We trained three machine learning approach-based models and assessed their performance with each other and clinical scores using the area under the ROC curve. Among them, the XGBoost model had the best predictive power with an area under the ROC curve of 0.923 (95% CI: 0.889—0.957) in the test set; this model was significantly greater than other models and had higher scores (p < 0.05). Moreover, XGBoost also showed good calibration by the Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test (12.67; p = 0.124). Therefore, our study established a new mortality prediction model that can be applied to RICU patients.
Many studies have attempted to develop risk models for predicting mortality in the ICU. Most of the studies focused on time-series data. Ghassemi M et al.13 developed time-varying models with a combination of latent topic features and baseline features that reported an AUC of 0.85. Another study14 in a German tertiary care centre showed a real-time prediction for ICU mortality after cardiothoracic surgery. However, some studies13, 15 concluded that data collected within 24 hours after admission contributed the most to the predictive power of the model. Furthermore, due to inadequate ICU resources, many clinical decisions should be made within a limited time after admission to avoid treatment delays. Our predictive model was based on baseline features, which were all easy to collect, to help intensivists assess the clinical conditions of patients in the first 24 hours after they are admitted to the ICU.
We also identified several important features. As expected, baseline age and respiratory rate were important in the model and were also included in clinical scores like APACHE II and SOFA. Our results showed that patients aged 80 years and over had a higher ICU death risk (Fig. S2), a conclusion that was supported by the study of Bagshaw S M, et al.16 Similar to our findings (Fig. S4-S5), previous studies have identified that high blood glucose17 and lactic acid level18 play an important role in mortality prediction. NT-proBNP, the feature that most influenced the model, has been widely recognized as an excellent diagnostic and prognostic marker in heart failure patients.19 Many studies have investigated its usefulness in ICU patients. One study20 proposed that a single measurement of NT-proBNP at admission might be a potential prognostic marker in unselected ICU patients, and survivors had significantly lower NT-proBNP than non-survivors, which was consistent with our result (Fig. S1). As the third most important variable, a high urea level (Fig. S3)21 has been reported to be an independent predictive value for the 12-month mortality prediction of elderly admitted to the ICU, combined with the presence of acute renal failure, the need for mechanical ventilation, a low Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) and age. Pressure ulcer risk score classifies the risk for pressure ulcers: a score under 14 indicates an increased risk of pressure ulcer development. 22 In addition, patients who developed pressure ulcers were more likely to die during their hospital stay, 23 which was consistent with our results (Fig. S8).
Our model introduced some novel predictors of mortality risk for RICU patients, such as red blood cells in the urine, myoglobin and red blood cell count. For example, myoglobin has long been evaluated as an early marker of myocardial infarction diagnostics and is associated with the mortality of patients after cardiac surgery. 24 However, the association of ICU mortality with myoglobin has not been discussed in previous work. In future studies, we may further examine the association between these novel variables and ICU mortality. Although relationships between several top influential features and outcome have been briefly discussed, our primary objective was to build a predictive model that combined all the features but not to identify individual risk predictors.
There are some limitations we would like to acknowledge. Our study was conducted at a single centre retrospectively. The external validations from separate institutions would be necessary to test the generalized predictive power of the model for future application. Moreover, our model was only based on the population of the RICU. Further study on the population from mixed types of ICU and a comparison between different types of ICU would be advised.