Typically, monitoring quality characteristics of very personalized products is a difficult task due to the lack of experimental data. This is the typical case of processes where the production volume continues to shrink due to the growing complexity and customization of products, thus requiring low-volume productions. This paper presents a novel approach to statistically monitor Defects Per Unit (DPU) of assembled products based on the use of defect prediction models. Unlike traditional control charts requiring preliminary experimental data to estimate the control limits (phase I), the proposed DPU-chart is constructed using a predictive model based on a priori knowledge of DPU. This defect prediction model is built on the structural complexity of assembled product. The novel approach may be of interest to researchers and practitioners to speed up the construction of the chart, especially in cases of low-volume productions due to the limited amount of data. The description of the method is supported by a real industrial case study in the electromechanical field.