corresponding to the previously mentioned timepoints where the online
questionnaire is administered) and QUESTION (corresponding to the 4 statements of
the online questionnaire). We can eventually proceed to an average of the statements
across timepoints, and then we will compare in an ANOVA 4x2 the four statements (specifically
comparing results from “real statements” with “control ones”) and the CONDITION (1PP,
3PP). We predict to find higher levels of ownership and agency for the real statements
in 1PP, respect to control statements and respect to 3PP.
Concerning the offline questionnaire (administered at the end of every IVR condition),
we will analyse the data comparing statements among the two conditions (1PP and 3PP).
The second phase of the data analysis concerns the data collected before and after
every IVR intervention, that means the results necessary to confirm our main hypothesis
(i.e., the efficacy of IVR training on cognition).
As previously mentioned, in the Stroop task we will include two measurements, RT and
ER: the (incongruent – neutral) contrast, which is assumed to represent Stroop interference,
will be calculated. Both (RT and ER) will be analysed by means of a repeated-measures
ANOVA with TIME (before, after) and CONDITION (1PP, 3PP) as within-subject factors.
As supplementary analysis, we’ll check for eventual differences between the two sessions
considering only the Stroop task before the vHIE (predicting not differences). According
to our hypothesis, we predict to find a shorter RT and lower ER after the vHIE in
1PP, compared to 3PP.
The optical data from fNIRS will be analysed based on the modified Beer-Lambert law
(58). We will set the sampling rate at 10 Hz and analysed the difference between O2Hb
and HHb signals.
We will employ the general linear model to identify O2Hb and HHb hemodynamic brain
responses with reference to experimental factors. If necessary, we will combine few
adjacent channels in order to create ROI (59) according to the LBPA40 anatomical labelling
system (60).
Then, the changes in the concentration of O2Hb and HHb for each channel will be treated
according to the following steps:
1) Excluding skin blood flow (i.e., heartbeat pulsations) from raw data by using the
specific software provided;
2) Pre-processing each channel using 0.01 – 0.5 Hz bound pass filter to account for
the effects of Mayer waves, high-frequency fluctuations and baseline drift (61).
2) Performing a 3-second moving average to smooth the raw O2Hb concentrations (62,63).
3) We will use the colour-word matching Stroop task in an event-related design which
presents each neutral, congruent and incongruent conditions in random order, so we
will pick up the changes related to each condition in the concentration of O2Hb from
each channel (or the combined ROIs). Especially, we will calculate the mean of the
changes in the concentration of O2Hb 2 seconds before onset task, as a “baseline”,
and 10 seconds after the onset of the inter-stimulus interval as “vascular response”
in each Stroop task condition (48). That will be necessary because NIRS signals are
delayed respect to participants response (48,64).
4) Translating the mean of O2Hb concentrations of each channel to normalized values
using linear transformations, so that the mean±standard deviation of O2Hb level in
the 2 seconds of the baseline period is 0±1(AU). This method will be useful because
of the avoidance of the influence of differential pathlength factors among the subjects
and that of cortical regions (61,65,66).
4) Lastly, the channels over target ROI areas, eventually, will be averaged respectively
in each Stroop task condition.
We will calculate levels of arousal and pleasure from TDMS scores. As first, we will
confirm that the sample represents the normal population, i.e., shows a normal distribution
(all p-values for arousal and pleasure level in both intervention conditions have
to be over 0.05 at Shapiro-Wilk test). As well, we’ll check if levels of arousal and
pleasure are not different between sessions (comparing results before 1PP and before
3PP) so that all participants start from the same baseline level. That means we can
proceed to subtract the results after the intervention from the results before the
intervention (after-before).
By performing an ANOVA comparing 1PP and 3PP, we predict to find an increased level
of arousal (but not necessarily of pleasure) after the vHIE, especially after the
intervention in 1PP, as described in previous studies (17).
The crucial correlation for our hypothesis concerns the relationship between Stroop
task and fNIRS data: we’ll first investigate the cortical regions mainly activated
during the Stroop task before the vHIE in both intervention conditions, as a baseline
reference. Then, the (incongruent – neutral) contrasts for the two intervention conditions
will be averaged as substrates for ROI analysis. The (incongruent – neutral) contrast
for RT and ER with O2Hb changes in all ROIs will be treated with a repeated-measures
ANOVA considering as factors intervention condition (1PP and 3PP) and time (before
and after the vHIE).
In addition to that, as described in previous studies, we will examine the relation
between Stroop data and cortical activation or TDMS results in a binominal manner
(22,51): for each variable the following contrast will be calculated, {[(incongruent
– neutral) of after vHIE] – [(incongruent – neutral) of before vHIE] in 1PP condition}
– {[(incongruent – neutral) of after vHIE] – [(incongruent – neutral) of before vHIE]
in 3PP condition}. Both values will be subjected to the McNemar test to examine the
correspondence between the two incidences (67).
Data monitoring and auditing
Risks and benefits to participants
Participants are unlikely to encounter any serious risks or burdens.
Participants will possibly experience fatigue and discomfort during the Stroop task
and the fNIRS recording. The participant will be informed in advance that, should
they feel any discomfort, the test can be interrupted at any time.
The interventions in IVR are not particularly difficult and should not cause the participants
any pain since they just have to stay still. Possibly, participants may experience
a sense of dizziness or nausea due to the IVR display; to avoid that, exclusion criteria
mention that people who are very sensitive to motion sickness are excluded. Anyway,
if for some reason the participant experiences any discomfort, they will have been
previously informed that they may immediately interrupt the training. Any adverse
event will be formally reported.
In accordance with the regulations of the institution, the participants will be given
a monetary reward, based on the number of hours invested performing the experiment.
Therefore, in case of the participant decides to leave the ongoing experiment, he/she
won’t receive any reward (i.e., only participants who complete the entire experiment
will be rewarded).